HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-30, Page 24PAGE 16--4 ODERICH SIGNAL-STAR,,TRURSDA i , SEPTBMBEI2.'130, 1976'
tries: Wes Bradnock 526-751.5
Mrs. • William- Seers, Mrs.
Gerald McDowell and, Mrs.
Fred Armstrong.
Mrs. Albert McFarlane
visited last week in Lambeth
with Mr. and Mrs, Ralph
Hamlyn and Mr. and Mrs.
Auburn Women's Irxstitute the church on Wednesday meeting. A chapter from the. The minutes of the previous David Roberts. evening September 22. scriptures was read by Mrs. meeting were .:accepted ag
Mrs and " fan Clark
Week-end�•guests with Mr-.
The annual grandmother's Donald Hain:es';TJnit 2 leader, John.Daer MIS. " read b the secretary ; y Mrs.and Mrs Donald Cartwright,
and Young Mothers day was r was in charge and opened the gave a reading - "A day of Donald Haines. , David, Derrick and Lorie
observed last week by. the with the call to Quietude". Owing to the, It was decided to hold -a were Mrs, Velma Fraser of
-Auburn Women's Institute in worship and the hymn. sen
absence ofv, Fred Carson dance on November 13 with Saskatoon Sask. Mr. Milton
°the. Community Memorial The theme' was citizenship there was no • Bible study, Mr. Egbert Jacobs supplying, Rueger' of Calgary,, Alberta,
with aRobinsonled Mrs: Robert Slater gave a the music for square dancing, Mr. William Rueger and
hall. It. began wand Mrs. Ross Robi.
smorgasbord dessert served the devotions 'with a poem-' paper on Matthew, the _tax
waltzes and, fox trots:: The Carol ofR.R•2Clinton.
by Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer, entitled -Wait upon the Lord.- collector. admission to `-be $5;•,00 per • Mr. and.Mrs. Bey Franch of
Mrs. Oliver Anderson, Mrs: Mrs, Oliver " Anderson read The business portion of the r. couple and lunch suppled. •St. Clair Shores, Michigan;
Maurice Bean and.Mrs, Ed the scripture lesson. The meeting was taken by the It was decided to raise the visited last Sunday with her
Davies. meditation on Faith , was president Mrs. Robert Slater, price of rent for stag parties sister, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt
The president Mrs. Eleanor ' given byMrs. Robinson. Mrs. The roll call was:answered by and plans were started :fora and Mr. Haggitt.
Bradnock. presided for 'the ather Catherine _ Jackson played -a reading a Bible verse with the New Year's party. Mr. and', Mrs. Stanley
meeting which began with the piano solo. words `'`Apostle Matthew.' in , Memorial donations were McNall of Welland visited
Ode, the' Mary Stewart Mrs. Dorothy Grange in- its •The travelling apron received and plans were .last Sunday with Mr. and
Collect and 0 Canada..with troduced the guest speaker, received a penny for each . made to re -do the table tops in Mrs, Thomas, Johnston and
Mrs. Catherine Jackson at Mrs. D. Pentland who gave letter in "Fair Waved, the
the hall. Miss Laura Phillips. - w
the piano. The minutes were an inspiring talk on Golden Corn" The minutes of Social News Mr. and . Mrs. Major
the August meeting were Mr, • and Mrs. William Youngblut, Mr. and Mrs.
needlework, embroidery
'Laura Phillips and Mrs. Elsie' Thomas Johnston, Miss Meyrick of Toronto and Mrs.. stitches, finger puppets, sea -
Cora Buchanan of Goderich. .
Mr. William Trammer shell centrepieces and' one
Scott. attended torn tom and a
returned _ back to British drum. Lorraineis attending
Columbia, -after visiting Mrs.it. Fanshawe College to't ont' , ue
his parents Mr. and
her Library course.
Elmer nnieTner and sister - Miss • Trudy Machan is
-Miss Connie Ed Davis r. attending Fanshawe College
Mr. Ed Davies, Mr. Court and is enrolled in the Interior
Kerr of Benmiller, Mr. Decorating course.
Harold Carter: and Mr: Alex Miss Yvonne Bean is at
Bo both of • Goderich will St -
the 40th d d a
wedding anniversary open
house held for Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar,HQuvatt at Westfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Jardin, Michael and Daryl of
Belgrave visited last Sunda
with his parents Mr.'an.d Mrs.
Thomas Jardin.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Cartwright and 'Ldrrie visited.
last Sunday with Mr, and
' -Mrs. William Benson� enise,
Michelle, Trent and 17avi&at
Palmerston, -'
Mrs.. Ea'r'l Allison• df
Goderich Visited her brother,
Mr. ''Charles Beadle and her
aunt, Mrs. Elva Straughan.
last Friday: •
Guests last week one day
with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Johnston ..:,and Miss Laura
�, Phillips were Robert Young,
Stratford, Miss Ferne
Symington' Miss Hilda
ay -'ma e
represent Huron North and tending Alma College,
Thomas and visited on the
Huron South at the •Inter- week -end with her parents
national Ploughing Match a Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Bean.
Walkerton this Saturday; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Mr. and week-endri. • George Haggitt, Greg, Richard and,
Disney of St° Clair Shores Donald of Brarnalea spent
visited 'last with last' week-endfBwith his.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas.Haggitt parents Mr: and Mrs. Thomas.
and visited other; friends in Ha gitt and attended° the
the village. Roebuck -Brown wedding in
the l Lorraine C Auburn
, Goderich:
' librarian of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wagner
Library t has announced that of Solon, Ohio returned •home
montho craft classes held.last last weeSolon,
O .after visiting with
wereci successful with his sisters, Misses Ella,
the children • doingL 'Wagner
approved as read, •by the Citizenship,' Mrs. Doe Minnie and aura
secretary Mrs. Donald Haines thanked the speaker accepted as•: read by the Reick of Kitchener spent last _ and other
Haines. . and presented her with a gift. secretary Mrs. John Daer. Saturday ,with Mrs. William
t 71VIrs Donald" Cartwright Mr:" 1-Iaines concluded- the Thelitrancial statement was-Straughan.- --M-r• Hewar� ---
spoke an the quilt block -the service, givenh had
geometric which a � returned
g garden, Mrs. Jack Armstrong; vice-
made to go on sale at the president.. presided for the It was announced
Erlancji Lee Homestead. She business portion. The minutes Fall Deanery meeting will he husband.
• also reported that there were Were approved as read by the held on:November1.7. Anyone Plans are being finalized
13 girls in their 4-H club: Mrs. secretary Mrs. Thomas interested in going should • for the 'pot -luck banquet at
Thomas Haggitt'and Mrs. Jardin. Reports , were contact Mrs. ` `Slater. The 6:30 p.m. for the Auburn
Thomas Jardin were appointe received from the treasurer, . meeting was 'closed .and a Softball players and - their
pointed delegates to the supply, kitchen and 'flower lunch served by Mrs. Davies families on.Thursday October
County .Rally to be held on convenors..Plans were made assisted by Mrs. Thomas 7- Each family is asked to
October 4 at Dashwood. for a Variety Concert�to -be Lawlor. •- ° bring,a dish for main course -
An invitation to attend Auburn 4-H Club. ' and a dessert._ Meat, rolls,
presented in .the Auburn
Belgrave W.I. was accepted . Community. Memorial hall' The second meeting of' the • coffee, tea, dishes and silver
for October 19 and Mrs. later this fall. A' work meeting Auburn 4-H club was held on ' Will be provided.
Haggitt reported, on the • was planned for October 27 September 20 at 7:00••p.m. at Mrs. Ernie.Niblock is home
Historical Society meeting when donated quilt tops will the home of Mrs., Donald after 'a - three weeks' tour in
she had attended ' at St. be quilted and the 'bale : Cartwright. . The president Europe.
. Augustine. Plans. *ere made packed: Sherry Verbeek• opened the Miss Darlene . Coultes was
to cater to the banquet a.. Permission was granted to me.eting'withthe 4-H pledge. . guest of honour last week -
mien on October 6 and' the -Auburn. '•Recreational -Com- The roll call was answered when Mrs: Jack ..Armstrong
kitchen convenor will be Mrs. . mitttee to use the church by each telling their record of held. a bridal' shower. The
'Donald 'Haines and .the 'fridge as• requested. . The 'cereal and bread eaten for a guests were, welcomed by
dining room will be convened' Presbyterial date is October 5 • 'day. The leaders, Mrs. John Mrs. Armstrong assisted by
by 'Mrs. Leonard A.rcham- in Nile` United .Church. Mrs. Hildebrand' and Mrs. Cart- , ;Mrs..- Gerald McDowell and
*bault, and .Mrs. Eleanor St. jean thanked. the ladies . ,.Wright showed the different Mrs. Fred Armstrong.' A
Bradnock. . Thanks was ex- for the warm welcome • they ..kinds of grains and flours. program of contests were ,
tended to.Mr. Donald Haines had received•and asked for • A discussion followed on the enjoyed with winners ' being
for making the garbage box ..continued help. in getting . nutrient.value of each part of - Darlene Coultes, Mrs. Gerald
and .$10.00 was Voted to go fpr acquainted uainted . and offered to a wheat kernel. They • then McDowell and Mrs. Joyce
Hallowe'en party and anyone helpin anyway she could. ' ` sampled Red River cereal Miller as the -winners. Mrv'so •
-_ e '. Anita. 11'allani Ger-ald .McDowell. gave wishing to help with -;-the The meeting• was closed porridge...
contests and games. : with the mizpah benediction, , demonstraed how to Make • readings - The kick under . the
The card report was given lunch and a fellowship hour dagwoods. and Sherry Ver- table' and To the Bride. The
by Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell followed. beck and Linda Cunningham bride seated in a decorated
c �. . �. • M d M s Frank,.
'' na
•-��. � Leo ,
'f � � es
.n d
t� � quit Mr. an
"f Toronto and_ Mr,
h '' by the treasurer. Mrs. ,Adams of Toronto who a•
h' h had' Thomas Haggitt been visiting here• -Keith • and Christine of
that the home with his sister, and her t the week -end
in principle
for such average of more than 13 per. Mar ham spen
legislation, but . he wasn't cent over 1975, Since' there ; kith Mr. and Mrs. Ben
going to say he hard support will° be no more funds Hamilton.
until he actually got it. available . in 1976, hospitals
must not exceed their final..
There: has'been some approved budgets. There will .
:speculation that the . Con be noexceptions."
servatives might accept --a- Clinton Public hospital is up
defeat. in `the courts to avoid $20,383 from their 1975 budget
bringing in'a bill which both of $1,217,840. :
opposition parties have said, Clinton Third Lowest
they will oppose,thus . Clinton's dollar increase is
precipitating an election on the third • lowest in the
the issue. province with Kincartline
"The cabinet' last fall.en General Hospital as the
dorsed a .series of recom- lowest dollar increase of only
mendations that involved the $762 over their 1975 budget
right to close certain and Arnprior and . District
hospitals to ` meet' my Memorial Hospital' with
budgetary constraints,'' . ;he $13,289 over their 1975 budget:
said. • After all operating budgets
Mr,` Miller said his efforts were ' submitted to . the.
to carry out the plan ran into ministry of health forreview,
a technicality. total monies " requested ex-
• "That technicality has. us seeded funds available by
before the' courts and it may• more than 2% per cent.•
well result in this government ` . ``By . constraining - ex-
having „to amend legislation' "penditures in other provincial �_
or bring inane legislation,;' programs," -skid Mr. Miller, _.
said Mr. Miller. "The provincial government
Mr. .Miller is'also upset
'about the fact that hospital
• the than ou h•Wshaped them. • Air members chair was presented with. a
d he read y A lican Churcomen
an s ng
notes which she had received. • The September meeting of
• •.The roll call was answered by St. Mark's Anglican Church
• ' naming a famous Mother. Women .was held; at the home
• ies last
Karen Plunkett and Lorie
Armstrong. It w:as'decided to
. invite Londesboro; Blyth and
Tiger Dunlop to:the October
meeting. '
Mrs. Lawrence. Plaetzer
presided. for the program. •
Mrs. Oliver Anderson had a
• list of articles 'and if 'you had
them in your purse you were
the winner, Mrs.- Larry.
Johnston was the winner:.
Mrs. Edavies. gave .a''cak.e •"'
contest and Mrs. Donald
Haines was the. winner. A
_:.,singsong and rounds was led
by 'Mrs. Haines with. Mrs;
• Catherine. Jackson °-at the
Mrs. Maurice Bean gave' a
"reading on. Mother Shipton's
prophesies in 1486' and „then
each person was to prophesy
what 'changes there would
in 10 y4aeetime. Mrs.. Orval
Free' was the. winner with the'
best prophecy: The youngest
. mother 'pr.ize. went to ,Mrs.
Fred Armstrong and. ' the
oldest grandmother present
was Mrs. Elva Straughan.
United Church Women
The general meeting°of the
United Church Women ,••of
Knox United Church was held
in the Sunday school room of
The collection was taken by "of Mrs, Ed Dav
Thursday afternoon. There
was a good' attendance in-
cluding a Blyth member.
Mrs.., Davies opened the
-- Factory
Y" iaiix or safety toe
.142 The Square,
• Goderich.; Oht.
then sampled them. The
meeting was closed with the
4H motto. .
. Memorial Hall Board
The Auburn Community
Memorial Hall Board. met
last week with the chairman,
James' Glousher presiding.
corsage and gifts. .• Her
mother, Mrs. Ronald Coultes
assisted Darlene in opening
the gifts. Darlene thanked
everyone for theirgifts and
invited all to her trousseau
tea. A lunch was served by
Mrs. Armstrong assigted.-by
If lie can't close hospitals,
including Clinton Public
hospital, Frank Miller will
resign from his post as
provincial health minister, he
announced late last week.
If the gePvernment loses
their appeal in a court
decision to close -hospitals in
Clinton 'as well as Chesley,
Durham and Doctor's
Hospital in • tor6nto, Mr.
Miller ' wants to bring in
legislation which; will allow a
health. minister: 'toclose .A,.
` `Legislation needs tobe in
place to allow any health
minister, including me, the
right to close as well as opera.
Wealth facilities iri this
province," he said. •,
If the government decides
against bringing in the
legislation Mr. Miller said he
would resign:,_
"It is my understanding
that if a government isn't
willing to back up ,a minister
of the Crown in action that he
proposed, thatts-a yote of no
confidence," he said. >•
If the government doesn't
back him, • said Mr. Miller,
"that to me would mean I was
no longer useful. :`It's as
simple as that".
Mr. Miller said he felt that
'he had the backing of cabinet
agreed to provide additional
funds reducing the shortfall
budgets '•fer 1976 have .in- to only one per cent. Even
creased by $211 milli0 vor.13.4 witch this, furthee . one per
per centover 1975 budgets. cent reduction in base
"Despite. cutbacks, bed budgets, hospitals will be
closures, staff reductions and funded $211.3 million more in
some hospital closings," said 1976: than in 1975," said Mr.
Mr. Miller, "hospital budgets Miller.
have, still , increased an
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