HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-30, Page 19CKNX granted .. _—
Iicencefor FM
station in WingFi�am
The CanadianRadio and
Television ' Commission
(CRTC) announced last week,
that an FM radio •outlet
licence has been granted to
CKNX Wingha:m. The
Wingham broadcasting firm.
already operates a -.television
station and an AM radio
CKNX was ane of the early
radio stations in Ontario. Its
AM service went on the air in
1926 and was followed in 1955
by the CKNX television
service. . Station' manager
Bogs Hamilton termed the
CRTC licence grant as the
completion "of f.a. .trilogy' of
broadcasting for-CKNX "
_Now •Shat .'th•e� C TC;- h -as
ruled favorably on the licence
application CKNX will begin.
finalpreparations re arations for com-
mencetnent of the new ser -
Vice.. According to'
Hamilton' the' FM outlet will
be ready by early 1977.
"It all depends on the
suppliers of equipment," he
The new- station . will
operate under the call letters
• CKNN-FM ar Stereo 102, and
will broadcast at 101.7 on the
FM dial. It will have a power
of 22,000 watts am:Mover all of
Grey, Bruce and Huron
Counties as well :as major
portions of Perth and
Wellington Counties.
Among the conditions laid '
down by the CRTC ' in 'gran- :•
' ting " the licence is a
stipulation" that the new
station r fust provide one half
hour each week of com-
mercial free time to publid
• access. - .
The CRTC/ also demands
that, because of the owner-
ship association •with CFPL.
Broadcasting of London,
programming must' be
distinctly different from- that
The station has conducted a
listener survey oft the types of
• programming desired but
• results have not' been
tabulated as yet.
The new station will create
six new • jobs initially and
further jobs as the station
��Health nursing superWisor
30, .1
speaks to Auxiliary'on swim flu
Miss Catherine Walsh,
supervisor of the Health in
Goderich, was guest speaker
at the. September meeting of
including working in World
Health with her activities
based in Asia and the 'South
Pacific. Her '.subject was
?•;' the Hospital Auxiliary to. the :"Swine Flu".
;Alexandra Marine and She traced its history and
General Hospital. „explained the community
'The' speaker was in-- immunization program .• to.
troduced and welcomed by this interested . group. She '
the president, Mrs. G. Wor received one hundredPercent
Miss I Hazel • Thompson, sell. Miss Walsh, who has an ' response from the Auxiliary
Ridgewood Parks' : RR 5, •extensive . edtfcatiional . members when she requested
tad, • has had wide. volunteers for 'clerical work
Gocl,erich, witl be.a member ex erience in the health field and drivers for the clinic.
of the Convocation;
, p
27th Convocation,' Windsor ' ' There' was a good 'at'=
U.n.iversity, Saturday, tendance at the meeting. to
Ocher 2, • when she will hear routine r-eports; The
receive her Master of members were gratified to
Education degree, - majoring hear that the Penny Fair and
in Counselling. She is al Tea had been Kareal financial
nursing graduate 'of the success. The ,Auxiliary is
Guelph General'HospitaI. She grateful to the Citizens 'of the
holds, a Certificate in Public community for their generous
Health Nursing a DiplOma in response to this project.
`. 7� "rniui"s"1— n ';an �?w .:.�._. a...-. ,.." , h .-r'es. ` :,--..,Oita -- .'..Th•e ?cuxrliary to�Ale%anrlra
o v duper . Mrs. e a , y Marine -and General Hospital
vision fr6m� the University of celebrated her 92nd - birthday will host the Fall Conference
Toronto, and a B.A. degree,,on September 26 at a dinner in
• wo 0
f the
from McMasterSte
i ho
District •t
Universit Guelph at x
University.' esaHospital Auxiliaries. of
Miss Thompson was em- • Restaurant. Helping her,.
ployed at the Goderich Ontario. to be held' in Knox
• Psychiatric Hospital for.Church September 27th. Mrs.
several years prior to the Charles YoungJ. Berry is convener- of the
hospital's closure in March, C th conference committee. She
1976, and recently joined the reported that, plans are
staff of the Huron County d H completed for this important.
Children's . Aid Society event.
celebrate the occasion was -
her husband of 73 years,
George Currell;: Pat u
bertson; Jack McKinnon;
Mary and °Gor don. en-
derson; and Vernon andAnne
HistoriculSociety hears
stoRj�of the founding
of St. Augustine
The .. Huron County quilt hand -made, articles --
Historical Society met in the • created from wood etc. '
basement of St. Augustine Music was ;supplied by the-
-CTturch on September 20 with five Stapleton girls, the three
a full attendance from Forans and the two Kinahans
.various .parts ef. Huron
County. Johrt. Foran introduced the
David McClure of. Crediton, guest speaker, George (the
president, was in the chair Fifth) Brophy of Lucknow, a
and took .. charge of the young lawyer, a'native of St.
business of the Society. Mrs. Augustine whose ancestors
Poth of Bayfield reported' on had settled on.a 300 acre farm
the successful •membership in Ashfield Township in 1853.
campaign. • He is the fifth George in his
Mr. McClure spo.ke ol,:the family and spoke with great
unveiling of the plaque in understanding and authority
' memory of Dr: Robert Coats on the — history.. . of St.
on : September 18 on the Augustine. '. - -
grounds of Central Huron •The church: was -the fo&us
Secondary School: R.H. Coats for the early settlers who
LLD was the first Dominion , came .from Ireland They
Statistician and as such was cleared • the land at a
responsible for the.establish- phenominal rate and at first
- ment of the Dominion Bureau their: only . source of income
.of Statistics, • now called was the sale of potash from
"Statistics Canada".the ashes' and from..working
There was .a Large; at- out.
tendance of interested. ' In 1857 the first church Was
citizens and former built of logs =. In .1864 the first.
Collegiate students at the school was built. In 1872'a new
dedication, - Mr. Coats was ' church was erected and
the brother of William Coats, finally in 1904 the new stone
'registrar for many' years in `
the Registry Office on North
St. Goderich. O
.Mr. McClure stressed the perating
promotion of interest in local,
' He spoke of the -joys and
sorrows • of pioneer life and
quoted. , from the poem
Donnybrook Fair- -_. Two
outstanding natives were
BishoptJennis O'Connor whb•:,
died .in 1942 and: Harry J.
Boyle, well-known author and •
member of the radio and
television association of CBC.
At the Close. of Mr.
Brophey's address, he was
presented with a gift and•
warmly thanked firiVtr: Gus
Redmond for his .interesting
history of St. Augustine.
The meeting closed with a
social hour and refreshments
served by the ladies of St.
Augustine Church.
The next meeting will be •
held on Wednesday, October -
20 at S p.rn. at Ethel Com-
Centre, Ethel. A talk
on,the "History of Ethel" has
been prepared by Mrs.
.Douglas .. 'UVardlaw, a senior...
resident of. the area - Slides
will be shown by Mrs. Stanley
Alexander and there will be a
display of antiques etc.
annelal convention of Hospital
Auxiliaries of Ontario to be
held in Toronto October 24th,
to 27th,
New fall clothes for infants
and toddlers are in• the Gift
Shop •whish is s•ituated inside
themain door of the local
hospital. The shop iS open six
days a week from 2 to 4 p.m,
The Auxiliary calendars
ares-eady for :distribution and
will, be available to the public
shortly. •
A refuse pick-up will be held during the week of Oc-
tober 18th to 22nd inclusivelease coordinate your
. refuse material with regular.. rbage day in your area.
Do not place materiaton boulevard in advance of
garbage day.
This will be the last pick-up before spring. •
No •
Now is a good time to,
compare -.your Registered
-Retirement Savings Plum
wFith„t'he G.I.0 .•Pls.n •
availahl'e from V -and ,G_. =
Currenily each 51.009'
invested is guaranteed to ”
be worth 51.64•.40 live
years hen under our
plan, •Hom, does 'this
compare NN' itli your •
present plan'? L)iscu5
R.R:.S,,P.'s today Ott
Victoria. 'and Grey,
Member Canada Deposit'
Insurance Corporation
Ra and
Manager A.A. Weatherby
Delegates will . attend the y
r r I's.. \\.r, n4�r� � �R��`�� � 1 • � 'O`_� IPI �Ih � �ry�` �\\��` ,°•r'• !1
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history .among school-
children, i.e. . the Society e t new -contract
contest for chitdren at fall
fairs in 1975 and 1976. •.
Mrs. Warren Zinn, meml er
of Huron Public School Board
gave a brief talk on a recent
hook "Frontier Ways to
Modern Days", a history of
N.E. Ashfield compiled by
Trinity United Church
Women of Ashfield.
• Mrs. Hickey of Si.
Augustine presided for the
. program which followed - A
table of ant?ques attracted
interest and consisted -of a
very old • Catholic Bible, a
• A vote at Friday's meeting -
bf fhe Huron County Council
ratified a two year contract
agreement with Operating
Engineers employed at
Huronview. The Union had
already : ratified .the set-
- tlement arrived at with the
Committee of Management of
The new agreement will.
provide wage. increases of 25 .
_,cents per hour. effective
January I, 1976, 20 cents per
hour effective July 1,1976 and
30 cents per hour effective.
*January 1, 1977.
This settlement has also
received approval of the Anti
Inflation Board.. .. .
other:" affairs at
Huronview the Management
Committee reported that the
Ministry of Community and
Social. Services have reported
that subsidy payments for the
fiscal period April 1, 1975 to
March 31, 1976 amounted to
$1,017,593. With an increase of
5.5 per cent, this will entitle
Huronview to a maximum -
subsidy of . $1,073,561: for the
fiscal -period April 1, 1976 to
March 31, 1977.
Since Moffat Lake
Explorations Limited willnot
be able to supply natural •gas
to Huronview for the 0 -
coming heating season, and
since 1976 represented the
last year of an agreement
with that firm, : Union - Gas
Limited has been contacted
with regard to supplying of
gas at prices quoted at the
July meeting.
The •committee also 'ex-
piessed concern in its report
about the increasing number •
of people on„the waiting list
for :accommodation at
Huronview and noted that
they .will be meeting with
Ministry representatives ..to
' discuss means of Correcting
the problem.
At present there are about
30 persons on the wafting list.
v Cyd LIFEI ..: �
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Plains, large and- ' small
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checks in polyester,' text-
turized polyester and -wool
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524.95 to S35.0i)
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