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Police armedwith shotguns kept a 24-hour vigil on the jewellery show at the River Mill at
Benmiller on the weekend. With over a half -million dollars worth of gold and jewels on.
-W display,police hired by Anstetts weren't taking any chances. Here Constable Bill Wilson
�°_-.•..of the G.oderihh OPP.keeps an eve on thins (News -Record photo).
No cheery 'toot -toots'
today, fans! The Goderich
Express ran out of steam and
fizzled out against the
dubious. "charms." of the
Portuguese`A' team! This .
was a .definite upset because
in ray . books, the opposition
was not nearly as talented as
we"made them. Took.
United entered the game
with less,. than gusto and
continued to deteriorate until
the Portuguese merely had to
step in and walk away 'with
the game. In terms of com-
petition, there •was' none. It
was clearly: a one-sided
challenge.. Our defense was
listless and wide-open' to
advantage and the_. `other
side' simply sliced through
.our 411ii.es "li°ke°' a. 7fit knife""'
Sunset wraps up golfing season
On the
Nite Bill Brown
was the low gross winner
for the night with Genny
Lassaline winning low net.
First flight winner was Bob,
Greer; second flight winners
were ,Randy.: •Miller, Jack
MacKenzie and Vic Powell.
Third flight . winners • were
Walter >Shieardown, Rennie
Armstrong and Raye Arm-
At the Ladies closing dinner •,
the '1977; Executive was
• established.. President Ellen
Connelly, Secretary Nadine.
Brown, • Treasurer ' Jean
Marlatte. Handicap ' chair=
man -Mariett•e Chisholm.
Good -luck on the new . year
Winners for ladiesnight
were; •.first flight, low gross
'Del Mitchelmore with Eve
Evens winning low net.
Second flight Connie Falkiner
Time for
and Betty - Helesic , Third
flight Jackie Harrison.
Fourth flight: Mariet.te
•Chishlom, Nadine Brown, Pat-•
Chishlom and Brenda Love.
• Special awards were
presented to Sue Ma•cAdam
and Shirley Baechler for
breaking 90 on 18 holes of golf
this -year. Break 100, pins to.
Adele Drennan, Chris Spitzig
and Eve Evens, Jenny Harris
,and Adele Drennan won the
p -in •day aiva•\rds.
Congratulations girls.
The Clinton Legion held
their Annual 'Tournament at
the. Sunset on Sunday.
Although., it .,rained later in
the day sixty •men finished.
yrski sets rec
ree teams sh
' Eddie Byrski highlighted
the competition at Men's
Monday night bowling when
he set a league record before
about 80 people at the Little
`Bowl Lanes. Eddie .fired a
Ieague, low 78. in one of his Huromic nine. '
games for the Signal Stars •The Amazing Oil Mart
their competition, . I-iuromie
Metals took 'over sole
possession of second place
behind, ,Jerry • Rivett's .258
single and 604 -triple. French
have 10. points for the season,'
a smile
-By the time you' finish
paying for a 'vacation; •you
certainly need one. .
Inthe old days, . you got
fired for falling down on the
job..' Now you get • free
. People -who wait for' their'
ship to come in seldom at-
tended the launching.
,;.What thts_country_n ed's'is
less public . speaking and
more private thinking'
against Augie's Dogies.. dropped the.Hopefuls to sixth
Eddie saidhe was not un spot in the standings With a
y the prospect of five point evening. Jim
blowing his shot at the record •McWhinney • bit a 321 team
when heapproached the tenth high single and Sonny Moore
frame with 66 points . and a 713 triple to help Amazing
calmly fired I0 points in his while John •Empson led .the
three efforts to notch it. ' Hopefuls to two.points.with a
While Byrski was making 298 single and 708 triple. The
history. French Dry Cleaners; Hopefuls have four points for
Amazing .Oil Mart and the 'the season. ' .
Recalls, were . each :having The. Recalls grabbed three
three point nights to 'force a- points from the Tail Ends to
three way split• for first place. stay tied for first behind
in -the league. Charlie. Williams' -261 single
French :followed Carson and 700 three game total. The
Milley's 259 single and 708 Ends -II -aye six points and
triple to ,three oints whit fifth s
. . P pot with their four point
God. twp. �sked'
for donati6n
verbal request to
Goderich township council to
assist in paying legal costs
' incurred during the Clinton.
Hospital closing was asked,to
be made in writing by council
for the next meeting. Ff eteve
Gerry Gitie said he .h.ad been
asked by Roy Wheeler to ask
council for a,donation to help
defray the • legalcosts and
council requested Mr.
Wheeler to -apply 'in writing
and to attend the next council
meeting to e:xplain the
reasons, '
The• Lobb -Jenkins drain
report was read to council as
it was prepared by the
engineer' requested to study
the subject, and it was ap=
proved provisionally- and
°adopted' into 'the township
drain ' bylaw. Council also
called a court of revision -to be '
set for October 18 and that.
tenders be called for • the'
construction of the drain to be;
in -the clerk's possesssion by
noon on that date'to be opened
' •at the court.
Cale Doucette. and, William'
Jenkins met with 1COuncii to
request building permits and
to i'xplain their proposed'
.buil&ings. A third request for
a.•building perniit was made
by Peter Ott for an addition to •
.a houstl .and three were
referred to the Huron County
Health Unit for their ap-
•proval. Permits issued by
council were to Albert
Hummel° for a storage shed,
--Cr. .ge_NlcLean for a garage
anal, John -Boon for' two corn
cribs and 'an- addition to a
barn. • .
Goderich Kinettes
President's Ball
Friday, Oct 15
DANCING 10 p.m. - 1 a.m.'TO
iii kers hone
516 eau e:
their game of golf.
We hope everyone has their•
Arena RoofFund:Golf Ticket
•for Saturday. This should be a
great day so don't miss out on
• limited tickets left.
The clubhouse is still open,
so make use of the fine
weather we are .having.'
Book your Xmas,party now
evening behind Lynne
.1-lddg-ins' 228 single and :Bill
Mclsaac's 640 triple. •
The Signal. Stars were not
totally put out of the action by
Byrski's record and managed
to grab three from Augie's
Dogies to, stay in third spot
with eight points. Keith. Good
Led the Stars with a 286 single
• game and a 688 triple while
John Miller.hig�h�lighted
Augie's ' squad with . a '24'5
single -'and 698' triple. The
Dogies..ar.e in fifth place with
six points.
The :B.D.'s • mo,'ed_ into
fourth spot with a seven point
sweep of Roy' -s-. Boys' using
;Bruce Sillih.'s 255 single and.
Don Johnston's 618 triple to
shut out Rey's:.Heinz Sartori,
led Roy's with a 282 single
'and 697 triple .Roy's are still
".-without points"in the- league
and:*rein the cellar:.
N art
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RETAIL 299.95
This ise best •!ook;irtq b'E'S` wnrk.rruq. !liner We
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through butter.
Plays 'Were attempted on a
low-key basis and partially
brought to fruition, only to
Have the ball ta-ken._.at_.the
crucial point. Some United
members were forced to -play
both . an offensive and
defensive -game in order to
Mediate the lack in other
'players. But as valiant as
these attempts were, they
were inconsequerifial without
full support from everyone.
Goderich appeared dazed
and unsure and thg only
conclusion one can draw is
that overly voce: nous typ-es
like the -Portuguese aren't our.
style. and tend to turn us off!
United can outclass any'team
when the need arises ... but
the- reed- wasn't-grea•.t enough,
last Saturday.
Mind you, United wasn't
slacking, merely coasting.
We had same honest cracks at
the opposition's net, but fate.
was •-unkind to us and
favouring the Portuguese.
.and they invested in our
'hardship and came out richer
by two goals. We had several:
men injured and '' we
sacrificed Dave Graf in the
very first half, which cost us frustrations..: ifrstly, there
dearly. , . was Pete "the fleet" Backy . .
The other- relies attempted , 'Player -of -the -day" . and
to maintain' some semblance 'definitely best man on the
of normality, but it didn't cut field play for play and despite
Any ice.' The mid -field. was a . leg injury. He was
repeatedly • left open and ferocious., tenacious and
unguarded (a cute trick we dripping with moxyt The `SIy.
have!) a'nd the opposition Fox' is strictly for • kick
would have been crazy not to Fisher (that cute l'il'Toe) who
pounce on this invitation! If was quick and agile' and:
we had checked man for man, perceived each play with'the.
we'd have been all i aht astuteness 'ofa pro! He even
but .we were so preoccupied pulled a "Tony Van Dongen"
with taking the ball froon each and passed the ball and
other, that the very reasons zipped offer, to receive it!! (is
they were on the field seemed that called making a pass at
to be trampled in the dust! yourself?)
Goderich was sloppy and hap- Thirdly, is. old "Porky"
hazard and this is unlike us. It' Vanderburght who has really.
puzzles me ...when they can become a steady and reliable, .
execute such • a super- man On the wing ani eats up,
:-fantast e-game..one_weee_kand..,„-atgae Jia=_dares touch his
then crumble completely the' turf! ! You get a "Foxy
next, This -game did have one Special", . John and you- may
shining highlight though . . live to regret it!
.Helen MacDonald got into With these three on the
the 'action and tumbled her United front, we • were least
way into our hearts! (and ' stable enough to manage a
down the hill!) How are your few shots on goal and
bruises, Helen? some se
maintain rxablance of
Three fellas produced some na main . ; - Otherwise, the
first-rate soccer during' this score cvemh'
match, against countless .worse thanould ha2-0.e Asbe, it.
n is, weuc
odds and '. maddening blew this gauze arid it was not
strictly necessary. United is a ,_ •
good, strong, talented team
only lacking in fuel -throated
Let's havea little, guys . .
:it's been known to work! /16
Our last game of the season,
is. on Sunday at 4 p.n. against
Clinton and it should be an
eyebrow -raiser!! Come on
down and give us some good
old cheerleader hijincks and
that oughta •be_ added in-
centive to . "Whop them
The 'B' team didn't even
get to play last Sunday
because the other team
forfeited the game.. .so,
there's two points for
Goderich and • no
sweat! (which means clean
ur,,,ti,forms for Johanna! !)
Hopefu•11y.- 'tai y 11 -gee -S-cone- -'-
action on Sunday against
Huron House at 2 p.m. It's a -
doubleheader on the home
turf .. s'ftlease come out and
give voice 'cause there's
nothing we like better than a • .
. loud `n proud rooter ! ! See you
Have a good life - you deserve
it.. •
Love ya much, Foxy.
1977 DODGE ASPEN ,. .
Dodge Aspen -- Chrysler Canada's -highly• popular small car -- has• an expanded list of
options' and engineering improvements for 1977... Dodge .Aspen continues to offer a level of
roominess: quiet and comfort previously available only in Larger: cars. And Aspen con-
tinues in a complete range of handsomely styled models including r-oomy..s,edans, sporty
coupes and the domestic auto industry's. only compact statioh wagon.
Make it right and .save
Our "Make: it right and Save" Sale has
mei with such success that it has been
extended to Saturday, October 2nd.
This gives you 3 more days to pick
up tremendous values on items in stock
Check our Flyer for the many,, money saving. items
9 -
master charge
INl INIC11111
COO 11 C111( Rat 11161666
,Monday to Thursday 8' a.rrn. • 5:30 .p.m. '
friday 8 cm. - 5 DNI. • 155 ANGLE SCA ST., 00P ICH TURN AT tioN ON.HWY. 21
Saturday 8 AA. w 3 p.m. g.UIL10ALL LOCAT'LO 1 •oCK CAST CALL 524.8383