HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-11-25, Page 1':ORTY SEOoN p Y! R No; 2277 EXETER, ONT. THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25th, 1920 .111111,11111f111111111t111p11111111MN11111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111fAp11111111p 111111111!111 IMMl1II11f111111M11111M11111111M11 , ete .. ' t 1 t ....x Council w.. w`.,,.,>r.^.Wu, Cil,9,i/ x. 1(aW11LLfdt':a'eJsvi , .. . • . :.: 4. .'.;:...F• ... r ' r.. w 'Y '- "'. _... ,!:r"'"`, .''".»- -3 , etch,. MoMlaY, Nov, 22,. A regular meeting . of the Exeter mule' • l . council r(,raws . Clearingof the members •went. nI The minutes :.• _ of the meeting held Nov. 8., were read and approved, i A letter wag • read' from the Seere- 1 tart' of tate Western Ontario united rBoards or Trade, with an invitation. for a representative to attend the an- nual meetinga..Chatltam;— PROmoff :•.. filed. ;„i A, letter fro) H. A. Harrington, ,y f fuel adlninistrt dr, Toronto, re the .••r Sr MINIMSleami IMMO WYNN11.11.101 mama Aridomm Ramer artamo .111.01 041.1. VONam ilotmome swim won laomma 41.01 resawma 0.41 04.11 MUMMA 11.4114 maw Main 1111.11.1, • Ladies' & Misses' Fall & Winter Coats, Sults and Dresses. Commencing this Week We Announce a Complete Clearing Sale of Ladies' & Misses winter Coats, Suits and Dresses at greatly reduced prices. Don't miss these rare bargains, as every garment' must go regardless of price. All girls' Coats ages 4 to 14 years also reduced. PHONE 32 J011 e ay PHONE 32 QriII11QIQ9QIIiIQ11IlII11ifI11IIiII1111lIIIQ1II111lIIQIiIQIIIIIIIIIiIIIIII?IIIiINIIiiiQQIIIIQIlI111IQQIili1ll iQIIQ1il1IIQQiIIIIIIIIIMIIIQiIIiiIIiIIlii1l appointment of s. fuel administrator: Clerk to write and nd e sprain of. the ES usual supply for the needs of our eee= citizens. A writ was received by the Reeve from the office of Messrs. Gladman E & Stanbury acting for Mr. Ward. == Claim is for an, injunction' and for damages. == Per Elston and Davis—That the .- 1 Reeve and Councillor Penhale be a committee to act with the Utilities Commission and provide a suitable see"= overflow from the water tower.T11+:+ II •"er, Councillor Elston, N' ,, a.•:o Maim added• to the committee.—Carried. The following accounts were order- ed paid: Exeter Salt Works Co., coal . and cinders, $23.6;,; Exeter ('aiurii,;; W.I. and Pres. Co.,tractor for hauling gra- vel, 32.00; Thos. Collingwood, truant cemetery, 62.50; W. J. Bissell. salary to balance of year, 12':1 1.711; G. Maw son, auditor, 15.00: J. Connor, libra- rian, pt. salary, 50.00; H. E. Hu,ton. chairman Board of health 10,00;Dr. .1. W. Browning, "reef el ITe elth eh. facer 50.00; Raabe. Lr?ael:. pi. teller; -78.00; I. R. Carling. IThnrd of Health acct., legal fees, 20.0t1. Per Davis and Elston that the Clerk be paid the•sitnl of $230.00 for extra services Road C'cnstru^,tion end issue and sale of debentures.—Car- lied. By-law No. 8, 1920. a by-law fixing amount of tax rate for general and other purposes for 1920 was read and .= finally passed on mottoin of Elston 1.4>11 4.470 1114.4 .ickel 1.14.41 4441 .40 Rama AeRraw yams 1.41.1 414.211, wee mar r 0,0.131 crave aroman circaxri swam Man 110.1.0 ROOM Veto .60 amaral amen AMOR meow Anon rionut Irevra 1.404 • E.e< i o MIMI .int. :i \. :i sM .i = M:i :.: ;y 100 per centWalue in Stovesland Ranges ,„"ti g at these 'Price•s %,\ , ^ , \ - , Souvenir Range with high shelf ® $70.00 te4i Souvenir Range with closet $9 0 V { Jewell Range with. high shelf $67.00 Jewell Range with closet $95. ` { I I, ) . Jewell Range with closet $120. N ,e Doherty Range with with closet . ;z sa Ii1;7ifitli '"r ' nil 9ni,. Doherty Banquet Range with \ closet $125.00 ill Canada Ranee with closet $13.0 % , .... Quebec Heaters $25.00 1 r I I Oast Heaters $25,00 i\ as t 1+IIII( 11(1ltt New Perfection Oil Heaters R b y .„,,,0 i111fAllnn!uu i11 11 New Perfection Jap'd reg, 9.50 sal for $,6.50 % New .Perfection,' pickle plated, 4 regular $10.50 for 7,50 Last chance at these prices 1 J; :S $ Look down this List at our Prices a ;Eis:C.T.Lr. ANNOUNCEMENT Everyone should know what the Travellers' Aid is doing to assist girls and women travelling, Come and hear Dr. Sara Detweiler in Main St. church on Monday at 8 p.m. Dr. Detweiler is a memberof the world's executive of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, A cordial invi- tation is extended to the public. A liberal collection is asked for in aid of Traerellers' Aid work. HORN •;h, FUME—In Exeter at Dr. IKyndman's hospital on Monday, November 21, to Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Puke, a • i son. RATZ—In Stephen on Nov 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Rate, a daugh- ter. HILL—At Crediton on Nov. 23rd, to Mr, and Mrs. Garfield Hill, a son. HICKS—In Stephen, on Saturday, Nov. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Bryon Hicks, a son. MARRIED LAMB—LUXTON — At Grenfell, Sask,, on Nov. 10th, at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. James Ir- ving, by the Rev. J. Adam Smith, Minnie, daughter of Mr. Fred Lux ton, of Exeter, to .Robert A, Lamb of Grenfell, PlieN:EIALE---DOWN--At the Meth- odist parsonage, Corbett, on Wed- nesday, Nov. 24th, Miss Ella Ray Down, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Down of near Grand Bend, to Mr.Russell Gordon Penhale son of Mr. Geo. Penhale, of Stephen KELLERMANN — JACKSON ---At Dashwood on Nov. lith, by Rev. W, J. Yaeger, Mrs. Jackson, of Walton, to Mr. George Kellermann of Dashwood. DIED I# OWDEN--In Stephen,. on. Nov, 16, Jelin :Bowden, aged 89 years and Duskill Oil Mops $1.50 O'Cedar Mops 1.75 Liquid Veneer 2.00 O'Cedar Oil and Liquid Veneer ..... 25 and 550c C. & B. Floor Wax ......... ... 70 6 and 7 Stove Pipes 1:...350' 6 and 7 Stove pipe elbows ...... 40c Stove v I3oards .,..2.00 Cow Ties (2nd Band) ......,. 25e each New' Perfection Oil Steve Wicks 40c Lanterns $1.25 each :Special Prices on Rubber Belting 3 ?:a Ei tans s Hardware r 27W PHONES2747 r 11 days. .. • l4.fAIZINS--A Norwich t N r rats on o .w.., N ven uer ,. mac+. .r' .w l ., ..., y:.:! ;C " .. . _" 1► li.• 20, I• eriry Making in his 90tTr etre I y i and Ward.—Carried. Byelaw No. 905 a Ly -law pro- viding for the tailing of a ,public meeting of the 'citizens for the pur- pose of making anti receiving nom- inations for Reeve, Councillors, etc. was read, considered and finally bias- sed on motionsee ` Penhale and Davis. Mr. C. H. Skelton addressed the council regarding a beat regulator for the Library building. No r ,!an. Adjournment by Davis. Jos. Senior, Clerk. RIGH SCHOOL REPORT Report for first hell' of. Fell term. An asterisk •_t:ter a pupil'; nerne mean, absent from an examinea-en. I, Honors 75 per ,cent. 1I. Honors 70 per rent„ Pass 60 per. cent. Foran 1.—(I.lti'l, Composition., Snell- ing •Ceo_ripev, Algebra and :Sc:ien.-e.) Total 550. (L) means, does not take Latin. I. Honors—Marion Wood 504. Ken aeth Sise ur' 471, Grant Sander, 465, Nellie 'Webb 458, Mary Barney 451, Lelia. Snell 414• ° II, e neve—F red Heaman. 401 salvia Alexander 39e, Ruth Andrew 394, Ella Horney 380. Pass—Pe tat 1'11omeon. and Hannah Murray 396, Ger'ta Hunter 370, Leone -r:1 Hanlon 365, Helen Dignan 362 Maurice Ne•'! 358. Anna :tla'r 33 Mary Gilfalan" 350 Ruby Creech (L) 346 Dorothy- Welsh 340. 55 to 60 per cent.—Jennie Dearing 324 Jean Elder 321, Isabel Murray 309 Alice Thomson (L) 304. 50 to 55 per tent,—Tons Yel,l'ow 297 ':ane Stewart (L) 296, Lanern Abbott 293 Mary Neleon, (L) 292, Mildred :Mit- chell (L) 272. Be,a,v 50 per cent.—W. Cochrane 258 C. Hodson (* *1 257, /E, Farquar t* *) ?50, James Walls (*. *) 254, Fred Ford 253 Helen Smiitii (*., 4 .t) 216, Percy el -Patin (* °, *) ,120.. , Farm II. report next week. Form III. --Su bjects, British end :median history, Ancien 1-Ii,stnry, A.i,e1ra Physics—Total 400,—t. Hon eel Itinmsee Hogarth 345, Vera Jones 44, Amy Sh'pe n. 335, Ira Francis 333 lr h l Jahns 323, `1[lldred Harney 322. ir. Honors --Edna Pfaff 299. Y. M. 0, A, FOR EXETER ISSUES WAIT AGAINST TOWN IS BEING PLANNED Cou'nmilor Wnr. Ward has issued a Exeter a ar will, kava a club raoux tot boys and young men with a gym- nasium yrn nasium in connection in the not dis- tant future if the pians that are at present under way are carried out: For some tune it has been. felt that some form. of meeting place foetiro young men of Clic town and country should be provided and the Quarterly Board of dailies street Methodist church have taken definate action. A committee has been at work and has secured options on several pro- perties that will meet the needs. Reading rooms and a gyps floor will be provided and will be placed under proper• supervision. The reran be- hind the project is Rev. IV'Ir. Wilson, who has felt that something . of this nature should he undertaken. writ age.__ t tl,o fc,. r a, , „r, for damages caused to his house and property by " the overflowing of the water in the large tank. The writ was issued through Gladplan & Stanbury. Several months ago a committee was appointed to investigate and a trip was made to London to look over the equipment of some of the church- es in that city. The committee have also looked over several bniidinge in town and there are several that will fill the bill very satisfactorily. Na ef- fart, will be spared to make them at- tractive. The ::ecretare-of the Y, C. A. at London has been communi- cated with and he has promised to co-operate with the workers in town. Sonme of the bob' 1'::.l rs frons the London Y. will visit Exeter bird eerier classes of instruction. A Membership fee will be charged and already many of the boys have signified their intention of beec:uitng members. The details are. at pre- sent being worked out and will take form in the e€ ur e o:' ,, fen .ve cite It .is probable that a meeting will be called in th: . e,..,.. ,. t`: , , . -: s to consult with the young men of the town. E. L. PLAN TO HOLD SUMMER SCHOOL AT GO!)EItIC'H The Exeter District :Sleeting was held in Centralia on 'Wednesday morning of last :week and wee fol- lowed in tee eft(°rnc.;a and evening by the annual Eetwc r Leaves- and *prides Saha,.:l tee:.... :(Jrl. s....,:,:. Ient addresses,. which should arouse the young people to greater activity, were given by Peva Johnston, of Parkhill. Rev. Langford. of St. Marys fee Rev. Robinson. of London. `Ir. It. I. Watson, of the London Confer - mice Epworth League Executive. pre- sented the natter of maintaining a worker at Toronto, who should de- vote his time solely to Epworth Lea- gue work. Rev. Rivers, of Hen;il1, took up the question of organizing a Summer School for the four districts Winghani, Stratford, Goderieh and Exeter. A Committee was appoint- ed composed of Revs. Powell, Parn- aby and Rivers, who met the com- mittees from the other districts in Goderieh on Friday last. In spite of the unfavorable condi- tion of the roads the convention was well attended. The ladies of ('en- tralia church very ho;pitably enter- tained the delegntee. The officers of the District League executive were elected as follows, President, Mr. Wilbur Stanley, Lit - can; 1st vice pres., Mr. T. 0. Thomp- son, Centralia; 2nd vice pres., Miss Vera Essery, Exeter; 3rd vice Pres. Mr. Fred: Doupe, Woodham; 4th vice pros,, Mr. M. E. Robinson, Parkhill; 5th vice pres., Mrs: Trueman Elliott, Exeter; Secty. treas., Mrs. J. M. Southcott, Exeter. MAUI OF HENRY MAR/NS .... The remains of the late henry Makins, who died at the home of his son George in Norwich on Nov. 20, were brought to Exeter on 1Ionday and the funeral, private, was held from the hone of Itis son, Ben., on Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Jas. Foote. The deceased was nry his,Othv year and v en o ed re r - a nta Ic rL le health b e ]tllforaneofh his years. He lad been ailing only a few months. The deceased was born in England ud when a young man of 19 he ane to America and after a year in ew York he settled near Toronto fterwarcls moving to a farm n€etr ti area where he lived -until about 16 years ago when he came to Exeter to reside Shortly after coming to Exeter, Ms wife, whose maiden name was Miss Troyer, passed away. For more than a ,Year Mr, Makins has and three daughters; viz: Mrs, John Smith, of Zurich, Mrs. N. Patterson, of London, anct Mrs. T. Johns, of Exe- ter; Ed. and John Matins, of New Ontario; George of Norwich; Levi, of Scaforth; Joseph, of Detroit and I3enjarnin, of town. Pass—Blanche Senior and Vera Hey- i •, , lwnad 273 'GVI 1r cd Turnbull 270, Rc: tic Bro dfoet 266, Alma Harding 254, I Clyde Beaman 247, Edgar Thomson 146, Vera, Walker 238. a c N a Over 55 per eentt, Willian-i Lawson 234, James Morley 231, Nellie Petty 223 Harry Selden 220, Ove_ 50 per cent, Violet Ratcliffe 217 Howard I)i:gnan 200. lee'oly 50 ser rent, •Earl Russell, .: 156 Do;•othy Bajkwiitl 120, 13. 13rown : i 1.14, Olive Knight ** 98, Ed. Berry ; :* 52. . On the p eviously named i'our siba leets and Latin, Emrnabe . Hogarth, James Morley, Edgar Thompson, "lyde Hearnan * Harry Sci,don, Ed, Berry, Edmund J. We;thee Principal $014C101, BOARD MELTING• The Board 3net in the ofl':ce of the Se. -etary on the 16th. ' The char rnen 'en•ortecl that the matter o•f assess. meet of Usbornc prope-ty for Exeter school .pus nrs•es ,las to be. re'e;'red o the Assessors nest yes.r. The p•'in.. :ipil eomp1uned of faulty venttiitt;rnii end it was decided to ,1,nve,tilgatc.. it a a deckled to purchase one hundred :htee ,for As cinbly Room. A ,number 1)1' ec COtlnts were passed. A report, wan received that there .iis no n iprop- rint o r from She go•vernMes t for • tried - ;cal .l e 6 t 1 111 et', it t 1 but the tl .I stt,. p tnl r -wee +>,ea,c'l thee inv.-teflon, hada been made tn.il advhicd Isvn.e, fornext 3'oar., PLOUGHING RESULTS The following are tate results of the ploughing competition conducted by the Junior Farmers' Club under. the direction of the .Huron County Eraneh, Dept.. of Agriculture: I':ve Acre Field. -1st, 'Elgin Row- rilitlr: 2nd, Alvin Py'nl; 3rd, Roland Williams; 4th, Earl Shapton; 5th, Will Jeffrey. F'arnr-- 1st, Elgin. Rowcliffe; 2nd Alvin Pym; 3rd Wilson 'Iawkins,.. i TO RESIDE IN EXETER f Mrs. S. Martin returned home from ai London n c1n Monday Y c1 oin- t paned by Mrs, (Dr.) Y. Cowan„ ' who will make her future home with Mr. and Mrs. Martin. Fallowing the death of Mr. Cowan, in London a few weeks ago Mrs. Cowan has de- cided to give up house -keeping and come to Exeter to live. Mrs. Martin has been in London for several days assisting with the arrangements, The Thames Road Old Boys° Ret union and Anniversary was held ea Sunday and Monday, On Sunday;. Rev. Dr. Turnbull and Rev. 1)r. Ram- say, both of Toronto, conducted titr1. services at. "Thames Road and lark. ton. Large congregations were pro. sent at all services. On Monday evening a fowl supper was held at Thames Road at which' there was a large attendance hi spite of the very inclement weather. On Wednesday evening a soeial evening was held at Kirkton. Both occasions were a fare- well arewell to Rev. Dr. Fletcher, who is resigning ging his charge after a success- ful pastorate of forty-two years. A full account will be given in next week's issue. x, QtrIli111111111111111I1011iill! 11111I1 QIiII1I111111Q111111101111111Q111111116I1111111113 4.4 Ommiggr ream 04. .1.1111 rImarAmt 44016 Immo kn 1/604,00 westiart 4110.1 4441 1.1034 0 What's ':4 .001 f You've been fe:'aing him on inferior bread Cure him by f . ing him on S'.veet Whole- v: rile cooking sitCh .iii "Model" produces. Sae dor Prices mmilad favaaost hozrom rt urrellnI RESQIQInIIQQIIIOQQI(IQQIQQ111QQ1QIIIIi111Qc1QQQIQIQ11QQI1Q [Ii1QIlQQ►111?Q11111Q' PHONE Yoilr p: tron:iv at Harveys grocery We give you a seettial invitation to t'alne to our store and see the superior quality of our goods and the sanitary condition i21 which we keep it We are peened of rear prices as well as our store load can assure you that you will fined ns on'the leve, if not below all other prevailing prices. 'ti'e work fur sort. help youreelf yourself'pier:; :is. Our ohjeet is to give yon "Better duality and tears goods for less money" If you ere d. lever. Oil I' :tnnk Laurie,- ' ere'1l.ty home made ' i'idy. In one pound atones only, Sot. Try oar College I -i2, aseee Ch•.:'oi t --'r". ekese aese,...,- cliffcror... flu 's, put asp reel reat in (tri own half 1 centi: and pound boxes. Don't fail to get our prices before buying yonr Christmas Nuts, Candy and Oranges. We have some- thing special. Form a good habit, phone us every Tuesday acid Friday for Schneiders Country Pork Sauenge. 'you have nlissel: a rc'.,d c1•t.,.t if ; ori li.'L&.`ii't. tried 1i. IIARVEYS FOR HOT CHOCOLATEAND OyetTI?ItS 102 Harvey _; Harvey FAST AS LIGHTNING FUNNY AS HECK WHILE THE GOIN'S MERRY BE ON DECK To See ." 4 n r ome The( tve Friday & Saturday latent eeltd: USUAL V.Aunnv LLE AND COMIhDY, •rc• Admission': Adults 35e; Children »*5c