HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-23, Page 3• 0 u • GODERICH"SIGNAL STAR. THURSDA 'ingsbrldge CWL donate jirjiij'ipfp r children • St. Joseph's , -Catholic Women's League, Kingsbridge, held' the monthly meeting September 13 in the Parish Hall, with Mrs. , .W'ilfred Austin presiding—Father Ed. Den - ti Iger opened.. •with' prayer Mand the seriture reading. It was decide' to give rs. Dennis Dalton a small gift as • • -ltsh'op--=far-•-H,omeiround••••-persons? w•as—het• —at Fiwionwieu�= sec ttr�:;"afad,w -. - - ---��--eve-. pronounced a success by organizers. Pictured in one•diseussion group are Wm. Snyder, left, president of the Goderich Senior Citizens and George Cox of Clinton, while in front • are Mrs. Snyder and Mrs. Parsons of Goderich. (photo by, Elaine Townshend), • Maple :Leaf LODE r. uressup comin •The September•meeting of, the Maple Leaf Chapter I.O.D.E. was held on Sep-. ternber 7 in the ,assessment Wilding. Regent Mr$. G.L, Royal presided and both flags . were on display. - Mrs. Royal read a letter from Provincialheadquar- ters informing' the Chapter that layettes had been sent to the James Bay.area following .the spring flooding in that region. • The- secretary, Mrs. W.J. • McIntyre read a delightful - letterfrom, the chapter's • adopted child in Korea. Ways and Means convener; Mrs:- H. Murphy reported that the card parties 'held in - the homes of various members -in June were very successful. Mrs: Murphy also stated that . 'the ,plans: for bringing TV's Mr: Dresstip to : town in. November in.November were fifialized and tickets will go on sale soon. Services convener Mrs. R. Smith (Jean), read letters asking for members support at .a workshop to be- held at IIuror}view .to access the needs of the homebound•, in Huron County and also from the Arthritis Society for ''support . irk, their ' upcoming canvass. ` Mrs. Smith also reported that the National. Services Fund would. this • year be. sending help to the North by way. , of.three.. artificial respiration models. "Anatomic Anne" one, to Yellow Knife, one to the Eastern- Ar.ctic and one to the..- - .McKenzie River area. Instructional first aid •films• in the native Ianguage will be - sent to the Eastern Arctic and the Western Arctic and a slide cassette tape 'arid syn.:: chronized projectionunitand 500 first aid books in the Eastern Arctic language. These • items will bepur chased_t'hrough the' -donations of the various•.Chapters,• across Canada. - Reporting for Education, Mrs. rt. McCallum informed the 'chapter that the awards and trophies ::had be 'n' presented tosaVeral students at the: elementary school' graduation•exercises•in June.,' Burseries were also. awarded to ' two students from the collegiate 'to further 'their education. ttinch was served by Mrs: F. Hobbs and Mrs F Durst Bridge Scores Mary Donnelly and,Eleanor c n -e --topped- nem petition in the North-South section of play at the Goderich Bridge Club with a point total of 90. There 'were eight tables in play. r'a Fred Egener. and Ray , Fisher took .second,spot with 85 points with •.Evelyn Galbraith and Dawna Sproule third with 79 points. -Mary Lapaine and' Gail Hovey were fourth with 721/2 points'. Larry Sloan and S:am•• Hassan took top spot in the East-West section with 881/2 points with Joe Martin and Jo Shrier• in second spot witha point total of 78%: Omar Hazelgrove and Art ` Wilson 'settled fbr third with. 78 points and were followed .by Vera Famiiy Hill, and' Dve Cornish with 751/2Points,care Woworkers � � ..�...� • in Clinton this weekend Salome Mallon of 'Ottawa, a visiting 'homemaker .,and former foster aparent, heads the - Provincial Association, Family: Care Workers of Ontario, as it enters • its second year. under its new name and corporate struc- ture. Mrs. Mallon will preside at the annual meeting to be held' in Clinton, on the ^weekend•• of September 24th. Family care workers provide • carein a •home ,such as homemaker, foster, boarding house or family day care. "Certification is . the number ,one priority" • ac - Cording to Mrs. Mallon ". and • we will be .'presenting a, complete training program to --theGovernment of Ontario at our annual meeting which we believe can set the standard qualifications for provincial recognition of "our oc- cupational ._ "With -appropriate, tra!ning and certification,. we can expect to improve' . the standards of our work ' and employment, .including the introduction of employment' of family care workers in ' r industry. This cost-saving. measure which is used by _business and government departments or agencies • in other countries -to 'reduce unnecessary ``,'absenteeism •hh.s not, as yeti„found its way to Canada. Certification of the Family Care Worker is also a major factor before care in the home services canbe covered . by health insurance: Family .Care • Workers of Ontario are actively seeking members.. Any resident of Ontario who'•is providing care in. •• the home , services is eligible for membership. For. information write Family' Care. -Workers of Ontario, P.O-. Box 5587, Station F. ' Ottawa, K2C,3M1. . • WELCOME, SERVICE would like -tolcall you with housewarming • gifts" and in: formation about your rew location. The Hostess will be' glad to arrange your subscrip- tion'to the Signal -Star Call her at 524-2057 a to ten of appreciation for the•. work she did making the quilt and' afghan for the recent 'draw. The treasurer's report was given by Mr=s -;_Joe O'Keefe. It was agr.eedto purch'aSe another dehumidifier for the front of the Parish Hall and • vge:.cooking pots for the' kitchen. Minutes of the last meeting were read• by Mrs. Antone VanOsch in 'the . ab- sence of Mrs. Max Riegling. Correspondence was read by Mrs. Antone Van.Osch. An invitation from St. Marys' C,W.L„ Listowel, . was . read. rega-'ding` "t7iera•tford Deanery meeting to be held there September 22, An invitation was received from St. Augustine C.W.L. -to attend the .Clinton Historical Society :meeting to be held in' their hall; Monday evening, September 20th with George Brophy, Lucknow lawyer as guest speaker, It was agreed . to send donations; to Church Today (a television program) and to Mission: Hope' which assists needy children in 75 eoun- tries. • tl Reporting on Community Life, convener • Mrs. Carl Riegling -s'tated that the recent ticket draw was - successful and ` that, Sep-. terriber was Calivas's'in•g- month; for C,N,I.B. • Leaders "-for .Girl Guides in ' Kingsbridgeare urgently needed. Cultural Life con- vener ; Mrs. John I4oward reported on the success of the August Birthday Party ,at Huronview and 'a birthday party for Father Dentinger. Mr. and Mrs. Jack,, Van Osch who have had birthdays recently or will have, in the . near future Will be held Thursday in the Hall. Mrs.: Mark Dalton and Mrs. Anton VanOsch volunteered to visit the sick in the two local hospitals for the' next onth. The meeting adjourned "ourned dJ by Mrs. John Berry and lunch was served. Flowers for All Occasion$, & Distinctive Gifts Weddings r Funerals - • Fresh cut Flowers. Dried Flowers ' • Plants THE 7,4 1 S .•T i 4 ''52 2'152 .ST:, • • -�� • SHOPPER$ SQUARE — GODERICH'' • . . call anytime ...r...‘-• 524.2132 i AflstettJeWeIIrs ' • . LIMITED 11 'ALBERT ST., CLINTON • OPEN WEDNESDAYS For Your Convenience, 482-3901 HOURS:. Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. 613.m.; Friday nights 'till 9.p.m.. ring woors t ill Jbusiness Financial assistance Management colinselling- Management training Information on government ,programs for business Wayne. Rounding one ofour representatives ' be at The Bedford Hotel, GODERICH onthe .2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each month Tuesday, September nth, . t_. If you require financing to start, modernize or expand your business and aro unable to obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions or if you are interested in the FBDB management services of counselling and training or wish information on government programs available for your business, talk to our representative. FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BAI\/K For prior ittforination call 271=5650 or:. write 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford. You should pick out your new fall coat while the selection is at its best -' SHOPPE SHOPPERS SQUARE, GCIDERICH OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. :IlARGI x EPTE • ER 23,1976—PAGE 3A The c°Nat;n Mata rood for of lurpa t►_.. '' 1 � r calls Hamilton MoJ your problems to 'Impost"' /a this paper• M, linen roll ba answered provided a 'Stomped addressed envelppe *�l is enclosed Some of oenerpl interest snit! be published , .� Ismust be signed but we will NOT reveal your.dent.ty "Thee* Ouestione and Answers bated on Ontario law, are published to inform and eat to advise. No shook, try' to apply Or .interpret the law without the aid and .advice of g trpined ,Apert wsrhp I news the, foo, since the facts of each. ease may change. the rs r / QPPlicotion of the low- " NO PHONE CAttS PLEASE ., ► $ "& "S4rtl a-:. Dlstrkt -iteprest;ntative. 1. . • • 1 a ' .Don •Denomme',. •Uf(OO; . fS '� • Highway 21 South, Goderich.. Every _ Wee.k :N.l.gh.i_...�:. .75 MONUMENTS LETTERING 2'373 or 6621 : - MARK RS,. . ao R t40- call BILL MELICK at-y.our COLLISION REIA+-R•CENTRE'• „A. %�;tlr,� � ; SOUTH END BODY, N�, ^ ,. 524:-.9181 t:d. BAYFIELD RD, GODERICH For • ` ears Y• my elderly mother has Suffered from arthritis, 'and now she tells me that she heard on the radio one day, that there J ,-r7 riewcopper,bracelet_ on the market, which, (according to • her) is,supposed to be "guaranteed" to cure arthritis sufferers, anld-,that all they have to do is to wear it all the time. .,•--t_asked our jeweller it he had ever heard anything about them, • and he acknowledged that he had, but only vaguely. It was -he -- that suggested that I write your column for information. Is this, just some new "racket" or is there really any truth to what my mother says.? and also, where can they be bought? and, • how much are they? ; ••• • There is an increasing number' of pev-p1e wearing copper bracelets, -(both men and wornen)•whti claim that they do indeed help sufferers of muscular aches and pains. To the best 'of our knowledge, this has never- been proven by the 'medical profession, howeverr it can't. be discounted either when, people from all walks of life claim to have•gained relief. . There is a firm in Vancouver .that is currently manufac- . turing them for $7.95 but if you write for One, be sure and state if it's for a•man or woman as they Corrie in two different styles. . This company is:' Classic Copper Creations Ltd, Box, 91355, - West Vancouver, B.C. • - ' Quality LAPS ' Brand Name 1.01)6tAMM HOME FURN,ISH'IN,G,S •. f'URNITIIRE ..- SPECIALTY, 36 WEST ST.... - G:ODERICH . 524 7521 GRANGER'S TV & SERVICE ADMIRAL, ELECTROHOME . . & RCA COLOR TV _ .., RECORD AND JOHN JEFFESAiES • • Si' SON ss TAPE BARcall MAJOR the lumber Number 524-8171 APPLIANCES .„.4 PICK UP n 92 SOUTH DELIVERY GODER1cH 524-925 - % , est !34e1414EI:GIN AVE E.G•ODERiCH Just like the highways becoming more crowded all the time, so • too.:are•the skislopes, and the same thing is taking place there —More and"rnore`accidentsl - - -. _._ — .. -• -0.,e As a regular reader. of "IMPACT",' I'm hoping that you can. 'settle an argument between my boy -friend and me. We are both avid skiers and have seen our.share of accidents on the crowded slopes. and I contend that if •1 should ever -collide. with 'another skier t couldbe sued for damages, providing ofcourse that it • was rhy fault. • • My boy friend says, "No way!" Who is right? , • ' A skier owes a duty of care to a fellow skier not to act in a reckless disregard of the other's' safety. Generally speaking, :' participants•on a ski slope are like golfers. The fact that such persons expose themselves to possible collision of being 'struck by a golf ball raises a well known defence against a lawsuit called, voluntary' assumption of risk. However,' it 'dust be 'remembered that 'while- skiers, may • assume the risk 'of an accident,' no -skier. assumes 'he risk of Collision 'created by a negligent skier who demonstrates a reckless disregard toward the' safety of others. . Thus, yes, a skier could be sued if he was found to breach,the • duty of care he oweso other skiers. • MOTOR • SCHUTZ SALES. Plymouth film irn You/ Full line CHRYSLER : PLYMOUTH - DODGE' dodge Illi .ii") HURON RD. GODE RICH- �--.: holiday( !1P RMI J4 Cat SYfem• 1 - 524-831 - I signed a contract on' my home to have aluminum siding, in- ' • stalled on my house. Since •I am an old age pensioner, house upkeep has been one of my main worries. In my haste I wrote this company a cheque for $500 -as -a deposit but the nekt day I-- -• • decided to cancel the contract, The same afternoon the siding was dumped.on nlydriveway. I immediately wrote t dealer. a registered letter cancelling thea- contract,.bu et.been refunded my $soo. ' Is there any,wa get my deposit back? - • . ' , Yes) the Consumer. Protection Act' allo.rs 'for a cooling -off .pe?.•iod_ in which 'you can'' cancel a ..contract over $50. by registered mail or by letter_:personally delivered, within • two -days after the contract has been signed, '(The post -mark is considered the delivery date.) A telephone call is no good. • This cooling -off period applies only when the conrract has been "negotiated and signed at a plane, other .than- the seller's regular place of business, (E.G. your•,ownhome.) r •• -In your case the dealer must return the $500. Never give a seller more than 5 percent down. A. reputable .firm should • require no more than this amount. If they insist on a iarge down- _ - payment steer clear of them. •• TANK & TUMMY _ ,tom l 0 °� k. '•• ., 1 HOUR „i ,,SERVICE � ,:FtEf PAIRS r AND AL t ER AT IONS t t Ear ' O EN ,7 DAYS. A IMAM FROM • - S.A.M.- 8 P.M. w• ... •••* • RESTAURANT(11'1611 VIETY . tAf fIcf GAS BAR eat, r "LAUNDROMAT ,,WY,''21 & HURON Coil 'S, 24-6231 eo 3i <:>H ,- _ BAYEIELD- 565-.28.24 5- •