HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-16, Page 31i
Bruce County is the largest
beef.. producing county in
Ontar o, so it is Only natural
that the beef industry should
be well represented at this
Plowing Match.
Visitors to the site will find
the Bruce °County Beef
• Producers .building to be a
bustling • place filled with
attractive. displays and lots of
hel•ful information.
Themetal: ;frame .bui'1 in .
easily' distinguished by a.
large red and white banner, on
the peak of the roof:. And out
front is Big Bruce the 20 feet
'long ll feet high-'eplica of a
beef steer.
It's International Plowing Match time again, this time on the farm of Earl Johnston two
and one half miles. west of Walkerton between: Sept. 28 and Qct. 2.' All systems rare
go for what appears to be'the biggest competition ever staged. Some of the men behind the
event are the executive ofwthe Ontario Plowmen's Association. Front row,,lefito right,' J.
Slattery, past president, 4Stephen, president; E.A. Staff, secretary manager, 'M.
Steadman, first: vice president land A.' Mitchell, second vice president Back row, A.J..
Peppin„assistant secre!arymanager, J. Armstrong, L. Kirby, B. Parker, P..'reeit1ees,
Telfer and R. Morrison.
Junior Farmers7attend
conference on :leadership:
Four young people, . member
-- represented Huron . County provide
Junior Farmers at• :the program
Provincial. Junior : Farmer whether
Leadership Training Camp at evening
Bark Lake in Haliburton vespers,
County from September 5-12. skill or
irlev activitie
"Doo hert�y RR 6 Goderich, F
Dougherty, Pers
In addition,
Rick :Archambault, RR : 1 .development' : was ' stressed
Auburn; Lisa Gunby, through discussion and group
Dungannon; and. Susan Irvin, experiences: Sessions on
RR 7 Lucknow'. . Communication, , program
was expecte o
leadership to the
• iii• various .ways,
it .was planning :the
social event or
sharing a camping
working on, other
s :.. .
o.nal leadership:
During the week,. . h pl nng; leisure activity
.can be brightculture � tore cNewman_ says ari �
.. there to h pam phlet enclosed ."A • - -
For souvenir hunters Big
Bruce miniatures along with
T-shirts, mugs : and charms
are available.
Inside the building there
will be. a display of some of
Bruce- county's finesst beef
animals :. -, cow.. and- calf,
stockers and fed cattle. "Sir.
Loin” a monocled caricature:
will then lead visitors down•
the Beef Trail, showing them
how beef is produced, graded,-
raded,inspected, cut and .even
cooked. An information booth
wi1Tfeature a'Wide'variety of
booklets and recipes, sucli'as
lnformatin entre in'.
Torontoi11 assist and
provide•heltaful information.
ThiS program, scheduled
from 11:00 - 12:00 each day, is
a must3.for All ladies attending
tu4• ttt.itch. Sample. recipes
include; .Italian Herb .Pie,
Cabbage Rolls and S,tayabed
Pick up your copy of the
recipes in the Ladies Tent.
Area 4-H .q els
Fair as guests
,Friday, September 10, 123 `•includea variety -'of topics -`a
4-H .Homemaking • Club -girls ' film and discussion on
from. the c suntjes in South- .nutrition, a fashion show, and
western Ontario participated , a craft . session '-featuring
in the Junior Day at .the Macrame plant hangers.
Western Fair in London. ' • The highlight of the evening
The girls who attended was joint banquet'with the
fro= this- area of •' Huron Agricultural club members at
'County were:. Gayle -Horton, the Top -of- t•he-Fair
RR 5 Clinton; Mary Jean Clubhouse.
Betties, RR 2 . Bayfield;Glub members also had the
'Joanne VanOsch, RR • 3•
GoderiChi Betty Errington, Opportunity to • view the •
RR 2 Auburn; and Sylvia evening grandstand •.show,
Forbes, RR 2 Clinton. says Jane S. •Pengilley, Home
— E-conormisrf Hui in_c tx; ,
A nTniiram lva�.nl�rinrt7 to -
Tender Look at Steaky JimNivins top
�_ will : be �i � o r
information on the beef in- .
dustry in Bruce County and a ° ,.
map olocating all the local
fromHuronin contest...
Auction �Sales within ••'the.
_ county,
other topics mp
local'. Junior Farmer Clubs
/were a key part of -the camp.
On . their return home,
delegates are e,;ypected to use
their.new skills and abilities
in community and .Junior`
Farmer programs.
The Junior Farmer
Leadership Training Camp is.
conducted by the Ontario.
Ministry of Agriculture and
Food: .
Senior --4=H dairy calf club
members from across
midwestern and central
Ontario: competed in this
year's 4-1-1 Dairy Silver Dollar
Competition held at
Orangeville and sponsored by.
United Breeders Inc. The
champion, winner of 75 -silver
dollars an as.ilver .tray, was
feature. Beef Producers and .19 -year-old' Scott Stewart of
their wives demonstrating 'RR '4, Bolton.
their families favourite beef' The' winning score was 801
recipes. The Home of a possible • 1000 points.
Economists from the -Beef Points; • were awarded for
And if that s not enoug ,
there . will be a daily beef
draw. To tempt your. appetite.
a 10 pound roast of beefwill
be barbecued each day and
when,the roast is cooked
sample's will be distributed to
lucky visitors. .
-For the ladies visiting. the
- .'76 Plowing Match, Beef
cooking demonstrations will
l 't
becomes Before turningthe first• which would set quotas," Mr. ; yet covered nationally, .ex buying up quota as i producers in • other
cept for those' already available and re selling it to
furrow for the International Newman.saided States 'has protected by' marketing those with -the greatest need. ,. mat ora meso ting blof
;P;lowing Match near "The Unit boards wh'ichhave quota and Some unused quota is in the,,
:Walkerton., Minister of . such a law, and Our producers rice setting authority. hands of..producers who .1:,',1. Agriculture Ministers . in
Agriculture and Food'for deserve the same kind of p•,e gSo
Winnipeg next week day
Ontario William. G. Newman •protection. I have sent You will recall that the g," their production • records
will be set aside for
was refused second reading,, far', . are • unlikely to use rt in: discussion: of dairy problem. s
told• -a -gathering of press and Ottawa two telegrams urging „
exhibitors that he felt the the introduction of such a law he .pointed out, so that it the current dairy year,' he•
futurewasvery bright for the .. as soon as possible," he said, could proceed to the coin said, "The board ,•plans `to and possible solutions.
future of abricult in ' "arid I have also raised the mittee, stage where farmers, encourage them to sell or lend
Ontario. issue in discussions with Mr.. and their' organizations could that unused quota to other
He observed that Whelan, but there has been no say :what they thought of it. producers who really need.
e 1 action Instead, the government was it." . et ' ,
_agrieul.tti,re .has _dmt�b�ed._<ts �,d .Ia, , _ . ,_._. ,.., _ <.•
.production in the span of 15 " will continue .preglifi mstrueted"`t ovide,a°pia'>41ic.�..", }1 uata,.a�r iia tai otigXi..
forum for full discussion with a so-called :sleeve in the
years which, he. said, was.for a meat import -law," the
. minister promised, "because.the farnn community before national dairy policy is being
more than other industry has
Ontara--- pxaducers._.- name re -introducing a ' plan that distributed on the basis of
done: would ' be ---open to - all need he explained. Ontario-
` Ontario is blessedwith suffered such serious .losses producers on a voluntary and still.intends to comply. with
sonic • of the finest that I'm afraid .they'll cut Pontributorybas.is.'.' the federal quota allocations.
agricultural land anywhere back production to .the point The minister said hahad However, in'the event of a
and .some of the. finest far :where they jeopardize future " held 'meetings with the'�small amount of over -quota '
mers anywhere," he said: "I Canadian beef supplies."
'the Ontario
also had think all of us know from past As another measure to.. marketing boards for various' production at the end of the
experience . that when the strengthen the agricultural farm pfoduc'ts"-anZhado •-dairy• year;
rice is right the Ontario economy Mr. Newman ' had discussions with the three government will pay ,$7.25 of
p g major farm organizations. :the $8.60: levy per'pun-
porn f f ublic meetings re' were t e have a so
farmer can. 'produce all thete4, o his introduction o The dates or.•p d d h . "W als
we can ever use. in Bill 96 during the' last session > to solicit .the views eoft .in-' arrangededweia two .year ex
our province." of the legislature to provide a dividual farmers before the tension of the :repayment
Mr.. Newman admitted farm income : stabilization next session of the legislature- period for all loans under
e h th rice was plan for Ontario. h ' ' industrial ' milk
not right: • The Ontario • plan was
Speaking of the depressed designed to operate basically . the next 10.days, he saidMr.
. production incentive
Newman also program," he said.
market' - for beef calf at the.same level of support discussed the dairy industry.
producers he recalled that as the'Federal'program so '`Many Ontario dairymen
Ontario ' had introduced•, a that it wouldn't disturb the. have been severely affected
price support program for existing market system or by ea switch in the" national
beef last year.'"I'm happy to obstruct a meaningful ex -'dairy policy last April," he
say," he added p "it has. been , ansion of the ntional
well received." • -
Some 12,000 farmers
would be announcedwithin . Ontario s
program, according to' Mr.d.
. The --Federal government
Newman.. • had been calling .for in -
enrolled more than 312,000 "It would set support prices ased milk production for
cows in the plan last year and equal to 90 percent. of the "crecrew years, and j the
received net payments of.$72 •• ••rn;arket; price for .various ; q•
. per cow, or a total of $22.5 _ commodities," he explained, . Provinces had responded with '
million, he said: This year the "averaged over the previous incentives for producers; he
program has been even. more five years and adjusted for recalled, Dairy surpluses
- popular. Applications are still increases in production resulted, and Ottawa ordered
sharp 'cutbacks lin production.
being processed, the minister 'costs. ' Ontario's Ware of national
explained, but it appears that" In special circum, Lances, milk production was reduced
about 15,000 producers have• the support price , could be 15 percent and a levy of $8.60
more ore'than 36,000 increased temporarily for ,a Pe, hundredweight was
-cows. The; support price will specific commodity.
imposed on. farmers who.
remain 'at 50 cents .a .pound, "While; we continued to exceeded their quotas.' .
the same as last year. re
pss for ' improvements _ in ,.,The Ontario Milk
Mr. Newman said the Cow- the Federal plan, Bill 96
Marketing Board has taken
calf program was introduced woul'd': cover all Ontario over quota 'allocations,.
to help offset disastrously low' producers of commodi.,, 4
market. prices in the beef
industry, w is a
In spite of these measures,
Mr. Newman said he was still
concerned . that . some'
producers may' not have
enough' quota to carry them
through the balance of;the
dairy year.
h ti ccounts for
about 20 percent of Ontario's
• Agricultural cash receipts..
"The industry was
recovering- nicely until
unrestrtfted imports of off
shore beef started driving our
cattle price'down. and created
extreme financial prpblems
for• many Ontario.
producers."; �-
The Canadian -Cattlemen's
Associationhas estimated
• that beef imports increased
52: percent in the first half cif
this year 'compared•, to the
-same period in 1975.. • The
Federal Department of
Agriculture • placeS
Crease at, otlly 25 percent.
"Even the to 'er figure is
Clear evidence' of the urgent
need' for 'a mot import: law
answering a senior•level quiz,
for an essay; for his 4-H calf
and for •showmanship•. Mr.
Stewart did: nothave the top
score in any division but
scored high in every division;
winning the top pnize through
all-round ability.
Reserve Champion and
•only' eleven ,points below the
overall winner. was Gary
Oxby of Moorefield,: who
received 50 silver dollars ori