HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-16, Page 30PAG 10A-.-GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, T%IURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1976 e toot in urrou.' b>04 Hope springs eternal in . hie'.human.•brr.ast and beet producers must have buge resew ow manv:•proucts are being sold -today for the same price paid for theim 20 Years ago? A- few, pefrhaps. but it takes some coticentration-to think of them Ahnost every- thing has increased in prtce.'sume ao drastrcally that the consumer is paying double. -triple and quadru.pte' the 1956 price. Vet beef producers in .this province. are still struggling' to stay alive•and getting almost the same price for their products as they got in 1953 At the same tin*. they are paying a great (lee more w ,produce the product .Labor. 6'6sts hike skyrocketed in the last decade Feed costs are much higher. °Building cots keep jumping and -.everyone is acutelyaware of the increases in energy coal ' Beef producerts will tell vL�u -- an.: 1 °^are no ,reasont to doubt their. honesty — that they hair ct :arced to. accept • : prices (tar the last -three Years *..:; r below what it costs them to produce their o.ee: • In other. words. the\ are rein :. - bankruptcy Some•proclucers with a he:tr b r : ace ^.: e been able €: withstand 'the cont:nual:•_ iC .c r:. many of them are .:u:tting'.. too Letters are appreuatedby Bots Trotter. EldaIe Rd . EIrntra. Ont N39.2C7- • In aciditton.•huge amount' of foreign beef are still being oirs of hope shipped. into Canada trom :Australia .'dew Zealand and rhv •,Lt:u.ted• States."he mess:'in t e dairy cattle business -has altio, i'ad+a distinctetfect on beef producers.: Dairymen are 'culling herds at a.great,ra•te,. getting*.rid of the poor p.rodue ers to -rut 'their productionby as much as 20 pen, cent .at ,the urging of the federal government. , • These heave marketings of - dairy cattle have- had to play• a part in the "disappointing .returns' to beef produc- ers: at one tithe. Ontario consumers were eating Holsteins sold as 'beef' cattle to the tune of 40 percent of the rr rket. The old' law of supply and demand doesn't always work and it pis -my personal opinion • bol •th'e federal -government Is. lnrr ly blackmailing beet' producers into accepting supple management through a- beet' marketing, board, controlled entry` into beef production and a quota system. . Beef ,producers have consistently refused to accept the ph'ililsoptty cif ;production controls. To their own undoing. unt-ortunately:. . Supermarkets. by the way, have been•mostresponsible during this ,glut of beef.' 'They have been co-operating throughout' .the lot Year or more by using -beef specials almost every week. They. too. realise the' unfortunate position many beef producers are'in. They have promoted sal .1h e-salein ta•n-t-ly to an -an -producer's: ----- Traditionally. summer months are the' best for •beef producers. Nees are supposed to increase in early. June and climb to a peak by mid-July. remain high until the end of August and slowly drop as the outdoor :barbecue season ends.. . . 'l'hat did not happen. this year and many producers were counting on that expected increase to keep the wolf from th#ir doors and keep•their'bankers happy.. It will be. agrim autumn and winter for many of them across Ontario..: Many of them will keep struggling. work harder. do without new eoptprnent both at the barn..and in the home. .go -a little' deeper into debt but continue to hope for better, • What You the consumers. much 4ligher economic problems the . picture is ; .'..:plicared -Re- tailers are not 'wholly- to blame They. simply point to their increased costs during 20 years They have to pay more ,for labor. energy':- overhead. mortgage money. buildings. packaging. shipping. you -name -it. • "The meat packers are in the same boat: Bu't all .the han- dlers of meat between the farm gate and the- diningrnom table have been able to include the increases.in their sale prices. - ., •Exceptforthe fanner. . 'Many things have had an effect 'tin beef prides. The Canadian Cattlemen's Association will not accept controlled • 'marketing. through the formation of. a. marketing board. They are Fiercely independent and God bless em.lor it: Beef►nen the losers things next year. Ah. yes. Hope springs eternal, 76 plowing match thejggest ever . A..-gaTreeing ..+lf pMS'S' acid-' exhibitors at the site , of the 1976' International Plowing Match near . Walkerton last week were told the upcoming event should prove to be the .: largest in the history of the competition. The match will run from September 28 - through October 2. •'Todate more than 400. exhibitors have registered. for space in the tented city and —ergani-zers s-y-irtgtriries�a-rc • still coming in. There will be at least 50. caterers taking part as well. A total of 20,000 feet off exhibit space has been sold along the five streets which will makeup .the tented city. y This year's 'Match site is' the Earl Johnston and neigh- bouring farms, located just west of Walkerton, Ontario. The Tented City . area covers 100 acres, with exhibitors displaying the latest in .farm machinery,. automobiles and , home ap- pliances. "The International Plowing Match and Farm Machinery Show provides oneof the largest. outdoor show.rooms- Tot 'firm equipment in"NorTh Amoden," ^t„tcc; .Fri Starr, Secretary Manager of the Ontario Plowmen's Association. "It gives .far- mers an opportunity . to evaluate and compare all, types of machinery, and farm supplies in one place. Exhibitors . have : key per-, sonnei on hand to answer any questions about their .products.''' To dater -ma re-exbitarsA have booked space in the Tented City than ever before. Starr points out that the. Match -offers 'plenty of at- tractions forurban residents as well . as farm families; 'a view of Modern, sophisticated farm machinery: increases awareness of the equipment required by• farmers for the production of quality food. Matchvisitors will have an opportunity to see over 300 contestants compete:fo,•more than $25,000 in prizes Tn the various horse and tractor plowing classes'. Daily parades featuring top. bands, farm machinery, steam engines, new cans, 'teams oroXen ;and vartous' floats are a highlight of the Match. The event has • a. 'country.. fair atmosphere,. complete with cararn:el, corn oaudy4applesrand ridesforthe kids. Some 50 caterers will be on hand toserve everythiiig from hot dogs to full course.: ' home -cooked meals. • Ducharme 011111111111111111 Ex-cavatinig-DashwoodT23"='40 TRUCKING BACKHOE ; 16 DOZER SERVICE GODERICH NICK 'DOW'HANiUK 524-6240 � I11,111IINpIIN11111NN 111111NNN16INNll1111641191NINININI.111111111INIp111N11NIM111111111I1191VIN9111111111,11tlNINIIIINll911 II11IIIIII1111111111111111to 1. REM 1 NDER �IIu MNFMYNMBIMYN'IYrYMlNM 111001 IIWI■UIIIIANHIMHIBIIIIIIIIO INIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIUIIUIiili'IUWIU I 1 Attention Farmers A- .FOR SALE . ANTIQUE •W,F.. Allis Chalmers tractor in perfect running condition, $500.00; 411100 Massey Ferguson with new motor, and cab, all in perfect condition $8,500.00; • Ford . plough semi, mount 5 sixteens, in . new condition,,,: $2,000.00. Phone 291-2935 Listowel after 10:00 p.m' -38 Infl�tion hits cattlemen hardest By Wilma Oke "Inflation • is being .fought on the backs of ,the; beef producers more than any other . group,".`Charles A: Gracey, Toronto, manager of the Canadian- Cattlerrien's Association, told a group . of 176 beef•producers'at:an in- formation meeting held at the rN Pine Ridge Chalet at tiensall recently: . Mr. Gracey said the federal government is 'quite 'content. to let thein carry more than their fair share in the battle against inflation, and "there is little interest_ in Ottawa in letting you off the hook". Ie`;ait¢q„�the information that low beef prices' have been mentioned repeatedly as '`CLAY ----=- - `CLAY- Silo Unloaders Feeders - Cleaners . Stabling-: -.LogElevators - - Liquid Manure Equipment - Hog Equipment- I FARMATIC — - Mills - Augers, .etc. ACORN — - Cleaners Heated 'Waterers ZERO — Bulk Tanks . ' Pipeline & Parlour Equipment W E ST EE L-ROSCO-Granaries B & L .Hog Panelling . Bulk Tank & Pipelinraeaning - Detergents, Teat Dip, etc. • Bovadine Dyne Losan .• Uddersan• ' - • . Foamcheck • , • Kleeneasy - . .w LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS - RR 1, Kincardine, Ontario • Phone' 395-5286 a major factor in the decline . in the consumer price index. Mr, Gracey stated a number of unpredictable factors have fouled up the: Battle market this year. He outlined. the main reasons: the .massive increases in imports from off -shore of low priced beef - 58 . percent in- crease over last year. He asked, "Why should ,Canada. be the: only dumping -.ground for beef when we have --a' . tremendous surplus . our- selves?-" Continuing Mr. .Gracey' said, "One of the ' biggest 9. factors that has •hurt: you has been the high. retain mark- ups i`n the United States which h"a e -'-dep're-sett' American - prices at least per hundred weight. This • decrease has been felt across the border into Canada." ` Mr. Gracey said the•surplus of beef • 'in Canada is .mainly : caused by the high rate of heifer and cow marketing which was high last year and this year again is exceeding all expectations with heifer kill 15..percent above last year' and -cow kill 18 percent -above. "It goes .without saying, of course, that if we :.weren't marketing so .many 'heifers died cows, our domestic• - : prices would . havebeen. stronger." He explained, the main cause of -the `increased numbers is the poor returnin. the cow -calf sector that has led to -the very heavy heifer and cow marketings.. Mr: Gracey critizsed those farmers who . hold' cattle•' beyond acceptable market weights to increase the dollar value. He said, "especially, when we have an• oversupply :of beef these animals should go to market ' a3 soon . as ready". Mr. Gracey said the on again,off again, federal dairy policy has been a .minor factor in increasing •cow marketings but that it has WATER "`DRILLING NEW, HOMES and FARMS ' Free Estimates You and your family deserve the best of water so don't hesitate to call TOM LANG I MIL NO.k'.t°H ON :HIGHWAY pit. GODERtCH • softened recently. He warned: that if- the dairy surplus problem isnot solved, and he strangly-_sugg_ested that it has not; • then the' dairy cow marketirigs •would increase,. causinga mafor problem. In conclusion, Mr. Gracey said that , after all the bad news is in, he predicted that the industry fundamentals are changing • andthat reduced' breeding herds in both.: Canada and United States give some .promise of strong price recovery in 1978. He cautioned producers to •be careful abouttheir plans for 1977 because it is expected there will continue to be • very heavy marked supplies. Th second spe .ker at the • • • information meeting ., was Richard S. Heard, London, Farm 1vranagement specialist . of the ministry of agriculture, with the topic "Can You Afford. Not; to, Hedge ` Your Cattle?" - which refers to .hedging and futures stock, markets which some people, are using as a way of making motley._ The last a'peaker_was Gary Hutchins of the University of Guelph speaking on Livestock • Inventory provision and tax implications, when he spelled but the mechanics of ;preparing income tax forms, especially for those cattle producers - starting in the business and encountering -'fosse':- ..• . . ,. , • . . AUTHORIZED SALES • : & SERVICE. Vacuum Cleaners + Washer -Spin Dryers + Portable Dryers available on easy terms HUTCHINSON APPLIANC-ES TRADE INS ACCEPTED 308 HURON RD. 526-7831 :Means That The ecret : f S"uccess Starting Ones Sav,ngs• And. :Then al/in n Schedule At ToR01 roDOMINION the bank vvh.ere peoplO•make the difference Manager Mr. Ron AIIin Suncoast .Mall Goderich 524-266681 Our Hours of Business: Somebody ,Mon. Tries. Wed 10 — 4:30 pan SPECIA .Thurs, 10 — 8.p.m With, us Fri. 10 --6 p.m A- FOR SALE - TANK - 12:00 gal. with side compartments, ideal for farm spray or•. road _work. Apply Don Edward 524-8386. =3$;39 B- CUSTOM WORK CUSTO• M' Silo filling. Phone 524=6432. —38 Buyers of Timothy,: Red Clover and Birdsfoot Trefoil SEED MAPLE LEAF MIUS'° SEED DiVISION - INVITED TO OUR BRING THE: , FAMILY STOP IN... HAVE . FUN SEPTEMBER -1 7th & 1 8th 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. WIN .. :Free Door Prizes Reg is.offering discount specials on the -whole line of Purina. Livestck and Pet Foods. -So stop. SEE ■ ■ :Our Store by between 10 a.m. and 6 pm. - I this'Friday.or'Saturdayto enjoy -SHOPSpecial Grand the refr Purinaf and aboutu tof Reg r. ■ ■ and the Purina folks filling your feeding needs from their • Oi' complete line of, Purina 'Chows pening Bargains and Hedlth Products. _o See our line of. -famous ;..Purina Chows and Health Products. Meet our 'people.: Hearabout services we offer you; :The, first 50 Maples registering each day will receive a cotton Purina T' shirt for their youngster. Just look for the fan►illar red and white checkerboard signs. Were looking forward ter, meeting you: and serving you! Smith's Farm :&--Gairdem._C.entre 66 HAMILTON :STProp REG SMITH GODERICH 524.8761 - PURINA CHOWS