HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-16, Page 27Dea:.. Readers ,..,.
Dear Editor
(continued from page. 4)
pens Moe a set 1 p the -idea •-was-
_ '
- ab .. an dan:ed by coul<zexl;rather-
gratefully too.
But times change - families
change. There may indeed be
a reason to conduct another •
survey ,now to see if things
are different.
Councillor Jim Peters,
expressed the !viewpoint. at
last week's council meeting
that parents who must work
Should have., .a dependable"
spot .at which...to leave their
0uug-children-vichil e -the -y -are
'away. Councillor, Peters.' is
dead right. Often, .especially
in these difficult bines, it is
financially necessaryfor
mom and dad bothto be.:away
at a job. There is nothing
worse than. having ,,to go to
work: and not having a good
'place at which the children
may stay.
Day care centres do have
their place in modern society:,
But whether. Goderich needs,
one is quite another matter.
And council is' wise to • step
lightly in this direction until it
is clear thatthe demand for
such a. service is definitely
Not long ago, the' provincial •
government was really
;'gung-ho" for day care
centres --large, expensive
buildings with plenty of room
for lots of children.
Now, . probably due to
budget restrictions more than
anything else, the trend
seems to be toward smaller
centres - up td five. children
cared for in a private home
by an approved worker. This,
the government says now, is
better for the children.
That kind of a system would,
probably be widely. accepted '
in Goderich, because this is
the type of day care that
working parents and their
Children have been used—to
iFerw. In - oderich, when
=grandma -or -an aunt ora -goecl
neighbor can't be recruited
for babysitting, then pa>;ents
take their children to a sitter,
usually .recommended to
them by friends, Often these
sitters make a little business
out of caring for children and
in a good many cases, it
works well..
It seems these kindsof'day
care,,,•centres' are now ap-
proved by ,government and if
some kind of financial
'assistance for needyarents
could, be wos.ked .out''through'
whatever means, thep.ackae
would seem About complete.
And there's' on'e ,other
-thought on the horizon; Since
it is industry and commerce
,which. b.enefits- rnost directly
from having parents at work,
it seems only fitting that
in " r
dusty and commerce .be'
tapped -for some of the.money
;to subsidize those'workers in
their employ who -have
families which must be cared
for, during the working day.
,I•iow this shouldbe done -•and
to what extent - isa matter
for debate of course. But it is
worth looking at.
In the meantime, it is to be
hoped that"kloderich Town
Council now and in the years
to come, will not dismiss day
care centres as merely
subsidized ' babysitting for
parents who are shirking
their duties. That's an old
fashioned premise which died
when it became essential for
a,family to have at least two
pay cheques just to pay the
rent, finance the medical
d '
(continuecl.fro.rri-page 4)
s : ,9111, P:aAlilek1 fl the ,Ire--
aresdepartment, and its cost was
small compared to the money
needed for the fire radio
system, .
When the radio was put in -
the .Parks truck in 194, Coup.
Harrison was Chairman of
Parks. He is'' now 'the Fire
Department's. Chairman. Not
only do I wish him success in
his work on -behalf of that
department, but t .I 'shall
support any reasonable.
'reiTU-0.- iY1 the :intere.st. of
upgrading ' it, • whenever it
may, be presented Or; con-.
By- natural inclination I
prefer .. to work. within_ a
syste-rnatically defined
overalI picture ` 'instead :of
dashing off in a variety of
isolated directions' whenever
some crisis or pressure,
Thus . my thoughts, upon
reading about •the deficien-
cies of. 'our. firefighting
system, inevitably went to the
fact that only a few days
earlier the Council, by
majority ' decision, hastened
to use 'on the Airport tin-
provements an additional"
$20.,000. (obtained in a rather
remarkabitand somewhat
unb`simesslike manner,
promoted by hard-core
selling mthods not -strong in
logical conclusions or respect
for people's . "intelligence)
when we should have been.
given an opportunity to 'look-
•. at alternatives and priorities.
Youis sincerely,
Elsa Haydon
insurance, buy the foo , keep
clothes on their backs and Dear Editor, -
maybe give the kids a shot: at •- ' '
something better for" • the : On September 2 • when we.
future stopped by the Tourists
'THURS., SEPTEMBER 1641 from 4 p.m, to 9 p.m.
You are cordially invited to come and inspect our brand new homes under the New
Government Program A.H.O.P. at VANASTRA just 3 miles°south of Clinton on•Hwy.
This=guided-tour will be held on Thursday, September 16th tram .4 P.M. to 8 P.M.
followed try coffee and donuts at the VANASTRA SHILLELAGH with a panel
discussion explaining the program in fine detail, followed by a question and answer
period. Let us show you how a qualifiedd.purchase can receive up to $140.00 per month
from the Government in the first year. 4
Just because you own an older home don't be discouraged come and look around —
you can use y ur• existing property as a downpayment on one of our new homes. There
isn't a deal we won't give serious consideration.
T}IE ..E<,HOMELA p.'PRL ,DAO E LWI;T:H, 0. ,jf ►,T;.._�a
Follow the signs
• ST. THOMAS; ONT. 631-7950
Door Prize.
— Coffee 8 Donuts
Informative information'
.'74"Chrysler Newport
Two door hardtop, This' is a lovely one 'owner
local car, but we're tired of looking' at it. Our loss
is your gain. Features power, steering, power
brakes, radio; whitewalls, • wheel discs, side
mouldings, and ; other Chrysler standard
features. You can't go wrong. Lie. HNL x445.
,,Special reduced price for one week only.
.Hamilton Street, Goderich
Information Center, we were' be staging certain events
, , , • e --dance bit - ,-ten's ici-
bwited b' .PatReinhart tct k eettotry fair, etc.'
11 y. , as;'money
the tourists of the week. • raising ventures. A.s our
After a delightful luncheon. mernbershrp may have ex -
with Ms. Reinhart and a tour peruse in one or more of these
of the city with Dehbie Oke areas, can you supply the
and Mr. Duckworth, we' find it person , power: - to- run one or
• easy to agree that Goderich is more,of these activities under
not only•„the prettiest city tin•the auspices of Jubilee:3 as a
Oritnrlo".. but . also has very ,-•pub.licspirited gesture? --
lovely people. •3.Would you invil'e one of
We wish express our our committee members to
appreciation)o for an in- address your group one f
teresting and Memorable your regular meetings in the
cxpe•r future srrvw*etktTiell"you
Sincerely, what is planned a4d
how you
Mr. and Mrs. Tom F..Reid, can help.. '
. Wichita Falls, Texas, -•We 'want 19.77 t
o.be, a
memorable year, starting
with a bang .on January 1st,.
• --rising to a crescendo in June
and . July and continuing on
throughout the, year, • If
a youlike living in Goderich, if
Dear Editor; you are .ort rd of Goderich
As you are aware; the Town this is your chance to spread
the.fame of our town.
of Goderich • will be
Opo ,bettor.
celebrating the 150th Please let us hear from you.
Anniversary, cif its founding Yours trul
next year. The' "Jubilee 3" JUBILLEE 3 COMMITTEE
Committee Chas been
established by the' Town M. Cutt, Chairman
Council to organize special '` For. the Co O Chairman
celebrations and . to. co- g
ordinate other activities . Comnuttee,
which will take place in the
-Town • during -^ the What aloof Itr
sesquicentennial year. It
would therefore be most • • ,
appreciated if . you could Dear Editor:.
assist . • us . in' the ' following On' April Fool's. Day 1949,
areas: the late Hon. Louis .St.
1,'' We hope to publish a Laurent announced, ' with
program prior to January 1,. great. eclat, •that Newfoun-
-1977 giving all events which dland had joined .the
are taking place in Goderich
open to the public during 1977.
If you wish . to- have your
groups' activitiesincluded-in
such a programme, may we
have a . summary of "what'.
'and when' and where" you are
planning for 1977. We would
ask you to avoid the, period•
'June 29th to July 10th., 1977
which will' :be the period
during :which the Tri -Jubilee;,
Committee intend'` -to have Approximately 48 percent of
.their. program. We would a 'Newfoundlanders claimed -
ppreciate "'it- if you would that joining Canada was a •
'consider' the '150 year old fraud, a delusion and a snare
arid they were being led clown
the :garden path by: , a
demagogue. Now is the time
to prove them Liars.
Much was made of • the
benefits that would accrue to
Canadian Confederacy,` Only
a . short time before, in a
National • Referendum, the
people -of Newfoundland had
voted by a margin of about 4°
percent . to join Canada.
Before the Referendum was
held, Mr. St. Laurent said he
would accept the decision of
the Referendum if there was
a '-"significant majority" in
favour ' of the move.
Newfoundland by lunping:its
c' a er w anal M, little
was said of the assets
Newfoundland was -:bringing
to the Confederacy. These
-have a1'1 been whittled away
in theintervening years,
much after the same manner
in which Hitler whittled, away'_
'at Europe until he came to
Poland. The reason z the
whittling has been' so s;uc=
cessful is the lack of interest
and, understanding by Ottawa
and the'. Canadian Public. No
onewean! llste i to tit r side of
any controversy: or dispute.
Poland in our case is Chur-
ahill-'>:Falls.. We produce
nearly 5,600 ' megawatts of
electric energy there and the
bulk of it is sold. to ,Quebec.
Now. we are asking . for they
return of 800 of those
megawatts but .Quebec would
motif when advertising your
activities next year.
2. During the period.June
29th to July :10th and on St.
Patricks Day and:possiblyon•
other days the committee will
s e tt
ooner sl them to New'1"ork,
�"' 4r4r0 of the clai s..,.of. these
who suppoeted our entry:into'
the .Confederacy was that we
would never be able to sup-
port ourselves. They forgot
that ,“never'-' is a long day.
The power generated at
Churchill Falls; sold' at
current rates would come so
close to paying our••way: that
.we.would be able .to do away
with quite' a few of thetaxes'
with which we are saddled'
today. Instead, we are tied to
a bail. vntract°thut"still has 65
years , to run, Quebec is
„paying ..us something'in the
o'rd'er of 3 mills per megawatt!
for this power and selling it at
forty odd. That, if there •is any
justice in Canada, is
barefaced =robbery. We are:
not demanding the return of
all the power We are asking
Three Bedr4pm --Two Storey
-Semi-Waded .Homer---=-
Approved by .C.M:H.C. as eligiblefor assistance on the .'
monthly payments from: the
Available beginning October lst, these semi=detached;
soundproof homes have three Targe bedrooms and four-
. piece,
our„piece, tiled bathroom on the second floor, a large,
bright living room with .broadloomcarpet, con-
temporary kitchen and dining area on the first floor. In
the full basement; the electric ' forced -air furnace,'
laundry tubs and hot water tank are located to
-provide ample room -for future""rec room".
Full- Price '34,323.
Down Payment $1,700.
' ' ¥ Monthly Payment as low as $220'
For appdintment to inspect and complete information
Real Estate `Broker and Appraiser
55 Newgate St. 524-7272
*Manly payment can be reduced to as low as 5220. if
eligible for interest free loan and subsidy provided
under A.H.O.P,'•
for enough ;to develop - our
p jlotexitiaj„biilk.';Que',i1:dc.
accede to our• request.
Instead that ; Province wants
to sell• it abroad for greater
profit. ”" •
Well, 'Canada, what about
Sincerely yours,F.
T.E;1 Furlong,
St. Johns, Newfoundlanid
-Do .not sip
to all Oecl.1l ,H:Auite. tectams
Your . executive : is welt
aware .of the. problenxs many
of , you face regarding the
closing, or possible: closing-, of
your arenas." We have :been
advised that some of you,are
making tentative plans for
restricting your own hockey
,,program's and letting your
players find
other places, to
We have made: appreaches
to the . appropriate govern-
ment departments
overnment'departments for help in
solving our, .mutual problem.
We expect : some answers •
`Immediately and would
advise •you to make no.plans'
to curtail your program until
— you frave--received" further-
• advice from the O.M.H.A.
office. DO NOT let your
players sign with other
communities unless notified'.
by the WOAA.
Vern McCallum
secretary -manager, OMHA
x'm4er -Chap
Realty Limited
Member': Of The Huron Real Estate Board
Real Estate —:General Insurance — Property Management
' ftligi VAIs ; digiti :' "...—s _5, 5 241. 94 6 2'7 -Or SPS:
Two. furnished cdttages •
situated on beadtifully
treed lots on the bank of the
Maitland • river :. near
Benmiller. Drilled well
with . pressure system. •
Propane heat and lights.
The property contains
approx. 3 acres and is to be
sold as one unit.
26 acres wooded property
located same area close to
Pinelake Camp. Ideal
country building lot. '
We would be pleased to
• offer free expert advice on
buying or selling reale;
estate. Be informed...come
in- aridsee us today.
Live-in Dungannon -
for Less
First cost less. Only $30,000
buys , two year - old 3
bedroom modular home
with many extras. Includes
66 x 132 lot. Poured foun-
dation. Sun ;deck. Rail
fenced yard. Low taxes.
Electric forced air heating.
lin mediate :possession.
•_ 76'•
Live by -the Lake
_3 bedroom . furnished
- cottage overlooking Lake
Huron. Located about five
miles north of t Goderich.
Share in new drilled welt.
• Easily converted to year„
round use. Price reduced to
Mint Condition,
Nearly new 3 bedroom
house - with partially
finished basement with 4th
bedroom or den: Electric
hot waterlmeating. Carport.
Good location near schools..
Priced in low•fdities. . 81 -••
Cottage -Lot
Maple Grove Beach:- im-
mediately north of Port
Albert..' Well treed with
'immediate "access to good
sandy beach. No erosion.
Asking $13,000.
Located on Suncoast Drive. Fully serviced Tots. Paved
street. Close to schools. Close to the lake. Choose .your.
new home now. Electric heating.- Priced to sell quickly.
. Contact any of our sales people for an inspection at
your convenience.
Vona SIM
Frame 11/4 storey house with one bedroom main floor and two
up: Full basement. Oil heating.. Fenced yard. Aluminum •'
windows. Only $21,500. • Itt
Very convenient corner lot
location for this com-
fortable frame 11/2 storey
with siding. Large dining
room. Living room with
pine flooring and fireplace.
.:Oil hot water heating: Patio
and sun porch. Full
• basement. Immediate'`:
possession:' 65
Swimming Pool
Nearly new brick three
bedroom bungalow with
heated in -ground swim-
ming pool. Close to•schools.
Family room in basement
' • with extra two piece bath.
Immediate. possession.
Open for offers. Close to
schools Large • lot. 33
'Y'our Own 'Busin'ess-
Well equipped -machine shop.' In. concrete-
oncrete"block building approx. 32 by 32 on lot approx.
81 by 132: Only 29,500. A real opportunity. -
Large red . brick 21/2 storey house
containing 4 apartments all rented.
Live in one and have good income
from the others..ldeal location one
short block from the Square.
-Brick well ' constructed 2 storey,
house with.fiitished attic.' Presently
three apartments. Choice corner lot -
location in good residential area, Cut •
° your living costs by having', monthly
Income. 73
Lovely 100 year old brick 21/2 storey
house made into six .apartments.
Five furnished. Choice residential
-area close to the' Square. Enjoy a
monthly income. Excellent cctn-J"'
dition inside and out.. Hot water
heating. , • 64
We have ours 'for your consideration
BSER' ALEXANDER, 245 Catherine' St., -Tel. 524=7836,
BERNIE GLENN, Lucknow, Tel. 528-3284 °
ICON .ABERHART, 84 Con ox Cres;, tel, 524.7216,
ED JESSOP, 182 Wilson. St., Tel. 524.72111
SHELAGH SULLY, 64 Coinox Cr,., Tel. 524'9059,
JOHN BANTER, RR 2, Goderich Tell, 5244149
VALERIE CAMPBELL, R'R 1,- Dungannon, Tel. 529-7643: KEN THOMPSON, 198 Sunset Dr., ,$244,514
• No bonuses,
brokerage or finder's
• fees'
• 'Borrowug,to $15,000. W
•'.14.9% on amounts,
over $8,000 ••
• 15 year amortization
35A- West Street'
Immaculate 2•storey, 3 bedroom
semi-detached home. 6 years old.
Exceptionally attractive, full
-. basement wjth 'res. room: ,C!ose''
to "Rober'tson School. Yours for
just 53,500.
100' x.305'. .Blue Water Beach
67' x 132' serviced, building
permit and plans "included at
Foo need to .climb stairs in these
perfect retirement homes.
compact, 2 bedroom home on
Targe -lot, • New -carpets. Needs
some paint, low' twenties.
Immaculate .3 .bedroom house-,
with fenced yard. Spacious living
room. Under $30,000.
No step mobiles, low main-
tenance. '
2 bedrooms; large kitchen, 12 x
18 living room, 58,500.
3 bedrooms, large kitchen,
living room 12 x 18, furnished,
washer, dryer, fridge, stove,
storage shed. $13,900.
3 bedrooms, Targe kitchen,
fridge and stove; washer aid'
dryer. 515,000.
And great for families too!
Established -hardware near
Goderich, 4 bedroom horde and
busifess. Greobt potential. Asking
Lane of Pines 532,900; & 528,500
Brindley Beach 527,000
Horizon View 523,900
Cedar Grove Beach $22,900
About. 2 acres, 920 sq. ft. store
area with` .living quarters. Ad-
ditiortal building 4,000 sq, ft. Ideal
location for what, you have In
hid. Asking $70,000.
-- Drop in or call us today..
- l
53 West Styr et
Tom Tobey:
5294431 r
I' Anna Melski Enid Boit
524-2768 $2441191 •