HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-16, Page 24PAGE IG--Gc.PERICR SIGNAL -STAR THURSDAY, Sk;P'TEMBER 16;1976. 1.ARTICLE.S FOR SALE MUSIC UNLIMITED your . complete -music centre,. rentals and sales. 79 Hamilton St. Phone 0Z4-LtT1 =26r • • • ,'",;"14.••• .DEADLINE. . FOR TAKINfi CL-ASSiFIED . ADS SEWING MACHINES. Large selection of good used sewing machines, . Singer, White, and others. Repairs to all makes. All riachines and rrepairs guaran- teed, 29 East St., 524-6012, La ` Boutique.=38tf AR CHECK our prices on chester- fields, mattresses, chrome suites, coffee tables. C & E New and Used Furnrture, 524-7231, 1/2 mile south of Goderich.—tf AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply pace ict .the corner of your toilet tank. „Available at Hoffineyer . Plum- - bing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-14tf 1 2 -•O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY ADS CANNOT" BE ACCEPTED "AFTER 1.2 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S.PAPER mim CLASSIFIEDS;= ilii Per 'word,. i12 OO 1`,ARTICLES FOR ,SALE° HYDRO poies•for sale.- Excellent .value. 25poles each -35' to 40' long in good -condition. Suitable • for power lines, poled barns, docks etc. $45 each or good discount on the' job lot -', located ,between Goderich and Winghana._Phone 1- - ELEC-T-RIC-w itch:+de'al-fortroat 9.25-2.322.-37,38 Phone 524-6110,.-35tfnc 1973 POLARIS 440 TX, free air, C- W Custom cover and accessories. Excellent condition., Reasonable. Phone 524-2063.-37-38 1975, 175 KAWASAKI, • wirges chamber-knobtire • rear, -spare rear tire, new chain and sprockets. Apply 91• West .St. Goderich after 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday., anytime on weekend.- 35T.F. , SINGER — For Authorized Sales & Service; ,sewing machines, vacuum cleaners; parts and • notions, service to all makes. Pratt's, Sewing. Centre,: 73 Hamilton St:, 524-8431, - Gederich.-28,29tfar • CEDAR rees forsale, priced.25c to $1. ea h; some pine trees. For informat'on call 524-6455.-35. to 38 CEDAR and Silver Birch trees, 35 cents and up. Two miles. north of Bayfield. Phone Andy Evans. 482-. 7562,-34tf 1972 MOBILE home 60' x 12';' two bedrooms, carpeted master bedroom and living room, cur tains included. Avocado frig and stove. Will move within 15 miles. Asking $•7,000. or best offer. Phone 529-7890.-37,38. WRINGER , Washing.: machine, excellent condition. Phone 524- 6245.r-37.38 1975 MOPED, new hardly used, banana seat, yellow, good con- dition. Bought for $535,00, will sell -for $200.00: Guaranteed over 150 • miles to gallon. Phone 524-2362 after,5 p:m.-38 ABBOTT 22, well equipped: Phone -416-251-0872- evenings. 416- 278-5561• Ext: 304 days. -36,37,38,39 REGISTERED Quarter Horse sorrel gelding. Excellent ladies or youth, horse," EAperienced show animal. Serious inquiries -"only .please: P•haae 482-99611afte•r', six.-36tfnc 1975 JAYCO (Ja•ythrush) Hardtop Camper, indoor-outdo6r, 3 burner gas stove, standup closet,. sleeps 6, ice -box. Excellent condition used 4 times, Spare tire and jacks. Asking $2450 New license. plates, ready to go,' Phone 529- 7573 after 6 p, -m. 35tf 18' SUNSET 'trailer - :1975, ex'- Cellan c diti n, fr' ge, tove, furnad 1 olts em, compete de r o 12' 10. Phone5 5 after. •'6 p. m,-38tfnc FIREWOOD, mixed «hardwood, cord or , bundles. Apply Andy Evans, 2 miles north of Bayfield, 482-7562.-38tf - BART LETT 'PEARS, prune .•'plums, MacIntosh'and Cortland apples; fresh' honey, maple / / / / / i / / Vincent Austin & Sons • GRAVEL -TOP SOIL RR,1, Dungannon 529-7240 es•%%%%%%% 040.0.%%%♦ / / / / / / / / / / • - 1 slightly. used • . t - MASTER JET ] COMMERCIAL DEEP FAT. 1 :0. FRENCH FRYER' e -GAS- 60 VOLT - GS.A:'AP e • PROVED. 1 f :Gail 11 5:x4-2012 TWO •automatic washers,. small •: dryer,-surrip:. pump, oil`` siiace- heater. ' Phone Dungannon 529- • 7943.-38 • syrup, Art Bells •FruitFarm, 524 8037—38tfar ENGLISH , saddle, ' new. Phone 529-7851.-38 •, . - 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE. CRESTLINER boat 151/2' with 50 h.p. Mercury motor and trailer, $2,800.0,0 firm. Phone 523- 9229,-38,39 ONE FLOOR model "drill press, industrial' type,• complete; one industrialtype metal..lathe. Phone 524-6594.-38 TWO motorcycle helmets with shields. Phone after 5 p.m. 524- 2740.-38 TWO SPEED, five cycle automatic- washer, with •suds. saver. Phone -after '4 p.m. 524- 9586,-38 ONE G.M: infant car -seat; one 36' -x 36" double glazed sliding window complete with screen. Phone 524-2386.-38x FOUR Volkswagen tires on rims, two good as new, $10.00 each. Phone Listowel 291-2935 after 10 p.m. -38 LIKE NEW,`„1976`White 888 open arm sewing machine. Call Clinton 482-7639 after5 p.m. -38 1971 GRAND PRIX BJ, many extras, low mileage,.: mag rims, bronze , in color.. Phone '524- 6809.-38,39,40 2A. ARTICLES WANTED FURNITURE, glass, china. clocks, bells, brass, copper. Will ,buy for cash or seit,by auction. Mike Curnmings,;Auctioneer, 524- 90647-11d - 3. CARS; TRUCKS FOR SALE 1974 «GMC • half ton, V-8, automatic,; topper, mags, buckets, carpet, seven tires,' safety' checked. Excellent con- dition. Phone 524=2974•" after 6 p.m. -38 1973 DUSTER, slant 6, automatic with 'rally wheels, will -certify. Call 524.9568;-37,38' ,. 1974•CHEV 1/2 TON, lots of extras. Reason for selling, of no further use to owner. Phone 524 -6594. -38 - 6.AC MODATION TO RENT ROOMS for rent. Kitchen, privileges. Phone 524-8821.--49tf West Street, 15' x 20', two front windows,carpeted, drapes and venetian blinds, hot water heat. Contact 'Malcolm Mathers 524- 9442.-37tf , ONE BEDROOM' furnished apartment, air. conditioned. Available October 1st. Phone 524! 7864.-37 SMALL apartment suitable for one' person. close to Square, modern -,kitchen and bathroom, walk-in closet, extra storage' space. Available. itiimediately. Apply Drawer 26, -c -o Box 220, Signal Star Publishing Ltd. -37- 38 1971 MERCURY Cyclone GT, , rebuilt 35 Cleveland our barrel January, rebuilt •. transmission January --stook _-rj4 s -with -geed radials, very clean inside, body immaculate, •new .disc brakes July 1976. $1,600.00 or best 'offer Phone 524-7015 after 5 p.m. -38 Suitable for couple, not children: 1971 MAVERICK, automatic, or pets. •Avaifable October 15th. asking $1,400:00... Phone 524- Drawer 22,Signal-Star 9506.-38',39 Publishing, Box 220, Goderich —37 38 - NEARLY new four bedroom :home, family room, central location. W.J. 'Hughes Realty Ltd. 524-8100. or Joan Giesbrecht 529-7-192;'-38- - 29 192—,38 ATTRACTIVE• two-bedroom, one. level home, fireplace; garage. ,._Central location, Goderich. THREE ;1974 Dodge Model D600, two speed, 181 inch vbhee•l base; two 1972 Dodge Model D600, tike speed-; and three 1974 Dodge -C800, two speed, 200 inch wheel base, equipped with , air:. • For further information contact Alex Belgrave, W. J. Mowat Ltd., London, 455-2064.-38 1974 LE MANS, ep'ower steering Mid brakes, 34,000 milel.Call 524- 2296 after 4:30.p.m.-38 - TWO end tables, two table lamps, coffee table, chesterfield chair. Good condition. Phone 5246279 noon or after 6 p.m. -38 52 x 12*NORTHLANDER' Mobile Home on nice lot in :Meneset Park. Frig, stove washing machine, al'1 conveniences. Phone 524-7186`.-34tf' APPLES—Maclntosh, Cortland, excellent • quality,. , bring con- tainers: Open daily; Ross Mid-. - dleton's Orchard, one mile east of Bayfield north of river --38-44 26' GRAMPIAN SLOOP. Custom finished yacht--condition-.Rigged ..-.. for singlehanded sailing. A complete package everything to-- safely o—safely sail and cruise. Including inboard engine, VHF radio, depth sounder, furling .genoa jib, life raft, spare parts, cradle on ' trailer. Many .'more extras - complete listing • available. , $15,500. Goderich Phone 51.9-524- 7565-38. • • ' ONE dog house suitable for large dog, priced reasonably. Phone 524-2284.--38 - ATTRACTIVE, complete Con- tinental bed, 36 x 72, white headboard; one .electric gladiron;.- strong, sturdy bird cage; all iri eitcellent condition, reasonable. Phone 5247,618.-738 ®�\ol/0',e lir TRY DIAMONDS JEWELLERY Open Evenings THE MALL Fri. Evening Goderich ON THE SQUARE Choke Grade "A" Beef fronts 59"c LB. Hindi 99c. L.B. • Sides79c LB. Cot & wrapped. Guaranteed tender.. Ripley Abattoir S -29o5,' or "395.-2979 after 6 p.m. TWO space heaters, 50,000 B.T.U., $'50.00, each; C.C.M. tricycle; $15.00. Phone Auburn - 526-7576.-38 " 12 .H,P. L.T.D. tractor lawn- mower • with � sndWblower. Excellent condition. Phone '529- :7838 atter 7 p.m, -38x Philips console stereo, inwalnut cabinet, 44 ' inches long; 100 percent solid . state, , sixty day warranty, $99,00. Philips 25" table model color TV, on matching base, completely.' cheated over and' in good con- dition, sixty day 'warranty, $09.00, • " Philips. 25" console color TV, in Walnut "'cabinet, completely checked over and in good con- dition, sixty day w.arr-anty., $219..00 Chisholm TV, 29 Kingston Street • . •2A.`ARTICLES• WANTED Gaiderich,,, phone 524-9576, •-38ar•- • .• GAS ENGINE ' SALE • 1.5 h.p. to 12.5 h.p. • New and used. • Antique and collectible types. 14 engines to clear out all at realistic prices. STEVE. ARGYLE OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT „'fS'Ai f ELD- •56518tiir-' " • 2.ARTICL=ES-FOR. RENT FORMAL RENTALS for all occasions. Free style borchure:' Rawsons • Shop for . Men, Goderich. —20tf ' • We can suit: you - for every occasion with l .R E EMAN'S FORMAL -RENTAL and' JEFF'S FORMAL WEAR Exclusively at CAPTAIN'S 'QUARTERS - ...FOR -REALLY ' •CLEAN CARPETS Do. it, yoUr,self with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524-6231. • • STORE, display shelves,-'fortnica with drawers like • new; "five complete windows.;35,x 64; sofa bed glider 'with. new cushions; four wrought iron chairs; 42" metal base arid sink , unit; bathroom -basin" and -taps ; fireplace screen, dirons--and- grate-; law.ovIrriffhted dresser; .coffee table; steel 'wardrobe; antiques Quebec heater, ex- cellent condition, beds and springs, ., wash stand, miscellaneous items. Phone 12.-5" 565-2551 or 56S-2620.-38 WE ARI) now handling lots or part Tots of furniture and ap- •pliances. If you have articles to sell pi'iyataly or by auction contact R.at 's' Auction Service. Phone 482i3I20.-29tf 1967 FORD Falcon, two door, 6 Cylinder, 3 speed shifter on floor, new paint, new brakes, new tires, exhaust system, etc. Under- coated, 50,000 original miles, fur interior • with bucket seats. $1,200.00 invested, ''best offer. Phone 5242362 after 5p,m:-38 1969 OLDS. Cutlass Supreme, original Mags, radials, gad condition, low mileage. Phone 524-9072.-38 TWO ` BEDROOM apartment, adults„ only, no pets.' Available November 1st. Phone 524- 7898,-38 ' HEATED ,:. apartment, t'wo. bedroom, carpet throughout; available • October .1st. Apply H. O. Jerry, 84 Kingston Street, Goderich, 524.9671. 38tf B. HELP WANTED 8. HELP:WANTED AVON Christmas sales start ' nowt • .Territories available «in Trafalgar, Napier and Huron - - Mrs M„ Ml1Ison,•17 Hawkesbury Ave London ' 0541.-37,38,39ar WANTED an occasional babysitter for two pre-schoolers. Ages 1:and 3: Phone 524-9406--38 HELP WANTED - opportunity to earn $6 - $10 an hour in com- missions. Work all the hours you want. Holly Hill Fashion Jewelry.. • Must" . have reliable tean- - sportation. -For full, details call Connie Dill147-2435.-38 Full or Part -Time WAITRESSES APPLY IN PERSON GODER1CH RESTAURANT TAVERN West Street a , 9. WANTED . (General) WANTED - TV tower.'40' high or,,. more. 529-7128.-38tfnc 13 -SERVICES AVAILABLE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE. DAILY CAR RENTAL. 'Reasonable Rater ---McGEE'S - , Goderii: h Phone 524.8391 • 19tf SEPTIC. TANKS. CLEANED Modern - equipment. Two Wicks to serve you Phone. H.T. Dale, Clinton 482-3320 and Sea forth 527-0284. ' FOR YOUR • Carpet and U holster •-Clea i . --Needs Superior Maintenance Now Offers STEAM. or DRY SHAMPOO For Free Estimate Call 524-889'2, 257_ Warren Si., .Goderich • COMPLETE household effects or small lots wanted. Call C „and E Furniture, 524-7231.—tf 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED' BOOKKEEPER requires part - BABYSITTER required to live time 'employment. References in, to beresponsible for two pre- • available. Phone 524 - school • children, Monday to ' 2981.-38,39,40 - _.- Friday. Contact Bayfi:eld 565- • 2572,-38,39,40,41 WILL do typing for offices, • •students, employers; etc. in` my" $$$ $140-$150 WEEKLY, full-time- "ownhome. Rates are reasonable, or part time on the job training. For more;r.information phone 524 - Neat' appearance,: car required, 26284.-38,39 For interview call 524-60.92.-38 , SEVERAL people wanted to put un pre -arranged appointments of a well-known • :Canadian ap- :FOR INSTRUCTION , on ac- pliance. $8 per hour, full time and atcordion, piano, organ or guitar, $ t 52per hour part time. Ask for, Jim phone 524-2711,' (Instruments 4.=9024.-38 supplied.)-26tf ' 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 71 BUICK, Skylark 350 V8, automatic,, mag wheels, good tires, clean inside and body good. • Asking $1500. Call 524-7015 after 5 - p.m. -38 BLACK and white Pinto Mare, fourteen two hands, well broke to ride and drive. Good home only. Betty, .524-7381 before 5: p.m. or 524-6416 after. -38 AQUARIUMS,birds, rodents, tropical fish, plants. Complete,, line: of pet supplies. Goderich Pet and Hobby Centre. Phone 524- 2883.7-28tf ---TROPICAL --fish, canaries. Complete pet supplies. Pat's Pet 'Shop, 350 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario. Open 10 a.m: to 6 p.m: daily and Friday., evenings.-20tf_ }CNA PPS will buy outright complete rEbusehold estates or single pieces of furniture. 13est price paid or will sell by aiietion.. Do not hesitate to call us. Our aim is ".to please, 67 Main -St: 'a Seaforth,'Phone 527-1438 21tfar' BASSET Hound pups. Male seven weeks old, 'also female`. Bloodhound pups. 3' months old. Phone 395-5578,.-37,38 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT • • • ,a. NOW 'RENTING prestige office accommodation, 58 Elgin Avenue East, opposite Victoria and Grey Trust. Phone 524-9372 or 524-7027:-28tf' ,. SINGLES apartment, fully' furnished. Call 524-9895 after 6 p,m.-•38tf SPACIOUS three-bedroom town house, parking and recreational facilities available, utilities in - eluded; $1.67.40 per month, In Vanastra, .information at D Bldg. Unit 8, apply after 6 p.m..Phone . 482-3055.-23tfar , AVAILABLE OCTOBER 1st - Large 1/ ;Bedroom apartment 1 lie $'oom Bachelor apart 7 invent � Fridge, stove, cable .TV, air conditioning and utilities included. BENNETT ST. GODS RICH For information call • ERIC KRO.HMER. 545-2843 DO YOU C, M UIE . T LONDON-- DATL,Y?_ :. Maybe we can help ' each other Please call :-5'24-2012 ACTLVITY DIRECTOR Aggressive person, c,a.pable of organizing group activities -fortNursing Home Phone 524'-7324 Week -days between to a.m. - 2 p.m. TOWN OF GODERICH requires a . DEPUTY CLERK -.TREASURER • Applications in writing' will be'. received by the undersigned until September 24th, 1976: for the position of Deputy -Clerk Treasurer, ; This position will appeal to persons with proven accounting ability: Applicants having Municipal experience:. or., who have completed. or are enroiled,ln the Municipal Clerk -Treasurer, Training Co r -se will be given.preference. Applicants Should state age, marital status, education, present salary'and experience. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience with usualfringe benefits, • _ - J. Harold Walls Clerk -Treasurer 51: West Street r, Goderich, Ontario N7A 2K5:. • Carpentry Work Home Renovating Furniture Repairs & Refinishing- (30 Years Experience) (No Job Too Small.) 524=2591 or .524--938.6 Between 12 & 1'"p.m. or after 6p.m. BACKHOE SERVICE BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS DUMP TRUCK BULLDOZING , SEWERS Septic "Tank Installations Government Licenced FREE ESTIMATES Sid Bruitpsma Goderich 5.24-866•8 k 12. AUCTION SALE ' 1M M THER$ LANDSCAPING & - LAWN MAINTENANCE' Specializing in landscaping and your ` complete lawn needs Phone ' 524-240-1 5+24-7044 HOf FMEXER Plumbing .& Heating Ltd. APPLIANCES 55 KINGSTON ST. - - ELECTRIC_.'. • Inglis weshers '""'"d"ryes, refrigerators, ' dishwashers, ranges • GAS ' Ranges,• barbecues, lights, ,ranges EXPERT CARPENTRY All types of CUSTOM WORK' •' Cabinets • • Kitchens • Recreation -Rooms • Windows & Doors • '•' Outside Jobs' ' • ,Roofing • Cell after 6 p.m. 524-6663 12. AUCTION SALE ATA-OWELL'S_ AUCTION E LARGEiAU1ONSLE Of household furniture and antiques- to be held in the Hensel!' Arena on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 29 , at :6:30_ p.m. Houselots of furniture, from a Goderich home, Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Rowcliffe and Mrs. Sproat of Seaforth - Full Listing Next week , R.ATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE BRU•CEFIELD, ONTARIO' • 482-3120 ATHIWELL's • AUCTION; . EE E :VINTAGE AUCTION ':SAL'E on SATURDAY, SEPT 18 Alt 1:00P.M. On"Hwy. 8, Seabach's Hill, 5 miles west of Stratford. Of antique tractors; 1020 Int;; 1930 Fordson, completely restored; J.D. Ar Tractor; Massey Harris 101 TWin power 1971 1/2 ton truck -(as is) ; seven' various makes -and models of gasoline engines; 7-h:p. riding mower; portable air com- pressor; air press;' beaver 24" throat jig saw; 10'' and 20" band saws with band welder; vacuum pump motors; large and snlall anvils; fools; vises; small vault; meadow bob Sleigh,,e' evaporator -pan; two small pans; cast iron pieces; - Much more: ,,.. • . Antiques and furniture - flat, to wall cupboard; wicker; sofa; hall mirror and seat; rockers; dining room suite Thomas piano; many more items, TE RMS -CASH RrAT iNIWELL AUCTION SERVICE -AUCTIONEERS AND LIQUIDAT • CItRS SrutofieI41; Ontario 482 -,31 20 RY (w -e LEASING Check +but iir • the reasonable rates and ,,:' '° excellent Service • of the ; % • nice guys. •GREENPARENT•• - S000 MERCURY SALES LTD.• 263 HURON RD. GODERiCH RENT -A -CAR • • STORE, display shelves,-'fortnica with drawers like • new; "five complete windows.;35,x 64; sofa bed glider 'with. new cushions; four wrought iron chairs; 42" metal base arid sink , unit; bathroom -basin" and -taps ; fireplace screen, dirons--and- grate-; law.ovIrriffhted dresser; .coffee table; steel 'wardrobe; antiques Quebec heater, ex- cellent condition, beds and springs, ., wash stand, miscellaneous items. Phone 12.-5" 565-2551 or 56S-2620.-38 WE ARI) now handling lots or part Tots of furniture and ap- •pliances. If you have articles to sell pi'iyataly or by auction contact R.at 's' Auction Service. Phone 482i3I20.-29tf 1967 FORD Falcon, two door, 6 Cylinder, 3 speed shifter on floor, new paint, new brakes, new tires, exhaust system, etc. Under- coated, 50,000 original miles, fur interior • with bucket seats. $1,200.00 invested, ''best offer. Phone 5242362 after 5p,m:-38 1969 OLDS. Cutlass Supreme, original Mags, radials, gad condition, low mileage. Phone 524-9072.-38 TWO ` BEDROOM apartment, adults„ only, no pets.' Available November 1st. Phone 524- 7898,-38 ' HEATED ,:. apartment, t'wo. bedroom, carpet throughout; available • October .1st. Apply H. O. Jerry, 84 Kingston Street, Goderich, 524.9671. 38tf B. HELP WANTED 8. HELP:WANTED AVON Christmas sales start ' nowt • .Territories available «in Trafalgar, Napier and Huron - - Mrs M„ Ml1Ison,•17 Hawkesbury Ave London ' 0541.-37,38,39ar WANTED an occasional babysitter for two pre-schoolers. Ages 1:and 3: Phone 524-9406--38 HELP WANTED - opportunity to earn $6 - $10 an hour in com- missions. Work all the hours you want. Holly Hill Fashion Jewelry.. • Must" . have reliable tean- - sportation. -For full, details call Connie Dill147-2435.-38 Full or Part -Time WAITRESSES APPLY IN PERSON GODER1CH RESTAURANT TAVERN West Street a , 9. WANTED . (General) WANTED - TV tower.'40' high or,,. more. 529-7128.-38tfnc 13 -SERVICES AVAILABLE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE. DAILY CAR RENTAL. 'Reasonable Rater ---McGEE'S - , Goderii: h Phone 524.8391 • 19tf SEPTIC. TANKS. CLEANED Modern - equipment. Two Wicks to serve you Phone. H.T. Dale, Clinton 482-3320 and Sea forth 527-0284. ' FOR YOUR • Carpet and U holster •-Clea i . --Needs Superior Maintenance Now Offers STEAM. or DRY SHAMPOO For Free Estimate Call 524-889'2, 257_ Warren Si., .Goderich • COMPLETE household effects or small lots wanted. Call C „and E Furniture, 524-7231.—tf 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED' BOOKKEEPER requires part - BABYSITTER required to live time 'employment. References in, to beresponsible for two pre- • available. Phone 524 - school • children, Monday to ' 2981.-38,39,40 - _.- Friday. Contact Bayfi:eld 565- • 2572,-38,39,40,41 WILL do typing for offices, • •students, employers; etc. in` my" $$$ $140-$150 WEEKLY, full-time- "ownhome. Rates are reasonable, or part time on the job training. For more;r.information phone 524 - Neat' appearance,: car required, 26284.-38,39 For interview call 524-60.92.-38 , SEVERAL people wanted to put un pre -arranged appointments of a well-known • :Canadian ap- :FOR INSTRUCTION , on ac- pliance. $8 per hour, full time and atcordion, piano, organ or guitar, $ t 52per hour part time. Ask for, Jim phone 524-2711,' (Instruments 4.=9024.-38 supplied.)-26tf ' 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 71 BUICK, Skylark 350 V8, automatic,, mag wheels, good tires, clean inside and body good. • Asking $1500. Call 524-7015 after 5 - p.m. -38 BLACK and white Pinto Mare, fourteen two hands, well broke to ride and drive. Good home only. Betty, .524-7381 before 5: p.m. or 524-6416 after. -38 AQUARIUMS,birds, rodents, tropical fish, plants. Complete,, line: of pet supplies. Goderich Pet and Hobby Centre. Phone 524- 2883.7-28tf ---TROPICAL --fish, canaries. Complete pet supplies. Pat's Pet 'Shop, 350 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario. Open 10 a.m: to 6 p.m: daily and Friday., evenings.-20tf_ }CNA PPS will buy outright complete rEbusehold estates or single pieces of furniture. 13est price paid or will sell by aiietion.. Do not hesitate to call us. Our aim is ".to please, 67 Main -St: 'a Seaforth,'Phone 527-1438 21tfar' BASSET Hound pups. Male seven weeks old, 'also female`. Bloodhound pups. 3' months old. Phone 395-5578,.-37,38 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT • • • ,a. NOW 'RENTING prestige office accommodation, 58 Elgin Avenue East, opposite Victoria and Grey Trust. Phone 524-9372 or 524-7027:-28tf' ,. SINGLES apartment, fully' furnished. Call 524-9895 after 6 p,m.-•38tf SPACIOUS three-bedroom town house, parking and recreational facilities available, utilities in - eluded; $1.67.40 per month, In Vanastra, .information at D Bldg. Unit 8, apply after 6 p.m..Phone . 482-3055.-23tfar , AVAILABLE OCTOBER 1st - Large 1/ ;Bedroom apartment 1 lie $'oom Bachelor apart 7 invent � Fridge, stove, cable .TV, air conditioning and utilities included. BENNETT ST. GODS RICH For information call • ERIC KRO.HMER. 545-2843 DO YOU C, M UIE . T LONDON-- DATL,Y?_ :. Maybe we can help ' each other Please call :-5'24-2012 ACTLVITY DIRECTOR Aggressive person, c,a.pable of organizing group activities -fortNursing Home Phone 524'-7324 Week -days between to a.m. - 2 p.m. TOWN OF GODERICH requires a . DEPUTY CLERK -.TREASURER • Applications in writing' will be'. received by the undersigned until September 24th, 1976: for the position of Deputy -Clerk Treasurer, ; This position will appeal to persons with proven accounting ability: Applicants having Municipal experience:. or., who have completed. or are enroiled,ln the Municipal Clerk -Treasurer, Training Co r -se will be given.preference. Applicants Should state age, marital status, education, present salary'and experience. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience with usualfringe benefits, • _ - J. Harold Walls Clerk -Treasurer 51: West Street r, Goderich, Ontario N7A 2K5:. • Carpentry Work Home Renovating Furniture Repairs & Refinishing- (30 Years Experience) (No Job Too Small.) 524=2591 or .524--938.6 Between 12 & 1'"p.m. or after 6p.m. BACKHOE SERVICE BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS DUMP TRUCK BULLDOZING , SEWERS Septic "Tank Installations Government Licenced FREE ESTIMATES Sid Bruitpsma Goderich 5.24-866•8 k 12. AUCTION SALE ' 1M M THER$ LANDSCAPING & - LAWN MAINTENANCE' Specializing in landscaping and your ` complete lawn needs Phone ' 524-240-1 5+24-7044 HOf FMEXER Plumbing .& Heating Ltd. APPLIANCES 55 KINGSTON ST. - - ELECTRIC_.'. • Inglis weshers '""'"d"ryes, refrigerators, ' dishwashers, ranges • GAS ' Ranges,• barbecues, lights, ,ranges EXPERT CARPENTRY All types of CUSTOM WORK' •' Cabinets • • Kitchens • Recreation -Rooms • Windows & Doors • '•' Outside Jobs' ' • ,Roofing • Cell after 6 p.m. 524-6663 12. AUCTION SALE ATA-OWELL'S_ AUCTION E LARGEiAU1ONSLE Of household furniture and antiques- to be held in the Hensel!' Arena on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 29 , at :6:30_ p.m. Houselots of furniture, from a Goderich home, Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Rowcliffe and Mrs. Sproat of Seaforth - Full Listing Next week , R.ATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE BRU•CEFIELD, ONTARIO' • 482-3120 ATHIWELL's • AUCTION; . EE E :VINTAGE AUCTION ':SAL'E on SATURDAY, SEPT 18 Alt 1:00P.M. On"Hwy. 8, Seabach's Hill, 5 miles west of Stratford. Of antique tractors; 1020 Int;; 1930 Fordson, completely restored; J.D. Ar Tractor; Massey Harris 101 TWin power 1971 1/2 ton truck -(as is) ; seven' various makes -and models of gasoline engines; 7-h:p. riding mower; portable air com- pressor; air press;' beaver 24" throat jig saw; 10'' and 20" band saws with band welder; vacuum pump motors; large and snlall anvils; fools; vises; small vault; meadow bob Sleigh,,e' evaporator -pan; two small pans; cast iron pieces; - Much more: ,,.. • . Antiques and furniture - flat, to wall cupboard; wicker; sofa; hall mirror and seat; rockers; dining room suite Thomas piano; many more items, TE RMS -CASH RrAT iNIWELL AUCTION SERVICE -AUCTIONEERS AND LIQUIDAT • CItRS SrutofieI41; Ontario 482 -,31 20 RY