HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-16, Page 21V } acles Each year, many young people in Ontario 'continue their post -secondary education with financial assistance obtained .through the Federal Government's Canada, Student. Loans Plan . and grants provided by the M Government of Ontario. The _.loan anal.. arlt, prograD2a are both administered through the Provincial Government's Ontario: Student ' Assistance Program (OSAP). • Loans are interest fres while students are in full-time attendance at the specified educational institutions. Grants_:do not normally have to be repaid. " In addition to OSAP, a • number . of bursaries, fellowships, scholarships and other forms of financial assistance are available•,'.. through the Federal and Ontario Governments. Students may qualify for loan,and grant assistance if in. full-time attendance at -a university,, a college of app plied arts and technology, a teacher education college, a 'college •of .agricultural • technology, ,Ryersori Polytechnical Institute, the Royal Military College of Canada, the Royal ' Con- servatory " of. Music, the Ontario College of Art, the -Ontario Bar . Admission. Course, the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. . Loan and grant., assistance may also. be possible . for students planning to attend a• university, • an approved community college or a. Canadian Military College in another province, as well as an Ontario :university in a preliminary year equivalent to Grade 13, or one of the numerous public and private post .;ceondary' rinstitutions,' in Canadaand• throughout the world, which are recognized ,,by .the• Ontario •Government. All loans and grants are, of i course, only awarded n cases of financial need, within clearly specified guidelines. While :loans are interest . By lack Riddell ilurany-Middlesuu.MPP. free during the period of full- time attendance at . a specifiededucational in- stitution, repayment must usually begin six months after , •completing . such full- time . study. Interest rates vary slightly from year to year, and • student's are ad- vised to discuss this matter when' negotiating loans,., immediate repayment in full is' required if. false . or misleading information is provided in applications, and partial repayment may be. required if financial cir- cumstances change. More than 106,000 ap- plications were received by OSAP in , 1975-76,..m and assistance was • provided to more than two out of every five` students in Ontario. The province's budget for OSAP grants this year is $61 million, up from $49 million in 1975-76. As of August 27th this year, more .than 74,000'applications were received by the Ontario Student Assistance, Program, of which almost 50,000 have - already been processed, and the results sent out to- the. various colleges and • universities. Another 15,000 applications will be processed and: :returned to the in- stitutions in the next week or so. There has, ' apparently, beensome delay in processing applications, due to the great number.received in a comparatively ' short period. However, for the. most part, those . students., who applied early in the summer should ' know the' results of their applications by the end of September, provided that all the necessary information was supplied: Any inac- curacies would, .of course, slow down processing of the application. ' OSAP loans and grants are only available, •to full-time post -secondary students who 'are .'unable to meet the full cost of their education. _Usually; the first $1,000 of assistance is provided; in the form of -a loan guaranteed by Walter Thomas (right) of Goderich presents a gift to' Ohene Anoff of Accra, Ghana at the Gilwell Reunion held at Blue Springs, Ont. Approximately 1674 leaders gather for the 25 adniversary reunion held last weekend. consumer information SUPPLY OF NATURAL GAS Will .therJ be natural gas for the futur"ef Yes. Canada is fortunate in having large supplies of-''' naturatgas;in currentproducing Provinces,: like Alberta, as well as in the frontier regions of, the Canadian. North. In addition, synthetic gas made from Canada„s tremendous supplies of coal' can become a reality in, the near future. And_con- servation will •alsol be able to play,. -a significant role in the supply 'picture. For more .information on the supply of natural gas, call CONSUMER' SERVICES for the booklet, UNION GAS: • YOUR FUTURE, available at no cha0e. • For Areas free-callingto London Di 1434-4505 , . For allot r Areas (Toll Free) -, Sia 14800-263.4114 roman • the Federal Government, with additional funds being provided in the form of a non - repayable grant from the Province. Students who ' were unable to find work this summer May also'be :eligible : for ad- ditional ..loan `assistance, • in. view ' of their. particular rcu ` les. My artiere last._week., outlined the special Ontario G()11ERICH • lii•AL. STAR, THURSPA ,1 PTEMBER 16„ 1910 - Pili! 1! -Grvernn�'en't will provide' up _to'75`percent- • of the cost of repairing unsafe arenas in the Province. Many arena boards have decided float' the cost of .repairing the. arenas to meet the new standards could not be justified so they have opted to build new arenas. There seems to be some'confusion about the+financial assistance •that would be available, under the i;pecial' 'government 6g>'1r�1-feac-ihc-Gc nstructicu .-.�- the' grants for which the s - Centres Act would -amount" • one quarter of the cost of . repairing the arena or IA x • Community and Recreation' °arat.wouTd be. ....eligibl i quite corri•klicated. I will endeavour to explain the program by: using hypothetical cost figures.. Assuming that an arena board has received a cost estirinate of $150,000 to repair an arena and that in a its wisdom, it. decided to rebuild the arena at a cost of 6650,000 the following calculations would be made to arrive at the amount of fundin whi wo ' -' o e' ort coming from 'the Government: . The grant under the• of new arenas and such confusion . is understandable »» as the method- of determining 150 000 which would equal 637,500. Wintario would prorvi.de funds '.'up • to a. maximum' of $75,000,, providing° the arena' board could raise 637',500 from the public sector through public subscription; This is based on $2, Wintario"•funds"for every. 61 raised through public subscri►tion. Additional funding will be made on the difference. between the cost of building a new strpcture and'the;rcost of repa •ring..._ .the• ...,. ears i structure and for the $500,000 '($650,000 t $150,000) it would be calculated in the following Funding under the Com- munity and.. Recreation Centres Act would amount to one: quarter of the $500,000 or 6125,000. Wintario will fund one . third of the , remainder ($500,000%- $125,000-- $375,000) which comes to $125,000:. For the total cost of $650,000 . to build `the, arena the board would receivefunding to the. extent of $362,500, providing at least 937,5(10 roue' rraliiifcft In other words the arefa board . will • receive *162,500 from -,the Community and Recreation Centres grant, and: $200,000 'from Wintarlo. Mnn>, m c iart the Arena•Board had,received :grants : previously then tlrlit ;amount would 41*e deducted froom the $150,000 •ant. available ' under •the. ` �om- munity. and Recreation • centres act for the arena and, community centre !-' $75,.000: per facility. • - • • • • Birthday Sale Days:, THURSDAY, SEPT:,.1:'6th to"• SAtURDAYrEP+T., 2 5'th OFF ALL REGULAR AND VINYL WALLCOVERINGS IN STOCK.. ' • LINOLEUM COVER• INGS ALL CARPETING AND' FLOOR COVE S IN STOCK. m:>t' ht th ink I L.Is.sIe SI.I'I . Y. ' Stcindi.ri1I9 o►. ray t3.►rfhoy Amy .Bii the al ...,ar►cI I'r ► silly wi4 h pride. ' Now tit) n'4:_ be --clum irrov fitted .. by +he reductions. 'ern g;v i ng.: As incred— ible ncredsible QS they may seem, .hey're ,true. Yo'v see I'm. ca big. boy .now gncl can 'do at 'wc'r%t. besides, ..only=hciue- E'seco - Bir+hdgy 'once • i h my IUfe-f;me. fiat'+ Mizen OFF - EACH' QUART OF FIRST QUALITY C.f.L. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINT IN STOCK • 'STORE' HOURS: • MON. 9.6 TUES. 9 - 6 WED 9 •.12 THURS. 9-- 6 FRI. 9 9 • SAT. 9=5 .'3 • OFF EACLI PINT OF FIRST.QUALITY •.; C.I.L.:INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINT IN STOCK Cia ►t AMten's Birthday Sale. Because hismommy said he could have One. •4-, 524-8532 i PAINTS - WALLPAPER - FLOOR` COVERINGS 'CUSTOM DRAPERIES - EXPERT INSTALLATION ' 36 WEST St • THE SQUARE, GODERIC'H • 0,2442.