HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-16, Page 11•., Wheeler -question boards.. •due 0 Th County of -Huron Housing 14 senior citizens units 'in n e. recently established 'construction of an additional Authorityheld its first Seaforth with '21 such .units Monthly • meeting on Monday already in operation. night at the authority office's At Clinton he - aid She.. .-.inGod�erich.....: , ..„ _ ----.-_. -.---�-= .._._._s_._.�._h_-. • .. • authority would be" respon- . • In his repo Susi •ti -Manager 12 family housingunits. John' Lyndon explained that at There are 12 senior citizen. his , main activity.:over the a artments p.a.st, :weeks. h p in Blyth as been the � p.reseiltly iinder:constructi�on; 34 already in operation at Brussels and 64 in Wingham., Wingham • also has, 1h family horising'units�,and'plans for an .• additional, 19 on the drawing. It • management, of the Ontario Housing Comr�hission s'outh- western branch. The •.other units at Clinton, he xplained, _.had.-.W_J __hien - under Management of the • Clinton 'Housing. Authority. The total portfolio of public housingin Huron . County Y represents; -2r7 senior citizen units; 88 family housing units in operation, 12 senior citizen units ladder construction and • proposals for an additional 34 senior .citizen and'14:' family housing units. • ° WHEELER ATTENDS At the invitation of the new Ho using Authority., Don ,Y Wheeler, • Chairman. of the; Goderich and Area Housing Action . Committee, ' attended last Monday's..meeting. Mr`. Wheeler explained the backgound of the Housing to the meeting, sible for 18 senior citizen and a gathering. of files related to. municipal housing authorities, which :have been replaced. by the.' new body, and the. .'inspection . of properties throughout.°. the county now Under ;khe. management dr the new board. . In Goderich,.1'4r. Lyndon board, he said. At present, Mr. _ Lyndon e plained, there is no senior q�itizen-h usi a n in " ri " ch g.. �u but 2 g Units have been "pxoposed:'- reported ere a for, that community, Int reported,, re 12 senior Bayfield there •are17 such citizens units and. 62 family units,` another 19 in Clinton,• units already in existence. A " and 32 in Exeter all of -which" r p oposal is pending. for the have been under direct. Fact din er ap negotiations The • Education Relations Commission announced in a - press releas'pe. on Wednesday morning the appointment ore "'fact finder to aid in negotiations . between: the Huron County Board of Education and its elementary school teachers. • • • - . Director of Education for Huron, John Cochrane,. stressedin an interview yesterday that the fact finder -was not appointed at the request of either of the • parties involved. Heex- plained that Ian Hunter, a University* of Western Ontario law. professor named as. 'the,: fact finder; was ap- pointed in compliance with legislation which calls forthe naming -of a fact finder ifno agreement is .reached.. bet- ween a board and its teachers by September; 1 of a new contract year. • Mr. Cochrane would not discuss details of the negotiations but noted that - the discussions • were still underway and that was the important thing.,. "They ' are . slower than before," he admitted, ."bacause we have beun_toY,- deal. wit5i . the monetary issues:'' Following the last _negotiating session at -Clinton,-• on Monday night, representatives of the s nna pr, the . group. was"appointed by, the Goderich Town Council to: +' g; Yiliere'is a waiting list for apartments.," he added. Mr: -Wheel e -- er : - exp res seii�� ancern that' with a wade authority "re 1 e oca°l municipal authorities a oliay might come into effect rekiy the province would estitate to build additional, uch housing until such time s sail public.housing.in Huron was occupied: He pointed out that. some ommunities have vacancies while. Goderich has a •shor- age and such a policy would urt Goderich or other ommutiities who do need ore housing; particularly " enior citizen ac- ommodation, Housing Authority .a • GOPERICI• experiencing a nal ,vacanc y • t Y 'Chairman Harold Knisle rat • . Y investi ate the . situation of public housing in Goderich, - x_._ amine .•the- -details--and.--to-- prepare , reports and C -recommendations for the- - dquncil 1 The committee e chairman" P told . the meethig-. that his 'W group • was unclear as to. just • 'h what r..esponsibilities,the'neew :-:s Huron Housing~ -, Authority ':a would be _undertaking. He : invited .a 'representative of the ;H.H.A. to attend a c meeting of the action com mittee to explain the function' t of thenew board. h In his- remarks he c uggested that a yecy. `real m need existed in Goderich for, • s additional senior.: - citizens c housing. He also. pointed out . t hat in terms of rental ac - the Action -Committee noting that c.aunty P acing th s comniodation Goderich is. pointed to cid teachers and . the board referred to "significant progress." Gordon Yeats, head of the teachers' bargaining team, indicated that he hadhoped, an agreement might have _come out of the Monday session hut noted that he Was- -satisfied with "p-rogress made." According, to Mr. Yeats one of the issues the sides have yet to agree on involve ac-. ' cumulated sick leave, the treatment of teacherswith degrees' and money.' Another session has been .:set for October 4 but the- next step will be for both sides to prepare submissions for the' new fact finder, M'r. Hunter„ Under the law which Calls• for such a fact finder, these submissions' are to be ready' by the middle ofnext week. rs The fact finder then passes the submissions on to the educational relations . com . mission who review them and who have the power to make them public if they feeleither side is not bargaining in good faith. •' . Neither side feels there is any .indication of bad faith in the negotiations and both held. out hope for a settlement at their next meeting. • minittee explore tans for air sho et . • The. Goderich c Airport Tri -Jubilee' committee; said. 15 t f b -development comrTlittee 'intends to explore the feasibility of staging an air show at Goderich Airport next year in conjunction with the Tri -Jubilee celebrations., The committee entertained a. delegation of • R3ck Banks and Mike Daniels, who of- gg:,;a x4cejpci•.stagirag-an.ail show, and now will examine the financial feasibility of the project with the Tri -Jubilee finance committee: • - Banks, who acts --as an' advisor and consultant to the CIVIC MEETINGS UPCOMING -- Town ��- Town Council, :7 30 p.m. Monday, September 20 in. the council .Chambers. Huron County. Council, Friday,. September 24:at 1'0 a.m., in the council chambers, Huron County`Court House, second floor. Minor Hockey meeting, assessment office, 7:30 p.m. ' Wednesday, September- 22 • = that an air show con d.easily -be a success if the work was approached in the proper manner. "It is ii good idea to have an air show and Goderich has marvellous facilities for'it," he said. "It won't be hard to encourage , the crowds to R,. c,„o ‘bit;..the CKs ucc.ess and -th5 show means work and work done in the right areas." . Mike Daniels, an air show -promoter,; along with Douglas ` Murray, explained that they had the contacts and ex-. . petience in the industry to . book the acts for the show. Both Daniels and Murray have been flying in shows for approximately seven years and Daniels was also a member of the Carling4team fora year. •- . - n•' He added that for a cost of between. $3,000 and $5,000 he could put on a show up: to two •a s •o aero atics, . 'hours -that -would include 12 to TIM" *MM.. MENW4NOSMVAIMMEMMFMNE 40 Gi .at A INSLI E MAR KET where Quality is a Tradition, -CENTRE SLICES ACK SAVE.. 5oc LB. BACON CENTRE CUT. - A.I. STEER SIRLOIN STEAKS LB. HOME MADE FRESH. SAUSAG-ES (PURE PORK) 89c ,.. HOME -CURED - SLICED.' BREAKFAST:a ��b9 BACON u• LB. BONELESS . A.1. STEER BUMP—ROAST BF..:: 1.291.8. BABY BEEF . . LIVER IN LIE -„; D CAL,:32 851CLB Home Dressed Inspected ?hats at Whoe�ahPrices ll . " �Ci —plc E ti parac utists skydivers and comedy. • • Certain facilities would have to be provided for :the flyers, as well as parking .facilities, concessions and an adequate announcing system. Airport committee chairman, Bill Clifford, A..eaut:oiledy13anieia &r tie price.. of. the show explaining the financial difficulties .that plagued the committee. "The .committee is really" strapped for money as is the assured Mr. Wheeler that the Q.H.C. had ' promised this dtdze . 'Mr. Wheeler also pointed out that many senior citizen TAO,T RSDAY.SE! I9' 6. -PAGE sign applications when there are no' units available," he. observed, "but when' 6iie the case OPPn flooded: plications." ithp p.lications." This roble" p mIt ., as -.made at -diff---$ t; r both the Rousing Action . "Committee • and the - Authority to accurately y assess' how "many units, are needed in Goderich and in all the communities across the County. BUDGETESTABLISHED ,In .other business. Mr. Lyndon informed the meeting that last week he had` held meetings tangs with - a delegation from <•the" Central Mortgage and Housing ,Comtnission :to establish -a budget for --j977. Tentatively, he said, a suns of $75,000 has been set aside for the " Huron County' Housing think they are not eligible for such- housing. He noted that rents slide on'a scale from 16 to 25 per cent but that the•e. are numeroul persons with an income of around $8,000 peryear who feel they do not qualify.. "But they do," he noted. He :: also . pointed to the difficulty to get such people to n si n g a application. .While. such is not the case, hetold the meeting,. they feel they are ied down by such a move. Manager. John Lydon agreed: "They `hesitate to • Aathorit. Y to 'use in carrying out Work to upgrade arty. improve units ; under their management. • >Y: Some of these un' its, h e .. expiafned; were builtas far back ,as 1952 '•diad 53 and Maintenance has not been best' over the yars Nowaoixr rewiring, roof repairs,,•. window replacement plumbing is called for The tentative budgets .i be discussed by the C.MH C". anda letter of confirmation: sent to the authority, " The •„question. of .by laws to be" passed .bythe new group:..; was put., aside at Mondays • meeting, as the board is not completed as yet.' Banking:.'.- matters were dealt with eluding the completion- of forms for signing>authorities. • Before speaking; to the club asa whole Rotary District Governor Lefty Dunn, right foreground; , held •a meeting with the Goderich Rotary Club executive: to discuss': the health of the group and future plans. Clockwise .are :President Haro1l-Walls;.secretary Mike Rogers; treasurer acob Kierdorf; Jim Peters, president elect for 1977-78;. Bob Allen, second vice president and Mr. Dunn. Mr. Dunn told the group that he was mostimpressed with the club's growth rate of more than . 0 per cent during the past 10 years.•During his visit the goyernor also installed three: new members to the club, the Rev. Ralph King, Al Weatherby and. Ron Shaw: (staff photo) municipality and we would : . just like to break even on the project," he said. - w Committee - member Gerry Ginn said that it would be extremely difficult tri ap- proach the county for funding next year if there was 'a loss -because of the air show. Daniels told the committee that- careful planning would easily avoid a ..deficit and perhaps result in a profit. A brochure advertising the event dould help defray: costs and responsible help for car parking . and admissions would be a definite asset. The committee would be, required . to -pay the per formers a retainer in advance to ensure . the acts and that retainer would be lost if the date was rained out, Daniels was confident that the weather would : not be a hazard unless ,it was quite severe. - In •other ' airport business, the•ommittee revised the' rent schedule that will become effective January. 1, 1977. The increases averaged $5 per month. The committee also_passed' a motion calling for a rental fee for the parking of aircraft at the airport. .It was noted. that most airport's' have been charging such a parking fee and the move • was deemed necessary since the town is providing acilities. and snow renoval. The - motion alsq introduced a visitors fee of4.61 per -night up to $10 pe'r night for visitor parking.. BUCKLE -UP FOR SAFETY Site driving'. is a homily affair; You love the fall. You love the whole energy of frosty mornings and crisp days. But if you're too booked up to be outside enjoying it, at leas/ you'll have something - wonderful to wear. And boy, is this it! You owe it to yourself tosee our collection of knit fashions. We understand 'you at SHOPPE 0 SHOPPERS SQUARE, GODERICH.,, OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 -P.M. - t Ala .1.