HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-09, Page 12•
P.AGI 4•,.4Ftt.>E RICH SIC,.\, L• S'lAlt;;1til lullA'Y S1':P1'1;\1] 1:12+. P1 1
fake. CA•R...:aut �f;. c.arne:ge
°A reader in Prince George, British.
Columbia,„ sent along a most in-
teresting collection of -clippings and
pamphlets from . her area, Nancy
'Graham says that Prince' George has a
CAR. -nage Committeethat is working .
and that has been a subject singled
out for special mention. recently in one
of the Toronto'paper.si
:: The comm'ittee's slogan is "Take
The Car out of Carnage". The.group:of
concerned citizens was formed in July
19/'5 to helps confbat traffic` accidents
after 17 ptsople 'died and 34.1 persons
' .were tnjwed on. Prince George roads in
the previous six months.. And the..
committee has been effective:. In the
eight ., month period . from July 1975
through February 1976,, traffic deaths`
were down 13.5 percent; •the number of
persons.. injured had . dropped ' 29.9- -
Percent; and property damage was.;
26.2.percent less.
What's more, a survey.. completed
jointly by the CAR -nage Youth com-
mittee and the RCMP shows that in
Pr-ince-.-George-ona Catttrria' evPni•ng
in May, 1976,. seat belt usage was an
astoundi-ng 46 percent •-`the highest
usage ever recorded in the world
without ' mandatory seat -befit
At the Prince George Exhibition held
in . August, the CAR -nage comrnittee
had a booth set up which showed rather
dramaticall\' the need for seat belts in
an accident. The padded display
allowed people to sit on a car seat with --
and without . seat belts: The.seatwas
suddeelly thrown:forward, and persons. _;
taking part in the demonstrations
quickly Learned that without seat belts
they'went off 'the seat and headlong
into thepadded wall with quite a force,
while with'the belts they were jolted
forward but held in:their.seats;,
The Signal -Star has been speculating
for., some months . nowconcerning
whether 'or not Huron has an Unusually.
high percentage of traffic deaths and
injuries. Statistics seem to indicate
this is so, but many factors have to.be
examined before it can be conclusiveity
stated that Huron'sroads are hazar-
dous f.: or Huron's drivers are hellers.
everthel'ess. it does seem possible
that a'. CAR -nage committee in Huron
would be well worth the effort-. - SJK
In these days of high medical costs
and 'controversy over hospital closings,
there is tendency to push to ' the
background the day to day work of the
local'medical team. In Goderich, there
is much reason to be proud of. the
doctors and nurses who are on. duty
round the clock for the health and
safety'of residents in and around town.
From: time.to time, stories come to
the fore about a particular: medical
ernergendywhich was handled ex-
pertly and efficiently right here at
home.- Such. medical -emergency
prompted this editorial.,
The game of the patient will remain
anonymous - but to Dr. Roy Lomas and
the nursing .staff.at•.Alekandra Marine
and General goes the heartfelt thanks
of the family and friends of this patient
who, according ''to specialists at.
University Hospital, received expert
and 'life-saving care in Goderich.
Too often, doctors .and nurses hear
only the gripes endcompleints of the,
public. It is fitting that the community
also s1....., its .caped yes and its
your opinion .of C•oIboroe Nouse?
gratitude - to every doctor, -nurse .and
medical support ,. employee 1n.
Goderich. Their contribution to life in
this; municipality isreal and vital,and
should not be forgotten or under-.
estimated. --SJK
Boo—examnIe 10 follow
In early August, Councillor Elsa •
Haydon attended The Ontario Parks
Association annual'conference in Owen.
Sound;: Council member:.s:and citizens
alike recognize Mrs.. Heydon. as., an
enthusiastic elected official who makes •
it her business to "del her homework" -
in -w -hate rer matter may come- up as
„Part oftown council's agenda. It wasn't
surprising then; that Mrs. , Haydon
would be the -first Goderich' council
'. member in recent memory to.submit
her report 'ft -W.6 the convention in..
written form.' -
As Mrs. Heydon.- herself so aptly,
explained; ",1 do not want to use up ;
valuable council time.. in making an
orae eport on the convention: I. 'Hive—
prepared a 'typewritten report and put
;copies of it in each. of Council's boxes,.
Those who aren'tinterested needn't
bother':" • .
The repor:t prepared by Councillor
Haydon was as precise and as concise
as it could' have been. Undoubtedly; it
Ontario . Hydro . consumers in the
'rural areas -: and shortly Hydro con-
sumers served by Municipal utilities.-
will be receiving .conservation notices
along with their bLlls.The .brochures
• show simply ' that if 'present trends
continue;,a.by 1980 the supply of'elect'
• tricity in the province will exceed the
demand. .
Hydro poinfs out ,that much of the •
additionalelectricity will be needed for
a growing population ' and new in-
dustries,signs of progress in Ontario.
.r.On the othe- hand, every consumer of.
hydro electric power 'in -'Ontario must
be madeaware that lights left on when
not needed, inefficient. use of electrical
was read by several members ofe
council who probably learned a "good "
deal',krom what was Written there - just
as Mrs. Haydon .`obviously learned,
while she was at the convention. `It is
even possible that .those ' councillors
who, took .the time to read Mrs.
Haydon's report,. learned a good deal
more than they would have if -she had
presented•e-verbaL.ceview of the events
at the convention.'
The idea -of , a written report of. a
convention is. not new, of course, but it,
is certainly an ideal way to handle such
Matters. Oral reports, unless carefully
prepared, and presented, are tedious,
and dull, often useless and fruitless'. A
written report, on. the other hand; is_a
lasting .document which can' be read
and reviewed at, leisure. tt has sub-
stance. `
Congratulations to •Mrs. Haydon for
her rep -ort. The same type of/ report
would . be welcomed from other
members •of council asthe occasions
arise. - SJK
for Iomorrow
appliances .and unnecessary heat loss
contribute to• waste - waste : vyhich is
eating up much of the province's
essential energy.
Up' to now, Ontario has, rarely ex-
perienced pourer •shortages,_,,.in the not
so distant future, however, "brown-
outs" may be 'common unless some
way is found to conserve Hydro electric"
Putting, a watch on waste can save
laterally millions, of kilowatt hours of
electricity. And conservation can save
dollars to the individual consumer.
Why not help yourself now and in the
future. ; by saving electricity today?
The dispute in recent weeks
,surrounding the former
Colborne House at the corner
of . Hamilton and " Newgate••
Streets is not really a simple
black and white argument.
And it is'the many'shades of
grey .which make . the entire
issue' so difficult : for both
sides to resolve.
Thea Goderich Architectural
Conservancy Society has
many valid points to make.,
and the community should
not -dismiss. them as the mad,
ravings Or monied sew;
timentalists. Far '. from it.
Goderich hasindeed some of
the most historical. buildings
in the county and asmany as
possible should be preserved,
not so much for the: people
who live in'Huron today as for
-the- generation's to come...
Structures like the former..
Colborne House::dare as much
a "part of .'Huron's past as
'Tiger' Dunlopand the
• -Menesetung. They are real
reminders of an era past.
At the -'same time, the.
McGee brothers"claim that
the building is beyond.
restoration at a reasonable
cost is also valid. They have
also asked a question as to
what the building could be
used for. Certainly Goderich
has enough museums, many
townsfolk say.
And "so the debate goes 'on -
•one group ' pulling strongly
toward the preservation of
the past for the future, 'the
other edging 'close; . to the
demolition of one unusual but
decrepit building to get on
with something new.
' I -17-1-• .
• - Mrs•, Dorothy' Wallace, ,a
well ` respected woman in
Goderich who believes' the
past and the future can be
compatible„ -has said -;on
different occasions that the
former Colborne House was
constructed on one- of the
"vista Corners” created by
the unique radial pattern of
the streets iri town. She says
the building was 'designed to
take advantage of that three-
cornered lot . .and that the
loss of the building would be
"esthetically poor •
She's right, of course.
Looking . down Hamilton
Street frotn-The Square to see
an .attractively restored
:historical building .would be
ideal. If that building could be
utilized as offices, or agar
tments,; dr an 'art gallery 'r•
'I -Meeting rooms or small.
boutiques, then the ultimate.
would have been achieved.
All that takes money, and
according to .some . reports,
too muchmoney would be
required to put the building
into shape for any use.
Restoration is an expensive
proposition,.. and one would
need a regular philanthropist Therefore, the main thing into being in recent years. It
about Colborne House 'is its is an important organization,
%plpearance on the corner of `' designedto introduce into a
Hamilton and Newgate •modern, unsensitive business
Streets. It is a part . of old -world the element of-
Goderich - nothistorical reverence and respect for
an ' example ' of the ,ar- buildings, most especially.
chitecture of old Goderich. .,Right now the two are at
+++ odds - .riot because either one.
One of the most difficult-is--decidedly-wrong, but only
things to assess ina case like _ c (continued -on page 16)
'stopover in 'town'" and
provided "rest and refresh-
ment for horses tnd.
passengers". It.. was a,
licensed establishment and
was probably a;meeting place
for travellers .from all walks
*of life.
Obviously, much of the
•' • hotel's.personalitythas passed
out 'of existence along with
the stables Restoration:then,
would mean repairing the
building structure for some
new. and more appropriate
use.- It `wouldn't be like 'the.
" jail, 'for instance, where the
historical significance was
one of the prime reasons_for
saving the building serva_ncy. Society„ only_ carie
this, is limitations. Surely one
cannot presumeto save all
the old buildirgs in Goderich.
Nor can one• tear down
anything and everything to
make way for asphalt, lights,
and neon' signs. Just; where
.does the community draw the .,
Now -the shades of grey get --
more numerous. McGees own
the building and have for 10
years:There is every reason
to assume that the property
may have been purchased at
that time for the, express
purpose of . using . it for. ex- '
,pansion in the future.
The Architectural Con-..
to restore Colborne House
• and at -the same time make. it
• usable for•today's standards!.'
According to historical
findings. by W.E. . E:lliott
.concerning . Colborne house,
it enjoyedits greatest
popularity when a trip ot�
Goderich from, the country,
was a day=long outing. The
hotel was a "leisurely
perhaps, .but rieteworthy as things from the past for
Irate taxpayer
Dear Editor:
Enclosed within please find
a Copy -of a danvass of Nelson
• St. E'. • taxpayers taken re
'. paving on Nelse-n St. W. and
E. With an appendage re
storm sewer.
A copy has been sent to Mr.
Harold Walls and each
member of the town
executive ; Mayor, reeve,
dept. reeve and six coun-
• cillors,
Re the •arena: In awarding
a contract, is experience in
wrecking a criteria, or is a
lower tender the only con-
sideration? Have you seen the
- cracks :.in, the walls of the
south east corner and have
ogob rich
-O— The County Town Newspaper of •Huron -0—
Founded in 18411 and published every' Thursday at Goderich, Ontario Member of I'he
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Business and Editorial Office.
TELEPHONE 5244351 •
tray cod• 519
Published by Signal Star •Publishing Ltd.
'ROBERT G. S•HRIER---"president anti publisher_•-
JEFF SEDDON--edltortal staff •
Mailing Address: a DAVE SYKES-4.dit.orial stall
.0. DOX 220, Godbrieh . EDWARD J. BYRSKI- ativertising mana ,ger,.
class"tn,lill ragistration, nsriribar -•
t1i 9
you heard how they were
A Nelson St. E.. taxpayer.
Parade., please
Dear Editor,
The Town of Goderich is
celebrating . its 150th an-
niversary in . 1977'. and
throughout the year many
events are planned to help us
all :remember the •Triple
Jubilee of our community.
The centrepiece of the
-celebrations will -,be ..a
mammoth parade around the
town on `Saturday, July 9th,
1977 commencing at 2 P.M.
The •time has been set' at -2
"p.m: to-allowplenty of.titne
any unit or band who may
travel from a long distance to
attend without having tp. rise
too early in the morning and
to allow a 'maximum number
--to be "up.and about" to view
the parade. ,
We , cordially invite any
band, marching unit, comedy
group, majorettes, baton-
twirlers to' attend. We - also
welcome any 'youth, church,
club, factory; business or
- residential area 'to have a.
float in the parade.
• Two themes will be used foto
the parade: Links With The
"Past and Plans For The
. Future.. However, -aiiy"'other
float May iBliter without
conforming , to 'the themes.
The machinery ,hall, has
been refitted. for restaurant.
purposes• and the grandstand
has been repaired'. The
poultry house .has also heen.
considerably enlarged in
• preparation for the Fair,
At the Hensalll hicycle race*
on Labor Day, Alex Mcivor
won a gold watch;te being
first in the amateur mile
. open.. Chas. Galloway was
first in another race and got a
silver watch. In that race,
M4lvnr finished ss and to
Galloway, certainly a'feather
in tliZ chip of town wheelers:- .
J.W. Vanutter, genial.
foreman ort1me Signal, is an
up-to-date gardener and has
placed in' our window two
pears • of the "Souvenir de
Congres." • variety that
weighed twenty-six and one-
half ounces, the larger of the
two turning the scales at
thirteen wand one hall:
On Sunday two upper,
newels of the stairway at the •
new Bank of Cor•nmcrct; were.
maliciously chipped"' with 'an".
axe, good sized pieces. being
_Chippedoff pach..The damage:-..
.was.. apparently caused by a
young person and is, a great
personal ln)ss to the con-
Only a small nrriount of
business was dj:sposed of; at
last' .' week'smeeting, of
Prizes will be awarded for the
three best entries in ' both
theme. groups based on
originality, design and
Now is the .time to begin
planning for the parade. I
would appreciate any person
or , group contemplating
entering in _ the parade to
contact me when theycan so
that I can commence to make
a list of participants. It is not
necessary to name the theme
you intend. to enter at this
Any- person who does
contact me will ""be•: supplied
•with a form at a later date so
that -this information can be
used to :form the :parade so
that there is some continuity.
council, which' lasted only
three-quarters of an hour. It
wars decided to have a public
meeting inside the week to
discuss the 1937 Old Home
Widespread regret in the,
loss;of a beloved useful citizen`
was expressed when it was.
learned that Emily Kathleen
Ball, *ire of the late Wm.
Lancaster. Horton had passed
away- t =rlctre -crLclock that
►Morning, after• a long illness..
in her 168th year. Mrs. Horton.
was deeply interested in
anything that pertained to the,
welfare of the town and her
generous giving of her time
and 'talents will be ;..sadly
missed, particularly in
yet variety in the composition'
of the parade line up. P.We�
want bands, marching units,
• flag . bearers, clowns, ' fun
units, stilt walkers;
majorettes, twirlers and
Please let me know if you
are interested. Bands should
. advise if there is any fee:for •
• their attendance: so that some
form of budget can be.
maintained: -
Contact me at 65 West
Street, Goderich. 519-524-8333
in person, or by'npte. Or at 346
. Oak Street, Goderich' 519-5.24- '
9293." •-
'Come and join us. P..lease!
Patrick D. King
• Chairman,
Parade Committee.
church, hospital•and social
Labor • Day brought forth
large crovtrifs at Victoria Park
to witness the. four exciting
Church League softball.
games that were played
'there, one in the morning and,
three in the afternoon.. The
games etermined playdown
com etito and the te• rns
P � a
that qualified, were Victoria'
''Strdex _United _...Church,_._the
Presbyterians, and St.
PeterLs Church. • ,
School ' enrolment is
o generally down -in and around
-Goderich this year according
to the principals of the
schools who were interviewed
Tuesday, the .opening day of
school: The only rise in
enrolment.. is ° at Goderich
'District Collegiate Institute
where the Grade 13 class is
the largest ever with -84
Chairman of: the Goderich
Harbour Committee, Reeve •
Paul Carroll,• is this week;"
circulating a petition in
.protest of.the_-.,.dumping_-zof _
garbage ihto the local har-
bour by the_ sale boat 'Fer-
ndale", registered out of'.
Bermuda: The boat dumped a
black compound while it
pumped- its bilge Tanks on
Monday during, a -stopover
locally -to 'load •up with salt at
the harbour.