The Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-09, Page 11County councillor challenged by town councillo:rs•.
• Donald Eadie, deputy- recreation facilities are
eeve of Turnberry Township located should be '%U$1-
ind a member of the Huron sidered a benefit, not just
;ounty .Development Com- '.cue ton e
'cause lipos a sur-
nittee,. "sent a letter to ,charge":
ioderich' Town. Council ex- "It is a great statement.
iressinghis,personal opinion. really,
- consideringthos'e
:oncernin$ the ProPosed municipalities which, haven't
lecreation Areas for Huron'. a great deal, to offer," said
In . discussing , the brief, (1iffprd, He suggested: it may
soderich Councillor -Bob not be fair, though, to expect
Ulen said he was surprised the urban municipalities,to
. hat Mr., Eadie did not believe provide facilities so that ".our
he people from various'parts country:cousins'can come in'
ifthe comity who `attended and enjoy them".
neetings '- held by the "It is a reactionary point of
evelopment committee.. view`' said Councillor lor. Jim
{'This- was a fact findin Peters,::
xercise "' Said Councillor l r "A birdshot approach,"
interjected Councillor Bob
'.'Absolutely, retorted
Councillor Peters."I think.
he's firing a -shot to see who
he can hit."
The content of Mr.. Eadie's'
letter follows:
"Recently meetings have
lad - droved -to 'invite --been -held:. to d-i-se-trs P
7epresentation from the "'Recreation Areas in ' the
aeighboring.townships. County. As a member of. the
Deputy -reeve, .Bill Clifford ..' Development -Committee of
said that -My. w Eadie's "'',County- Council responsible
assertion that participation, °.for these -meetings I would
by residents from outside the like you to.. consider a few
communities where: the points before our Committee.
Ellen, "and now that people
ave come tothe, meetings
end told him"the situation, he
loesn't believe it. He has his
. rwn opinions. .
Councillor Allen said it was
hrough these meetings that
he Goderich Recreation and,
:ommunity Centre' , Board
makes a recommendation, to
be presented` to County
Council -at -its next'.meeting. .
"It .was stated at these
meetings that the main
problem with recreation was
was 25 years ago. there just
aren't enough people in-
terested or able to take. part
in every function.
"This problem with focal
"sports seems to be worse in,,
• :the laok of co -o eration cost': _T
�, P Towns..... than .in..- the:. IliuraL._
sharing, distrust, and fear
between local Municipalities,. ,
e leve t at this is not
the. case. The basic problem
,is the 'competitionet ee
w n
the different fortirs. of
- recreation -available' and'a
relatively small population.
spread across the. County.
. "I think. we , are all . Old
- enough to rememl9er the days
when local - arenas and ball
parks were full to -capacity
for local games. This. was
,,before. the impact• ,of -
television and before people
would drive 25,' 50 or even 100
miles to a -large centre for a
specific occasion.. -
"I believe admission
charges have. not 'turned
s —
people -away; :but --the -:fact is
that' there, are ' hundreds of
things for people to-do"these
days. How much easier: it was
with a full house to keep local.
teams paying their own way.
With the population of the
County ntuch the same as it
Tentative budget ....
continued•from page 1
group would like to' involve some of these
people in the new service. -
The staffing proposal : calls - for a
.director '' _of ah . as yet unspecified
discipline, a consulting psychiatrist for:.
one session per week„, a• ful1.. time
psychologist, front- line workers'
(probably from the disciplines of child
F,care work and public health) and'special
education teachers who would hopefully'.
be . funded through the Ministry of
Initially, the program will require •
office space located at various°centres
within the=county. This question is being
examined with an eye to using'already`
existing space under the auspices of the:
Huron County Health Unit and under the
auspices of the Separate School System
which has space located in the. former
'Queen Elizabeth; ,School in: Goderich.
Some of this space would be used as a
central office fora the director . and
secretarial support services ,for:the
program. -
•- :A. tentative budget for the service has.
been put. forward. This suggests $20,000
per annum for -the-director; $72,000 per
annum • for six child care workers,
$18,000 per annum for two secretaries,
-$13,000 per annum to cover mileage,
$8;000- to cover. benefits', $35,000. yearly
for psychological and diagnostic ser-.
vices, $3,000 yearly for rent, $6,000 per
annum for office expenses and overhead
and -•$10,000 yearly • for a consulting
psychiatrist: This brings the t,optal, of
-$185.,000 thesum, earmarked `by the
Province for Operation of such a unit in
Huron County.
areas. WHY? With the extra
activities available in Towns
over the smaller "-corn-.
rriunities, the volunteers` to
help run,the teams are spread.
too thin. As a result the job is
leftmoreand more to hired-
oard waiting
The Goderich -Recreation
Board building committee is
still waiting for a completion
date of new plans -for. the
Goderich arena -' roof con-
struction being prepared by
- C,C.:parker.andAssoeiates of .
Recreation board 'chair-
man, Pete McCauley,. said
that • the • engineers had
devoted . a " considerable
amount of time to the
"At the last meeting of our .
Township Recreation
Committee it was stated .by
several.,- members that our -
main problem was 'to get
coaches, managers and
volunteers to run the -teams-
M '
Goderich arena project in the
past and with the number of
changes were °forced o�
reschedule their work
priorities. He - anticipated,
some word this week on the
completion date of the plans.. -
Once the• plans for the
arena roof have been coin-
pleted,' tenders for ,the
structural' will ' . be,let,
Following a tender* period of
approximately 10 days the
tenders will be received and
taken to town•council for final
The - •estimated cost Of : the
new arena plans is $250,000
and subsequent” to Ontario '
Of increased grants for arena •
projects, the town will have to
raise pproximately $70,000,.
liate fund raising committee is .
nearing that goal slowly but"' i
McCauley is cautious about
letting up on the rand raising _..
drive.. •
"There is a great need for
money since theball park
figures, for construction could.
be out of line," he said, "We
have been led down the path.
with figures on the arena
Jennifer A. Black, the new
president of Goderich Little
Theatre, was before town
council - Tuesday evening to
ask if there was any chance
the group could buy or lease
MacKay Hall.
Mrs. Black said that if
MacKay Hall could be con-
"verted into a theatre, a full 12 -
month: season ,pf en-
tertainment could -be carried
on there. She noted - that
especially in the year of the.
town's 150th anniversary;
MacKay Hall could become a
centre of activity.
• The GLT` president asked
council to consider her
suggestion, and .. further
recommended ' that if
Mackay cannot be leased or
rented to GLT,'. that at least
there could be. assurance that
on each of its. nine or ten
evenings when the plays are
being presented in Mact{ay-
Hall, - there be no - double
leasing:, Shesaid that in the
past, ALT play nights have
coincided with meetings in
the basement: -
-Property . Committee
Chairman Bob Allensaid lie
was willing to reopen.
'negotiations between • GLT
and the town regarding
MacKay :Hall;' althoughhe.
reminded Mrs. Black that in
the past t1ise negotiations
had Been- curtailed by. choice
of GIZT members:
The matter was referredto
the property committee and
Goderich Recreation and
• Community Centre Board. -
Town • council agreed.
Tuesday e-v'eaing to return to
Transport Canada a lease
proposal involving Crown
Property,at the waterfront.
In a'new lease sent to the
town 'by P.D. Scantlebury of
the Canadian Coast Guard, it.
was_ learned 'that a 60 -foot
strip of propeiEy formerly
leased to the town had been -
deleted from the • proposed_.
new lease. This.,.property is
-.the, land on which the corn
mercial fishermen's
"shanties" are located. .
Larry Jeffrey.; presents a :cheque, for $1000 to Goderich `mayor; Deb' Shewfelt, for, the
Goderich Arena'Buiiding: Fund. Jeffrey donated a -side. of beef for the draw won by -Mike 7
Murray, Goderich and.Edyth Smith of Mitchell. (photo by Doug Fisher)
�''' 1.: LB' •
10 LBS: FOR.
R -B -Q
rarrarr�ra■ ■ fir:
ECH AI Name bressed• inspected Moats at 'Wholesale Prices
f I .
Councillor Dave Gower
advised council that it''would•
be ideal if the:. town 'could
retain_control over this area
of the waterfront. '
The lease will .be rekur_ned
to Transport Canada with a
request. to draw it up as it has
always been, with this 60 -foot
strip ofeincluded:-• •
"If it propcan't rty a included',. ave
should at least. be told why
not," said Councillor Bob
A11en, .
-r -r ,-1
The 'Town of Goderich has
agreed net to pay day care
expenditures for . some
Goderich children who are
Using . the facilities at a
Tuckersmith ' Day , Care
: Centre in Vanastra; - - --
The. town has been billed by
Tuekersmith recently forrthe
difference between what the .
parents. paid four the care of
the children; and what the
actual ;.:costs were to the
Township of Tuckersmithh.
The town., counoiliors felt
there west :'a . direct
arrangement between the
parents . and T;uckersmith
Which didn't involve this
municipality; that the town
had, no knowledge- of,. the
parents' financial needs and
should have such knowledge
`---, ''.: - . 'subsidizing
babysitting"; . and that by,
completing Form 'T,' th:e -
Ontario government would
provide such subsidization for _
working. parents -.who- could;
- not afford to pay the total cost
of child care for their off-
Councillor' .Jim ,Peters and
Reeve `Stan Profit were in
favor Of paying ' he Costs • to
"A Day. Care Centre is
Something we should have in
Goderich," said Councillor
Peters.: "We should have a.: -
day care centre for those
children who need eight hour
daily care and for -. those
parents who mbst`waork: ^The
fact that some people., are
taking their .. children to .
Vanastra ;pointe: out the -
drastic need in '. our •-coni-
munity for suchservices."
TIURSI AY. ''iI ER1}.'i'
as• well as Collectingthe '•It has • ben said that
members. of . tea been
m_. .for people. calx not pay.higher •
parents who are too busy or admission prices butcan.t y
not interested enough to bring affoid higher taxes to su rt:.
their children.' recreation when with s ,h a _;
"Should tax dollars be.-. system -cost. will . mos,- ° cer,.
spent, no- matter -what. ,.the- wilily. be; higher ibecatl seand...
•o# -
costs,. to support 'something increased administration and' •;
people are not interested in? the people wilt 'not have- a ,
Howmany businesses would choice whether they 'pay or
be. financed year after ,year not.
b te.
h ba
nks. `f.
i e di nt
Y th o
1VIan • e'' '
Y y , peopl., complain
meet operating costs? that their taxes are too high'
"Without . • volunteer help now. Must we add the -straw •
recreation will' . become 'a that ' will break the camel's
greater -and greater.financiai. back?
urden on the Taxpayer"as ' I :feeln.that:recreation is
have so many other gover- luxury.'that we may enjoy
nxnent supported programs. watching or participate in
"Many programs are' en- during our spare time
couraged . so „ that ; :' one: of the :.recreation- •
Municipalities can collect a directors • maintains ,it 1•g •:a.:.
grant. Let's not kid oijrselves necessity for our good health
as to who actually pays for and well being. How healthy
these grants no matter whichis the win-at:all-cost attitude.
level of government hands it ;in minor, sport on the young,
out. It is very easy to spend people of today? -
mone • if someone :.else. -a :-_ _.:"`1 fel-
money Y p e. that -.the people are
pears to be footing the - trying to tell us 'something''
".If people. are interested in - with their lack of interest"arid
a. particular program they involvement. Why not listen
will pay their share to par- to them instead of a few,
ticipate or go -elsewhere. If a zealous civil 'servants trying
program in one community to make their jobs appear
attracts participants from, a more important than. they
outside its boundary it should really are:
before and little problems be considered a benefit; not "Your. comments, pro or
just cause to impose a sur- •, con, onthis•subject would be
charge, . apps - - -
may. rise that could boost the
pri anot-her$25,000 "
Constable Jarczak
gong down under
Constable Tom' "Oh No"
Jarczak is going. down Under
early in 1977 and will be en-
ding his five: -year career' on .
the Goderich police depar
tinent. Constable Jarczak,
the creator', of "Oh No the
_.Safety 'Thing" is moving to
Sidney, Australia at the end
of January where he hopes to .
pursue a career in com-
merical art.
A commercial artist by
'trade the constable said
Wednesday morning he., did
not plan to continue in police
work in Australia but' added
that. he really `didn't know
what to',expect down :there, '•
He said he had . sent rseveral
4' applications ; to various
organizations in , Australia',
seeking a job `as ari art
teacher but thus far ' had
received no reply.
Constable :Jarczak has
never been to Australia but
explained that his wifeHelen
is a native of•the•country and
that her parents are still
living there: He said: he and
his wife and their year and a
half old son Aaron had been
planning the move for some
tinge • with the intention of
using the city of Sydney as a
base from which' they will:
work to.f nd ahome. '
The move to Australia Will:
give :the ' 'arczak family a
chance ' to find out if they ,
prefer to live in Mrs. Jarc-
zak'shome• or back here in
Canada. - Constable Jarczak
Said that despite a change in -
lifestyle. many - •• of the
problems afflicting Canadian -
families ate identicarinother
areas,of the worldadding that.
if things don't work out they
can always move back. -
The con -gable said the
future Of "Oh Ncr is coin-
pletely up to Chief Pat King.
He said the,chief isfree to use
the idea to 'continue to
promote and .teach safety
habits and practices to the
children ittthe Goderich area.
ors Jarczak'
Tom and Bernice Reid check out the controls on this • Dominion- Road .Machinery Co.
grader partially completed at -the company's Goderich plant. The couple were'
the Tourists of the Week and were taken on a tour' of Goderich, the DRMCo plant being one it
of the sites on -that tour. The tourists are from Wichita Falls 'in Texas and are on a 30
camper tour of Ontario; Quebec and the Maritimes. Theystopped_ in Goderich after seeing
a tourist brochure on the •Bluewater Highway. Mr. Reid said he intended -to return to
Goderich next year in time for the ISOth,anniversary of the: founding of the town and then
•,completeizi-Invacation 'bytedi�g eK►f-the-t anadian west.:(staff-photo. ,
-py 2 and 3 piece Vested
• Warren K. Cook
• Hyde Park"
• Park Hall
• Johnny Carson
- in ' ..
Tweeds,- Flannels, Polyester, Woollen
Polyester Blend, Pure Virgin Wool. ,
Colours of
Brown, Beige, Brown Tweed
Navy, Light Blue Tweed and Bottle Green.
Captain's .-.
• .Clothiers for Men
,On the Square
of Goderich