HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-09, Page 5NEW:BINGO - Clinton Hall, 8:30 p.m. Thursday,° Sep. • te''7mber•.9, 1976: Admission $1 fifteen regular games, $10 each. Three share the wealth games. One.. „.ackpot. for $260,00. in. 57 calls, con- solation. One call and $10 added- nceekty -if- x it- suarj '" TURKEY. SUPPER, Vidori,a • --39tfn - Street ' United Church, Wednesday, September 22nd, children At~TER Labour Davy the admission adults .$3.50,. ch Hurone,Historic Gaol will 'be F under' twelve tickets phone e :"$1.75.' 5 29- ,'9- open, on Saturdays and. 9618.--3.7,38, -. Sundays only from 12:00 noon until 5:00 p,m. This schedule +�' vvtl' be. in 'effect _ until ANNUAL. BANQUET of ihe. November 7 when we close. ..Frs h f i e l d ToW n s•h ip for the winter months, Group . Federation of Agriculture tours are rby,_.appointnn e ,._w,i,}l held- edriesd -36,37 September 22nd, 6:30,p.m.,at Brookside •• School. • Speaker • wily, be tanle HenryY MR.' AND - MRS. W.. -A. y' PORTEOUS, Lucknow.rAfrom' Halton. Tickets $4.00, Agricultural- representative Ontario,- are -holding --an - house on Saturday, Sep- . 7202, Merle Gunby 529-7610 or tember 1lth; from• '2.:30 5 ' anydirector.-37,38 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. for the ' occasion, of their 50th • Wed- . ding.. Anniversary. Best -Wishes only. -37x. THEEPTEMBER °'f'ning of the I.O.D.E. Alaneek Chapter . will be held at the home of :Mrs. G., F. Mills,of the Nile, on Monday, Sep- temlarer 13th at 2 :154 p.m. -37 air GARAGE -SALE Furniture etc. 235 • Quebec Street, Saturday, September lith, 10 a. m--,-•37 • FRIENDS and :relatives are cordially invited to the home -- of Jean'and Allan Schram, 174 . .Huron Road, Goderich, Ontario, when they celebrate their-' '50th wedding an-. niversary, September 18; 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Best -wishes only. ->-37,38 . YOU ARE cordially invited to '.attend; a 40thWedding•• Anniversary in honor of Mr. and :Mrs. Ted Bissett, Sep- -;:at ep.fit MaeK--a Hall, from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. ' Relatives, friends and neigh- bors welcome. -.37,38 • BINGO "'every ` Monday evening at -the 'Vanastra Centre ' - -8 p.m. Fifteen regular $I2.00 . games, three share -the -wealth, jackpot '200,R. must go. Door prizes.. a d many other specials. Ad ission restricted to sixteen years and over. —tf own Contact—F�diph, Foster e5-29= FASHION CONCEPT 76,' presented by North Street United. Church " U.C.W., 'clothes courtesy of the. Fashion Shoppe, Wednesday, September .15th. Showtime CLINTON and District Badminton Club, -1 -9 -76 -7 -7 - season, offers 3free.. in- troducto y - practice nights, Wednesday S"ept.,, 15, •22y• 29,. 8:00 - 11:00. p..r. at the C.H;S:S, gym. Registration is' on Sept. 29th if. you .have, never ;played before, this is 2 i 30 p.m, or 8:00 p.m., at your big .chance. Racquets North Street .United Church. • availablefor beginners, bring Tickets $2.00. Refreshments.` your own running shoes. For tickets phone 524=6754 or. Single ..$5.00; couple ,$7.00. 524-6077.-37 For more information Phone • 482-9629 or 524-9517. Student badminton starts Oct. 6, 1976. =36,37 The Huron County Health Unit:• •invites you to attend the Child _flea Ith---CH n•ic,--Assessment Office Board $$loom, • 46 Gloucester Terr., .Goderich, on Thursday September 16111, 1976,. from 9:30 - '11:30 a,ln. for;:.1, Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening- 3r .Im- munization '- 4. Hearing Screening " 5. Flouride• brushing of children's teeth to, prevent cavities for ages 3. to 5 years. 6. Vision Screening. The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Adult Health Guidance. Centre, Assessment. Office Board -Room, 46 'Gloucester Terrace, Goderich .ion Thursday, September 16th, 1976, from 1:30 -•3:30 p.m...for::1, Health Sur,ireillance .. 'Foot Care .3: Anaemia Screening 4. Urine Testing 5 Blood Pressure 6. "Hearing Tests. 25th. Wedding Anniversary RECEPTION FOR LES& HELEN RIL•EY_. AND JOHN & YVONNE "':'CAMPBELL 'AT THE WHITE CARNATION SEPT.,' "1 7th . 9:30 OPEN RECEPTION. PLEASE NO GIFTS EVERYONE WELCOME 'Huron Country'Playhouse STAB.L.EfARE "Fully Licensed" --Complete Roast Beef Dinner, Before The Show SPECIAL During 2 Weekl'Holdover of Anne of Green 'Gables 35. per person • ' Dinner and Theatre Package - $9. per person_ Reservations: Required 238-8451 ' Colonel Sanders': lrthday Celebration September 10, 1976 GODERICH.1011TED SOCCER CLUB • - SALTFOR•D VALLEY HALL cr Music .by the "Hopman Brothers Orchestra" Dancing from -900-•p:w.t, to 1:00 a.m. — Refreshments Available . Lunch Provided 51o.00 PER COUPLE TT J�JZJXJ �,1'IJXX J J J . J Far a. Tasty- reat Try Mon. - 'Thurs.' 1T. -iat. Sur Esquire The Square Phone 524-2242 Pit la o-1aka-.out- NEW HOURS: a.m.. _ 10 p.m. 11 atm. - 1.0 p.m. Restaurcint.: Goderich PARK THEATRE GODEROCH 524-781 1 LAST NIGHT THURS.,- SEPT: - _, ONE SHOWING 8P.M. :99 THE SPECTACULAR DRAMA OF THE ' T) SPAR DRAMA MOST DECISIVE NAVAL BATTLE IN DDR HISTORY! Of Tiif magi. DECISIVE IIAINIL BATMEN OUR INSTORY ate.: THE MIRISCH CORPORATION PRESENTS A UNIVERSAL. PICTURE TECHNICOLOR ® PANAVISION ® ADULT- ENTERTAINMENT. Fill. TO W.E`D.SEPT. 10.- 15 FRI. & SAT. -2 SHOWS 7:30 & 9:15" SUN. TO WED. 1. SHOW 8 P.M. ' RAQUEL'. WELCH HARVEY KEITEL 0,4 gs „Its 0 (A Blade an4Blue Comedy) `VII. BILL. COSBY 1.1 0 0 00 i s i s s s s s 0 0 0 • GQPERICH NAI. -STAR, T 'IIJRSI)A , SEPTEMBER \'\\\\\\\\\\\\\eoz\xr\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\vukv`\\\\\\\\\\\`\\\ \\%ti`Kim\\\ 11,p 0 s 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 i 0 i 0 0 s 0 0 i GoderfchM,�j�fattls New season starts - ■ HU,RsDAY:,,__PT:E'lM BER: 6:30 loltertsogNientori l•i•1 Alrreturning students plus new students must register for.the"Year FEE: $15.00 . Age: Girls and boys 5 years and up (must be 5 in 1977) -. GDDERICH RECREATIONeOMMI•INITY.eEN RE BOARD. • LIP TO . 20 •OFF . MIDWAY A N KIDDIELAND RIDES AND SHOW •1Y•%•:�Y•r•• .1Y WESTERN FAIR • t GOLD UNIV.ERSAL,_. BONUS. % MIDWAY BOOK ,COUPONS • BUY UNIVERSAL.' BONUS BOOKS OF COUPONS:. * 25 coupon book at 55.00 a saving of 20%, ttt *10 coupon book at 32.25 — a saving. of * Sgngtecoupons cost 25.c eac'fr. • AT THE RIDES., OR SHOWS ALL. COUPONS•HAVE THE SAME...VALUE REGARDLESS OF• COLOUR •• NO CASH AD ISSIONS; WILL BE ACCEPTED •AT.THE RTD'ES/SHOWS . •• bonus. books arid .single coupons may • be purchased. at any. of the nine .ttoket .kiosks .conveniently- located throughout .'`the grounds.• •• • Coupons ate. not .'refundable but will be .; honoured in subsequent years. Special Opening Day (Sept 10th) Children's Admission 50 Cents General Admission: Adults - S1.75 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., 32.00 after 4 p.m. and on weekends. Children 5 to 12 yrs. 75C, under 5 free LONDON, SEPT 10-19 THURSDAA, SEPTEMBER 9 O14LY -2 pieces of delicious KentucI'y.1rieil Clric/ and oldc,i brown French Fries •` •.-• • Colonel Sanders and his boys ',make It "finger hckin' good' %4TWINS' of. SanderslReci e; 9 eat k9 ?le .Colonel Sanders and his boys mak 116 A CANADIAN COMPANY. .t:_"finge, ,lickin' good". Hip r $1.40 BIRTHDAY SPECIAL 86e, -YOU SVt-54c-.. at the 5 Points e A 94 Elgin Ave., GOD RICH 4