HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-09, Page 4• PAGE 4A---6.0
k's Jottings
A special' Ontario Gover-
nment program was an-
nounced this week that will
provide ttp•to 75 percent of the
cost .of repairing unsafe
arenas in•the„p .ovrnce:
Provincial'frind's will come
from a special Wintarie�
-program and through The
Community. '-:R•ecreation
Centres ,Act. The remaining
25 percent .is to be raised
through public 'subscription.
rr'A joint stateme.rit by Mr.
Robert Welch, . Minister of
Culture •and Recreation -"and
Dr • Bette 'Stephenson,
Minister .of Labour, ex-
pressed confidence that the
special :grant. program ..,will
gr�aCl� rn n m
8g lack lb'ddell Huron-Middlust.LAPP
Divisional Court ruling on ,the
question of hospital closings
is expected soon, and I would
like to take this opportunity of.
reviewing developments . in
this connection.
In. November.of.last year,
Eddie Sargent, Liberal MPP
'(Ow.''en Sound) called for an
• ern rgency, debate on. • the
proposed closing df Chesley
and, District Memorial
Hospital,' scheduled - for
January lst, 1976. At that'
time Minister of Health
Frank Miller, confirmed.that
24 hospitals were scheduled to
be closed, refusing to disclose
details of the government's
ou1'd not
Durham simply "' stated:
_"Make sure your staff
receivetermination notices.
You muStstop:Your hospital
must close''. • -
In addition, these letters
.stated that "Ministry- of
Health staff at'e+available at
your requestto t ssist you in
developing-- health care
,services in -your community,
using .existing buildings ,to
;some extent."
Subsequently -'on April 13th
- a Divisional Court ruled that
the Province-, had railed
authority to close. -hospitals
merely to cut ' costs, The
Courts' found that the Public
Hospitals Act was regulatory
in • mature and Was never e:.
disruption of sports activities release the -list of hospitals, tended - to. be-:-3•sed:. to�tose
that could have resulted if the and said "Each one• will, in hospitals for budgetary
municipalities were unable 'to turn,. be told in negotiation, if reasons, The Government
make the necessary struc- it's' being considered,. •Each
decided to appeal this ruling
tonal changes. The programs one, will have tHe"option and . and hospitals due `-to close
•. to
will assist:to ensure safet;, rn p t-1 Wer -• •• t _ t continue
urtarltty-;1.•0• d-rscz.-�---�"_-�.
the arenas for the children of reerits-of closing with me and function on a six-mont
Ontario. Dr. Stephenson re-. they will learn it in that order.
affirmed her' ministry policy only after I;ve decided there's
.that some arenas needilig some reason to consider the
structural repair 'nay remain problems with thein.":
open this' winter if 'cer"tain Questioned by Liberal
conditions are met. Leader 'Stuart Smith, the -
Mr, Welch said that ail Nrinister said that availability
.applications for Wi•ntario of alternativefacilities would
grants which have been made he taken into account, as well
for use in repairing unsafe . as the actual condition refthe
arenas .and filed. with the hospitals. He admitted • that ,
Ministry .prior to , the an- development of surplus
, nouncement will be reviewed hospital beds - had been
- to give them ,the, benefits of permitted in the past, and
the new program. • said "we. have changed' our
`Previously, provincial over-all guidelines and we are ..
grants were available to, adjusting to
cover half the cost of repairs • The day • •after the
but the provincial share Was Legislature adjourned --for the
increased in order to help . Christmas recess, the '
• municipal ' taxpayers, _and Minister of Health met with
.avoid delays. rep-rese.ntatives • of. the
• The revised, program N's,iii Ontario Hospital Association
provide 25 percent of the cost He . announced that there
-pi anyi'epa.irs upto $75.000 for would; be . a • 10 peecent . .
. each facility affected through limitation on the Health
The Community Recreation' budget increase; a $50rnillion
Centres•Act•: dallar cut of hospital budgets,
Wiritario will provide $2;0@ achieved for the most --part
for every $1.00 raised locally through a reduction of up to
toward the remainder of the 3,000 beds and possibly 5,000
• staff ,(4 percent'of..the total); "
Norm aIiy Wintario grant's•- • rationalization 'of laboratory,
are li•mi:te Lto orie third• or, aat'- --arid 'provincial psychiatric •
''';`-the matt half of the balance "Servi.ces;. no further nursing
- • and are On. a dollar for dollar home bed approvals ,or in-
• ba'eis in -most.: areas of ` creases in the eamount of.
"Southern Ontario. - money spent,on researchand•
n --mod .
ten order. to a1J:ow. •.demonstrati o e1'
municipalities to proceed projects.
immediately with repairs, the• The first closures were also
Minister :said a; pledge -- by a a n n o u rice d ;. •' G:b d e.r i c h-
••respo`nsible community ,Psychiatric Hospital, --'Nor-
orgaeization to the council to 'theasterri Regional Mental
: raise their share within three Health Centre .in: Timmins,
Years' will - be accepted: as and, four public .health labs,.
proof of local. support and located. at 'Kenor.a, St.
preyinciaal:fun•ds will`be_paid • Catharines, Woodstock and
oyer progressively. as: non North •day, (Anticipated
struction takes place. Saving from closure of the
•Under the regular' Wintarid labs was, $400,000). ;