HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-02, Page 29• GOPERION St9NAL$TAR, 'HURSO:AY, SEPTEIVI 1976 ARG 'ARTICLES FOR SALE ifoneTwonnimmirpon PEACHES, Duchess" cooking apples, eating• apples, potatoes, . and . other fresh vegetables. ,iv, Fr'till'Farm, !lam 2 Goderich, phone 524-8011.-3ltfar bi MUSIC W'tLIM:IT'Eii -. youl' complete music centre, rentals' and sales. 79 Hamilton St. Phone ' ' 524-27l1.-260 • , • TOWER KING pressed Stave Silos with cement plaster fining. Area representative • Francis Boyle, RR 3, Ripley, Ont. Phone 395-5088.-ltfn DEADLINE FOR TAKING, • • S I.F E.D:AD.5 .CLA � l 1 2: O ...LOC SHARP TUESDAY' ADS CANNOT BE AtCEPTED AFTER 1 2 O'CLOCK'FOR"THAT WEEK'S PAPER s' • CLASSIFIEDS - 10c per word, minimum $2.00 EWINC.,.. MACHIN -ES,- Laag -„ . selection of good used sewing machines, Singer, White, and others. Repairs to all makes. All machines, and repairs guaran- teed., 29 East St., 524-6012,: La • Boutique.-38tfAR • CHECK our .prices on chester- fields, mattresses, chrome suites, coffee tables. C & E New and Used Furniture, 524-7231, 1/z. mile south of Goderich.=tf AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffineyer Plum- bing and .Heating, Kingston. Street, Goderich.-l4tf SINGER - For Authorized. Sales BE Service, sewing ' machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service to all makes, Pratt's' • Sewing -Centre, 73 Hamilton St., 524-8431, Goderich.-28,29tfar • 52 x 12 NOR•THLANDE:R Mobile Horne -,on nice lot in Meneset Park. Frig, stove washing machine 0 v ritences Phone 524-7186.-34tf - • 1.ARTICLfS FOR SALE 1975.. 175 KAWASAKI;, wixges chamber-knobtixe .rear, spare rear tire, " new "chain chain and sprockets. Apply . 91 West, St. Goderich after 5:30 p.th, 1vIonday- to Friday.; anytime an. weekend.- 35T,F. 1975 JAYCO.(Jaythrush) Hardtop Camper,indoor-outdoor, 3 burner gasstove, standup closet, sleeps 6, ice -box. Excellent .condition used 4 times. Spare - tire '"and jacks. Asking $2450. New license plates, ready to go. Phone 5294. 7573 after 6 p.m,-35tf ALL. household items; 2 beds, 2 couch beds,:. electric stove, dishes, silver, etc. plus oil stove, and drum. Friday August27 and September. 3 from. 5:00-9:00. White cottage in Saltford.-35-36t 1975 LA Trailer, 32 x 8, tip -out onliving reorn, perfect fon, summer. cottage, air con- ditioning, large furnace, twin be.ds,' rarpetingr._.:Ehane- 524:. 9987.-35-36 CEDAR and Silver Birch•trees, 35 WRINGER washer, seven years cents and up. Two miles north of old, good . condition, $45.00; Bayfield. Phone Andy Evans. 482- 7562.-34tf'. .. CEDAR `trees for sale, priced 25c to $1. each; s pine trees. For information cltr11. 524-6455.-35 to 38 ELECTRIC winch. Ideal for boat Phone 524-6110.-35tfnc ... , 1975 . STARCRAFT Runabout, 152 ft. long, deep V fiberglas. Boat only, complete with full top. Mint condition: Phone 524- 2245,=35-36 / / / / & Sons OP SOIL / / GRAVEL -T RR 1, Dungannon 5 29:-;7 240 Vincent Austin • TRY DIAMONDS JEWELLERY Open Evenings THE MALL Fri. Evening Goderich ON THE SQUARE IARDENSUPPLI(S1 -I..TREES +- LAWN ' I. Indoor Outdoor Flowers • .1 a COMPLETE LANDSCAPING SERVICES -GARDENING' ' and NURSERY SUPPLIES I Pool Chemicals I- ART'S 11. 1 Landscaping -..Nursery and ,Garden Centre t 106 Bennett Goderich' I524-9126 9 till' dark • 1 - closed Sunday' Amos mem Imo _ram mod .' I. double stainless steel wash tubs, on, wheels, with metal"' cover, $20.00. Phone 524-8895.-35-36• • WOODGRAIN table and. six. chairs, 'two extra leaves, good. condition, -$75.00. ,.'Phone 524-. 7207.-35-36 HARVEST gold'f-ridge and stove. Lorne Brown;, Room 25, Bedford Hotel, 136 • . GARAGE SALE: ,2 sofa -beds $30 each; eiec:.stove $49;' oil stove and::drum $50;.. household Friday Sept. 3; 5-8. White cot- tage .. in Saftford, across .from Saltford Hall, -36 ABBOTT 22, well equipped. Phone 416=251-0872 evenings- 416- 278-5561 Ext. . 304 days•. -36,37,38(39 NATURAL gas •stove, good condition. Phone482-7432.-36 .•.. CUCUMBERS. FOR SALE Ca it 482-3256 Choice Grade "A" • Beef.• Fronts '55c LB• Hindi 99c. -LB. Sides • 75c Le. Cut & wrapped. Guaranteed tender. -' Ripley Abattoir 395.2905 'or 395-2979 after 6 p.m... Grade A' Pork WHOLE OR HALVES 25 LB. LOTS SAUSAGES SO LB. LOTS HAMBURG' LB. 79c LB. 79c 1-8.0„.59 c Ripley Abattoir 395-2905 bR •. 395-2979 AFTER.6 P.M. • 1 ONLY. Slightly Marked .~ Re • cliner REG. 5159.95 CASH & CARRY $9975• Blackstone Furniture WEST ST., GC! DER ICH • 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT 6,. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT 'LEASING Checkout the reasonable rates 'and excellent service' of the nice guys. • GREE PARENT.• FORD MERCURY SAE.ES LTD. 2A3 HURON RD: GODERICH 1.ARTICLES'FOR SALE 21 _CUBIC foot Westinghouse -freezer, instant freeze control, one .year old, in excellent eons. dition, $225. Phone 524-6428.-36x C.B. „RADIO, with magnetic antenna, Realistic, mini 23, with all :23 channels. Call Mike anytime 524-7470.-36 ONE-YEAR old Farfisa Matador electric organ. Excellent con- dition. Serious enquiries only. Phone 524-2464.-,-.46,37 1975 400 KAWASAKI 4 -stroke, 2200 miles, excellent condition; best offer. Phone 529-7412.-36 FILTEQueen,vacutim cleaner, five m,ths' old.. Bast offer. Phone 524-9042 .36-37 ' ELECTRIC GLADIRON with instructions, sturdy steel. bird - cage; continent -al bed outfit 36 x.' PRIVATE PARTY wants to buy 72 complete, white: headboard,. Older income property, regar- excellentcondition, fairly priced. •dless of condition. Phone .524- 2437.=36 RENT -A -CAR ROOMS fur rent'. Kitchen privileges. phone 524-8821.-43tf ATTRACTIVE •tvto bedroom -one-` level home, 'fireplace, garage,:. central .location, Goderich. Suitable for'cguple - not children or pets. •, Available 15th. Drawer. 22,, c -o • ,Oct.ignal-Saar • Publishing, Box 220, Goderich.-36 . HELP WANTED :wATR Ess Full or Partxtime:. Apply Club. Grill APARTMENT for two, heated electricity 'supplied, hot' water, II. TENDERS - private entrance, no children or' pets. Contact 309 -Huron Rd.,524- 8451, • ,Avail'abj,e,.. 1st, -34,35,36 _ 2A. ARTICLES WANTED WOOD burning heater or cook , • stove in go'hd condition. Phone 529-7726.-36 WE ARE now handling lots or part lots of furniture and, ap- pliances. If you have articles to sell privately_or by auction contact Rathwell's Auction. Service. Phone.482-3120.-29tf: KNAPPS will . buy outright ;complete - household . estates or single' pieces of .furniture. Best price paid or will sell by auction.. Do not hesitate to call us. Our aim is to please.. 67 Main St.. Seaforth, Phone 527-1336:=21tfar -Phone_5_24-7678 ;-36 'SPECIAL DEAL. Buy a 10-12-14 "h.p. tractor before Sept. 30 and .get a snowblower ,or ,tiller at- tachment at 1/2 price. Year' end: bargains on new and used rider mowers and.tillers. Phone Bolens Dealer, enmiller• 524-7038.-36 ALUMINUM Combination door 2'8" 'x 6'8" with' hardware.. Kelvinator electric dryer, like new; TV .'21'' G.E. portable with roll stand,- real good condition... Grey Broadloom rug. about 10' x 10' wringer washer, New Hoover, vacuum Phone 36x WANTED to -buy : ` Grade 13 textbooks for 550 Biology, >550 Chemistry, 550 English ,.550, 551, and 552 Math. Phone 524-6637 or •524-2805.,=36tfnc • FURNITURE, .glass, china,. clocks, bells,'brass, copper.•Will. buy for cash or sell 'by auction. • Mike Cum m•ings, Auctioneer, 524- •'9064.-22tf SPACIOUS three-bedroom town house, parking and recreational' facilities available, utilities in- cluded, $167.40 per month. In • Vanastrt, information at.p Bldg. Unit 8, apply after 6 p.m. Phone, 482-9698.-23tfar BED sittingroom, close to square, modern 'kitchen and' bathroom, walk in closet; extra. storage space: Suitable for one person. Available immediately. Apply Drawer :10, Signal Star.-32tf` TWO BEDROOM mobile home. Huron Haven 524-6384,-36AR • MOBILE HOME, three bedroom, large living room, Huron Haven,. 524-6384.-36AR OFFICE SPACE on the Square, • second floor: Will redecorate to suit your needs. Reply Drawer 23, in care of. Stinal. -Star Publishing Box 220, - Goderich, Ontario. 36AR 8. HELP WANTED STUDENTIfor gardening. Phone - 524 -7008 Thursday, Friday:or Saturday. -36 PERSON to stay -with elderly Lady in her own horrte in.Clinton, light housework and sleep in. For more information . 'phone • 527- 0063.-35,36 MAN needed with tractor and, , sprayer to spray 5 acre field. Phone 524-9113.-36,37 3.:{ARS; TRUCKS FOR SALE 1973 TOYOTA Corolla, 1600 - cc, 13'. SHASTA' TRAILER, fully, self. vinyl roof,radial tires, good body contained,. stove with ' oven, and motor. Will certify. Phone fridge, furnace toilet awning, ,.524-8697"-33,34:,35,36 spare tire, full hook-up, sleeps 4. Call 524-7961:-36,37 • 1973 HONDA 350 2 cylinder motorcycle,5,300 miles. Excellent!. condition. Phone 524-8119.-36x ' - SILVER., 'FM Stereo redeiver, eight track, phono 65. ' watts. Phone 524-8759.. after 6:00" .p.m. -36x, REGISTERED 'Quarter Horse sorrel -gelding. Excellent ladies - or , youth horse.. Experienced show animal. Serious inquiries only please. Phone 482-9960 after six.=36tfnc' 1964 CHEV Acadian, good 'run ning little car, not certified. Price $150. orbestr offer.-' Phone •524- 6217: 36 1957 •FARGO truck, three' ton, with dump box; truckrac1ll-s"for 1/2 ton truck. Phone 524-71.5$.-36-37 '1965 CHRYSLER "300" in good . mechanical condition. Phone 524- 2359 or 524-2430.-36x • - 1974 • VOLKSW'AG'EN Super Beetle, excellent condition. Will certify.. Phone 524-8592.-36x 1967 CAMERO CUCUMBERS, pick.AMERO V-8 automatic, your own, • $5.00 per bushel. , good rubber, $250 - Phone 524- Tomatoes, $1.50' per 6 quart 6.239,-36 picked. Your containers. 2 miles - north of Bayfield, Andy Evans. 3A _PET,ST'OCK Phone 482-7562.-36,37. - 1976 MAYTAG WASAIER, hat•- 'vest gold. Siinplicity ' dryer harvest gold, Admiral 24"'range, • cleanomatic oven. Phone . 565-. 5288.-36 • 14 ft. aluminum boa , motor, electric start, with tilt. ' Complete pet suppiiesT. at's Pet Shop, 350 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily and Fridayevenings.-20tf AQUARIUMS, birds, rodents, tropical fish, plants. Complete' line of pet supplies. Goderich Pet and Hobby :Centre. Phone 524- 2883 -28tf TROPICAL fish,, canaries. trailer. Phone 524-2905 or 178 , Gibbons Street. -36 BED Chesterfield., single bed,. suitable for cottage. Phone 524- 6806.-36 • ANTIQUE WICKER armchair HALF breed Catahoula leopard puppies, ready now. Phone 524- 7.917.-35-36 , and" slim' line •rocker in fine condition, Phone 529-7640.-36. ONE TRI -COLOR', Collie, CKC Registered,- $25,' .Phone 482- G.M. Diesel Stationary Engine, 4 9651,=46,37 cylinder, 2 cycle, overcentre • �" clutch, and pulley. Phone 887-6023 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT or 524-7904.-36 • • NOW`".R•ENTING --- prestige SHERLOCK %TANNING piano, 'offiee accommodation,' 58 Elgin two years old,. Phone 524-, ,Avenue East, opposite Victoria 7411.-36 a and Grey Trust, Phone 524-9372 or 524-7023:=-28tf 2.ARTICLES FOR WENT FORMAL RENTALS for all • occasions., Eree style borchure. Rawsons. Shop for Men, Goderich, -2otf We can suit you for every occasion with FREEMAN'S • FORMAL RENTAL and JEFF'S FORMAI, WEAR.Exclusively at CAPTAIN'S •QUARTERS FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do- it yourself with ••. Deep, Steam Extraction. Biiiewater Cleaners 524.6231:. • AVAILABLE OCTOBER 1st - Large 1 Bedroom apartment t Bedroom Bachelor apart- ment . - Fridge,' stove, cable TV; air Conditioning aind• .utilities included. BENNEETT ST..GODERICH Far'inforrnation call ERIC KROHMER S65=2843 •1• Stenographer with shorthand for one V2 day. Monday, - Friday. Please telephone for interview. „B.M. Ross & Associates •14d..524=2641.-36' REQUIRED• ASSEMBLY LINE FOREMAN AND • .. SHIPPING' EXPEDITER APPLY IN PERSON TO • HUR11 ACOUSTIC INDUSTRIES- LIMITED VANASTIIA RR 5,,' CLINTON BARTENDER Wanted- . *Immediately Apply to: Bedford Hotel THE SQUARE. GO.DERICH Rh. 524-7337 Wll'Train -If. Necessary Sales. Representative Experienced Salesperson' required for company located in Clinton:. Applicants should have chauffeur's license and be bondable. . Salary to. be commensurate. with experience. For interiiew•;call 48.2-.9722 TT -T -Used School BUS 9. WANTED. (Weneral►- . 9, WANTED (General)r'- WANTED to rent for 1977 crop COMPLETE household effectsde 4. • • rent acceptable, . short -or long term ,mall lots wanted. Call C and•i"" or 529ac.ceptable, : Phone . 529-7890 Furniture, 524-7231,-tf or 529-7571 akter6 p.m ---36,3,7, • • 1:2:: RUCTION SALE. 196`6 Chev. 327' V6,. 60 passenger in good condition, Tender must be submitted -to Mr. R. Buffi'nga Box 208: Blyth, Ont. by Sept. 15th, 1976 TENDERS For BARN: REMOVAL Will 'be received by the un- -dersigned until 11 a.m., Sep- tember 11, 1976 for the removal of three barns. .1 Barn to be removed .by.. September 30th; 1976 - and 2 Other barns by.' October. 15, 1976• - Barns to be removed down. to the foundation and -the sight left : in a clean condition:. The three barns are within a 3/4 "mile 'radius of. Amberley Ontario, Tenders will not necessarily be let to the highest bidder: 10 percent of the bid must ac-' company tender.` .. , For further' information or to view the.. barns contact: M.E. DONNELLY For Jacklin Farms Ltd.:: RR 1, KINCARDINE •. . 39512782' After 6 p.m. 395-2409 - ... 12. AUCTION SALE . ►t CriONS Complete. Dispersal Registered polled 'Hereford' •.cows, Reg.3/4 and 1/2 blood., Simmental cows, yearlings, , heifers,. Sheep and farm' equtpment,.at: he•farm located 3 miles south of•ingersoll-on- Highway '19, or 2 miles south of 40.1 on Highway 19. Saturday, Sept.1 8th at 10:30 p.m.. " FOR .WHISPERING WINDS FARM LTD. CATTLE, consists of ; 43 polled Hereford cows, . most with calves at side or close springers;. six 34 Simmental `open heifers; thirteen V2 blood` Simmental cows, most with calves at side or close springers; thirteen'grade-Hereford'cows with calves at side; 22 half blood Simmental yearling heifers; 20 half blood Simmental steers, approximately 750 lbs; Simmental 2- year old bull. • Breeding and calving dates will be given day of sale. All cows have been•T.B: and blood tested.'If .you`re .starting a cow -calf,' operation, or replacing cows, plan to 'aftend"-•this sale of outstanding blood cows and calves: • • Order of cattle sale -Steers will be sold first Simmental .next,. then Reg. Herefords, with grades selling last. • •- Registered polled Suffolk Sheep'- 3 ewes; 1 spring .ewe lamb;• 2 buck 'Iambs and 1 ram. •- . 40 laying hens, Feed -'4,000 bales hay TRACTORS and•EQUIPMENT Farman 300 utility tractor; I.H."606 tractor and New Idea 'loader; .3 fur.hyd. plow; 2 fur..,,_ • Dearborn plow; New Holland -spreader; Calsa sprayer; ' Massey Harris 13. run drill;. Fere. side•'delivery rake; New Holland haybine; 2' -raw Ford corn planter; drag disc; roller; packer; $ase wagon and flat; 7 ft. blade; New Holland 268 balers cattle oijer_;,,mineral-,feeder._ , FORAGE. EQUIPMENT -' Fox' model SPF self 'propelled harvester with 2 row corn head, direct cut and pickup head; 2„ ' pion.'3 beater forage wagons; forageblower'and some misc. items. Above mentioned equipment • in top condition and ready to go to work. Note to Farmers This sale will start on advertised time. Not many small articles. Equipment will, start at .1) a.m.; 1 Livestock at 1 p.m. sharp. Lunch available.• Auctioneer or proprietor not responsible for. accidents • Terms cash day of sale, unless otherwise arranged prior to sale date,. Catalogues mailed on request. • • Harry Jansen -Auctioneer 519-863-6820 For information contact: Whispering Winds Farm Ltd. 519--485-3093" George Earley(on Pedigrees) 519-24,3489 •, LIQUIDATION SALE SPORTING GOODS EPPS ... CLINTON ,COMPLETE •LIQUIDATION STOCK Of: SPORTING.GOODS OF THE - :FO RMER "E and M" SPORTING GOODS, NOW OWNED BY ELLWOOD EPPS, SCOPES: GUN CASES ». RELOADING EQPT. ... ARCHERY * EQP•T. FISHING GEAR. AND TACKLE' SLEEPING BAGS.... CAMPING GEAR ETC.,• AND MANY HUNDREDS OF ITEMS FOR THE. OUTDOORSMAN AND' SPORTSMAN STARTS SEPT. 2 ENDS 25th. OPEN 11 A.M.IR8P.M. MON. TO SAT. LIQUIDATION PRICES ON EVERY IThM EPPS ..,CLINTON