HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-02, Page 26v THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER2,19 P. The fall terin is. ,here and school" will commence next week, Tuesday,. September 7th. Children 'will be going back -to their .classes anf1 for many younger children it will be a` very- special day the. first day -of school. Last .Thursday evening one' or the worst storms for many a year struckthis district. • Heavy "rains • and severe lightning left .' its ; toll. Goderich Fire )brigade hada very bus.Y night answering all the calls.. Lightning struck at the' borne of Mr, and Mrs. • Tirnothy Chapman, Antiques", way 21 North.. Fire and water did considerable damage and' many personal belongings - beside damage , otherwise -were reported.. The •F ire •Department.was ,able to Pave enough of the house that the owners plan to have -it repaired:.: --Lightning also apparently struck a hydro pole . and put the lights out which greatly hamperedhelp. in thesurrounding district of -- the fires. The home of Mrs. Bessie Moore," RR .4 near Benmiller was also struck by lightning an the.quick ac ion of those that noticedit-and the neiall whoturned i , to help was "certainly lap- eciated, and the Goderich Fire Department when they were able to. get to the fire • were able to savethe home. Mrs. Moore wasn't home just at the time and -in talking to • her, she expressed sincere thanks for all the quick action and help of so many passers 'by; n'eighliot's :'Fire Department and jiist all who helped. While her living room and bedroom were heavily dam'age'd; .work i.s corn- mencingon this immediately :to- put •'the house in Jiving `,:condition:: We often think people don't care, but it is in tit les like these when people step in . and help : that" one realizes people do really,care and help. • . Next week starting, Tuesday, September .7th, enumerators will be calling at .every home for,the muriiipal enumeration.. This is for the population count and voting. Your help will be ap- preciaj:ed. • • Mr. :and .Mrs.•Mel. Dickson' and Mr. and • Mrs.: '.Ernest Crawford, Goderich, fdr- meri.y of Colborne Twp. at- tended the C.N.E. at Toronto - last week. . Special congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Dickson on winning •= both the fine harness classes. at the C.N.E. with their four- year-old fine[harness horse "A Crowil of Genius". Many will be interested in knowing Art Dickson, . their son,' who . moved.` to Olds, Alberta, phoned home last week and reported they were.. in the midst of hayingg,'.. have had Mrs. G' Kaitting considerable'rain and.have a good Trop of hay. They. have • 100 acres of criap so a busy summer and fall, Art reports they really like it there and • have had many friends from Ontario visiting them. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brindley and - daughters Helen : and :N°orinne . have returned' from a pleasant motor trip west to Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs..J_. E. Linney, Saltford, have returned home° from a •motor trip to the,'- western -Provinces visiting relatives ` in Saskatchewan ,. and Manitoba —Ralph—Jew-ell is a -pat ent in St:'Joseph Hospital, London. • SOFTBALL` TBAL • The teams are enjoying the,• playoffs and Monday, August 30, Tykes played with Stanley and . won. 21-11 ; junior '.boys won over Stanley with a score 27-16; ,and senior boys won. ,over Hul'lett. 1 • Junior girls played last and wen -ever --Stanley 'and will be playing . this • Tuesday night. Senior girls had an exhibition game last Tuesday • MR. AND MRS. R. B. JERRY ed in Kitchener hos i#al and won. The playoffs are St. James' - Rosemount United Church; Kitchener, .was ' still continuing and no the scene of a double -ring ceremony on Saturday, August schedule can be definitely set 7 at 4:30 p.m. when the. Rev. Philip" Rodgers united in ,up.. inarriage Lucinda Mary Roebuck,. ; of Goderich and i2obert Burns Jerry, of Goderich: ' .- --The bride is the daughter of Mrs, Mary Roebuck, Clinton • Kitchener, and the late J. Gordon Roebuck. The groom is ,the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Burns Jerry, of Goderich. . The bride entered the church with her brother, Gerry. • : • Roebuck, of Goderich, and was given in marriage by her • 0S I'f a� mother. Her gown was•chapel length in silk organza over taffeta, styled with an empire ,waist, high. neckline arid trimmed with scalloped. ribbon lace and guipure ap- pliques. Tier--eontour-- shaped---hea-dpieee•; • covered, --in— guipure lace, complemented the two-tiered fingertip.yeil ., also edged in scalloped ribbon lace She carried �a cascade bouquet of white cymbidium orchids, yellow still unsure • • Contrary to a report in last week's paper, Doug Coventry administrator of the Clinton Hospital .does not know how much money'. the Ontario - nrinistry of.; health will . put back into the hospital's budget. • After a'three-hour meeting_ with a health: ministry consultant last Wednesday, Mr. Coventry was fairly confident that the. original ° $225;000 budget cut :wooild be reduced to more manageable level: " Meanwhile, some .staff •has, already, .been . given their termination notices and Mr.. Coventry lies they may be rehired, fiending the outcome of the further budget review. Four full-time employees have been laid -off,. while 14 part-time staff also have beef laid -off- .A further 13' persons were shifted from full-time to part:time work: . • ' "No further, lay=offs will take place until thehospital hears from - the , health • ministry",. Mr. Coventry said. , . . • rose buds and stephanotis. - - Maid • of honour.. was Beverly Trautman, Montreal: Bridesmaids were Nancy Brown, Goderich, and Betsy (Mrs. Tony)"Little; A'rva,`"sister of the groom., They wore mint green matte jersey' gowns styled with empire waistlines, V'neckline and attached elbow -length capes. -They carried, cascade bouquets of gold cymbidium or . chids and miniature white carnations. Groomsman was John Jerry of Goderich, brother of the �groom. \Ushers were Randy' McLean and Bob Daer of Goderich. vTheests. groom and his attendants wore chestnut brown tuxedos trimmed^with chocolate brown velvet lapels and The reception was held at the Conestoga Inn, Kit chener. The bride's mother chose a frosted -peach giana-gown with a matching chanel jacket and a white, cymbidium orchid 'and stephanotis corsage. The groom's, mother' selected "'a'sleeveless cotton gown in blue floral border print and a white cymbidium orchid '.and stephanotis corsage. For, travelling the bride chose a striped street -length' jersey dress, and white . miniature carnation corsage, w.nrcn complemented, the groom's powder blue suit. Following their trip to eastern. Ontario and Quebec, Mr: • and Mrs. Rob Jerry,are'res,iding at RR 5 Goderich. . Special guests at the wedding included the bride's paternal graridmother, Mrs. W. Roebuck _of Wal•1aceburg; her maternal grandfather, Geo. C. Feagan of. Goderich; and the groom's paternal grandmother, -Mrs: J. Jerry of Goderich. • Prior to her marriage, showers were given for the bride by Beverly, Trautman, Nancy Brown, and Mrs. H.O. Jerry and Mrs. James Jerry.. . Goderich Tw fire leaves family homeless. By Jim Fitzgerald of the News -Record MaSAyp. A n:oonhourfire;on Monday' has left a Goderich'Township family homeless, . and destroyed nl,pst of their .. possessions.. Weik Holthuysen, his= wife Marie, their two . sons John, 12; Harry, 9 and a brother, Arnold, escaped from their, -rented farmhouse of• Lot 35, Concession 10 Kith iiis.t Che ' clothes on their backs, "Anappe�i has.beenlaunced .to se'q the family up again, and ,are asked to contact Father Joseph Hardy at 40s9468 or.Blanc`he beeves at'482-3383. . The single -storey, frame -: structure; . owned Uby Bill Smith who lives just down the load, was a masse ofr flames when the Clinton fire department . arrived on the scene, about. 12:20 and they wer• e tinable to save any of the contents. • - The- houuse was partially insured, but none ofthe contents were. Total -damage . is roughly estimated at 520,000.'. The Holthuysen had just immigrated to Canada two . years ago: The cause of the fire ,is believedto be an exploding kettle'of oi1'in which one of the youngsters was ' making French fries.. Take.. the' scenic route.•It's --saf er;-says-th@Ontario_Saf ety League, to • go once•around the block if you've missed your • turn than tot. make multiple lane changes. -Street maps do not necessarily tellyou all you need to know. One-way streets, changes in • traffic patterns due to road repair work, . etc. will .,not . be in- ' dicated . on the map. Know ,. :where you're going • in ad- -van,ce and if you _miss the turri, .take a ride arotind, the " block.Who knows what in • • teresting things you might . find? ' rt Farm: -Garden' anti e 62 HAMILTON ST: GODERICH (FORMERLY DENOMME'S-INDUSTRIAL & GARDEN CENTRE) : light` frost does 1i#tle damage here' What looks like a good corn crop in Huron County this year could turn into a disaster �. if a killer frost strikes the area in the next month.,. A light ground frost on -Monday morning did little damage to any crops in the area except some white beans ...:.. and sensitise vegetable crops in low lying areas, but local. agricultural. experts are'; coneerned that, cool nights. and maybe -Ven whirl"freeie. • could cut grain corn yields -cunsiderably. t. • ' Don " Pullen, agricultural representative " for Huron County, said the corn needs at least three weeks:yet of warm sunny weather to reach its full potentia.lj. , Farmers are remembering thedisastrous crop of 1974 that was,hit• by an early ' Septembefrost, following a coop summer much like this year. ' Mr. Pullen said that little damage was -reported from, - Monday's • frost, which followed two weeks of hot, dry weather, but with the weatherman .predicting frost again on Thursday and Friday morning, farmers are very worried. . 1•3e reported .that Borne beans haye already been.. pulled in the southern part of Huron, but many late planted field's still need two weeks of •' warm; dry weather to mature in time. Even without the frost, • the crop is . barely average. an be a HEAPACHE iS:Oi Piowing ssbte:• . KT*N1ili Model 720 PIbw Available with automatic t-pset or the all new toggle trip system exclusive to International Harvester fall SZ9-7:993 EREQUiPMENTLIMITED Lucknow,Ontario It ' You'll save money right now -during Build:all's Clearance Sale of those big home decorating needs for floor, .walls and. ceiling. Buildall makes it easy with how-to help and savings. We are pleased to announce our appointment as the authorized Purina Dealer for Goderich,and surrounding area. Come in and see afor special' prices on the full line of Purrna'"livestock•and pet chows. Watch for our grand opening an nouncement. 4 11.111111111 Aim jun Nom 3 COLOURS IN STOCK SALE PRICE Polypropylene Carpet 3 COLOURS IN STOCK ., Panelling Clearance SPECIAL GROUP OF PANELLING CLEARANCE PRICED TO MAKE ROOM FOR FALL LINES master charge rn1 trots IS CANS IA CAM INIINIANSSI STORE HOURS Moriiiay to -T tursday 8 a.m. 5;30 P.m. Friday 8`amt' 5 p,111:' Ass ANGLESEAST„ GODERICH — TURN ATSIGNONHWY 31 Saturday 8 aim. - 3; par- BUILOALL 'LOEAT Ed' 1 BLOCK, EAST CALL' S24-8383 a