HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-02, Page 23"For The FINEST in Back.to•School WRITING INSTRUMENTS" SHEAFFER poi COMPANY Adivision of cavi Limit6d. Election's in Goderich" • ince th�re were issues •Each `year the. Grade 13 sound reason for;electing him. " History students at GDCI mayor. • write findings from local Mr: Cameron the other history, this gleai d" from mayorhopeful then explains many souces; the.mQstusualwhat he considers should be. of which' is the back issues of :the criteria for the ne•W1y. The Signal aril The Star.. elected council and one which This week, The Signa.l:S:tar - he -will follow if elected. First is pleased to publish an ar- of all, expenditures must be • ticle re?;earched and written : encouraged to approve town by Ernie . McMillan, son. of 'plans for ...harbour im- Mr. and Mrs. Don,McMill'an, . provements. Hesfeels that 200. Widder•Street. The Goderich should be subject is "Election 1909-1910 established- as a`':p'roductive Style". With thi'; year being a port for the •C•,P,R. • and the municipal election 'year, G.T.R. If elected he will seek Ernie'spaper might indeed a $300,000;...tQ8400,000,.:grant provoke thought . among ' from -,the federal government Goderich and area voters. ' tor this purpose. Thirdly, ne-w industries must be en- It is too,bad that the citizens `couraged 'to locate in the of Goderich couldnot be ..• Goderich area. (A familiar_ transported back in time to _platform even today.) the night of ''.,::?Monday, Finally, Mr. Cameron doesn't December 27, 1909. If • this neglect . the- rural . i.nterests.' were possible they would Like his opponent, Mr. Clark, witness the' excitement .and• Mr. • :Cameron. sees the hoopla drat accompanied' anecessity of a produce nomination meeting prior to a -market. municipal election..This was Both men are critical of the ' ' an annual event that aroused out -going council -with Mr. the interest''of all the town's Cameron extremely vocal. folk and everyone was over the purchase of land for present - in the Town Hall to , a school without having been urge on the favourites and - heckle the unpopular. We in put to a vote. The two men contesting the 1976 are too sophisticated torace for Deputy Reeve, Mr. attend such meetings. Munnings and_ Mr. Craigie, Too often nomination point . to 'their • pre-vious ..meetings are attended only to records _ on council • as a-: the candidates themselves ' concrete reason for the public and 'one or two of theirsup- to promote them to this new posters. In fact, it is 'not office they are seeking. This unknown for a full slate of appears to be building up to officgrs . to be .elel;ted by: not, only a very keen race but acclamation.. -Citizens of the a friendly one as well. • . "computer -age" don't realize. Mr. Elliot is a perennial 'what they are missing. candidatie for council and he • Let us in fancy go to this - .did manage to ,get in on one important'c'orrimunity event occasion. He is a cop edian. of ` thattook place in•this town of sorts and as usual -.he en - ours a little more'than sixty- tertains the crowdat the six years ago. ' . nomination. `meeting. He• As is expected, the at- elaims that the but -going: -tendance it the meeting•is council has done nothing and overwhelming and the has • even done that badly. The citizens are packed in tight. ' ,electors don't appear. to be . This. is one night 'of the year taking him seriously though when management. and andfor this reason he is . •labour rub shoulders and obviously 'a long shot in the there is a lot 'of friendly up;comingelection. ^ rivalry. You caneasily pick The ' eveningdraws to a out the . prospective can- -close and there is good- diaates by the big:smiles on natured _laughter and, back • 'their:, faces their : hearty' .•:.slapping.•as,:the people leave .. ' laughter, and vigorous: the .Town Hall. Everyone handshakes. agrees that it has been a most enlightening and diverting • Finally the meeting - • is evening: called to order and the The newspaper now takes nomination proceedings• '.up the campaign. Little is begin. Much later the • known...about J C: Mat•tin but • . chairman • declares ,,` the local , paper appears .to "Nominations clased," and support him and is sure he. the• following have _ fulfilled will be elected. • • the requirements for -office M,r--. Parson', - although and will stand for election: young and 'inexperienced 'in. • "Mayor; . W.F. Clark politics, is felt to be very (veterinarian), and M.G. capable.' He is well informed :Cameron, . (lawyer);Reeve, regarding lake and railway C.A. Reid (contractor). by mentioned in the paper are acclamation; : Deputy Reeve,. Mr.. Hawkins and Mr. Jordan. J.W. Craigie (insurance- Mr. Hawkins is considered a broker), and.. B.C. .Munnings -public spirited man with (builder); Council, R. Elliot' progressive ideas. Mr. • (lumber , dealer),. J.B. ..Jordan is a very .questionable Hawkins (insurance .agent), . entry: If re-elected he C.H. Humber (jeweler), J.B. pronfises to attend all council Jordan (organist), " J.C•,••, meetings. It seems that Mr. Laithwaite (gentleman),.J.C. Jordan has been: less than - Martin (gentleman), G.C. ' faithful " in regard • to his Parsons (elevator .manager) . presence at council meetings. J.W. Vanatter (merchant), . A very popular office-. Ernie McMillan :. Iways a Malila d � (continued. from page IA) distilljer and his residence as.' on St. David's'i street in Goderich. 'This w distilleryk was close to the river, at the north end of the lot; and remains are said to be still visible, In 1861, Mr. Montgomery purchased a farm in the sixth concession of Goderich township, and Elmwood Place was his homefor the remainder ofthis life. That.'. house was taken dawn when an air training was established, late in War II: Harold • Montgomery, of "Goderich, -a grandson, recalls that it •has "13 rooms and . three fireplaces, when they had Company in, it was quite a place., Mr.' Vanatter He is Well. • Capt: Montgomery .'was a son of • known locally and liked by George ,Montgorriery, barrack master at . all. He looks like a very . Kilkenny • who Served in the British strong. ,contender and • well army'•as ensign, :lieutenant and; captain; . worth:watching.. - • in Holland under the Duke of York and in Thus excitement builds and Portugal,.. with' General' Wellesley. al - the "armchair" politicians'terwardtheDulee.ofWellington. " are Witching their favourites • He was one of eight children, most of closely and swallowing all whorl') did not come to Canada. One their promises: The beauty of • brother, Robert,had one son and six our democratic system'-is•that_ _ ,daughters, widely scattered through once the candidates have said ' Canada and the United States. everything they :have to say 'There may have been among the early and have- climbed down Toff .Huron families Montgomeries unrelated their soap boxes the voters ' to Capt: Montgomery. The polibook of get the final say at the ballot' • the 1858 'election for executive „Council box, The results of this contains the name of a Joseph Mon. - particular municipal election tgomery. He has not been identified. - in Goderich-for the year 1918----Clare-Maitland, wife of Capt_ A - T. were as.fgllows• • r. ..Montgomery, was "a woman of ex-" Mayor, M.G. Cameron, 481; coptional intellectual. and social W.F..Clark,387. powers," the Si nal said, "and• Deputy ' Reeve, B.C. possessed literary ability 'which, had it Munnings, 463; J.W. Craigie, • been cultivated, would'have won for her 396, an honorable -position .in letters." It is Council, J.W. Vanatter, recalled that;she spoke both'French and 556.; J.C. Laithwaite, 524; J.C. German. Martin, 507; J.B. Hawkins, The baptismal book of Si: George's 475; Wm..Wallace, 427; G.C. church records the birth and baptism, in ' Parsons, 3_74; R. Elliot, 372.; 1847 of Clara• Alexandrena, daughter of C.H. Humber, 360;. J.B. Jordon, 248. Mr. Camerop won.. the election for mayor by almost one hundred' • votes:, While mayor in1902 he was accused. of neglecting' _his duties because he Was. tired of the job. Obviously his past record didn't hurt him. On the other hand his opponent Mr. Clark stated tpt'he„would..only be. interested in beintmayor for one year, Thi', niay..have. jeopardized=•;•his chances as ; some.. voters :may - have in- terpreted this. • state'ment as ' lack 'of concern for the - ' 'welfare' of Goderich.. • It is rather: interesting to look at the results for council. Mr. Vanatter who made . no promises worthy of note but was very, popular topped the , polls, Mr. Lionel' Parsons, in -spite of his youth. won the sixth and final 'spot. Mr. Parsons' • grandfathers Benjamin Parsons, had. been.. the first mayor; of Goderich in 1.827 and it is possible that his family background helped to give him the necessary votes to be.on•the council. It is also ” surprising that the amusing Mr',. Elliot came as close to being a successful candidate as he did. ^ Both the plebescite regarding the:extension of the sewer system and the one' • • Wm Wallace (knitting seeker with the newspaper is concerning the issuing of a debenture' were successful, However, the tax exemption for theta Goderich ,tlevator 'was rejected. ' , As is the case after every election, some people are happy whileothers are disappointed' In any event these 'men who were elected. away back.then are just a few of the wonderful citizens who - ha ve hohave strived through the years to rnake Goderich the • "prettiest town in Canada" and a fine place it which to. live. • factory manager). •, To add to the evening's' excitement itis announced that in`addition to the election for Town Council three by- laws are to be contested. The first one is whether or not the Goderich Elevator should be exempted from local' taxes. Secondly, the need for an extension of the sewer system in Goderich at a cost of $6,000.00 is to be decided at the polls. Thirdly;a vote is to be taken on the issuing of a debenture for $1'5,000,00 for. capital expenditure on the light and water systems and to meet the overdraft at the Bank of Montreal. • With: only a matter of a few days separating the nomination meeting and the "election the ,candidates have to `work quickly ,to procure votes. Therefore it isn't - surprising that we are now going to hear from Some of the "hopefuls" and' learn What they believe are the burning Issues in this elec- tion: • Mr. Clark, one of the mayorality candidates is strongly •. in favour of establishing a prodiice market in the Goderich area. He feels that it is imperative for -Goderich to increase its business with the surrounding areas. Mr. Clark ' also 'reminds the citizens of his six Year' record oh council and how he believes this is a 3 reasons why you shouldn't bank. at There just aren't any? So ,`, . why don't you just dropjn, we've got,iots of reasons why you shAuld bankwith us. You're Our Hours of Business: Somebody .Mori.oTues, Wed AO"- 4:30 p.m. SPECIAL Thurs. 10 a p.m. with us Fri. 10 ---,6 p.m. 10 BANK .TORONTO DOMINION the bank where people make th difference Manager Mr, Ron Arlin Sunceast Mall Goderich. ., 52442681. . •w -' GQDERICHSIGNAL-STAR, THURSDAY`�`S Alex and Clara Montgomery, Goderich township: She married,,,at St: Stepheifs 'church, Huron road, on January -1, 1887, E.C. Steele','a surveyor, orDuluth': They had four daughters;' -of whom one is • believed still Flying, ihCl icago. Eldest son- of Capt. 'Alexander and Clara -Montgomery . was mt, Alexander • George Maitland, of .Goderich, who died in hospital here in 1939 in his 91st year. • "He was of a long line' of Military ., • people," according to his obitifary," and was himself an officer at 16. He was last survivor of ,his company in the Fenian Raid, in. which he served, as sergeant-• major -The - `late Mr:• Montgomery possessed •letters of 'four former generations, one to his :' great- grandfather • from the Duke of •'Wellington.' His 'wife, .Jane :Henderson died'in 1921 .Second son was Maitland R.P., of Toronto, who married in 1878 Mabel.. Webber, of Tunbridge Wells. They'had' no family:' Henry, `third son, spent Some time in the • North, West ; Territories before Saskatchewan became a province. His second name was Lauderdale, in honor Of a titled relative, but he did not like. it . or use it. -He married Minnie V.- Ker- nighan; 'Colborne township. They had three . sons: Harold, of Goderich ; Edward W., of.Colborne,..who died Aug. 17 .11V 5, and Worman Maitland, who died in t Canadian West as result .of an accident. ' Harold Montgomery 'married, Viola ` Allin, ' of Colborne; their son, Harry, farms in Goderich township. Edward married Annabelle • Buchanan, of Colborne; a son,' Maitland, resides in Colborne. The father, Henry L., died -at Elmwood Place, Goderich township, at the age of 54. • TELEVISION Lakeshore . TV : & ..!St rel Your' AdmOres ... PAGE I3A,. slum Dealhr ,_Sales and service AS1AtT SMITH BAYFiEL,D,, NTARI0 Froprtetor Q Phone' 565-285Z: N OF G9PERICH ONTARIO HOME 'RENEWAL PROGRAM. Town of Goderich Monies are now available to Home Owners who -wish 'to make renovations to their homes according to the .. regulations of the O.H:R4P. Sor'inforrnation codCact the Municipal Office, 57 West treet = 524;8344; 524-9492. J. HAROLD WALLS TOWN ADMINISTRATOR DON'T LEAVE SCHOOL TOO SOON OR YOU'LL LEAVE A PROMISING FUTURE BEHIND • A Diploma Is Often The.. Key T'oThe Realization Of Dreams! • Your Friends May Be Envious pf'Your First Pay Cheque BUT .. In Several Years, They 11 Be Earning • More Than You Are, Because They Will -Hove A •DIPLOMA! If you're. thinking. of leaving school, please .take . time to rear! this .'message; it could change, your entire future:- The greatest asset' of a young person `starting out in life is a broad general education. In,an age of transition' ,and rapid change, it is difficult to see the requirements for the future. For this reason the young man or woman who. has acquired knowledge, broadened. his• mind and. developed his potential will have an advantage.In Canada Where over "half of"'thy "population is under twenty-five years of age, the competition for positions in t industry, business and the professions .has -become, more. intensified. • . • The. Secondary School Graduation_ Diploma ,offers ,a student a greater chance for success,. in a highly' curry- petitive.society. Educa.tion(-hhowever', offers much :more than the. diploma. : Student activities are a vital part of M school life. The opportunities to organize and plan, to': assume .leadership roles,• to -.gain' recognition . and identity, and to mature "socially are realized to a significant degree through involvemerht in the -student. activities programme. While schools emphasize scholastic skijI:s,—ffey'also aim to provide -students. With the capal ities `to ap- preciate .cultural and social differences, to understand the physical world'and man's:relafion to it,, to reflect on goals. in life and to determjne personal goals.- Education can develop enduring values . through which the in- dividua.I can achieve personal happiness, and also make a worthwhile contribution. to the needs of others. Stringer,. Principal, G.D.C:I. i. In The Interesl•of Helping Yourtg .People of :This Comn iifiiity To Live a Happier. More Successful Life, This Me!,sage Was Sportier - ed By: • Hours of Business Mon,Tues.Wed. 10 - Thurs. , 10. - 8 p.m. Fri. . 10 > 6 p.m.. • TORONTO DOMINION - the bank where people • make :the difference Adivision of Canada Limited THE THEi rr S. A 524--21'5.2 •SI. HUROMIt 'METAL' INDUSTRIES GODERICH t'hr t5•obrtith . STAR 110 GRE JENSAREN'.. FORD MERCURY SALES LTD. 263 HURON RD. GODERICH 524..2665 SMI THS FARM-&• GARDEN CENTRE - ' MM. at HAMILTON ST.. 524-8761 Now Your, Exci ulsiv'e PURiNA CHOWS & HEALTH PRODUCTS CENTRE ma