HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-02, Page 20A 'PAGE 11A-- OlDi~P.I 1ONA1:-STAR, THURSDAY: SEPT -EMBER 2, 1976 r' yF,i4 .r d° • The worldin which. we. live to ' God and escape being has experienced many condemned with the world. changes in at history: All Only m Christ Jesus can fortes df government have'healing_ and salvation to ' been • tried and tested; theocratic, " a.utocrat.ic., • democratic, socialistic and totalitarian - we have lived .through; most of them.' e Christ came to bear witness But net one has. been able to 'to the truth and to ess ' effect that desired ',Utopia of sinners from the penalty of . man's dreams and yearnings. their s'ns. He it is who is now -it-•is no -15ecaiise"'th --these— forms have;, lacked high exalted;. a: it. an « •..a .ideals. It is far otherwise, for Saviour to"gipge�'repentance 'they have. embodied or and. remission Of sins to all vaunted such in their laws or who hear His voice and come institutions: to Him in'truth. • • • We realize• that all metal- The scriptures forewarn of: bers of Government • are: at • • increasing spiritual darkness' best, frail human :people • and violence in the earth as prone to Mistakes, and 'they this gospel age draws to a. • cannot solve the 'problems close. The night is far spent, 11UC gets safety. a.ard that -beset the world today, - and. the long awaited Where -therefore, must we prorrlised second advent ofd M A, -Hu he^ (centre)'field safet .sup ervis Christ is'drawin'g-very near.;_ g • Y P or of.the Elee- look for the root= cause of the Stu• d Matthewdrawing \ .Blessed tricai Sal -et* Assoeiatton-of-Ontario I-nc ,pr-esentec:.;a safety Vorld's troubles? Where is • y certificate' to Leonard Sheardown, (right) chairhian of „the is .the man that maketli The the blot that spoils- Lord his trust: Goderich Public Utilities Commission, for eight- years ' everything?•.: i• It is not far away. We need to look inward not outward. It . is the' heart of man, for therein .lies the seed of every sin. Deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, this is God's` solemntestimony regarding man's sinful nature, and the lust, op- pression and crime during the history of . 'the .world-REEIVE GRACIOUSLY not only miss a blessing for great -es well as the small, corroboratessuch an in- . ourselves but we also rob from the intelligefit and the dictment. • Most: of us enjoy being on healing and • encouragement handicapped, from the strong Jesus Himself bore like the giving end of thing. We'from the giver. • and from the weak alike, for witness. when He said that out feel im, ortant and good when In his book Followers. of each has' something valuable of man's heart all kinds of Jesus, Jean Van' r says this, to share with us: evil and wickedness proceed, . we can help someone through Y P a difficulty by 'counselling, 'Giving can.be a treacherous Jesus moved gen'y and although men differ listening, visiting, baking a thing, because by giving 'we through the throngs, never greatly; as to the nature .amd dominate. Those whogive - foistinghimself or. his extent of their, sinfulness, yet pie or by assisting,°iri some other way.' must •learn also -by -receive b receive in miracles • on- anyone, .. • and ail' are sinners: and.each h.umilit and love acid alwa s receivingwith Lin- d of that inborn sin- By the same token, many of y Y us find it hard to be on the •thanksgiving." derstanding as He was en - fulness common to those of .• receiving end. Somehow it's . He goes on to say that it is tertained .by the scalawags, Adam's •fallen race. much easier 'togive important"not to stifle.people . administered to be '• the - This may offend many. It with gifts but to ive-chem a was • eyed so before, and: by graciously than to receive chance to love . and .enter the , of prostitute, old water from the woman those who heard Christ's graciously. especially if the, words and e t dthem- help comes from one we -may world of, sharing. attheiwell. Eternal • life be found, and .....,, there is none other name 'under Heaven given` by God among men whereby we must be saved-. In wondrous grace t`: without a compensation accident tb: they Godcrlch em=: ployees'Go'derich PUC manager, DaveRolston was also on hand forithe presentation. • . ' • TO TH(SE.F.AREW. legal though 1 walk though the valley of the shadow of death, 1 shall fear no vsnh-tor•Thru-•art—wttt-mn� —23ts1 Psalm MRS. L.I. MILLS ' The "funeral service was • Monday, August '30• at Stiles Mrs, 'hula 'Iona Mills, Funeral Hpme with the Rev. • . Auburn, :died August 27 in Earl St• Jean and the Rev: Clintoh Public Hospital. She Alfred Fry officiating. was 69. Interment .: was in ° She was ' born August 31,< Dungannon .Cemetery. 1906 in West Wawanosf Pallbearers . were Sam - Township to Richard and Thompson, 'Donnybrook; Elizabeth (Jackson) Bruce. Ernest Durnin, West She was married, December Wawanosh Township; . and 31', 1930 in Auburn to Edwin Harold Webster; Orval 'h; (Ted) - Robinson Mills who McPhee, Robert Artlitir:and survives' ---- -3thn-Daer, all elAuburn. • She moved fro give t` Wawanosh to Auburn ten yearn ago where sll'e was 'a member of 'Knox • United Church and the -United Church Women there. Surviving besides her husband are two daughters, Mrs,Irwin (`Joan)' Schmidt, Burlington 'and Mrs. Byron (June) Nixon, Mississauga;' and three grandchildren. She was predeceased by one son, James in 1961:. - Daycare centre for shut-ins The possibilities of creating a daycare .centre for that -ins and , handicapped in.Huron ti County will ,be discussed at a workshop. to be held on Wednesday, 'September 8 and sponsored by the Huron County Cominittee on Honi'e bound People. The workshop which. will take place in the Huronview auditorium from 10 assn. to •4 p.m. will give various. agencies, •including:, nursing homes, volunteer • groups, Meals, on Wheels, Kinsmen and social services.branches, to. name a°.few, a chance to make suggestions and decisions on the need for: clay s eeme "It is terrible," Vanier So let us not.inflate our 1 t h feel is not quite as smart, or care facilities for homebound people. Joan -Spittal, °a member of. the committee, feels that there is .a, need for such facilities .to aid and entertain the elderly, those who suffer from physical handicaps, depression, • fear • and loneliness. She -explained that a ,program was set' 'up in Brantford • Thy formerly homebound people, and it has. proved successful. - Those attendig the workshop for Huron County plan to assess.the Brantford plan -and decide whether a" similar project should • be instituted. here. Anyone in- terested in. the "needs of homebound people are urged to come out to. the workshop. Lunch will be available'for $1:50 and coffee •will be ser- ved. . JASON PFRIMMER Baby Jason -Ernest Pfrimtrter died August 24 in Victoria .I-fgspital, London, at '-the age of 'five'days. Hev•as born August 20, 1976. to Ernest and Lisette (Tetreault) - Pfrimmer, 26 Bennett St. E., Goderich. Surviving 'betides his parents are several aunts and, uncles; his parental gran- dfather . •Russell Pfrimmer, RR• •4 Goderich; and'his maternal grandparents,. Alcide and Decile Tetreault, Vel -nor, Ontario. ' The.' •Rev. Fr. • Raymond Moynahan ,of St.' Peter's Roman Cthdlic.• "Church conducted the fu-lieral service at• Stiles. Funeral a Home Thursday, Atigust 26. Interment was in Colborne - Cemetery. THE BAHA'I •_ FAITH TEACHE S How world order,•including a world government represen- ting all nations and people,. capable of maintaining "world peace and providing.leadership for. a world society will be established. • Write P.O. Box 212, Goderich. Phone. 524-6179 • ••• • SERER'-BY—THE-WATER ' j :. The fomi�y thus gays togethe..: LUTHERAN CHURCH i -rt.ff• s to etker ' I ( Blake and Eldon Streets, Goderich) . . ' • • -• , ••- �..+..�..�.,....... r han of ers. .. Manyas tpiritual:or as good as we says., to be always ori- the personalities by giving, but try : to • excuse:. are. It goes against the grain receiving end. The role of .a,, rather let us•share what we delinquency and wickedness disciple of Jesus is .to givei on the " ground. of Mal - somebody take 'assistance from • have with others, and share somebody who is weaker than life, and .to . give life is what they have to offer us environment, offending' we. are,' or from•a•person we precisely' to call: others'forth with thanksgiving. and Iove so glands, or petty .forgotten , may not even like very well to give We must learn how to that 'we 'are, blessed by the :incidents of the past, to' undermine the f accept help from those we ,.joy ..an . thanks an won struments of Christ'we are' guilt of sin:• consider our 'equals' and derment precisely because it : neither giving nor receiving To . diagnose a° disease is coritempo2 a,ries because •for is a gift of love, Thus we learn anything except that w.hich. important, It may help with some reason or other we•.feel to' give with love; with • belongs to•_Him 'in the first. regard to the -fight cure. But . we are admitting weakness y, and without seekiri can a cure be found for pt credit. r diten • Hwow fn We de -siring place. - where' M$rvin when' we acce t from. so malignant and••widespread t. give,g t Meeting at Rotiertsor Memoria't school e BETHEL HOLINESS CHAPEL BIBLE MISSIONARY' %� SUNDAY/SEPTEMBER 5, 1976 seeking receive the slightest gift with knowledge that _ as ,in-' �. j ` CHURCH act and It, can even be drffic'ult to $ - g ! d th k d Sunday 'School 9:50.a.in. •a disease infecting ..- all someone else • ` And that's-.toobad..Beca se • recognition. How often- we :'mankind? Where can •a man; 'more aid more I'm becoming think we do something great:.. To save`m. oney on your food at best a poor sinner, however g Togive should • not be bill, make it your business to cultured or educated he may convinced' 'it's just as .im be; find the healingthat portant, maybe more so; to he : regarded as a luxury for us; it know what you're buying -get salvation offers. For : a gra'cious•receiver-as it is to is our first and fundamental. the most goodness for the. ;east be a gracious giver. When we duty: It is something so ob- money, Did; you know that by salvation is his deep necessity refuse to receive; or receive.vious, that we shouldn't even .. government law, ." the if he .would live well. pleasing.• belligerently from others, we speak of it." . ingredients of a product are 04131ONE SPEC — 1 PRE -AMPLIFIER ,SPEC -2 POWER AMPLIFIER: -e MUSIC'S, ICE. RETAIL 1779.90 A - Two -exceptional audio products for those whose - tastes lean to the finest. The completely flexible pie amplifier .and rnassiVe, high output power amplifier, combine to produce incomparable" - realism. , • 250 Watts 'RMS 'Per Channel • Signal To Noise Ratio —110dB • Rack - Mohntable • _Warranty' Two Years 14; eoda r 40 Street. St tilt r' 111-29401,. • He tells :about one of bis girl . listed on the label in decreasing . assistants whom he says has order of amount? That means if a high capacity -of won - sugar is the`first ingredient dermenti When she FS testing listed, you'repaying mainly for one of the men at L'Arche, the empty calories-. Put your home that Vanier runs for the . money where your mouth is mentally handicapped, . she buy nutrition ,.. it matters,•.' has the capacity of calling forth the best in: those fellows. She is a non-smoker, butif the • �1-ri� boy offers . her a ' cigarette, �y� V�©l��1s� ry� � she'll take it and 'smoke it LN with evident pleasure, and _ 1 ; afterwards -she'll turn . and say, "Thank you, it was so = �' good, your cigarette." This makes the fellow -happy. As Vanier says this capacity of giving life through com- passion, through . un- , derstanding, -through thanking is a wonderful thing. ,It is a' great lesson to learn to give with humility. It may be a greater lesson• to learn to -receive with love from the. ER .Bob,nom McCA1,L.�UMI Representative 11 Cambria Rd., Goderich 524-7345 • AiC:1.J_JM1.1.._U�J4IXA,1�lfD_�JJV%.11 IAPAIRIM.UDIIPAI_Jt.I tMAPAR,VIP • THIS SUNDAY 8 P.M. September ..• S Special Speaker REV. LORNE SPARKS• Special'Music THE ALTHIEA HURON MEN'S CHAPEL: Auburn Everyone Welcome (Yeti/�\`itl�tYsYYwYfY,�l1f(.Yll?*l1fYAYafyar14111 t►Y{Y�Yf e^- (YyYlf%l1(Y�Yf% cl ' -; 4 L Bart, -Pastor 524-2235 _ Huron St., & Walnut St.• • "Preaching peace byJesus_Christ: He is Lord of all" -Acts , I Kennison--W : Lawton -,--Pastor • 524:2785 - / 9:30 a.m. Sundey School foe all °. CI " Classes for all ages-•-' /- SERMON: "•LIVING IN THE LIG,HT"' 1. /.. Evangelistic Service 7:06 p.m. . Prayer 6:30-7:00 ri.m. ; / ' / i Blessed are the pureln heart tor they shall see God • Matthew 5:8 10 6• ,-... .r•,...•�.. :.- ::�....:.•....�: ,...�.....�..�..�, l ern Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Affiliated .with. the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS Pastor. C.: Fred Day North. Street United Church The Rev. Ralph E. King,-B.A., B.D., Minister • Miss' Clare McGowan; Visiting Assistant `Mr. Lorne H. Dotterer, Director of Music • Believes the 'Bible is God's Inspired Word SupdaY School• for ages 3 to 9 from worship at 11 a.m. '- • Evangelical jn Character''r`• Worship at 11 a.m. • Evangelistic in Activity COME TO SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 A.M. For a Ride Phone 524-6543 WORSHIP HOUR i1 A.M... EVENING MEETING 7 P.M. 1 • . SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1976 THE MINISTER WILL PREACH Nursery Facilities Come and Worship with -us • .•_...-. •....1" -•-.. ...•_..r ..• ''° f{ • Si. GEORGE'S CHURCH • TRINITYXI S E:PT. 5 . 8:30. Holy Communion ' 10 atm. Holy Communion and Sermon ' 10. a.m. Nursery • CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH aLAkE S1AEEi .t- { ISAYFIELD n0.40 AT EVANGELISTIC-FUNDAMENio- TAL. REV. R. BRUBACHER.pastor 10:00 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL FOR °ALL AGES 11:00 A•M• MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE -'Guest Speaker: Dr. E.S. • Kerr 7:30 P.M. EVENING FELLOWSHIP THE PASTOR PREACHING Wednesday 8:00 P.M. - Mid week service WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH' • .{ f t� •�.r.rr.•r••••••••••••.••-• . ••r• •`••••••.••-••••••-••••.•••••••,..•.fir•.-•►.•-•••••••••\.•.••••••••.•••.1 { E ( Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Priest in Charge: Rev. Donald Irvine Huron. College, London, Ontario. PLEASE NOTE SUMMER SERVICE TIMES • Rector (Vacancy) - _ •Choirmaster -Organist: Joseph B. Herdman The Free MethedistChurc. :1 1 Park St. at Victoria:'-- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH • MONTR EAL STR EET (near The Square) Rev. W.H. MEW1iinnie F.R.G.S. Pastor:. H. Ross :Nicholls For bus transportation call '524-7195 or 524=9903 SUNDAY;' AUGUST -29v 976 9•:45 a•m _SJlnday .School 11:00 a:m., New:Pastorwillbe in charge 7:00 • p•m., 'Eve .Service Organists Mr. Frank Bissett ( TUE .SALVATION ARMY 9:45•a.m.-•Sunday SchltoI . • r : 1` 1 A.M. THE PASTOR PREACHING ? G Special Music: Miss Flora Simpson .Kingsbridge, Ontario Guest Soloist September -Will be -friendship Sundays ( Come and bring your friends ' • Knox .Presbyterian .Church < c I THE •fiEV:.G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., M. D1y, Minister • THE REV. RONALD C. McCALLUM, Assistant : f 1 WILLIAM M. CAMERON, Director of Praise SUNDAY, -SEPTEMBER 5, 1976 SERMON " A CONTINUED STORY" The Minister Will preach, (Nursery Facilities) Sumpter Services are all at 10:004.m. 8 WATERLOO ST. S, • 524,9341 SUNDAY SCHOOL- 9:45 A.M.'. '- FAMILY WORSHIP --11:00 A.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVIC•E- - 7:QO P.M. WEEKDAY Home• League ('Ladies)' Wed. 8:00 P.M. Prayer & Bible Studies 'Thurs. 7:30, .M. OFFICERS' CAPTAIN G. HERBER CAPTAIN M. MacKENZJE Ali Are Cordially Invited to Attend i-� Refreshments on the Church Lawn after the Service t �. • Piper: Bertram Y. McCreath it Enter to Worship- Depart to Sere / S. Victoria Street United Church HOUSE OF FRIEIijDSHIP Minister: Rev.- JOl n D.M. Wood,a B A.B.D. . /. Organist and Choir' Director: Mrs. J. Snider '- j •. 11:15 am. WORSHIP ' 'i i • W-E-L-C-O.M:E' +..r..u.-•u•s�..aN�,.rW.•i'•Nicu•r•r• •r.C.•e-�. r.•,W+•+'..'i n"a�•W.r.•'.�rY Wr+La••.w►• .r+'•►..v}+►rawa'•+Y.•.•. .ri•w•W.'sesessOsas.sa.rr.n'... as+i..r'•is,•rti..srv,Wri.,w..•r..:r'i..�r+u..i••r�•rW.....•W.++•a..+A,•