HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-02, Page 15CAMPBELL'S 168 THE SQUARE GODERICH Thursday, September9 FREE ELECTRONIC- HEARINL, TESTS REPAIR'S TO MOST MAKES OF HEARING AIDS R. THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE . 88 QUEEN ST. S. ° KITC+IENER_- A RECEPTION will be held for Mr, and Mrs. Jack'C tlbert (nee Debbie Hiaks) on Friday Septem13_0 3rd, 1976. at Saltford. Dancing from 9 p.m. to 1. a.m. 1Vlusicby "Four of A :Rind Relatives, friends and neighbourswelcome.-36;36. NEW BINGO .- Clinton Hall,. 8':•3Q.. p.m Thursday, Sep- tember 2, 1976: 'Admission $1 , • fifteen regular game's, •$10 each. Three share the wealth games., One,: jackpot for $.239.00, in .57 calls, con- solation. One call and $10. • aided weekly if not 'won. 39 tfn WESTERN: FAIR London Bus leaving Tuesday,Sept: 14th. For information cal1,529- 7921 or 529-7888,--36 ,• BAYFIELD OLD-TIME COUNTRY FAIR Sept. 4th Parade - Heavy Horse' Show - Livestoclt- Poultry - Special Events.Baby Show. Arts 8.. Crafts - Old Tithe machinery, Elmer Hohl demonstrates. World Champion' Horseshoe pitching. Entertainment for all! 6 AFTER Labour Day the Huron Historic Gaol will be open on .Saturdays and Sundays only from 12:00 noon until 5:00 p.m, This schedule will. be in effect, . until November .7 when we close for --the winter months. G.r.oup tours are by appointment. .-36,37• . THE' MAPLE LEAF Chapter: IODE will 'meet Tuesday, September 7th, 8:00 p.rn,- in the Assessment • Office,' Napier Street. -36 • TURKEY Supper at Victoria St. United Church, Wed- nesday,'September the 22nd at6:30p.m.-36 HURON COUNTY'' Family Planning Project INVITES YOU TO ATTEND BIRTH CONTROL CLINIC Every Thursday From 6.:30.9 p.m. Huron County Health Unit,_ Shipley St., Clinton For information. calf 482.3416 Weekdays or Thursday evenings Everyone Welcome Bingo In The New Goderich Legion Hall • BINGO EVERY SUNDAY 7:30 P.M. SHARP. 15 Regular games • S12.00 per game "Share the Wealth" with a chance at Jackpot on each game., . $ 1 20.00 in 57 calls ;. . ADMISSION $1.00 DOORS OPEN 6:30. „ALL PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK THE HURON COUNTRY PLAYHOUSE Grand Bend 3rd..BIG WEEK Anne, Of Green.Galbles September 1:4 Wed.,; thru Sat:. 8:30 P.M. MINOR HOCKE.1 GENERAL MFETI�fG; Wed. Sept. 8th at •7:30 p.m.' Assessment Office "Beard.Room Anyone interested. Please try to Attend CLINTON an,d District Badminton Club, 1976-77, season, offers. 3: free• in- trodllctory - practice nights,:' Wednesday •Sept. 15,''22; 29, 8:00 - .11:00 , p.m. at the C.H.S.S. gjfm: Registration is on Sept,' 29th, if you have never •played before; -thi t2 your big chance. Racquets available for beginners,'bring yoiur sown• running • shoes. Single . - $5.O0; • couple $7.00. For more information Phone 4821-9629' or. 524-9517. Student' badni.inton starts Oct. 6; 1976., --36,37 RECEPTION In honor of Mr. . anti Mrs. William - Stewart,. Kincardine,. Ontario, on ktheir 50th wedding an: niversary . at' the Maitland Country Club, .September 3. Music' . „by Harbourlites: Dancing 9 to 12. Everyone welcome, -36nc • • • BINGO .Monday, September 6th at the Vanastra Centre -'8 • p:m. Fifteen regular $12.00 games, three -share-the- •. wealth, jackpot $200.00 must go. Door prizes and many other specials. Admission restricted to sixteen years. and over.-tf BAYFIELD OLD-TIME COUNTRY FAIR` Sept. 3n1: Bingo & Exhibits in Arena 8:00 p.m. I atvaEtt ll t o L!CFNSED UNDER'LLeii Relaxed DINING in a: PLEASANT ATMOSPHERE . • TASTY DIS1IES' THE. WAY YOU LUKE .THEM. Reservations Preferred.. for groups. HWY. 21 BAYFIELD 565-2843 AN ENTERTAINING IDEA Would your guests enjoy an evening at... r quiae HIGHWAY 21 SOUTH GODERICH Open every evening until 9 p.m. REGULAR HEARING A10 SERVICE CENTER GODERIC APPeatingjkis Week MED. 'SEPT:. 1 TQ SAT., :SEPT,4 SNORKEL. • AT THE BEDFORD COURT.:LOUNGE COMING NEXTVWEEK4 WED., SEPT. 1 to SAT. SEPT. 4' AARON PLANNING DINNER;OUT TRY OUR. DELICIOUS SMORGASBORD NOW . FULLY eAIR-• . w CONDITIONED N 1^ TUES. 12 - 1:30 p.m. WED. 6 • 7:30 p.m. .. SUN. 5 & 7 p,m• ' Bedford Hot�� Goderich 524-7337 O Oa WOa0000ra00©OOOOaaaa000 !+ A�ta 'E� IGNAL-STAR cT URSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. SQUARE. MEAL SQUARE'DEA:L •:. TRY- yNo�nra NOW FULLY LICENSED' • GODERICH RE TAURAN1 STEAKHOUSE .•&AVE LICENSED UNDER THE .LIQUOR LICENSrE ACT. 42.INEST STREET,:. o °.' 1 1 76--PA+CTEr"A" 000000000 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••'••••••••••••••••••••• • • r • • •• • • • •x: • • • • • • •, •• (ONLY Y�';CAN GIVE TY.. GIFT 'i OF LIFE! - S TNEIAST HOLIDAY OF SUMMER Make i1 0 GOOD ONE, erve `.. Therie's A Package Size Just Right " For Your ramify DON'T FORGET THE SALADS AND FIX1N'S Col.'Si nders Recipe, MkC€NtUCky. A CANADIAN COMP -ANY Colonel Sanders and'his boys make it'fing•r.iickin"'goal at the 5 Points -- 94 Elgin Ave., GODS RICK a • NASHVILLE••GRAND OLD OPRY .' tePt3-6- Ott.'8-11 • Buses Depart from Goderich • $89.°O .each - four per room. TOUR INCLUDES •Delux.e bus transportation • •'-2 nights motel accommodation • Motel taxes • Tour oflNashville and stars' hornet • • • • • • • • • • • • �liiil► '111 Esquire The Square -Phone 5'24-2242' E+t In .or Taiga 'aid OPEN DAILY'THRU . JULY 7,- AUGUST Restaurant Goderich` GODERICH Laketown Band 15 PLEASED. TO PRESENT SUNDAY BAND CONCERTS Goderich Harbour Park 7:00"p,m. • FROM THE 'LIONS' BAND STAND In the event of rain, concerts will be held in the Christian Education Hall of North Street United Church. SEPTEMBER 5 The Very Popular • • Tour of.'recording studio • • Ticket to Grand OId.Opry: & admission to Opryland U.S.A. •.Smorgasbord Supper • .Mus• ic: Malin Tours 421 1Llindon0 St: 1116b• ..•• • 434• Chris Black : Band • • (�::GODERICH PHONE 524"9911 BOX .OFFICE OPENS -AT 8:00. P.M. THE TRANS-AMERICANOUTLAW ROAD RACE- Adult Entertainment A DEMOLITION DERBY willow Rinks! -r ' • Sandy Cobe and David Baughn Present A MO LAY$ RIM DJSK WICK HUDSON :. ,EMBRYO , A;CINE ARTISTS l \`PI(:1 URIS REF F AST. 0 13AW Starring. . IN COLOR CHARLES BRONSON RELEASED BY - - INTERCONTINENTALRELEASING CORP. SUN. SEPT. 5 5 BIG FEATURES IA .'The Steel 4Death IflTENRON HONEYMOON OF: HORRORS THE MOST INCREDIBLE ENDING OF ANY MOTION PICTURE EVERT ." sem.. 6-9 CLOSED FRI. & SAT, • Sept. 1.01-.1 1 WAITER ' MATTHAU TATUM • (MEA" "THE HAD N- % 1 » THE DEVIL'S RAIN! A SAWS' HOWARD Produdan 'THE DEVIL'S RAIN" A BRYANSTON RELEASE ' I. L COLOR ADULT ENTERTAINMENT. MARCO VICAR presets ROSSANA FODESTA A ZODIAC FILMS RELEASE COPEN••WEEIC-ENDS ERI. -SAT. -SUN. iYaramouni Pictures prowp5i1S. 1,bl[)E_,AY EJ bring your friends and • enjoy the fun • +.'Dinner Reservationsaccelfited up 'til 8 p.m.r Sorry : - we cannot accept 'reservations for en- tertainment. + There will be a cover charge of 81 for entertainment after 8. p.m.• Thursday; Friday and Saturday nights only. Cover_ charge wilt be payable at the lounge door. Treat yourself and your friends ... for your convenience - our Hot Buffet -is served THURS., & FRT. 12 noon • 2 p.m., Casual Dress Dine bLr Candlelight SUNDAY SMORGASBORD 5p.m.to8p.m. BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON SPECIALS EVERY DAY Visit the KEG ROOM. + Colour TV • + Relaxing atmosphere Candlelight'. Restaurant & Tavern Licensed under•L.C•B.O: RD.,rGODErtICH • .524:7711