HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-02, Page 8au
Soccer News
A..nc.ther.win for
Hello and how are ya, folks?! United's beautiful! And would you believe that
back on the'. track and boogie-ing like
wow!!! Won the game on Sunday
against the London Lions, 3-2. And it was
a doozy!!•-I have a sneaking suspicion
that the guys have been freakin' out on
They were gung-ho and rarin' to' go
and proceeded ft6m the onset of the
the referee called yet another penalty
shot against us and who could ever
expect: another miraculous save from
the already ta.xed gaolie?
Well, you,better believe in miracles
because Carl deflected this shot as ef-
ficiently as ,you please! Who'd a thunk
it!??. Talk about super -terrific .
game to makethe initial challenges and citement! And to put the icing, on -the
• • shape the play to, their .own, particular rake ciaid ora-ke-everything•--perfe --the
mold: They p
instituted some classic -las forceful Tony Mennen; scored the win;:
u Y
along with some innovative maneuvers. • ning goal and Goderich was tbe victor!'
" The opposition pdidn't. stand -a chance Despite weather• :• condition's '(high
against such powerhouse tactids! winds and c -c -cold!!) the team'per,
Durin the starting half the Lions formed with their old unity and that
made a move to sway the action•in their special panache that only United 'seems.
favour and they scored the first goal, to possess..'(' course .1 got: prejudiced
which in no way deterred United's •eyes•! !) -
.,_L forceful•intentions.•Shor.tly following this Player -of -the -Day is Iain. Lambert
"act of aggression" from the opposition,
that ever -enduring. (and • endearing! )
"ageless • ,Rookie", Iain Lambert
whomped in a retaliatory (and rather
sassy) .goal for ,Goderich-and th4e half
concluded thus at 1-1.
The next 45- minutes were a joy to
beholdas'United 'beefed' it up, talked i,
up • and .play it up! The Lions again
who was instrumental throughout the
play and didn't even stop tor a milk
break!. Sportsman -et -the -game is Tony
Mennen who has enthusiasm and energy
to spare! , The Sly •Fox' goes to Harold
Refflinghaus who was just that... sly and
slippery and slick!! He's always been a -
unique-_ prayer with a gifted' knack of
handling the ball and this game only
mama -Bed -(rust -barely} -to -:break -through_ fordfaec�h-ista tints.......-.
our defense line (the nerve!) and ;score A 'Foxy' Special' tp Carl 19iolier.for ani
• another goal (sneaky, too!) • • especially skillful game and plenty of
Well, if you think Goderich, was going .sportsmanship.
to stand• (or_ sit) for them apples;•�you , It was a particular treat to see United'
don•'t know us!! With an assist from so happy and"p��l��e sed'.with their unified
Men n that blond cookie (clops!" effort. They.reaily persisted and pulled
•Tony Mennen, ( P
Rookie lain Lambert came across again together. Way to go,- Fay -go!- oops! ex -
with an .answering goal and we were off cuse me... I mean, way to go, United!!
on another skirmish, scrimmage and The `B,' team lost their game against
scramble to break that darned tie!! But London Carnival. I guess they had one of
soon afterwards, the referee awarded those days when everything you do..,
the Lions. a pe alty shot and believe me, doesn't!! Coach Walter Gottschalk
plenty of boots. were shakin' in the'' made specific mention of Eric Mitchell,
Goderich camp 'cause penalty shots are who played extremely well. There are no
virtually impossible to save. games this weekend so you'll be'hearing
Well; by golly, a miracle happened. and from us in two weeks..
before you`could•bat an eye, goalie` Carl . Have a happy holiday and have a good
Moller made a superhuman attempt and . life, cause you, deserve it. Love Ya
stopped that shot and caused fair havoc much,
' throughout the park! • It was truly Foxy.
The fourth annual S niter
Invitational was a successful
tournament. with.lots o vnung clu
August 26.. -The 'ladies kept
warm and dry in the
hhouse while enjoying a
golf enthusiasts and,
perfect delicious pa.t luck supper.
golfing, weather. Thanks go Winners. for::, tlile • evening
out, to Bill Brown and Andy ;were: fi,rst•- flight . _Sue
Smith who handled the MacAdam, Evelyn. Evers
barbecuing and to Hap Hall and Verna Kane;'. second
and Bob Greer who "handled flight - Adele ;Drennan, Judy
the. scoring. Bedard; Joyce Bolton and
September has arrived, Isobel MacDonald; third
bringing with it the shorter, flight.- Connie Falkiner,. and
:cooler days •of fall 'and a fourth flight - Mariette
reminder to golfers that the Chisholm, Karen Scott,
golfing season will soon, be Dianne Armstrong,' Helen
coming to a close.`Howe.ver, MacDonald, Jackie Harrison
• there are still plenty of and Nadine•Brown. •
golfing activities planned at ' •. On Tuesday, August 31,E the
the Sunsetforthis month. • juniors held their last . LuniOr
On Friday, Septe'mb'er 3 Day of the season. Lunch'was
IuronFlyers shine
in GueIphtourney
Playing in Guelph last came more into the game ana John Hicknell, finished off
Saturday, August 28. the .. th.eir right winger made it 2-1 with a beautiful 'headed ball
Huron Flyers made a name in • beating Paul Stephenson, the by Scott Bell of Clinton, made
soccer , for Huron County; Huron goalie, with a fine shot it 2-1. The boys kept up the
winning their first twd games _ into the top of the. net. -It was attack but no., more goals
4-1 and 3-1 before losing mit to Sean "Van , Dongen:s turn carne. Playing without five of .
the Ontario chain ions under . again and 11e';made it 3=1 with the regular .players, 'filitique
o . p „-fii . a l of -the -' . • -e-therm-rte
a; cloud of suspicion: • e --earn
• In, .game one; the? Flyers That is how the. score stood at the Oakville boys made it 3-1
met Waterloo -and went on the the end and the Flyers were . and the final score was.5-1,
attack straight.. away :with a. into the 'semi-final game.. the first defeat. for the Huron
strong 'wind in their favour': Sean • Van: Dongen was Flyers.
The game' was only a• few selected. as the most ve'uable.` However, ' the officials of
a"mnu;tes old before Karl player of the second game.:, , , the tournament': intended'; to
Kramer of Goderich made With only 10. minutes- rest : check into the ages of : the
Oakville boys, as there had
been several protests lodged
over the age- and size of the .
boys. The same thing applied,
to the other finalist Bramalea '
as .they too were under
suspicion. , The result is not
known to us• at_this timebut it :
is certain that all Huron boys
forced 'to delay the. game made. everyone proud to be
because` orale storm end the ' part of the H.M.$.A. ,
_ -There-is-still no news -as= to -
lb minute break put new life.
into the Huron boys. - - whom'the boys will olay in the
They came .back fighting, next round of the Border Cup;
and a fine three-way passing but only three more wine will
play from' Dave Murray and send them to Mexico. •
the score 1-0. John I-iicknellhof the "Country Boys;'' came up
St. -. Columban made 'it 2-0 against 'the reigning Ontario
from a penalty, shot, after one ch a,mpions from Oakville.
of'the--Waterloo players had With , a thunderstorm
handled the ball 'Karl Kroh- threatening, the game got
mer was johnnyon-the-slot- underway and for the first
'•-with his- second goal of the'" time in eight starts the Flyers..
game after• the Waterloo found :themselves;behind' by a-
goalie had made. a fine save 2-0 margin. The referee was
there will bea tnixed Scotch • followed by the presentation
two ball beginning at 6 p.m.. of trophies -and prizes,.
Then, on Sunday;• September The annual-l-n`dioirsumrner-
19 the final two ball -of the O.P.P.A. •tournament was
season will be_. held. Tee off' held at the Sunset on Wed-
tirnewill pe 4 p•.m. and a pot. nesday,- September; 1.. Win -
'luck supper will follow. • hers' names are not known at
Low gross on Men's Night, - the time of writing this
- Tuesday, August 24 went to ciflumn.-
Bill Bradley and low net went This being .my last column
to Gary • Chambers. Other. '•before returning to school, I'd
winners were: first flight -Bob . like to -say goodbye to, the
Greer, Paul Baechler; -Rick Sunset gang. It's been a fun
Sowerby :- and, Milt 'Place; - and enjoyable season. Hope
second flight - Leroy Bedour, to, see you all at the Club
George Bolton, Brian Reeve Championship Day
and Stan Connelly; and third . celebrations on October 16
-flight - Gord Gooier, Raye '
Armstrong, Randy Miller and Help your.
Rennie Armstrong.
The ladies managed to golf. . Heart
nine holes justbefore it began .Help your
to rain on Ladies' Night, ,
Heart Fund
Rustproofers edge SAwlers
Ziebart` ;Rusfp"'roofers and
Little Bowl- staged'. a nine
inning -thriller Sunday ni-ght"
that the'.Rustproofers won 1:0--
0 -
'8 to advance., to the semi -
•finals ..against •French
Cleaners. Both- clubs had '
success at the plate spreading
23 hits between them. :
Ziebart opened a 5-0 lead in
the first two innings and.
:looked like they were'gQing.to
run away 'with the game. Torn
. Love .led ofi"with a s'ingl'e and
scored on. a double by Ron
Corrive.au. Corriveau was,
caught stealing and` Simon
Langlois drew a walk. Don
Parker star -rimed a two- out
double toy score Langlois. with
:the second run. Jim Mclvor:
forced a Little Bowl error in
the second ' to : start off.
another Ziebart spree,. ev•
Burgess • singled to move
'Mclvor to third and h scored
on a pass ball: Tom Love
singled off a Bowler error, arid"
moved to third on - a wild
• pitch. Ron Corriveau singled
Burgess home and Rick
Duckworth caught .a -fielder's
choice 'that scored tovand
stopped Corriveau at second.
The Bowlers came alive in
the thirdinning closing,the
gap•. to• •• two ' runs.- ,Charlie
Crawfordwas hit with a pitch
with two tout and Rob . Snell
slammed a double to bring
him in. Glen Falkiner tripled
Snell in and then scored on a
bad pitch to make it 5-3. Snell
beat out a .Ziebarterror in the
fifth to single with two out and
Glen Falkiner .scored - him
with 'a double. Bill Black tied
the game `with„ a '.single,that.
scored Falkiner.
Ziebart sent'seven batters
to the- plate. in,. the seventh
inning but were held to just
one run.. despite., Simon
Langlois' lead off double. Don
Parker singled to move
Langlois to third. and Greg
Hansen', singled .him 'in. The
Bowlers caught three men at
the plate in the inning holding
the Rustproofers to one -run. .
The Bowlers tied the game
again in their half of the Simon Langlois finally ..4411 4,
seventh' after -Charlie ` the game in the ninth with a •
Crawford caught' a One -out long single after Lee Arbour::
single...An error- p-ut Crawford--dr'ew_. a= walk and. anerror to
on second and Rob Snell an Duckworth left Arbour-- on•.
first and a long singleby;Glen -third and °Duckwortli on
Falkiner sent him to third. • second.
Bill Black drove a -long: fly to" Langlois -got the win giving.
left `field' to score- Crawford ' up 10 hits and striking out, a
'with the -tying fun.. ' dozen Bowlers: Bill Black
The Rustproofers went up struck out two and gave up,13 :
by two„, in the first extra in- , hits in the loss.
ning.. Rick Duckworth drew a
Walk with one out acid Simon r
Langlois slammed --a tripleto
score. him. - Grego ,Hansen
'singled. Langlois ih'giving the
Rustproofers an 8-6 lead. •
Little •Bowl took advantage
of two Ziebart-errors to tie the
score- "a .third. -time. • Ron
Ritchie and Bill •• Ma -tin both
got on on the errors. and
Charlie Crawford s•lammed'a
doubleto bring . them .' in:
v4 /976
II 111 N416
otJip-p-.J- It4.
SEPT' .9' .
MONDAY • Britannia • South St.
TUESDAY r No Change ..
THURSDAY.. F`'r'.iday & Thursday
Combined •
!DAY ' -; South St. - 'Britannia
Goderich Twp.
By D'ia'na Brand
The senior boys; coached
by. Wayne "Tebbe"t. and Steve
'-Thompson played Auburn on
• Monday, August 23 in a semi-
_ final
emi-_final baseball game. They
won the first Baine of,the best
out of -threewith a score at 7
Dave Bird pitched and was
later relieved by. Jeff,. Cox.
^Dave made a three base hit.
bringing in three runs.'
'Whey put Auburn out of the.
playoffs winning 6-1 on
:Thursday August 26. , All
playersdid a good job.
The junior boys .under the
coaching of Ben Whitely
played against' Auburn on
Thursday, August 26. They .
lost -their first game of-alie
playoffs,- 15,-1.4. All team , ,•
members played a good
game. .. . •
• Terri ,J.bhnston'pitched''his
best game of the season.
'they played .again,, on .
:August 30, but results were
not available at press time.' .
Arnold and Walter, Bell's •
senior girls won their first
game: of the; playoffs " On
Tuesday, August 24. Vicky
Oke pitched a 15=5 --'win over
Hufle't with seven strike -outs:
Janice Orr was another star
of the game; picking up some
hot ories at shortstop. .
All team members should
be complimented for playing
an outstanding game. - .
Holmesville wonthe second
game of the best two out of
three, putting Londesboibo out
of the finals on August 26.
They won by a score of 10-8.
Lee Anne Bell, who brought in
-five runs, and pitcher; Vicky
Oke, Were the stars of the
The team ,played Ben -
Miller”; in the' finals -on.
Tuesday, August .31, ,Pare'nts__
partid'ipatioi,,would be; -.very
muchappreciated nt the final
.games. Game an out «and
cheer .gout- :' . township's
players onto victory:
off Brad Forbes of ,Clinton.
The score stood 3-0 at half
time. : .
Sean Van D.ongen of Clinton
got his first goal'of the day to.
make it .4-0 before,,Waterloo
pulled oneback making the
final score' 4-1. Colin
Alexander of Goderich . was -
picked as the most valuable.
player of the game.
Barrie was the Flyers next
apponent and once more our
boys had the wind in their
favour but found it far too
s'tron'g and kept over -kicking
the ball. Sean Van Dungen
-pounced onto. a long through
ball to o�en the scoring 1-0.
He made it 2-Q with a.carbon
'copy of his first goal.
I•n -the • second half Barrie
133 Britannia ' Rd.
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