HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-08-26, Page 261'. Jack S Jottings....' (continued from page 6A) weeks ahead of their tour of duty. Pages must buy their own meals while working•at the Legislature, and this is no great problem as,there are -•a--- . number of - etccellent • cafeterias in the•Parliament. Rui•lding*. .. • - A qualified tutor.. is available at the Legislature, and - Pages • are given some five' hours. 'of tutoring each: - week. A.Page Master and 'Page Mistress are .in charge of the -young people; and every effo"rt is • made , to provide recreation in . the fresh air on a regular_hasis _ There is also a Games Room available in the quarters allocated to the' Pages. " It is . always a` great , Pleasure . to Welcome visitors from the Riding when they visit Queen's Park: Many, thousands of people come to the _ Legislature each year, . sometimes visiting .._. as in • dividuals, but often in groups ,. - such as school• classes, Girl Guides and Boy Scouts, Senior Citizens 'and so on. In, the. period between January and June, this year, some 980 groups participated in the organized tours - totalling• approximately 33,500 people.. During the .recess, the tour lasts approximately half an hour,, but when the House is in session; a half-hour visit to ° The Legislature isincluded.for a total of one hour. This gives!: peoplean opportunity to witness the debates which take place; and one of the. most interesting periods for •' 'visitors is the Question Period.. The guides who conduct the tours, as well as giving the historical and legislative history ofthe Ontario Legislature, also take visitors to • the Heritage Rooms, providing intere.sting- in - 'formation on the exhibits - the history of the Province, Past Premiers, etc. Our •guides do everything possible to•make• the', tour entertaining as well as educational, and we 'have 1 two guides who speak French as well' as .'English, another � • who speaks Italian. Groups are usually :photographed on the Main stairway of the Legislative ,.Building, • and ' these, .. '•. photographs are a pleasant memento of an interesting day. Visitors are also given a !‘tourist package' ' which . at the present time can„rsists of three booklets. , one.. bye Ontario Hydro on the Gifts of Nature';'.—another' called : "Grandeur, Ghosts and Gargoyles", an. entertaining --history of Queen's Park; and a third called "People, Ideas and Laws". The package•aiso • contains a c?rd.. on the Province's coat of arms, end -- a medallion, with the trillium - on one side, the coat :of' arms • on the other. PAGE 10A-4-GODERICH R, THURSDAY, AUGUAT 26 1976 If you .wish to arranges, a grolip visit to the, Legislature, ' I .would suggest that. you try tomakeyour arrangements approximately two months"in _advance of the proposed visit, tb avoid disappointment.• I shall be happy to take care of ' these arrangements ,for you, if you wish., . �' May .I also take this op- pottunity to remind you that arrangements'. can be made for people celebrating 50th• (and, upwards) Wedding Anniversaries, and '90th (or - more) Birthdays to receive commemorative Scrolls, or plaques, from the Pvince of =Ontario: -Please let. the know details of .any such events in the Riding. Scrolls are also -available "for other special occasions; such as a Town's 50th or 100th • Anniversary, special acts of heroism, or long-standing community service. .•- . 0 8. r&E.ET METAL WORK:, 1 ALL KINDS WE 00 - AT PRICES 114AI' ARE t FAU210 You 11$100,1014 ,HERE ARE SOME BRICaHT,, IL�UiMi1��,T11�G BUYS•:�� ON SALE ---, FOR A• FULL WEEK - Fro1 Nowl • ng Time Sept. st. T��I oSi� CaSt;aluminum black finish, highlighted by the warmth of amber glass..lt`s our model HE235 and it measures 10" wiide'by 20•1/2highs. Takes one 100 watt bulb, not included. A stately design. a wonderful price. See . it today at Discount Dave's Our Usual Cash & Carry 35.99 Sur COrds 6' :41rangecord has heavy duty.8 3 wire with ground a:plug; 5' r -ft. dryer and cord has 10:3 wire. �. r DRYER • Our C .0 6 49 RANGE: • - ,s,u,ll C sC 7 49 • For use with dryer or range . -supply cords Our usual C&C3.49 • lt,99 6 -Foot Black Steel Lamp Post For Above 21/4" Diameter Reduced;To Only 9.52 OUR USUAL CASH AND CARRY PRICE FOR THIS POST IS 13.991 Save 9..-94 Versa -duct model by Leigh:: In a : choice df white plus 4•colors. Our : -usual C.&C. price 49:89 ON YOUR CHOICE 054 THESE3 44. F•I:XT.URES A. COACH LIGHT, HE205 39 • Dull black finish with white. frosted glass panels Takes4 • 60 watt bulb not included. Our, usual CAC .17 99 B. OUTDOOR GLOBE, HE201 " -- Clear crystal globe, dull black frame Our usual cash &'carriprice 3,59 C WALL MOUNTED,, HE206 • Dull black finish' with white frosted giass'panels. Takes' 60 watt bulb not included • Our usual C.&C. 14.99. For wall:or ceiling installatron Handsome chrome finish., . • ONE WEEK ONLY . You Save 6c Per foot This Week at. Dave's Per:Ft: IN 250' CARTONS Non -rt ptallic sheathed NMD 7 cable .with ground: C.S.A. approved, Our usual C.&C. 'price•1.3°/ft sirovig CABLE,#8/3 Our Usual Cash & Carry Price 794 Per Ft NOW 0 3 4 DRYER C 0`. 0/3 our Usual Cash& Carry Price 49r•Per Ft. NOW 3O $, Decor Plates, .The "'Renaissance": design•is available• in a bronze finish; the ='Provincial" 'design comes in Antique. Brass and White :Gold finishes. Your choice; single toggle or,dupiex plates. ONE WEEK ONLY You save 14t'on the brown,'16a on the • ivory. So buy .several at„. ,,,these low, low prices '• BROWN: Our Usual $ Cash & Carry 49', now 3 5IVORY: Our Usual 3 go Cash & Carry 55°, now ,ouple*. lReeeptaeles You save. 10' on the brown;'1'0' 4on the ivory: So buy .several at these low, low prices. BROWN: Our Usual Cash & Carry 45'; now Irbil 911 get a._1: E out the Friendly. Service AT DISCOUNT DAVE'S 15 BRANCHES ACROSS SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO Save Now These Electrical Needs A 4" OUTSET BOX • With:; knockouts '8C -damps. . 06-r" usual 'CAC B. SWITCH BOXES W With clamps. Your choicer shallow or deep. Each is now on sale'at rices in Effe,t Till September 1st;19716: 44111111111111114. WAIN 11111111k 00,30 discout 2. Pho'1 HOME° CENTRES I V C. OUTLET, BOX 2 1 /8" deep; for use with stove & dryer receptacles, �, 9 Our usual C.&C. price 1:69 D. SERVICE ENTRANCE SWITCH Heavy duty box. 30 amp. 2' 99:' fuse,.. 115/230. volt h.p. rating. Our usual C.&C. 6.89 (11414 -6 -EX HURON LINE • MALDEN ROAD WINDSOR EAST Tecurrrseh"Bypass_on highway 2. Phone, 74'1.6001 • Daily•8 ° 5:30 triol. Saturday E'rida# till 9 p.m. • p • - Souihamp,nn RAFEWAVD HWDISCOUv I's • LNT ISCOUDAVE'S., R AD Spn>t9 rit a Tilkna,r • �fRON1' TO AMHEMSTRURo' WINDSOR WEST OWEN SOUND 500 f=ront Road Irl LaSalle. Phone .ori Highway 21 at Sp'ringmou t Cort::. • 734.1221. Daily 8 - 5:30 incl SaturW' vier. Phone 376.31'81: tO 8 'a.m. day. Fiiday;till 3 n.rei.' 9: 0 o•ni. daily: Saiurda 144n m AMHERSTBURG • 736 3151 • EXETER 2351422 GODERICH • '524 8321 GRAND BEND •• • 238.2374 HARROW 738.2,221 KINCARDINE b KITCHENER' 589 Fai wary Rd. South. ' Phono744.8371 °Dally 8 including Saturday. Fri•d4v till 9"p.m. OWEN $"OUND 376 3181 RIOGETOWN 674 5465 SOUTHAMP.TON" • 7973245` THEDFORD . •. 296:4991 • WEST LORNE , 768.1520 • 7276001 KINGSVILLE 733-2341 WINDSOR WEST 734'122t" KITCHENER- 744 637,1 " Reg, hours:111k*s11Ai' Fri: 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. •• Zat: till 4p m • 396-3403 WINDSOR EAST KITCHEN,ER - WINDSOR EAST AND WINDSOR WEST: FRIDAY. till• • A