HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-08-26, Page 20NAL.d, PSR:, T 1h Y. AUGUST 26,-1976 • 12. AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF • • Machinery, To?ols. Attd.. A.n:.. 'tiques will be held . for the estate, of the' i"ate Harvey McPhee. Lot 20; Con. 1 West Wawanosh, 3 miles West of Auburn or 3. miles east of Nile. Saturday August 28 1 P.M. Ford 800 tractor with Freeman loader and pulleys; Ford 3 furrow plow - 3 pt, . H. disc.• 5 section harrows; George White 75. bu. spreader; Massey 13 run drill; New Holland 268 baler; Massey 6 ft. binder mower; 3. bar . side rake; '2 walking plows; scuffler; cutting box; rubber tired -wagon; steel tired wagon; .3 point Hitch snow blower; 2 wheel trailer and rack; buggy; cutter; sleigh; ., grain grinder; fanning mill; electric drill; John .• Deere power take off tire,,pump;.pig crate; blacksmith too)s; broad 'axe; .sledge; knife grinder; •chain saw; ditch "scoop; pump;. jackall tack; e extractor; sap pan; ex; tensiont"ladder; „horse har- ness; cross cut saws; -quantity of mixed grain; numerous antique articles Terms Cash .. Farm sold estate. or auctioneernot responsible for accidents ;.George Powell clerk - Brian Rititoul auctioneer 13.•SERYI(ES'AVAiLA.BLE • 1.)rFV1DSON Hearing Aid Service, . free hearing t•rsts. 45 •dav trial• hatte:ries. charger, and repair,.. City ,Bid country house calls. 334 (queens Ave.:,. phone 4321951. 951. • `L mufti--24tfar DAILY CAR RENTAL .teasunabie Hates,. - Mr(:E E'S • Giideri h• Phune52t ,M341 19tr Carpentry- Wark, Horne Renovating Furniture Repairs ,,8r Refinishing. (30 Years Experience) • ' . (Nn Job Too Small) 524-2591 or 524-938.6 __Between 12:& 1 p.m. - - Or after 6 -p.m. • CamAt I ITCHEN-CJI;BENETS ', A.ND. VANITIES ' - Doors shown in your home or on the job site. • . - Fashioned 'in,a variety of styles and colors to suit every home. STEVE SMITH • Phone -482-3Q05 -.Clinton ' F arm Auction Of Farm Machinery, Furniture, and Antiques --for Bill Baeehler, Zurich. . ,SATIIRDAY, 'SEPT. 4 at 1:00 p.m. RATIH•W L'S AUCTIOWS RVICE Auctioneers, Appraisers, Liquidators Clinton.. 4.82=3170, - Business Liquidation By Public Auction for McClincheV's General Store in .Varna - on SATURDAY., SEPT: 11 at 1:.00 P.M. Full Listing Next Week Proprietor Ida• McClinchey • RA.T.HWELI'S ►UCT•ION SERVICE Auctioneers - Liquidators Br..ucefaeld, Ontario --48 2-31 20 Consignment Sale . Our first Fall Consignment Sale for this season, of tractors, farm equipment, tbols & miscellaneous Items :will be held �. A Friday, September ;3' S10HARP.M. NORWICH SALES YARD Highway 59; just south of Norwich. Three Auctioneers selling at one time. • If you have extra equipment or tractors to Sell, consign them to Ontario's largest and most widely advertised auction sale, with buyers rand• sellers -from the. Eastern . Provinces and U.S,A:. We are equipped to load and unload all Rkks. • - Small tools and miscellaneous sale starts at 10 a.rii.. Farm e ' quipmont, starting with ploughs at 10:45 a.m. Tractors and trucks sell at 2 p.m. Tractors sold inside.. Livestock sale every Wednesday - Daylight saving time sale starts at 1'pan, Standard time sale starts at 1 p.rn • ,Lunch available. „' Not. respoinsible for accidents. . •for information 'contact. Jerry Jansen . 'Sales Marfager & Auctioneer Phone 519.863.6820 .Carmen Denton, John Auctioneers - - Les : Shackelton hackelton • iS • 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE _AyiNcand finishing concrete floors for basements, garages. patios. Call George .Barracloug:h 524-8158.-43tf . VACUUM CLEANERS - SALES .81 SERVICE. ALL MAKES ' •BOB' PECK V4RNA 262.57.48 •gcttn Roofing Painting Carpentry PAUL LASSALINE 524-7158 -FREE ESTIMATES BACKHOE SERVICE. BASEMENT. EXCAVATIONS DUMP TRUCK BULLDOZING. SEWERS ' Septic •Tank, Installations Government licenced. FREE ESTIMATES -Sid Bruinsma ' Goderich . 524-:8668-' • b., 13: SERVICES AVAIL -ABLE 12. AUCTION SALE. F URNITURE; .rrepa1rg' and recovering 2 years experience. • t i ee'esti•mates. Fur informption call , Lodge. Furniture 521::"-, 75.1..-341f ' S'KEL.TON .' * APPLIANCES Ing11a--Mt .tfat-Beatty Sales -Service - Repairs to all makes 36 'Britannia Rd. W. " . Ph. 524-7871 .-17t1 •• 2ND .MORTGAGES. •SAME DAY Y COMMITMENT • • Farms - • Residential Properties • Out-of-town ' CALL 432:6337....• CHARLES DRAKE': CORPORATION` LTD., HURONHOME IMPROVEMENTS Additions •: Additions Renovatipns • Guaranteed•. Work p . '• FREE ESTIMATES CaII 5.24-6696 Between 5:30 84 7 p.m:• LYLE. MONTGOMERY.'CONSTRUCTION- SAND - GRAVEL - AGGREGATES, • BACKHOE - EXCAVATING . • . . Screened Top Soil Phone 482-7644 Enroll now fortl-.. MUSIC. LESSONS Be A Winner'. LEARN TO`PLAY THE ACADEMY WAY Organ,' Piano,' Gu'ita r; "Accordion • and now drums.• INSTRUMENTS LOANED TO BEGINNERS Call 5.24=271 1 NQW • GRAHAM ELECTRIC _LTD.:} • 62 CAMBRIA ROAD N:`, GODERICH Electrica .Contracting . APPLIANCE` SALES: & SERVICE Repairs to all makes andmodels of major appliances Any calls. before 2 p.m. will be done the next day. ' ' 7. Lei Sun Shine weekly, one the . monthly time job - In! Window: Commercial Residential -fullly . w . . , insured for Larryamuk Cleanin-.- - Daily, - ,or, special the professional 524-9666 LI '- jobs • :_ Do . yourself and .. Rent carpet cleaner ..., • •, CARPET it save . , the pro DIRTY - -. Have the. • experts do it : - , • Steam gets the dint•. other.. n,gligndshampoo • ::::::' ",o�, p ng.. i � ... Carpet'dries quickl ",-.,,., GooO HOUI�irM .'., , �+., .,o.,i,� �1no • CARPET CARE �• - ' .216 Wellington. Street 5. ' ^ Goderich 8.24-2440 LIQUIDATION A IIIf"T.IAhI - New.& Used Boats and Outboard". Motors Mgnare Marine°Limited' Just east of the traffic lights off Highway 81, Grand Bend Sat. Sept. 4e at 1:00 pm We have received instructions to offer WITHOUT RESERVE in order to ; reduce winter inventory a quantify of new 1976 ' JOHNSON OUTBOARD -MOTORS-(2,44,9...2.;_151„40 & 70 H.P.), other motors include 9 5, 50, 70, 25 & 65 H. P. models, two,Avon rubber dingys, new & used Sunfish sailboats., 15.' Springbox Sprinter . with 25 Johnson electric start, , 15' Springbox canoe, 16' O'Day Daysailer, 12' aluminum Crestliner, 14' Crestliner, 15' Fiberglass Munroe with Explorer trailer & 65 Mer- . cur_y, . 17' " Muskie Crestliner with 115 Evinrude, 13' Boston. Whaler (centre„steeriiriq) with 40 Johnson, 13' Sport Whaler, 16' Boston Whaler with 70 Johnson, 17':Grew •Lapstrake with 70.Johnso n, 18'Grew with 1.00 h.p1 VoReo inboard, 16'. Silverline with 85 Johnson, 17' Crestliner Crusader with• 135 Johnson; 26' Chris-Craft Cruiser with 283 inboard, 29'. Owens twin-screw cruiser. with twin 185's, '22' Penn 'Yon Cruiser with..Chrysler tuned driveinboard, and other units not listed. . SPECIAL : Classic 1955,29" Shepherd Mahogany Plank Runabout in excellent• condition with -full top, twin ' berths, head, ice box, • sieve, sink and powered by twin Chrysler Hemi's .with 'V' drives. • . . Jn view from Ten Morning of ale. "or previously by. ap- ointment. GARDNE.R AUCTIONS INCORPORATED . Auctioneers . LONDON ' Phone 439-0194 FOR YOUR Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Needs '- Superior Maintenance Now Offers STEAM or- DRY .SHAMPOO For. Free Estimate Cali ••- 524.8892 257-11Varren St:; Goderich MATHERS, ' LANDSCAPING & LAWN MAINTENANCE Specialising in landscaping 'and your complete ' lawn needs. Phone: '524=2401 • 524=7,044 Wro. R. Nelson CARPENTER, Area Representative for TRALEE, KITCHEN CABINETS -. _.. and vanities 528=2949 -FREE ESTIMATES, EXPERT ` CARPENTRY All types of . CUSTOM' WORK= • Cabinets i Kitchens • Recreation,Rooms •-• Windows & Doors • Outside Jobs • &v Roofing Call . after -6 p.rn. 524-6663-: 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE . . insimminiimmionow HOFFMEYE:R • .:` Plumbing' B,Heating Ltd. APPLIANCES • 56 KINGSTON ST. ELECTRIC _ Inglis washers; ' dryers, refrigerlitors, dishwashers, ranges GAS Ranges; barbecues, lights, -ringes . 14 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN the estate of ROGER• FRANCIS LAYTON, late of the Townsiiip of :Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron. , ALL persons having ' claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 3rd day of August, 1976, are required to file. full particulars thereof with the .undersigned on or before the 15th clay of September, 1976, after 'which date the. assets will be distributed having regard only to 15. PUBLIC NOTiC.E W. H E E LCHA I R S' -W A LIFE R•S, The Hutnanitarian r Service Committ:ee. of the God&rich Oddfellow•and Rebekah Lodges have eijuipment•foriloan. Contact Amos Osbaldes.ton, 524-9623. or. Fred Frit-zley; 524-7217.-38eow 16. PERSONAL W1•: INVITE engaged couples to' visit .the Arbor Gift. Shop in Clinton. Receive a free gift 'and Latina. Fifth grandchild for.Mr. ' tell your friends about our shower. and M1 -S. Ronald J. Healey Sydney, Nova' 'Scotia •and 20th grandchild for Mrs. Edna Heath, Ancaster Ontario. -35 21. BIRTHS - HQOPER:'Richard'and Christine are- happy to announce the birth . of . their. son David Richard, on July 30th in Goderich: First grandchild for Mr. arid Mrs. D. McQuire ofGoder.ich and Mr. and Mrs.R. Hooper of London. -35 HEATH: Mr. and Mrs: Bruce R. Heath are pleased to announce the';birth of a son, Marc Evan -Lynch, at- Alexandra Marine and - Qeneral Hospital 'on Sunday Au•grust 22nd 1976. A Brother for and .Bridal Registry Serviee. No charge, no obligation.-3tf GENTLEMAN requires middle aged companion. ' Lives in Goderich area. Phone 524- • .9688,--35x . DO YOU have marriage or family probleins? The Ministry of Cym munity &. Sd'ciel Services offers help; in the form of marriage and fend, cou_nseiling -either- in your home or in the Wingham Office, -199 Josephine Street. • For appointment, phone 357.3370.-Stf the claims' of which the un- .dersigned shall then have notice.. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 11th day. of August, 1976.- • • 'D.G.HILTZ, Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for. the Executor . 34,35,36ar '15. PUBLIC NOTICE BROADWORTH - Mr. and Mrs. William Broadworth.are pleased to aw ounce.the birth of their son, William Joseph, born Abgust 23, 1976 at Alexandra Hospital.-35,nc BRUINSMA - Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Bruinsma, RR ' 2 Goderich, are pleased. to an- nounce the birth of their son; Paul -' Gregory, on August 24, 1976 at Alexandra.Hospital.-35nc -_ • -17. LOST AND FOUND GE1{1LL .- Hi! My name is Jacqueline Heather, I was born August 17, . 1976 at Sudbury General Hospital. My proud parents are Laverne and Janet .(nee Hyde),. Sudbury, Ontario. I " am first grandchild for both Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Gekill, Thor- nbury, Ontario and Mr. and Mrs: L.R.' Hyde,. ` Goderich, Ontario. `35x d .ALLE.MANG Doug an& Barb thee Foster R.N.) happily .an • - • nounce the birth of their .first child a son, KeithDouglas on • August . 18,.` 1976 at McMaster Medical Centre, Hamilton, Ontario, second Grandchild 'for Ralph E. Foster and Eleventh. Great Grandchild.., for Agnes Foster. -35 MISSiNG : White male Siamese kitten, 3 months old. Please phone .524-2596.-35 - - LOST - Strayed from Black's Point' Road, large neutered male cat, white with light brown patches:He is wearing pink flea. collar with disc. If you have seen ' - -Xhis. `vary friendly- cat please 'phone 524-2727.-35 . LOST •- Siamese cat, almost full - -'grow'n, named ,Ming, lost ' on, Bayfield Rd. August. 19, 1976. Phone 524,-2572.-35 : • Time's Running._ .•• •Out! - GeYthose summer rr jobs done nowt • • Hire -A -Student Goderichi : Huron Park 524-2744 •.228-6651 •207•TO GIVEAWAY • BETTGER. - Bill and Eva,. p: London, are pleased to announce • the birth of their son, Jonathan HOME wanted for Persian kitteWilliam, on Thursday, August 19; Phone 524-7928-35' 1976 at Victoria. Hospital; London, weighing 8 lbs. 12 oz. A brother for Patnela and Andrea. -35 TOWN.. OF'0ODER!:CH MUNICIPAL : DAY NURSERY OPENS. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1976 LOCATION: Queen Elizabeth School Caledonia -Terrace For Information Contact:. Carol Egener Phone: 524-6806 J. HAROLD WALLS • • Town Administrator TOWN, OF GODERICH L.00ALIMPROVEM•ENT, ACT FORM 3. (Section 12) TAKE NOTICE THAT 1.The The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Goderich intends to construct an eight inch (8") watermain on South Street. . from Street to two hundred and thirty feet (23Q ') north of SuncoastDrive as a local improvement and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting di'recfly on the Work. THE 2. The estimated cost of the work is $16,625:00, of which , 660785 is tobe dtheo i by Corporation, oration $, aand the estimated pp cost per foot frontage .is $0.994 cents per annum The speciaj assessment is to be paid in 15 annual instalments. - .3. Persons, desiring• to petition against undertaking' the work must do so before the 20th day of. September, 1976.. 'Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 19th,day of August, 1976. J. Harold Walls, - Town Clerk , 23. ENGAGEMENTS. Mr. and. Mrs.,. C.W. Brown, Goderich;are pleased to an- nounce •the•• forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Nancy Lee to Mr. Gerald Walter 'Roebuck, son of Mrs. ' Mary.. _ Roebuck, Kitchener,'and the lat J.Gordon Roebuck, on Saturday, • September 25, 1976 at 330'p.m. at St. George's . Anglican Church, GodericlL-35x - • MRS. M.E., MACK, Goderich, ,Ontario, is pleased to announce the.•forthconiing marriage of her daughter, Dianne Elizabeth Rosemary, ,to Mr. Rich•ard. Hubert Pauli, son of Mrs. Eileen Pauli and the late Mr. Lawrence Pauli Stratford, Ontario. The ':wedding ".will take place in St. -Georges Anglican; ' Goderich, . Ontario, on Saturday, September 25, 1976 at 6:00 p.m, -35 MR, AND MRS: Gerald Diistow, RR 6 Goderich are pleased to .announce the forthcoming marriage .of their daughter Martha Kaye .td Mr. Thomas Ronald Benson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bensop,..-Oakville, The wedding to take place in Knox : Presbyterian Church, Oakville,' Saturday, September 18, 1976.-35' - '25. IN MEMORIAM STEPHENS In loving memory oL- iii- 'dear nephew Norman - Richard Stephens who drowned August 25, 1975. Sadly'rnissed by -his•. Aunt Jean.,.•'P.eter %and Don. -35 NANSTONI -', In loving m• emory cff Albert S:. Vanstone whopas,ed away August 25th 1972. .We cannot halt the•hands of time Or live again the past. Within our hearts are memories That.will forever last. Always remembered by wife Jtan and family. -35t • 26. CARD OF .THANKS FINLAY:The family of the late Wilbert (Bert) Finlay; expresses sincere thanks for the thought- fulness of relatives, friends and neighbors; - for the beautiful flowers', donations, sympathy cards and acts o ,f kindness during the recent loss of beloved husband, father and grandfather. Special thanks to Doctors and staff at Alexandra Hospital, pallbearers, Rev. Reddoch,6and 'McCallum Funeral Home. To all those who helped in anyway, your kindness and services will always be remembered. -.. The Finlay" . Family.,.•,.35 A