HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-08-26, Page 4OD'ERICI3SIGNAL-STAR Tt.T1TAcry,nx, .. '184111100 %Riddell krog—Middlesex MPP • ALs You knew., each year quite a. nu.nber „of young people in Ontario have'N the opportunity : of participating -in the activities'ofthe Ontario • , Legislature; in the capacity of Pages. Grroupe. of twenty pages serve for a period of approximately six or seven . .Since the 1st March, 1971, :.weeks, and I believe that, for girls as well as`_boys have the most part, they find this an interesting .and educational experience. - laeen__..e Igi .te...7 Ct --bet'erne Pages, and --,applicants must have either,Grade' ''tiir 8.,;with- an average of OV or 80 percent. Students ..wishing to make application must write a personal letter to the. Speaker of the House, the Honourable. Russell D. Rowe, Room 193, Parliam-ent Building°s, Queen's .•Park,q,Toro*,to, The .. • e :er s.. vu .. gr e_... e..,a.L, o . - education and„background, as welt as the reason for the applicant's interest in serving in the Legislature. When the Speaker writes to the student, giving • the general requirements for the position of Page, ' the applicant then makes a formal application. For students who do not live • -im> 1 Toronto, It %s: cessary to` make arrangements . for 'accommodation in the City, and this is the responsibility of the Page's parents, .In this connection, I would like to'.. stress .that Pages are not allowed .to leave the Parliament Buildings until' `they go home each day? Pages. receive an • oporarium of St U" a day =a present, 'and if it is necessary to stay for a late sitting of the Legislature, each Page receives an additional' half: day's pay. Incidentally, the evening duties are arranged insuch a way that no' Page works late more than one evening a week.', As the payments are made on.. the °bT -si of a c nrpuCerized record, each student must have • a Social Insurance Number. The Legislative Assenibiy supplies the uniformsfor the Pages, and applicants are usaally asked; to come to Toronto for (fittings' ap;-..... proximately .. two , or three (continued on page 10A) • ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, --AUGUST• 28TH, 1976. • SAVE WITH COUPON BELOW! FINE GRANULATED WITH COUPON PARTLY SKIMMED FRESH 3 -QUART BAGS :ACTION PRICED! PRINTED OR ASSORTED' COLOURS' ' . • hite Swan Towels PKG' OF • ROLLS OPEN TMON. THRU SAT. y 9A.M.-9:30P.M. SUNCOAST MALL BAYFIELD RD. - GODERICH 110:5, ' JANE PARKER . SAVE TOe JANE 'PARKER TWi n 'Rolls : ° Pkg of 12 49? Apple Pie. full i3 -inch, 22-oz;pie JANE PARKER • SAVE: 14c . JANE PARKER; PLAIN, SUGAR, CINNAMON Angel Cake large size cake, 5 Cake Donuts WITH THIS LIBBY'S FANCY It COUPON'' e • ON. THE PURCHASE of PINE GRANULATED WHITE 11 ' k is SAVE: 1 g a I • W(TH A PURCHASE' OF $IO.00 OR MORE EXCLUDING 'CIGARETTES liw . Iii 0, . COUPON VALID , UNTIE. SATURDAY., AUGUST. 2S111, 1976. ' . #69 1w i'r11 11M'1r.18 w1111 �l1rw11111.1iIiweiallliiiiRtir Ir1111110110ll~■11iliMI■I SAVE 14c SAVE 10e pkgofl2 59j Tomato Juice • ,.48-FL.OZ TIN' •r ALL BEEF PSY . 7ENERS ��_ SHOPSY, OLD VIENNA alami Chub BURNS •18 -oz chub $1.59. Beef..& Pork Sausages MAPLE LEAF, REGULAR OR THICK Sliced Bologna FROZEN (3 -LBS AND UNDER) Pork Spare Ribs - TOWN CLUBS FROZEN ' • Hamburg Patties FROZEN oston Bluefish`:Fiilets 8.9?. 1 -Ib vac pac'94 (6$1.39 GREAT ON A GRILL 2-16 Pkg $1.5.8. (5 -LB Box .$2.99) ib.65,i iz Nutritious and fir ' - ' Eno • ' Enjoy: a `Daly' Salad NO. 1 GRADE, CALIFORNIA, LARGE SIZE, VINE RIPENED a• . s` 1 :GRADE, ONTARIO," FINEST FLAVOUR Tomatoes4 qt basket $1 NO..1 GRADE, , LARGE SIZE, FRESH DAILY Celery Stalks" each. NO. 1, GRADE; • ONTARIO, NEW; CROP bra trots'' 2.166011o. bag. eai NO- 1 GRADE, FRESH. DAILY .49 :Cucumbers .3 for49€ NO. 1 .A, R. ONTARIO, LARGE SIZE, FRESH' DAI(.Y' 39: Cbbage . '3'10:41.00 39? SOUTH AFRICAN, GRANNY SMITH APPLES • • : AVAILAekE."1N ALL STORES. • • DEODORANT REGULAR OR UNSCENTED'(SUPER DRY) MARIANNE• TINY ktra Ban 6 -oz aerosol tin'99 LIQUID • • (SAVE 14e) ACTION PRICED - Aerowa 2 f►.ox MOMS, PARCHMENT.. WRAP tin$159 ACTION PRICED( argarine 1.160,939? Fancy Carrots 14 -fl -oz tip 3 DOW HOME, FROZEN, APPLE, CHERRY, BLUEBERRY Fruit .Pies LIBBY'S • ' Alpha -Getty HUNTS Oxy dol• Detergent 5 -lb box $2.39 n nto Sauce3 I4•f1-oz tins $1 qs 8 -oz pies $ 214 -f1 -oz tial DETERGENt .. •GREEN ir.iquid . /�4-ff-oz piastic l�tis $1.09 Aylmer Relish : 15•11-oz,jar • ,0