HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-08-19, Page 26•
kk.• •
Author, Mary Alice Downie, held&the interest of several
young people at the Goderich LibrriT• reading selections
from the many children's books she has written. Downie is a •
summer resident of Bayfield . and has written a book,
AND Aaoat
Scottish Festival;._ -.ay•
529-7921 or 529-7888.
Hoedown is also the 20th at
Farmers Dance and
I have been informed that
the beautiful, black tree at
corner of South St., on Elgin
Ave is a .Earopea,n Beech.
(It was black ear.lier). Not too
,many .of them around but
this one I'm:sere gives more
pleasure to more people than
any other tree on the Avenue.
Right now it. is-b.eginn,ing.to
fade --"•tarn'ing back. •to.
practically the very •color it
started off:With in' the spring.
Just take notice of it'Iate this
-.fall and try to :vi'sualize it
ra tin in the spring -- it .is a;
ftastic tree:: • •
• ' Perhpas one of.the 'reasons
„there are not too . many.
-around is .due to the fact that.
it •has been a very useful tree-
jn pioneer days. It was used
_ for •many-.purpaSes lricluairig
fuel, for which it rated highly,
also the oil pressed, from the
nuts was used;•to .adulterate
the precious olive oil and its
oil was also used for
illuminating purposes. -In the
making of soap it also rated
h,ghly'as the Wood ashes:have
a high potash content.
The leaves were favored to
;stuff mattresses and.
preferred to • straw because
they lasted many years
didn't crush .down easily and
best of all didn't get musty.
The -leaves are claimed to
bemore springy than those of
other.trees. •
It is said the beech is never
struck by lightning. Can any
- one refute this?
While you are gazing at this
magnificent tree from the
1GA .parking lot,' take notice'
of the flowers at. the sidewalk
corner. Marigolds were used
wisely, and profusely -this-
spring, by • someone who
realizes the .value of their
brilliant. color. You will find
them at many corners where
they.. are flaunting their •
cheery sunshine colors --:-
really bragging ft up.•
I love sunny colors acrd'
Marigolds have always been
a pleasure, the onlythingthat
bothered mewas that .I'
couldn't -stand 'the -smell :of
them.'I haven't tried for some
years now, but' perhaps that
_ has, been corrected or
changed now andthey may
• smell as pretty as they look.
Another important bit of
sunshine' in our lives 'should
be laughter, the sunshine of.
good cheer. Use laughter to
set healing vibrations. into
motion, fill the room with this
sunshine, especially if
someone must stay long
hours in that room.: '
Learn to laugh. .at -yourself
every time I think ;of this I
recall the first, time after. his.':
stroke that Walt" decided. to
takeIhis walk around our big
back yard:. •
The • doctor had told him
that now the inessages to the
brain, to set the left arm or leg.'
in -motion would be a little' ,
slower; so bp patient.
Well, he is out in the back.
corner of theyard and makes
a turn- but his -show left foot
steps on top of 'his good right
foot,--and-4e--is- helpless, he
just stood there. To hear, him •
tell about how he talked
"Dragon on Parade". which is set-in Bayfield at the annual
Lions. Club carnival. She is the -author of :Honor Bound,
Scared Sarah, The Magical Adventures of Pierre, The Wind
Has Wings and Witch of:. the North, (staff photo.)
Ladies request leniency
where tricycles involved
Two Godench ladies who
presently' enjoy their adult_
tricycles for exercise and •
economy 'expressed concern
in letters to town council that. -
a proposed 'amendment to the -
bylaw ..regarding bicycles
might, force them but onto the
streets and into the 'regular -
vehicular traffic.. .
Mrs.: Carl 'Schneiker . and '
her sister • - "Mrs. Earl
MaLaren asked'' council . to
give. serious consideration to
permitting adult tricycles to.
:be operated on the sidewalks,
especially in heavy traffic
areas of town.
The matter was referred to
the •Traffic Committee of
Council ' chaired by Reeve
Stan Profit and having Police.
Chief Pat King as advisor.
A , five -point, list of
,-suggestions was put forward
by, Mrs. Schneiker for
council's•peruSal. She asked
that adult tricycles be,
allowed either .on sidewalks
or on the streets, at the
discretion of the operators;
that adult tricycles be banned
from'the-Court. House Square.
duf°ing business hours with
operators asked to park their
machines just.off The Square
when shopping; that within
one block Of The Square and
as far. as the •lights' on
Hamilton:. and Kingston
Streets, tricycles' be • required
to:run on the sidewalks ; that
adult tricycles be restricted
after.' sundown; • and that
should adult tricycles be
required`to be operated on the
Huron. Country
d p -
the hit musical!!!, •
. , - 8:00 p.m.
Adults 84.00 i I 1„
,✓ �I{{ 1
Children;3enior• Citizens 52:00 • I\ • •
Sponsored By.
• Godericii
Rotary Club
Campbell's of .Goderich.
Ormandy Jewellers-
Suncoast :Mail
stireets only, then operators
should be required td have
"standard driving licenses or
• pass traffic tests as prepared
• by .the local p. ice:•depart-
Mrs. Schneiker's concern
was for the. "motor vehicle
drivers as well as the
operators of the tricycles:
'There' is a serious danger
of being run down byfF'.
speeding cars," . she wrote,
"o,r being the cause of a pile.
up as a car operator brakes to
avoid hitting the tricycle, and.
thus causing a chain reaction
accident. • ':
Mrs. Schneiker said that"
one councillor is "quite
adamant about -restricting
the tricycles to the streets".
According to Mrs. Schneiker;
Councillor Elsa Haydon who
"operates an adult tricycle,
says she feels `'perfectly safe
on the streets operating her
tricycle intraffic".
"She has informed me that
• she has never driven a car,•so
I feel she has absolutely no
•.realization of the danger
involved," said-' Mrs.
Schneiker who told council
she would "feel very bitter if
the few of . us who use our
tricycles - for shopping
relaxation are relegated to
the streets : •
Ivirs. MacLaren said she
felt "safer using the
sidewalks at certain times
and .places where safety is
She added that she had paid
"taxes on her.St. David' Street.
East home for 33•years,.and
• that .she feels "very: unhappy
• about the -condition of -'the
•streets in .general in the east
end of town as compared with.
the west end or: new . sub-
divisions" '
Mrs.; MacLaren, '.a : senior
citizen, 'claims she got her.
-tricycle for "enjoyment and
exercise" She says she" has
the: added b�•of saving
money and gasoline sinc'e she
is now on a fixed income. :
"I sincerely hope when this
matter comes before council
it will be given serious con-
sideration, taking into 'ac-
countwlaarit means to senior
citizens and -or, mature adults
asthe case may be," said
Mrs. Maclaren.
Town Council Briefs
:Fifty.c ildren are already
registere for Goderich
Municipal D . Nursery in
September, an Supervisor
Carol' Egenerexp is that as
many as. 20 or .more children -
will register at the school
To date there have •beer..
approximately 375 visitors
overnight, - and about 1000
boats pass through. At the
same date last year, there
had :been • 450 overnight
M Ann•Sh 'h 171 Gas sales are down Slightly
as well, reported 'Mr,
try ant an; n
Essex Street, has been
retained as - 'an assistant,
replacing Mrs. Sleighthoim'
who has resigned. .
Marina. supervisor -.:.Greg
Reynolds blames the poor
summer weather for the :drop-
in overnight 'visitors ...at
Goderich's Snug Harbor..
The Works and
Engineering comm'i'ttee of .
council, chaired by Councillor
Dave Gower, will be studying
a letter from Huron
Automotive Supply ..an-
nouncing intentions to erect a
4 cylinder, floor 'mats, electric defogger,
automatic, full wheel disc, radio, deluxe
bumpers, 78 x 13 whitewall radials: Serial No.
121119. Finished insilver.
Sales Representative"§""`~• •
building to "Kouse and,
operate buses": 7 •
The •letteer note's that a
section : Cambridge Street,
once.sugested for closing, is
needed for access to lots' 26,.27
and 28: wherethe. proposed
building is to stand.
Councillor Bob Aller
recalled that though a request.
had been made for that.
-section • cf`• street --to close,
"council in itswisdom kept it,,
that darnedfoot to get to' heck
over, would mance you laugh
and cry at the same time., blit
he could laugh at hirnself, the
best . medicine :in the world
and he has' done wonders foe
himself thru' his wonderful
sense of humor:
This can be i good' lesson. to
all 'of � u's who find so many
aggravationsto,spoil.;our day.
Just stop and swear a little at
that aggravation, tell i'tto get.
to heck away and car"ry -on
This morning the sun shone.
so brightly on that fine turret
on our public ' library just`I
couldn't help'wondering ow
many people ever notice that ,
fine old piece of architecture. •
The turret was a very.::
'popillafpart of our•bu lfirigs
many years ago. There are
several fine exa-mples•intown
besides the Library and;the
old railway station dowp at
the harbour. One that always
intrigued mein a.t the corner
of Elgiri .. Avenue- • and
- ' Wellington Street; (I believe).
I've always thought it'must
have a nice window seat and..
be a great place to hide away
and relax.
Another is on .Huron Road,
The /Toronto St. end, owned
4 now' by Margaret Jean . and
Joe Craig. 'Ken .Jackson of
London, a' very fine artist,.
•found.it so unique he included .
it . in the group of sixteen
sketches of Goderjch that he
made a few years ago. This
popular -book can probably
still be found '•at 'Anderson
Book .Store and sixteen pic-
tures ready ,for framing are,.
at your fingertips. .
Don't you think it has-been,
just great the way the Tourist
office lias been pick.irig
special visitors to have a real
tour of our nice town? This is.
good; some of these people
may even` returnsomeday to
become citizens of Goderich.;
'Becoming a citizen or being
a citizen is apersonal thing.
A good citizen reaches out •
to others with •an ,open hand;
an open mind and an open
heart. He doesn't- sit 'on° the
sidelines but uses his humble
ounces of weight to tip, the
scale for what they' believe is
right. They. believe in the.
possibilities of World Peace
and in a 'growing un-
derstanding and co-operation
' betwi eta .me.n. ,And theyti-;will .M.
stand by their great ex-
pectationS, like _getting a ,
decent Arena • and • a Civic
Centre someday: n '
• . They are good citizens.
How • about we who have
become or are becoming so
disillusioned? Can we hold
on,start to fight;•for•what.•we
need or believe we should
have for the good",of the
Community? •
Well perhapswith ,.he help
of these new citizens and our
own stubborness to not be put
down, we may still -gain the
-impossible. ,
Love Martha
Don't forget the C.N.E.bus
,leaves. -early August '20,
'Richard 'P. Robarts Who
,,.-has—lak €ront•—pr-epeirt-y--in—
• Goder"ich, is asking Goderich
Town Council to close the
street known as Hibernia
Terrace - "or at least that
'much of it as'. our property
abuts on both sides".
Mayor Deb Shewfelt said
the street allowance runs just
below the top of -the lake
•bank,,from about the end of
Essex -Street to Britannia •
Road. Mr. Robarts., the
mayor •poin a ut, •has been
' .keeping the property clean
and Would like •to have the
entire matter "cleared up
once and for
The matter is understudy.
-r• -I-. •
The •contract of Lavi.s
Contracting CO.. Ltd., in the
,amount of $17,578 has been
accepted for paving part of
Nelson Street and Waterloo
Street, • ,
Only one tender , was
receiVed, council learned. °.
The .. Puppet Show is..
Thursday; August 26,' 2:30
p.m. for everyone„ at local.
.'Library. • 4
August 27 and 28 "Pulsifer
Music has grand display at
Suncoast Mall: Plan an extra
hour of your shopping time to,
visit them-.
Look for. the Green.
Thumbers'Flower Show there
this Saturday, too.
PL -115 Q
..5'.41 of,al, P.fb17HnNmr.4.// 8w.,iH i' ":
RETAIL 15100
PIONEER'S PL -1 15 . D `is a° .precision belt
drive turntable. Durable, quiet, crafted,with
long life Pioneer Workmanship,.:Auto-
shut-off'and return. at end of -record -Con
_yenient damped cueing device and hinged'
free stop dust cover.
•• WOW & FLUTTER, • 0.07%
• 16. Natarioo Street.
Strattourd 271-.2960
MONDAY . Britannia •-.,South St. •
TUESDAY • 'No Change
THURSDAY - Friday & Thursday
South, St.Britannia