HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-08-19, Page 23•
:An amalgamation of the pen and paper brought about a high
level meeting Tuesday in Goderich of company officials•
from the Sheaffer Pen Co., and the Eatbn Paper Co. The
meeting, the first of its type,in Goderich, brought William
Gardener, (left) vice president and. general manager of.
Sheaffer, Eaton 'Goderich, . together .with Robert Straetz,
group vice president of Textron; Burton. Massie, chairman.
of the board. of Sheaffer Eaton; and James W. Thomas, viee
president .of ,operations -international. of Sheaffer Eaton
Holniesville News
. By Blanche Deeves
together.at the Goderich Sheaffer Eaton plant" on Huron
Road. Earlier this yeaf the two firms were joined as a
division of. Textron. The -result will mean the distribution of
Eaton products, which are stationary products `such as
diaries, folders and •notebooks • including Berkshire
Stationary by. the Sheaf r . Pen Co.. The amalgamation of
the firms brouglit.about the promotion of Mr. L.S. Bishop to
president of Sheaffer 'Eaton. (staff -photo)•
Century of furniture
Wedding Anniversary" It"s'nice to see that we have
new •
home goingupm
Pete and • Esther
e Mr.
:and. d Mrs.
rtha Addison' of Holmesvili ,
'1 i•exva )
St. store
Congratulations to .Miss
Marianne. O'Keefe,. eldest ,,
datrgliter of -Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph`. O'Keefe and to Mr.
John Vincent Gallant, son of
Mr. and Mrs; Jean Gallant of
RR. 1, Allston who were
married in St. Joseph's
R -b
Kingsbridge on Saturday,
August 14 bx the Reverend
Father Ed •Dentinger, G;R.
The wedding '.mass was.
celebrated by. Bish.bp•
McCarthy of St. Catharines.
The .bride's .attendants were,
her threesisters and the
groom's sister: maid of
honour, Miss•NancyO'Keefe;
bridesmaids Misses Kathleen
and Rose Marie O'Keefe and
Miss. Brenda Gailant of
'Liston. .
The groomsrpan was Tom
Coffey of Tottenham. Ushers.
were the bride's brother Tom
O'Keefe,.•the groom's brother
Bryan Gallant and Joe•Lynch
of Alliston. The organist was .
Miss . Marianne Frayne• and 'Ian Deslauriers of Maitland
soloists were' Marianne Valley: Conservation
Frayne and: Eugene ];rayne; Authority .appeared ' before -
Special giies.ts were the :Goderich Town Council
groorh's maternal,grand- Monday evening arid received
mother, Mrs.. Mrgaret approval o for.the terms'of
- .Bumstead of Meaford; the reference drawn up by MVCA
• bride's . great aunt, Ms, • for consulting firms bidding
on comple ing a waterfront
Adeline O Keefe of London;
' Reverend' Sister Mary study for member
Philomene O'Keefe of Belle municipalities.
' River; and the bride's Mr. Deslauriers •said that if
brother Joseph O'Keefe from all Municipal councils in-
. Calgary, • Alberta. Guests volved approved the terms.of
were present from Alliston, reference, ' bids would be.
Mississauga,- Hamilton, Oak, sought immediately from
Ville, as weir as from .firms who wouldbe asked to
Goderich and this immediate make recommendations
area. • Approximately 90 concern-rng an-tecip..ated. ;
• persons were served at the erosion control measures
Wedding dinner "held at the ..throughout the ,designated
Maitland Country. Club, study. area.
•Goderich. Master of . He estimated 'the study
ceremonies was Michael would take'until next summer
Sproule of London Members to finish.
11, he •Cooing 529-T189
AY;:Auo s! 19,197 A
mitted tc/ the -Goderich
Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital . on: Wed-
neaday, .. August '11 and a
tonsillectomywas performed
the • following day. 'He' was.
released from the hospital. on
Friday': '.
•Several' .ir•gm -Thi's " area -
reaattended. the tractor pull held
in. Teeswateia :on Saturday,
August 14, Due to the; `rain
several : of the' events were
cancelled, including the event
Cletus .: Dalton was tq take
part in.
Mrs. Mark Dalton and
daughters Maria and Louise
arid grandson Danny
returnedto their Fiarries'here
on Wednesday, `August 11.
after spending holidays with
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Chilton
and son Tommy. at Moose
Factory. Mrs. Chilton and
Tommy returned with them,
The Mark Dalton family
attended the Wedding of Muk
Lassaline arid • Barbara
Fisher on Saturday, August,
14 at St. Peter's church,
Goderich and the dinner and
ecepti-on-ihat-foilsw•ed at'the-
.Reyal Canadian •.Legion;
Goderich,„ rcite •'• •
-In spite.Q1the &old weather,
• a large' atowd -attended'the
ball game between the Kintail.
:Ruties • and the CKNX
Tryhards, • held . at'
Kings.bridge .on Suhday.,
August 15. •The .final, score'
was 21 :fox the Reties.1d
for the Tryhards.—Following:
the " garfe ' karbequed pork
.served on'Chun "and refresh-.
meats were served In 'the'
Kingsbridge' Parish Hall. A
draw was held .for the
following prizes: • electronic.;
fly killer, winner Jonathan
Nelson, Lueknow; binoculars.
and ,a.;fly swatter, winner,
pougFortune, Wingham,
,, The .proceeds wfll, help
provide .lights at' :'• the
'Dungannon Ball Park.' °
Congratulations• to Miss .
Henriette •V•anl fepanbeek, . •_
daughter,of. Mr. ands, Mrs.' .'
Franks VanDiepanbeek who
successfully completed ,the
Diploma Nursing 'Course at,
Victoria Campus, Faeshawe
College, Lor}•don, Ontario.
Study would recommend way
to controliakehank erosion
• As _ well,,, consulting firms
would be required to: define'
areas of legal and •;. ad-
ministrative responsibility
for each level of government
or the agencies -representing
each,1'evel of government and
private :.enterprise with
regards to erosion control,*
recreation development and
general land -use control in
the study area; •
"We all' know these areas
tend •to overlap," said.
D la "Th
es uriers. e con-
the trend is when it -comes to
accepting responsibility in.
specific areas."
The shorelinewould be
surveyed in the study tQ`
determine the . par-tic-tiler
signifi'tance As it. applied to
fish .and ' wildlife potential,
recreation potential,historical and • geological
resources .and other such
"aesthetic values".
The need ,'for 'public par-
•icipatioii was stressed bythe
MVCA in thre terms of
suitants..would analyse what reference.,
of "the Kingsbridge: Catholic . The' "Major. Meat" of
ththe- .
Woeres,,League'catered. proposed study would be to_
ntour and
. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis. determine from ,co
d site:.
rs: riari' soils information an
id land celebrated their 40th. '•Ralph McAdams newu_, alton, Mr• and 1VI B
opes, soil types and -or',
for the sale of lamps, ni'irrors Shawn: left' on ground water distribution
and paintingg: iiuguwt 9 for .a three week systems: make' an area "
The 'Lodge Furniture • 'lacatipn in the Maritime BY ROB SHR R
"hazardous", for develop
F t S f d Fleming College
h f d ber in a
edging _anniversary at. a residence. •
Dennis an
investigation,. those where,,
plans to rent the second floor Dalton and sofas steep sl
inner party 'at the White Were•.. sorry to hear that •.
arnation on 'Saturday, Murray McDougall is a•little
iigust . 14. Gladioli, which , under. the weather.
ad been the bride's choice of.,. • Mr. and Mrs.. F: Brien,.ot$t
Owers 40 ..years ago were • Jerome,' . Quebec have been
gairi',,'hosen to decorate the visiting with Mr_ and Mrs. D..
•all. K. Bland '
f. Pete 'and . Esther's four. Hi-girls,,,blere's:a note how
hildren: Elizabeth, Mrs. to wash your. bushel of cukes
ohn 'McGregbor of . St, sent -.in -by a,reader. •Just fill
atharines;' Christirie,� Mrs. your wringer washer with ,
ern Dow:.. of Sudbury,; water and put, your .cukes in.
eorge ofToronto and Paul of. and turn 'er. on. You'll have
dmonton, their wives and .mice clean cukes with no
Ven ran- scrubbing involved.
For over 100 years the store
at the 33 West Street location
has serviced the'furniture
needs of the community, a
service that will• cease at the
end of September, '
Floyd Lodge, owner .of
-Ledge. ..E;urniture :'and. .a
Goderich •businessman 'for.
nearly 40 years;'has sold the
.building and hopes to have his•
stock removed by' the -end of
next month. ;However:, he will.
not relinquish his 'busines's
ties with the community and
lents cleaitin
oats find wor
sty but good
location+ was previously rovmcec Ment because,of ''the. in ' •Far ten days two weeks:_. an.or . ,, this
owned. b John. .Brophy who ' Seniorcitizens ofthis area : stabilit of the lake bank. ago, Canada Manpower oun Septem forestry
y Y
`bperated a furniture store
an,. peri usiness along with' his sons. The Bropheys> B.ern,ardine inne:y o o nine wereg
a business u n e s1875Marie (:Clifton) Austin on' the cause' and: the extentf• "-boats-- is in harbour; the Jack Earlier he was a pipe -bender
began in aeric
when Floyd came to Goderich "Wednesday afternoon August • that instability;` to outline the Sanderson and The Weldon in .at Dearborn Steel Tub'rng. He .
partner 11. Mrs.*Austin has sold her location of fill lines suitable . preparationfor Storage. • had a week's holiday between
an a93J he became a the .h
• h then Only home here and will be bird i g• for registering of ' ,fill and The • job is Simpler • but . jobs... He thinks the worst :.
with Josep ,Y construction ;,regulations; • to
living:me ' b f the `four to Agincourt this Saturday; of dusty Harold 1VIaize; over-parts:of the job are the dust
Brophey so
attended a farewell party. be
emp eyment for • nine localcourse
d funeral b 1 g held at the home of Mrs.•
K :far Mrs as
Consultants would also students_ "on the boats". The; For Rob McIntyre, this is
ked to show the "location,• cleaning out two his second job of the Slimmer.
usbands an se g• Floyd an
children• were ail able to be were partners 'in the Lodge Mrs.`Winnie Hurley On
erosion; and .to recommend holds, remove the tarpaulins some girls working at the job
r this special oc- fu era] and .:fu.rni furniture 'Patrick of Fort McMurray, lterzlative in each. from the'deck,and generally npxtay.ea'r, but doesn't: think
resent tor p . n t the best a .
asion as well as cousins and business ..which Floyd ex -Alberta, and, Mrs'. 'Mary.'. area.. cleanout the boat.. any girl in : her right Mind .,
lends. A most 'enjoyable plained were quite acceptable Essery of Exeter were recent own Count 1 fvisiting• nd th the r brother TD
m er o identify site"mate means. •
ns. August Zl: She will be greatly Y seen of .the workers, was • .and the lack .of 'female
d his brother'Glen "missed: solution to problem areas of helping the boys sweep the workers. Hel would like to see
'r As soon as 'the cleaning �s would take the job".
years ago' and seems ly '. 'visitors with i
d�ed Mr,. Walter Kelly:
completed, ;the boats will be Harold Kloeze''i.s one of
ternoon a a
miniscing` was enjoyed by-
11 -
y • visited by an'inspector to three out of towners, coming
isles just evolved Mrs. Monica Kasper o.f. • Briefs.. insure they are insect -free" from from .Colborne Township. He
11`prese it that business •
Dr. and Mrs. Addison are from the other but -later Grosse Point,' Michigan is ' ' A letter to council"froniQtto and fit for gram. If the bligs graduated .Grade- 13 there -in
ow retired "and 'living in became separated with spending holidays with her ' been ironed, swept June and enters McMaster
Lang, Minister of - Transport 'have not
idland. Dr.. Addison was a` af►d family, Benmiller, have sophisticated-rrr^ethods, . brother Mr. John O'Connor Canada advises• that or •washed aut;.:the boats will University in a science course
_. SOFTBALL Joe and :Nora O'Brien. of ^ have to be sprayed -prior to .this. 'fall, Previous] ' he'.
nited Church ' minister Game's have been played as returned home_• from; a two .1 -le then sold 'the funeral government officials areY
ervin many ;years in irls week vacation 'in Northern basin s and`` operated it .Gaithersburg,: Maryland, are' looking into the feasibility of ha eivto load of grain for worked at Dearborn .for: six'
g •
scheduled. with .the g visitin at the 'home of Mr. rw•nteeceiv storage. weeks and in arena
entenni Ontario and also at rovidin bus '.service from
nw playing Tuesday, August 10: Ontario and visiting.frif ads in . strictly as a furniture store. and Mrs. JbltiS. Austin anl" p g The.b s work .six days- a demolition for aweek. o
entennial Church in London. Stanley A defeated ,Colborne Cochrane. Although the type of busines,, Goderich to the ` Quebec- 9Y
rs. 'Addison was . raised in defeated We are glad to report 1Vlr: :, hadn't changed in over • loo .family. Their mother% is'. week from 7:.30 to 4:30. It's a Rick Rawson at 16 is ane of
B team; Seniors Windsor rail corridor. w
olmesviile and Clinton and Hullett score 26-9. and Mrs. Wilrr'rer"Hardy; who years,' the store fronthad and. •.Patricia. Sinnett O'�rien, Council sent- -a .Tetter to 10 day job:• the younger •`workers. His
as' a very active .partner Au ust 16 ' 'the have been patients in soon the store'will.change formerly:of this area/ Transport enhada inet June• Mixed feelings arose as to previous work was bahkers ,hay
Monday, g.Mrs. Leila Fitz er.ald .of whether the job' would have, on a and he say's that
ith' her husband in.'t1}eir boys played:, Tykes,'Colborne Alexandra.Marine and hands again •with the.sale to g asking for therestoration of a .
olm work:: B defeated Stanley score '16=. General Hospital, have Browns Decor. Stratford and,/her mother been better if longer. The compared to that; cleaning
The community of bus or rail service' from
15 Colborne A played returned home. s.. Irene .Murphy of Stratford" to Goderich ' ones who didn't want to see . boats is a holiday:• .
c�lmesville sen ' d h friends
isles to. Dr.:
most .compatible. He a
sbrid e: Pr dusty conditions, conditions Vanastra, He enters college
• your
ailyd' Mrs. Charles Schindler
council that- this: government.;
and- children of Marine City, - •dedicated to providing
ddison on their 40t
John Wyatt, Rick and Ron Next ' week will . be the
la'ke' an their dog. have is
this ob
the teams aMcIntyre,eweeks
for all cInt r few
la offs oRob. MJ
calla mireY
Yre. s � fie
Pan are g '
P .� m
g ;stance`
' and ass
a 1 d
on e
River .. • '. ... _.. _ �.
c __._ p
to French..
Pgames are scheduled . for M � ���' '- a holidays at -the home of Mr developing th t efficient Harold Kloeze Rrcli Rawson, came along. ish'ing trip; Mond y Y g O e ■■ Michael O Neill. F i Y Y J
network possible, r. Lang enters .
Hartman of Kitchener, Mr: told town administrator - Jeff Baechler came to,. the Conestoga .College in Kit-
r •The Board a prove the and Mrs: 'Raymond Austin, Hapold Walls in his letter. _Job --after working at chener this fall in au.
1 and three Lamb's family came to Point Acting on the recom- purchase• of "ix new school• Mr. and•Mrs Edwin Meyers Dominion Roads• for a few t engineering course.
Dian Vander F „last weeken buses to London were + �- e
Colborne won over Stanley
score 36.20; Seniors won over
Goderich Twp.
led the job'go on were wary of -the ' Jim Fowlie is from
ds t" Best Goderich Twp; juniors,. • oderich visite wit providing a much nee
and Mrs. • and relatives at King g connection with the Quebec
h recently. City Windsor corridor.
res Dorothy Moore Mr.
Y -
M a
Pleas s.s
iU keep.:McCurdy
after b
which' sent one worker, Fred next week and worked'for the ..
ea•.rs in _..:
Bisset; to hospital. '. previous twos,
Making up the workforce demolition.
are Jeff Baechler, Jay Tof- ,Ron Hoy did odd jobs for a
Randy Moira has . been
;siting with his' grand
Monday andTuesda night. ht: • , employment this
eve opmg a most Ho and ca major e
'SO.CIAL•.NEWS 'M Ambrose
ore and attractive ranspor
This is camping and " M Steve Maize summer: He
M and Mrs.Mack Purchase NO uses
t tatiorr Jim ow ie, Ron •
Mr andrs m r
arents r.
lliotf. holiday_time . Mrs: Toynbee' _ �•By Ross Haugh
d for. a mendati•on of the sch of . b" delivered during recent week's. He is one of • the " ` .Being the son of the "boss',
i ren • o
ca in • holiday and were boundary committee, the the peri d from January to visitors with Mrs Marie gweter of the vocal and Steve Maize y
T :'k ,Mtn• JayTofflemire;• easily 'more than the `rest, ,but he
t de clanmin
l/ ... 5-aturda' and Sunday. keep ;•
el Vanderwal of the 11th Y .
hila f Surrey, Britistii arm of
olumbia been visiting mP g mb Huron Board of Ed c ton contingent•
upon. a
mea b , Mc. and Mrs. La At[ Austin Ciorres ondence from the go •
in• g group. pushed .harder ,and__ r3bb.ed;
ith her parents; the Ger`rits Jo Y gust, -1977, P
d d' err on Monday afternoon agreed to �
• . easy- is natural]
f Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. for picnics an inn J A o McCurdyed Mi% rygrant-approval.
Mrs G says Redfern and clerk of uc ersmi
onceSsion.'Recently Mr. and Mr. and Mrs:. R. elementary school at Hertel
rs: Mel Vanderwal had all .13uchan
this and Mrs. Ron: Walsh ' 'and Chairman Wilfred Sho
thefi first
tzime re, tong'
fi ret' time. in_a tong ��i1y�•.of' .North -•-Bay- were:- .: tre•ed.said. •a 1:h9rough. stud of .
as. the
hile, that they were all able • camping' at Point Farm the McCurdy -school area' was
visit together .-.-.-recently and 'visiting their ' completed including. the
Mrs. Eya Harvey and Miss parents, grandmother Mrs. condition of the school . and
elma' Irish of Palm Har- L. Pope, . and other, .relatives the problems that would be
our, Florida are upending" and friends in the district. • encountered if the .. school
eir holidays on the sixth : Guests with Mr. and .Mrs. were -erased.
oncession ' of Goderich Gordon Kaitting last week - ' Shortreed said 'the com-
Schwanz mittee felt - the school
ownshfp. , .were' Mrs. Clara ,
Mary' -Jean Betties and Huronview .arid' daughter and should ' continue to
'iiayne "Snellflew to Montreal LaurettaaVancouver) yt iwt years. tor a number of
ccompanied by Mr. and Walters of
rs, Richard Snell also visited 'friends and He continued, "There is no
Congratulations to M
:Whs. Adrian Brand on the
Mirth of their baby. gfrl,
r. an and visiting friends in the
cudmore and family stopped district.
off for a visit with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs C Kellestine
Mrs. Harry Cud more.
anis daughter, Mr. • Park opera.
' b'l'1' i t
f st
and-. iia
r. and relatives in the listsY
Miss Audrey Miglarini of replacement in Exeter,
Kitchener. • • Usborne or. Stephen and.
end Patrilcia. Mr. acid Mrs. Clifford Bates transportation costs for
are holidaying at Point Farm students . who now walk to-
M y d M s Charlie ' school, could be as much as
$29,000 per year."
With recent improvements
n Donna and of siteirm windows, gas boiler
ransporta'fin',-Charman David' of Royal Oak, Township ' requesting:recognized by his fiery red. takes it -in -ssrt g- `
. L. Cunningham fold the_ Michigan -Visited recently Goderich Town Council to hair, is doing his first, job of that nobody really minds that
Board-, The "ministry of with Mrs`M Fra ne.. consider paying the operating .the summer at the boats. He he is.pushed harder. Previous
B ,° Y b h b t h
education calculates the life
expectancy of a' school. bus to ..
be seven years. It is therefore
m.opinion that the board
owned buses should have An
annual 'turnover of six
buses." -• -
Of the 40 Buses now owned
by the Board, three were -
purchased -in 1967, seven M.
1970 and 13 in
Purchases for the calendar
year 1976 were cancelled
year due
financial restraints •and
Cunningham said he has been
told by ministry officials to
send a letter..:- outlining •the
an ex e
reasons that
to purchase six new buses in
1977 was necessary before the
actual . °.purchase was
Mrs. Mary McConville and loss for Some
•son =,Jerry Of Agincourt children attending.
arrived on Tuesday,.' Augusiftare Centre at
17 to spend holidays.with her :received a poor
mother Mrs Mari Austin initially.
Goderich says he ;; enjoys his 'Jo to working pn t e oa s. 'e
the Day because of -the people he.• helped his father- at -their .. .
Vanastra••--works -with. He enters Sir' : farm: —
reception . • .. ' h
•arre us in.
Mr: and Mrs. James Kelly Although Reeve.. Stan Profit
of Sudbury visited., hisast moved that council'pay the
weekend with firs brother Mr. bills which will.''conte in
Walter Kelly;. � riyonthly, he'failed to .get a
'd r for his mot
Mr. Joe O'Keefe returned "recon e
fo Cal gar•y, Alberta on Councillor Dave Golder
Sunday • August 1,5. after said he was "not prepared to
spending three days with his subsidize" working -parents
parents and attending the whose children are being
for ' at
wedding of his sister cared
Marianne to Sohn Gallant. Centre
Other visitors with the Councillor Elsa Hayden
O'Keefe farnily ^ were: Mr. said she was fully in
and Mrs. Eugene O'Keefe of agreement with ,the concept
Hamilton; Mr. rind'. Mrs. , of day care centes,. but she
Ron : Wilson, Oakville, Mr,. pointed out that provincial
and Mrs.: Tom • O'Keefe, government assistance- is .
avai a e to wor to arents
Hamilton; Mrs. Cole Lazzara "rwhose children make use of
Don and Isobel Harris and Children Elaine and Patricia, 1 ab k' g p
Danny, Sunset Beach Road cbnversion and roof repairs, initiated,
d h school was
:along w$th Koss anu • Betty have returned from a holiday the report said the
F d d th Stewart f 15 � and sons Joe and Anthony of sucl~••-centres as the one
cissa atten e e motor trip to the West Coast, .suitable for occupancy or
And ilurnin wedding at
`s't'n relatives in years with no°rural-.•. main- (�3NLlr "%,t`U 'CAN
Mississauga arta IYIst iTdc-line Vanastra•
:Riverside United g O'Kcafc L dc1 The matter has been tabled
Saskatchewan Alberta arta tenartce Heating cos GIVE 1H for. furtlser study by the
Vancouver, i Peter Vogt sell of Mr, and •.
'Va• OF LIFE! ,� finance cernmittee.
es :W..,, lbirs•. Ptltoi' J. Vogt Was ad-
Riv Church in vii OiIKT , on ..n.
is are .
attended ' •,
home, • Mrn . _
They also favourable with. oth
the reception. at the bride's d Mrs Joiin Edward schools.
- 9i
Hospital Auxiliary
Gift Shop e
Sommer Stock lirfants Wear
• HOURS 2 ••4