HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-08-19, Page 20• • • • n;: wrx•;xrtaaaw.i PAGE IOA--G•O•DERICHSIONAL-STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1976 Soccer.News Uiiited turned it on fora 3-1 win Happiness }s winning!!! soccer definl'tely; exciting to Yesirree, folks... good .ole watch and yell about ! Goderich United got, it on, AU this strain and, effort • turned it -on and fairly poured didn't come without St. it on! ! ! *Ow!!! What again,: George's, doing their revel'.., absolute best we've played best (and they• Were on the' as a unified.. team -sin.ce the , level!) .to,tcike 'back the ball; first of the season. The score? - thereby •.creating' •plent.y of Well,.,who cares? ....but since action:. Tlime, 'arid- again, United took' beautiful shins on net and' were foiled by some fluke, or other. One of these plays eYentually did have the desired•result and we topk`our• second .goal,, Iain Lambert .hada corner kick and sent it barrelling ov,t:r to Pete .B ick - who • in5tinc,tively zefoed in onit •and sent it.' reeling' into the net like there was no tomorrow! That produced the desiued restri"t'S'. all . around! St. Georges frantically.. pressed ..for control, Goderich stub - you're curious; 3 •1. We were slated against St. George's S.C. from London • and 'although they- were an efficient,, team, they. . just weren't up to United's flash. • There were •times -when' Goderich , put across plays that were sheer -poetry! • Starting with the.,first half and ending with the last 45 minutes... the 'play was fast. aggressive and. significantly.: United Made all the plays, st the p -ace . and continumi 1y kept the ball in opposition's territory. Although the for- bornly refused to let ,thorn! ward line had a tendency 'CO Ther to . w as action likeyou come up too• fa -r, and leave • wouldn't believe! Our •guys mid field ope.n to temptation were pulling off stunts never 'for the "enemy", the .:guys before witnessed on a soccer used every trick at their field! Bodies were' fiyin'• all command to aid. the .defense- over the place! Boy, it sure . ,and ensure easy was terrific!! A • maneuverability.' Sooner. or laterw"the Dude" Goalie •Carl Moller was was going to try for . a alert to; the needs. of the comeback and chine back he defense,' as• well',and made did.... to score goal no. -3'for •certain that our goal area'w�a,s •'us and weren't We just sailing secure..: During half . of this ' along though'? With the time - period. time: was, .well;spent> remaining to us, there was•no• heading off the opposition and notic,e'able let up of steam and manipulating the play for our.. that is how the game end.ed.,. advantage, And a. decided.: in a biaze of glory!' (In •my and, positive .factor .in .all,.of eyes„,anyways!)• Every. man this action was the ever on the fiel'd.'playedto the hilt :energetic Dave Graf., "The (whereverthat is! ! )•and they Dude" do good work l It was all deserve a_ "Foxy. Special" only a matter oftime until • ('cou.rse they'll say' 'it's no Dave's sla\'ery • and skill particular compliment... produced asgoal and s.ho'_nuff . more like a sentence':!) he popped'in the first one .of ' Three people do standout in - .the .sgime and- • fanned ?y rrllnd as haven made_. Goderidhs.desire:even more!"some '•andsfic P Y unremitting'•. effort. Firstly, The ' minutes literally 'there's 'Dave Gr'af (the whizzed by.(al'ong"with the' ball`!;) and the .action got a "teeny bit" rougher and each new challenge brought its. ~own 'problem. Eventually,' St. George's -`sneaked' in a .goal against-• us, resulting in a draw. (Ain't I observant??) swellest .of-. dthdes !) who receives "'the Sly .Fox" award: You have to watch David to believe him ..., he's. too much, 'folks! Secondly, there's Mike Klijn ' wlio always, works like a trojan and: is a strong asset .to the: Because of -..this, -the United ; , defense. Mike; receives the men fought even more "Sportsman-of=the-game". • a vigorously to recoil!) and gain complete control. The half time whistle halted 'this idea (for' the moment!) as well as the game as one. must rest and refresh ones self! The', timeout was • speedily. .dispensed: with and Goderich bounded' onto .the field with f, et. 'itching (Dr. Scholl's : should be handy!) to finish off this game in. , irgh.style.'And ' stylish it was.... every man took out his ingenuity, dusted .fit "off: and put it to proper use the ensuing. minutes. Someone would : be `heading off , the: opposition while another man'was tackling the problem (and the, man!). of maintaining strict possession of the ball . and bringing"4t- safely into St: George's half of - the. turf. That's the type of award fora ,matclm well done.. (his games are always'well done" which is not "rare"! Yuckky puns` again ! !) Last, but most: assuredly not least is Clare Sager who is a top man in my books. Claire gets ' y the "Player -of -the -Day" award for his repeated, ingenuity and steadfastness. Thanks, guys!! • ' A special• award is being given to the: Big H. (that's ole Harold Pefflinghaus) It's -called "the Tacky and Wacky Throw-in" award. And it's really been perfected by Harold! No one ,else .cbuld do it justice!! Also, (Johrr); Vanderburght receives "the .Big Bounce°-' .' aNkard for- having been • bounced on ..the field most times in the line of duty!!(IIe came bouncing back: for. more, the devil!) The "B" team didn't fare too well... they lost ' `their game 5 •- 0 against the Hungarians "),3". They'll be the first ,to' admi't that they 'didn't get it'together, and their 14ckada,sicirt`Y` rriatiper• -just couldn't pull them into a unit. :Too bad; fellas.. Next time , ydu'll be so fired up' you'll scorch the grass! -They play 'on Sunday against Delhi Royals at 7:30, p.m. The "A's" !play on Sunday. also against Oakridge at 5 p.m. Wann.a get a thrill? •Then. boogie down,, and take a peek! At either .or both games,: if you can manage it!! "Til next time, Have a good life'— you deserve it. Love'ya, • Foxy.' non Even bankers have to gni() school from,:tine to time, and summer seems to be a favorite season for utilizing university services which at other times of the year are crowded -with ; -'regular classes,: Toronto Dominion bank manager Ron Allin (right)'from .Goderich at-' tended the 22nd Banker's School at the University of Guelph recently where the program consisted of a week of `study for professional ,development. Others in the photo are _Professor W.S'..Young, co-ordinator of Agriculture Extension, OAC, University of'Gue.lph (left); Judy Johnson, TD of London; and Bob Morris, TD of Toronto. Many banks were if. represented at the sessions.' linton �ospitaladmi���rator feels Ministry made error Clinton Public Hospital discovered last week that their budget cut of $225,000 is nearly one percent Of the $25 million the ' Provincial Government' . thinks it will '. sage by cutting budgets -of all Ontario hospitals. "That's•"°a hell of a whack to take " from one hospital," Clinton. hospital '. ad= ministrator,• Poug Coventry. said. ;. "The Provincial-, Govern- : ment is shafting' us, if this n .t a.mistake buUieel they .must have made a mistake rn their calciulations", Mr. Coventry said. • So far 31 people — staff at •. the, hospital have been affected, •Five lull -time staff have;:been laid off -as well as 10 part-timers and • 16 full timers have been,transferred to part-tiome work.. The -hospital, in Chesley; which was closed_ :.by '. Provincial . health minister, Frank Miller and then re- opened on. .orders from the Supreme Court of. Ontario' aftel• it ruled that: hospitals.. .cott r t=6e =•ei ed=.w,a;s:_ .. baok ' only $i2,000 �froni its budget and Durham hospital, slated tobbe closed, lost only another hospital that was : $17,000.•of their budget. 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HURON CAMERA CENTRE (Eric Carman Photography) ° -Fin'ancial•assistance Management counselling Management training Information -on government •` programs -for business Wayne Rounding . one of our representatives ° will .Be at 'The. Bedford Hotel, GODERIC'H ', - on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each month Tuesday, August 24th If you require financing to start, modernize or expand your business and are unable to obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions or if you are interested in the FBDB management services of counselling and training or wish information' on government programs available for your business, talk to our representative. sate FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK For prier information cair271.5650 or.; write 1036 'Ontario Street, Stratford Is Your Old Furnace. Costing Extra. $$$ With Rising fuel Costs IF SO INQUIRE ABOUT A: NEW EFFICIENT SUNOCO FORCEDAIR UNII HER'E'S • When the burner is fired,. the heat from the. 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BACKED BY OVER 35 YEARS' EXPERIENCE F4 WARM AIR HEATINGI m Adaptable For Air 'Conditioning BRILLIANT,: DURABLE BAKED ENAMEL 111 SOLID ZINC = BONDED.STEEL NEOPRENE MOUNTED,OIL BURNER 1 SIMPLICITY OF DESIGN II STRONG W ELD,ED STEEL PERFECTION IN HEATING: COMFORT ;, PERFECTION IN EFFICIENCY PERFECTION 1N ECONOMY II MINIMUM AIR POLLITION ALSO AVAILABLE — OIL :FIRED'WATER HEATERS .SUNOCO SLANT FIN BOILERS -FOR HOT WATER SYSTEM FII(IANCING AVAILABLE If You Have A IN•o:odlft, Be -A :Winner Wit • Front View •, Rear View MAC Wood Wood &i Oil. Combination Jurnac SA VES MONEY EASY TO INSTALL `''RELIEVES FUEL PROBLEMS AND .- COS1S For -Estimates Call CHISHOL • 529.7524 Ltiai,CNOW * Burns wood and oil in separate combustion. chambers • Switches from wood to oil automatically" * Extra large fire door 171" x 171" • * Twin 1.0" blowers for quiet efficierit-,; - operation • r . • Large fire box_will take up to 24" wood burns wood completely to a fine powder Heavy stainless steel fire box,liner .fit Can be fired with,wood when power is off , &* Positive draftcontrol for greater efficiency Both wood and oil fires thermostatically controlled `• • * _ Easily serviced, quiet efficient Rome "retention burner' ' :524-.'58I GODERICH