HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-08-19, Page 14PAGE 4A—G0U:ERICH SIGNAL S, LAR 1f•HURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1976 Office move delcys some nsion c pec omen At Jhe useum Hi' ROR.-SHRIER The Huron County. Pioneer Museum has a n effective way of getting its philosophyof pioneer life across. It seems to •be.•based• on the ease of identification of items. • Its holes on the sides pf •the cube,yeur 'thrrig, hciau»a1?ciut a faat- are far too' small to•put the operated hole digger and drill • Theoretically, shaking &ill the excess . moisture off in this smaller version cif a popcorn popper would. get rid of. bacteria int() the an. where you can much more safely. bieatheixin. to be ' ` If• acrobatics happen ball through, The and a hand -carved replica of method of a 1930's Greyhound bus device. It station. - If you happen • to sit on a br'airible, you may need the thistle -puller displayed with the` .farm implements. 'The crude wooden pliers. V11 certainly d� a job on un- covered hands if not on the for your yard? Operated,like thorn. other piece is a wooden • arrow which is surrounded'ata bicycle, the digger -drill can •thc shaft—lay—ah-e-rt. Both-a-rc---' tidal. off inches:, of fat as well '" exhibits are°by ho means 'made of•one'pi.ece of d as irt. r eve y ay the museum's .collection of . - e oki- .arrow are again too lar a tq.. ° d• • and "commonplace,, ,• Pension Flan. said thi��week and Lambton counties Area For around the house you !lf tells . for ..Bruce •H'uran .• but one •glance t , l g belly. sleds. One is loss -proof ,• responsible A field. officer for Canadaserver. of its purpose and 'possibly fit woo Bef9te winter•;comes, see • acrd the tip and feathers of the . I .. • tl1 f attempting at -his office • the heart over. it has a built-in seatbelt- - ' in operation. Hood ornaments came in Ekes •._:ae located But for those-with.atflair for can keep, your sugar., cutters ". Goderich and Walkerton for-" h handy. .The• are an unusual a1L-shapes and;slzes in"their is atte tin 'to resolve problems they are the unusual or intriguing, the a y. They 'heyday, perhaps if you have g lica the northern municipalities having handling app ' tions museuitl still holds its sur- item today; for the only need. 'a Model T stih'lyi'n-g around,: and inquiries from. and Mr. 'Gow said he visits risen. Here are some of the one would have for�them is for • beneficiaries -k ` Huron and - Goderich ' Wednesday to p ' you could dress it up -ivith a Bruce counties. . h be found if one looks p eYery more unusual it•msl that_can cutting up sugar on a hot handle roblems ere.. Salads teapot radiator cap. P1 k for them. humid day "when it all binds The delays are .caused ,by g Unfortunately, it does not boil ,• Glenn Gow; a ield.officer In a small case in the main to ether.. The blades are fan for a, said district prcessin in . the extra' handling' ef e hall can. be found two very shaped and_.•the ,cutte. ..look water Just keep. it in the theprocessing of coming correspondence. interestingitems, One• is a • otherwise -like a normal pair radiator. . Sarnia,P g Beneficiaries are' sending �"'; • . • The' George June collection .cheeks benefitsthas been delayed ..__carved w°94 Cube made of a of scissors,. information to the KitchenerInside-. _--._ ° contains° several ,for has been delayed . the move to - unaware of of ie ea off c bu hav items t P de of . sen c up to five_ weeks'. in some • the cube is a ball ma hygienic, perhaps Y Sarnia and the mail is being including endless wooden single piece _of .wood. 11`.1 you happen to be very of carvings• special interest, cases because; of an office different wood. This may not version ofa soap shakertnc g transferred to Sarnia. That. y type-, move from Kitchener to tl seem unusual, except that the displayed in your Home. chains canes Of' ever t e, d hisff" delay added to processing • Sarnia. He said o ice is �w a �r °r'� w•4 y k t of in - letters returning a - working now at sending out Time : •- formation or checks has letters to recipients of amounted to five weeks or Canada Pension, Old Age more depending on what is Security and Spouse 's • Allowance advising them of involved. Mr. Gow said that the change of location in the •c•ase.q�f a lost check the `office location was due to an CPP sending ..a statement- :' specifically. • numbers. of cashed Froth there the retiring individuals. He said �, . - Buses Depart from Goderich been handling about' . '' 00 he .hado22g — new . check is issued and s$'9. each f�olur per. room ..-.-2p0. t2 •225 applications and - inquiries a month in Huron That delay 'can amount to 3 _ �F n;"; 'i s 'alone '�,=��.R�.�..:1,.�. For tfleultimate. in. spit- toons, try a turtle,`surely the mos unique spittoon Mince the Stanley Cup., Stepping on its. nose will lift its, shell revealing the spittoon.. A unique piece of `19th century advertising is. a .. horseshoe with„ the, onlpany-- ,logo ;emb.latoned- on the bottom. ;i in reverse, • making the hoof -print a perfect p operation `for may take some thought,. because it certainly isn't obvious.—. c co y of the company ensign and -a: prolific., if tempo'rary,'`piece of advertising. If you have 'a yen for -the. useless, „_hunt _for a hand, operated rotary fan with four blades -..that ''`works up more itakes w ,; sweat than t ,a ay . The Last piece I will note' is a "saltometer'u. It looks like a - normal thermometer and is `'used for testing brine".' See if 'you :can come ' rip -with . a . •••.•••••i•i• ••�.. • 1 1 Appearing -This, .Week WED., AUG.. 18 to SAT., AUG. 21 • FREE HAND THE BEDFORD COIR —�1OUNGL COMING NEXT WEEK WED:, AUG..25 to SAT., AUG. -20. STAIRCASE. • IR E T A S . PLANNING DINNER OUT • TRY OUR DELICIOUS SMORGASBORD NOW FULLY - AIR CONDITIONED TUES. �'- 1:30 p.m. WEG,.6 - 7:30 p.m. SUN. 5 & 7 p.m. • Hotel Bedford Goderich 524-7337 The Square Nir. Gow' said the change in beneficiary must write W. increase in population•,, proving•the, check was not d distiiict office sends the•in formation to Ottawa and a ••••••••••••%•••••••• ••••••••••• NASHVILLE -GRAND OLD OPRY Sept. 3-6: Oct. 8-1 1 • • •' • • • •: • and Bruce counte that b hoeing sufficient a five week period with, no office that is too much," field.officer.: "We're trying ��n•,� �v��£ �, �� .: �� � s �� . - i z . office ishard to advise all the;, b �,: _z �, :z ..�ar..a-fir. .;sz.�,..: ._. .... ;.a*':-�..�a',.��.ax,.,u.r�, recipients-in`our area of the emimmigimmommiN - . change of address to cut down a number em income for these people and to transfer,the district h said the from Kitchener. The Sarnia a the. most- _Annus__ basket • in the world dorne, ,"; Phone: - 524-2724 on the delay." ' . • Mr. Gow said the mailing problem can also -deprive new_;. applicants for Canada pen- „• $iE?n a month's income He said p eopie• reset irig-the- agc of 65, must apply for. the pension the month they turn 65 Or • some tine in the two months previous. He explained that if 'a person turns 65' in:March they ,-must have sent'i.n•'application for pension' prior April 1.0 He said if they wait until April the first pensioncheek will not be issued until May thus ' depriving them - of. April''s' check: "If - • the , application is postrriarked before .the deadline we accept it," said Mr. Gow "If it is foot then we' can only work on the date we .received it and that mean's usually that the applicant is denied a month's' check." Mr;Gow said that anyone in the Huron and Bruce area wishing ' information: about Canada. .Pension, Old Age gecurity or. Spouse's Allowance should direct their. correspondence to 546 North Christina St., Sarnia, Ontario, :N7T 5W6,. • SQUARE MEAL, -SQUARE DEAL TRY NOW NOW FULLY LICENSED ,ODERICH RESTAURANT .p_. STEAKHOUSE &:TAVERNltd. .LICENSED UNDER THE. LIQUOR LICENSE -ACT': 4.2•WEST STREET. Pasta amt Sausage Ereakfast commea`cing of 1't.at. NOME COOKED BEANS - FAMOUS- STREET. MARKET dean Quem Contest 0. Dance in The Arena Saturday MgI U "DESJARDINES ORCHESTRA" AND THE . "SEUETONEIS" - i+,rK < `ildh ri►nr ' . Ali kids. y �i,',f"9$<t..%�N��X`?✓sed%�✓cSz!sK.`M,�..e�.�i+.$�. �",°Yn' H..2za.sra e,.,: ,. .. .. This wooden trough IS.a replica of an itemsndians used In the area to make maple syrup. The sap was poured into the trough and red-hot rocks were added to boll away, the Sap, It Is part of a'display' on syrup -making at the Huron County Pioneer Museum, (staff photo) 04444444cl00004a044004444O4aa44 0 4- 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c O 0 0 0 EI, 0 0 0 0 0 B O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 r WHERE Judith : Gooderham 'Pool WHEN Friday, +August :.20th TIME .2i0.0-5:00. 6:00-.9:00. Boat Rides, Games, Horror House, Bingo and Lots:More. • Everyone ' Welcome (Bring -Y -our Pennies) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a Ej 0 0 0 040004000 400000004r4004444400rr44440 0400r0000r04009r444404444 0..0 • • • Deluxe bus: transportation: •• • s• motel accoinmodotion - 2 night • . • • • • • Motel taxes ... • `•_Tour of.Nashvill�e and stars' homes •••. • • •Tour of recording studio • • •. li • • Ticket to .Grams Old Opry & admission to Opryland 11 S:N. `'� F• :! .. +$-Srn•org.asbur�d Supper _ — Music Mann -Tours az, Waterloo St'. 434-1166:- .-. •.••.••••••••••••••••••i••.•••••••••••••••••••.••• TOUR INCLUDES • .• • • • • • • • • • • • • and POR ATION at urc 8:00 p.m •r 1; . .�epte�tb.er 4th :00..•.a.m.. na Advance Tickets :$4.00:: Door :$ At The .........,.5.00: For TicketsoContact Recreation Office 527=088.2: all•programs. • subjict to eh#ng- #6574,4/0' DRIVE4N - SODIUM 6Rtl a aT 0415000 to. 4 • °!!fid 5249911 Showt i m.. dusk BOX OF F10E OPENS. AT B oo, P M -=---N4•W_ !:11Y:NLIILL•._THUR.�--- 'FRi. - THURS.-, '. 20 26 AUG. Alt INCREDIBLE STORY OF MODERN DAY CANNIBALISM! PARK THEATRE GODERICH 524-7811 Adult Entertainrent- CAUTION TIME RE-CREATION OF THE PLANE CRASH AND THF. DEPICTION OF CANNIBALISM IN THIS FILM kr:�,' BE TOO INTENSE FOR YOUNG TEENAGERS' „'•ADULT ENTERTAINMENT WED: — TUES. ' 8-24 AUG. SUN —.THURS. 8 P.M: FRI & SAT 7:300. 9:30 oaramount PIOUPES oresEnl5 - 'A0 ItiANC'( !RESTRICTED 0410.0 14041 14041.64 4 a 44.444 • ,-N