HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-08-19, Page 12that the or gina ea o permit a residence on free. standing "lotsin existence prior to the plan would result in the entire' township becoming restricted to an„ agriculture zone. This would mean that the . present plan :-- would.' be rejected before it was adopted. Davidson recomr'nended giving first =aud' secondreading tb. the. plan but council deferred the action. •• ° Council will meet again Monday Aug. at 8 p.m.. 'PA .ar 7A-•^GODERICH.SIGNAL-STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1976 Wow 1111.1.11., •.pUN6ANNDN DOINGS MRS.. MARY BERE were 'Mrs. Florence Hill:and There was a good at- grandson Danny Hill of tendance ._at Dungannon. London; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph United Church for-theUCW Hill, Wayne, Robbie and -,service on Sunday. Mr's.. Dirk Barbara, of London. Robbie Logtenberg and Mrs; isstaying at Park's. fora few' LaVerne Pentland -took the , days. • first part of the service. and We. welcome -to -the com- munity Mr. and. Mrs. bon. Richardson and Valerie from Forest, Who are moving th'ei'r trailer; : - Lorne---to---G-rawford t Mrs.... Lloyd Sparks of Lucknow" was guest speaker. ..Mrs. Sparks sang a beautiful solo and the choir, under - leaders hip` of"' Mrs Art Avenue .. McMichael,: contributed to Mrs. Wallace of .ClintonMr, and ° the Servide. Mrs. Wayne Brown called ..on Mrs. Minnie Jones .and Mel last week. ' and Kim' of Montreal, and • vie. sin Mrs.. Wilbur. Brown ofsinging group, "the Fm Lucknciw.called on friends in Ambassadors" provided the village recently., music for morning service at About 40 people attended Christian Fellowship Church the Worthy family picnic at and for the Drive-in 'Service 'the home of Mrs. Mary Bere in the evening. At the mor- on Sunday, Relatives •were ning. service Marilyn Wagler present from Paisley,. Ripley, gave a: farewell" talk .before Newmarket, and, Dungannon 'leaving for. ' Hutchison, area. These were " descen- Kansas to work in a Day -Care dants of the late Mr, and Mrs. Centre as part of the Child William Worthy of.. Ripley 'Care Training she is taking: area, mainly families of their Last .Sunday James Wagler - daughters, the late Mrs. spoke to the congregation Robert Bere(Bell Worthy) before leaving for. Omaha, and .the late Mrs.. Joe Orr Nebraska• to .work at Home (Lily Worthy). A boiintiful Repair for •a' M.C:C. (Men- picnic.lunch was enjoyed on nonite• Central Committee), the lawnfollowed by.,,games Project. • • and • races conducted .by About a' dozen ,ypung lads M.krybelle . • Aldham and enjoyed 'a four-day camp out Donna Hayden. at Point Farms from August Mr. and Mrs. Bill. Park, -3-6 sponsored by the Christian, . Vicki Park-. and• Debbie Fellowship Church. Schultz enjoyed a four-day Is ale lfargecrowd re Estate of the latd atr' Man,o ss northernry, Mrs. -Annie Bere on Saturday, Manitoulin; across' northern, • Ontario ' into Quebec, and August 7 at her former home through Muskoka residence with Brian Rintoul District. as auctioneer. The house was. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs,. under'reservid and was not • Bill Park on the weekend sold at the sale. -- • Council defers action on plan Goderich Township council heard two delepaticns on. rezoning and subdividing at its last meeting but passed no motions on the matters. • B'.W.B. Associates made•a submission to .• •council requesting that Plan 13 be dgsignated ether than: residential (seasonal). Huron County planner Gary Davidson, contributed" to'the. discussion but,no„motion was presented. -Mel Timms.ma.de a request to. subdivide part of lot 13,_Mt. Concession but nd mntir'n tt'1e r;rl17+-TW1'n r,71 Council issued permits to W. H: Johnston fora garage; J. C. Hindrnarsh, to remodel a barn; Bert e,Dykstra, to `remodel°"`ti house; I3erb MacAdam, to build a carport . and to James Young for .a - milk house.�A permit request from • Alf Hawkins for a cottage washeld pending approval of the "Health Unit. Council approved tile.dr~ain loans :requested by Barry Taylor and D, K. Bland: The applications were approved to 50 per centof the actual • Costs as approved by the tile Grain inspector. Council also.,. passed a bylaw to provide a tile drain debenture on three owners. Council accepted a drain • tender .from L. H. Turnbull for the open portion but will .make no decision on the Closed .portion until the next' "meeting. Turnbull's price on the open portion was $3,223 and $8,307 on the closed portion, •:Council' also- discussed housing relative to their.• _seoongi rV "nlnn._andH noted r4 WATER WELL, :DRILLING "76 yEARS' EXPERIENCE" . - +4.,F10114.4.,F10114.• *, 5u8UR13AN r INDUSTRIAL • MUNICIPAL • • • FREE ESTIMATES .. ..GUARANTEED• WELLS • FAST MODERN EQUIPMENT . 0'4 ROTARY' & PERCUSSION DRILLS "OUR'EXPERIENCE ASSURES LOWER COST WATER ,WELLS" ►irtil:ii hl� fet 7,1 PIA tril ►'ll r.4.- ..,1..k:111 I. i 'h7 DAVIDSON4 Rotary and PHONE rcussio Drills WEU, DRILLING LIMITED' vi.f INGHAM ;, , `Cgilect' Calls Accepted.: "ONTARIO'S FINEST. WATER:,WELLS. SINCE 1900" Discount Dav►e`s_afd Dashwood Industries _Together overa centuryrof Service arlie's Aunt Ofl ouse :Sta go Another record-breaking week at the Huron Country Playhouse greeted the first run af Anne of Green Gables last week._ The Thursday eVening perfOrmahce, in fact, hosted Several groups; and - -was. the -biggest audience in the five-year Playhouse • s ..Attendance at the Grand Bend theatre has been uneyen or this summer. ',The musicals have draWn capacity crowds, while the plays have been less suceessful in terms of bcix office figures. Artistic Director JaMes Murphy reels sUre, however, that this ' summer's momentum is -well established, and diet large Crowds will, continue for-. the' remainder of the:season. ; • This Wednesday . to Saturday, Huren7 Country PlayhOuse presents the perennial fayonrite Charlie's .fainaus farce which has • moyed millions to tears of latightee. In its • Many reVivals, this play has never_ In a little over a quarter century, .Dashwood has become Canada's' leading producer of quality wood and vinyl clad wind- ows and doors. Discount_ Dave's Home Centres is a division of Conklin Lumber Company Limited a•firm that has been serving Canadians for over nine decades. So together, Discount Dave's and Dashwood Industries offer homeowners and. contractors egos imia.11111111111 .. '� - iii',, a1i 1AY• .4 iu w J lR .........:..':.!'ten;, .. alike :over a century of service,.. experience. and know-how. Together they offer new options on an old idea: a selection -of - first quality wood and vinyl clad wood windows and gliding ' doors that enhance'the beauty, value and energy-saving pract- icality of any home. failed to reach.. a wide'. and eager audience: - ' Victorian., valuesanad propriety demand that a reputable • chaperone' be on, hand -before members of the opposite ' Sex :Inay visit_each ;Other. ._Charlie's, Aunt is elected to -this position, but • when she is late in arriving •from:Brazil, "where?, the nuts come from", Charlie and Jack force tlieir Lord Bab- berly, another :.Oxford un- dergraduate, into a wig and skirt and --he "becomes" the aunt: All this simply so the other two young men may• have the time to confess their '• feelings to their respective trueloves: But when the real aunt comeson the scene and in turn assumes another character, massive confusion -- ever. n Dashwopd's famous Millenium wood windows are sealed totally and permanently in a solid, rigid sheath of white, ageless vinyl. So they never:need.painting, and they require a minimum of maintenance -to keep' them looking like . new indefinitely. o • Dash,Wood windows are available jrt a Wide range of sizes : and styles; in• six basic oonfigurationa: CeSemerit-AWning.;-' Bow, Bay;. Glider and Single hunb. The Casement; Glider and Awning Windows are available with the MILLENIOM finish that never needs painting. But remember this ALL .Dashwood. • -windows and 'Gliding DoorS, Whether , finished or. not, are precision Manufactured of soft textured•Ponderosa Pipe. Th.eyre .knot free, and the 'regular wiridOws can be given a nattiral finish or they Pan bp painted or stained to match bther woods in y9yt home. After machining, all wopd componente are treated with a special water repellant preservative which penetrates deep into the wood fOr- maximum protection against moisture•and decay. You get a window or gliding door which will keep its beauty for a longer period of time. - Terry, Crowley Dashwood gliding doors are Constructed of the same high quality preserv- ative treated Ponderosa Pihe safety fbmpered diass and Dashwood's unique Dual Durometer vinyl weatherstripping provide effective barriers against the eleMents..You stay cozy in the winter - cool in the summer! Also available.with-dashwood's exclusive Millenium vinyl sheathing. Insulating Glass DashwOod -insulating .glass 'uses two• panes of herimetically sealed glass te put a still, dry blanket of .air between you and the weather! lt means only pivo Surfabesio Clean - and no storm windows! In Place of putty - .Wood windowe feNre a special wood stop usedArvith" a flexible daulking - miLLENIuM uSes a glking:bdad with flexible vinyl seal. They"re easier t� remove and replace, too!' These up-to-the-minute. glazing, systems: yedude heat loss (which saves you. money), Misting, 'frosting and con. - keeps the weather in itsplace! . -- HOME:CENTROU: GODERICH, London 5244075 OW you cAN GIVE yHE, GIFT 7 OF liFEI PUARAINT[3:- .INVESTIVIENTL,, • CERTIFICATES: HARROW . '78-222-1 WEST LORNE • 768-1520 KINGSVILLE 733-2341 WINDSOR VVEST- 754-1221 KITCHENER 744-6371 KITCHENER Out-of-town Call Free of Charge 1-800-265-8990 or 8991 MONDAY Thru FRIDAY 8:00 a.m. SATURDAY till 4 p.m. Witidsor East, Windsor West 8 Kitchener open 'FRIDAY till 9 SATURDAY till 5:30 LOTS OF FREE PARKING Dave's 1111F-771-71- . 'Parkway Fairview Mall Fairway Road 'DISCOUNT . DAVE'S o Air 86 North St. Phone 524.9555 KITCHENER 589 Fairway Ad. SOuth. One block 'south ot FairWay Rork Mall. Phone 744- 6371 (Out-of-town tall tori free 1-800-265-8990 or 8991). Daily 8:00 a.m. 5:P p.M. 1nel:tiding Saturday. Feldiy night till 9:00 p.m. ,Ey • To Owen Sound 5PrifkgiTiOVNI *54: On Highway 21 al Springmoutti Cor - 5:30 p.m. deity; Saturday till 4 p.m. Tecumseh Bypass on h.igriway 2. Phone 727-6001. DaHy 8:00 a.m. to 5:10 p.m. incl, Sat. Friday till 9:00 • 1.1 HURON LINE . HWY 18 To ruktensisuf.ta WINDSOR VVEST 5130 Front Road in LaSalle.:phOne p.m. incl. Sat. FridayliiI 9:00%p.m. DISCOUNT .11