HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-08-19, Page 4:PAOLE4—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1976 ..
eed dour comment
One,of the most' interes.ti.ng, proposals
• to. date by the Jubilee Three Com-
mittee.has-been the suggestion that the
Port• of Goderichshould perhaps be
:considering a; proper coat of arms for
its '150th ataniversary
The talks have centred around the
possibility of having a totally new and
distinctive .Letters Patent and granting
' ' of arrris- by the ` College . of Arms • in
permission to use the coat of arms
"gated 'to •the late •Viscount Godelrich
of• England for whom this town was
. Some persons who hat'e taken parf•in
the debate, have discovered a warm
allegiance to the present coat of arms
(so-called) -which appears on • official
town letterhead and documents. It 'is
entirely likely that their attach.nient of.
' the; town's' seal' might never have been
truly recogaited, exceptfor• the Jubilee •
Three Committee's eagerness to have-'
.everything. lust. •.ri,g:ht for the
celebrations in 1'977.
.This is •a matter :upon which the
community should be ready to give "an
" • opinion, and it behooves interested
citizens to talk tq"",Jubilee Three
Eomrnit$ee-•-meinbprs,.•___.as •:wetl -as
fiiembers of town council, concerning
'their feelings.
The Signal -Star invites letters from
readers who have something~ to say .
about the coat of arms question. Should
Goderich°have a new and proper one?
Or should this' com'munity continue on
with its present sentimental 'seal?
What do you think?' SJ K
Two sides laid bare
There are two sides to every story
and there are two sides to.the nuclear
' story, too.
Those on the -side of. nuclearenergy
in Canada insist that the Canadian
nuclear. program as the safe$t' of any
nuclear program. in the world, and that
• ' the risks of :a. major catastrophe or any
England. The third and final report in
this series appears this week. '
By.. way of- rebuttal,.an' official of
Atomic 'Energy of Canada Ltd. has
disputed some of Mr. , McKee's
writings. -The opinion of .one C.A.
Mawson, formerly head of the :Chalk
River nuclear program, also appears
this week. .
are st3rtni mal they shoed be-"
Jong -term en`vironmentai .'side-effects. it Is not the intention
of this
-- news•
per-totakesides-L e]ssue_af__..___:�
more concern than alcohol abuse 'or nuclear energy :. It is not the intention to
hazardous driving.
-Wight -en or unnecessarily storm
Signal -Star :readers. - Its purpose is •
.only to inform, the public' about all '
aspects of a very puzzling and complex
question which ultimately could be of
grave concern to everyone in this part
of Western Ontario.
Ignorance • breeds fear. The Signal-
Star will continue to publish the
opinions.:of 'people on this important
matter,• so that you' L Tay have an -op-
portunity t� weigh fhe evidence "arid ,
decide for yourself where'you stand.-.
• :r
Opponents, to the -nuclear energy` •
program, on the hand, say there.
are too many unanswered questions
and -too great a chance that even the
slightest mishap would .--have'
devastating • results to innocent, un-
suspecting people.
During the last two weeks; this.:
area's nuir`le er watch -dog,: Don McKee,
has been s t• milting' accounts Of:
"incidents" plying nuclear energy
plants .in nada, the • USA and
Guest op•
The Huron County, development share of facility and personnel costs.
'Committee have '"tome up with an in- The. time • has co'nie when• :more
teresting proposalto spark the for , equitable arrangements 'must be
mationof area -recreation committees • considered so municipalities' start
. within the county. • • - ” •• pal' basis.
'. It calls for the county to,provide a
owever., the scheme is doomed
grant .of $1000 on a maIching dollar h%
basis to an municipality which ac failure if the.._development commi#tee
Y p Y
tively engages. in an area -. recreation guideline of $1,000 per municipaloity, is
committee withits neighbors: ' followed: Even with,a Matching grant,
tronicaliy, it's the type of approach the total of $52,000 in Huron'would be
cbunty councillors have ' labelled as Tess than that. which°Exeter now pays
blackmail in the '"est when it was• used for recreation itself:•
pThis cost , sharin
by the senior level of over.nments� in 9.. is obviously the
major factor to be deliberated and
• an effort to , win support forvarious
schemes. The grant incentive was. used considerable opposition can be eX
to lure municipalities' own'rrfioney; to pected from rrl.uri•idi•aplities which have
as been having a free. ride for so many.
provide the grant s istance. The only
:,...f._course, would : be those Years:
municipalities which may not loin area---Ttrat---is- -being solved: by ::some
n9 groups.' rous.'' ' munici'palities charging,,, ,� .hig h out -of-
9 9,
The concept of area recreation town registration fees, Nit obviously it •
committees is good. In fact,' the five - would be much better: with all involved:
county towns and some vil'fges have sharing the costs and the 'respon•_
been 'operating -them for years, sibii.ities to provide recreation for, their.
' although. We neighbours have been citizens. ` "
-benefiting.Without. ping ,their fair' EXETER TIMES, ADVOCATE
The Huron Lacrosse Club of yesteryear is pictured here in
photogt•aph which is owned by Mrs. Skinner of London, the
daughter of A. Nicholson, pictured in the front row, left. The
rest of the players are also identified. in this Brophy Studio;
oldie, but maybe Signal -Star -readers would like.a chance to
name the team members as well as their president and
their, manager. The correct names of the men are printed
elsewhere on this page:
Bg Shirley J. Keller
Every so often, the Signal- `;connected with the Davis
Star editorial staff goofs:...... party. ' On Thursday;.. he
and .•las.t, week '"(and maybe talked to a press secretary of
even the •week before)„was' a - some sort who sai t a e
classic .example: Iif.just how Meetings were, ,closed. Mr,
er�•-•oan----Da ad planned 'io' press
liadlzy�"ths �'ir�wsp,�, ,._ :-the•anl
appear to mess •thin s •u for-"conncesand that y
$. P
threaders in the:areta, • . • tine: he or his . associates
The goof , in this case,.
probably wasn't- really
noticed by local 'subscribers
as muchto get excited about, •
,for it •wasn't something that
appeared in. the paper in
correctly.What it was was an
omission, Whether . yea .
noticed . it or not;'there was''
absolutely . nothing • in the..
Signal -Star over the last two
weeks to acknowledge' the
fact that -Premier William
Davis and rid:his cabinet were
The Mill in Benmiller for a
• few days = August 4, 5 and 6
to be explicit. • •
,We certainly -can't claim
ignorance of the fact that Mr.
Davis and friends were there.
We were duly notified at least
a month in advance of ;his
corning,' ' by Nicholas -
Thompson-Wood.,-w.ho is The
manager of the tow famous.
hotel. Mr. Thompson -Wood
stopped at this 'Writer's table
one lunchtime;"to make sure
that the 'local newspaper,,
editor was -.aware•. • that
Ontario'S most distinguished
citizen would be in the: area
and when. •
What's, more, ' the .Davis
yisit at The Mill was the talk
of the • town beforehe
arrived,` while he 'was there
and, after he left. Some
tongues are still wagging
about the :visit, <...and
speculating just how much, it
cost the: taxpayers- of •this
province. .• ,-
And there-. were several
stories' .in The London Free
Press concerning :the Ben -
Miller talks. There were evea
pictures to substantiate the
__fact_that Mr, Davis arid.his
associateswere• indeed 'in
Benmiller. •
But nary ',a ' word in the
:Signal:Star 'about • the
mom.e`iLtous occasidn.
• What happened?
Well, let's say that we,tried,
we failed, we have slipped up
• in the"eyes of the public.
the iobitrtth
-0 0-- The County Town Newspaper of Huron - i•
Founded in 1646 aCd. puhlished every Thursday, al Goderich, Ontario. Member or the
CWNA and OWNA. Advertising rates on request, Subscriptions payable in advance 1111.00
in Canada, 815.50 in all countries other than Canada, single copies 25 cents. Display ad.
vertising rates available on request. Please ask for Rate Card No: 9 effective Oct. t, 1975.
Second clais mail Registration Number 0719: Advertising is accepted on the condition that,
in ibe event of typographical error, the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item,
together with reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for but the balance
of tlie`advertisement will be paid for at the applicable.rate.•in the event'of a typographical
error advertising goods or services at a wrong price, goods or service may not be sold.
Advertising is merely an offer to sell and may be withdrawn at any time. The Signal -Star, •
is not responsible for the loss or damage of unsolicited manuscripts or,photos.
' ou$iara and Editorial (jute's
TELEPHONE, 324-11231. "
riot: iridal. 519
":Malting ‘Addrsfs:."
P.O. 80K 220, Cioderich' •
ioliOnd Watt mixt rliglietrrlation numbs'
Published by 9 4 'Signal Star Publishing Ltd. • •
ROBERT' G. SHRIER—president and publisher •
SHIRLEV 4, KELLER-•-editor
JEFF SEDDON---edrtortal stall
DAVE SYKb'S--editorial s'tait
EDWARD J. BYRSKI--adlier•tising manager
—We • try.. "Reporter -.photographer. Dave Sykes
went to The Mill on Wed-
ne'sday,_ August 9 'and ori
• Thursday,' August -`5 OY
Wednesd`ay`,•_ he saw ab-
• solutely no orie"even remotely
Lacrosse •Clu b.
emerged from their-Meetings-
heir rieetingswas for Meals. •
It was clear that if photos
were to lie taken, , • a
photographer would have to
be assigned to The Mill round , •
the- clock, a luxury .this
newspaper can't quite afford:
Free Press reporters; on the
oilier' hand, came; they
waited; they waited some.
more; they saw; and they
conquered. -
That explains the absence
of, pictures . . but what
about a story. The Free Press
had stories, you say."•
This newspaper doesn't
really, do .much "scalping"
from the . Free: Press. We
prefer to' dobur own stories.
But we. did take a• look athe
Free Press. articles with an
eye to .-what's the story
here" . . :.. and,discovered..
that .` while there were
columns of words, there was
very Little news .content in
them. It,was obvious that the
meetings at The Mill Ware
held behind closeddoors, and
that ,much -Of The Free Press
material was padded out
froth what.:information was
already known through Pat
Crowe Who is the LFP::manin
Queen's Park.;'
The . Signal: Star did fail,
• however, to note for posterity.
.-that Pre'imier,Bill IDain ` and
company met for three days
at The Mill in Benmiller and
that they spent.: their days in •
meetings behind closed
For that. oversdghti - we
apologize profus`eTy-=••to- our
readers. '
In fact, to the best of my •
know)esige`the '"only' Huron
County. neduspaper which did
acknowledge ,that Bill .Davis
and his associates were in the -
area. was The: -Clanton 'News- •
Record, An -d that •publication
only had an editorial :eom
merit -about the Davis visit, 7
brought on. by „that . com-
munify'si anger over the cut i•rr�
the hudgct ;of Clinton Public
Iiospital ,
The -editorial 'pointed but
, that .Frank Miller.. and Bill
-Davis have—been "ern-
barrassed" in recent months
• when they learned that 'th
Ontario govirnmeiit did not
have -the authority to close
down hospitals .iii the manner
they had tried. 'The editorial
.goes" on to: charge that in
chopping 20 per cent out of the
Clinton _.hospital • budget,
Miller and:Davis "have come
back hill of ' vengeance,
"wielding' their authority like
-knives and ,slashing the
hospital's budget an the hopes.
that it (the hospital) will die a
long drawnout death".
-And ;then the editorial
Closes in for the kill. It states:
"Corrie now Mr, Miller,
area"t you being a ilttle tttio
Obvious? 'flow'' much money.
would 'you and the rest of the relaxation and frivolity while
Conservative laekies have .there, • .
saved the teltpa rs
policy meeting in the sanctity • most upsetting about the
of your own hallowed offices, whole affair is that :some
instead ";a:£ an` a lusive- cif The SigualLStar :Are
resort" •. innmillerquick to charge '`that lite -I C': in -a southerly. -.:.di.> actio'
had' had your quiet, ree4ful I ~guess the thing that is
Huron Lacrosse Club — Top
row, left to right, -.Harry
Belcher, • S. G. McKay,
president Dr. Chas. E. Sale,
'Manager : Thomas Morrow,
Sid Reicher, Geo. Beacbnli;•-
Middle row, from the lift,'
Will J. Johnston, Wm. Hut--
chinson, Jack Tails : Win.
Blackford, George J;ohnston;.
Front tow, from the.'left, A.
Nicholson, J. F. Heffernan,
and Win. Doak. Htiw did you
H.ere in Huron wlere-:;
tollgates were ,abolished
years ago it seerns-strange"
that near- colleges and qther
Henderson Bicycle -'factory
learning institutions in
Toronto,.th@ tollgates have.to
• be removed by thertorch.
' ..The Signal wonders why the
did • not .patent the new
'tricycle wheeled by Hillier on
Eng3neela Smith, who. is
superintending .the fixing, of ,
the posts for the•incandescerit
.lighting system; noticing the
maples near" lar, :Viicholson's:
'would _need considerable
cutting;solved the ptoblem
by putting in .a post some 15
feet longer than the others,
enabling the ' wires to be -
carried• above the trees and
preserve their ' natural
•.beauty.; -W __._..__.
The • work • on the ' Hotel.
Bedford, is being pushed, a
number' of -mechanics being
employed, and it is expected
• that it will -be handed over by
the -•contractors the •first of
' • The harbormill is shipping
its daily cut to the top of the
hill from .which . point • all.
shipments will be made. The
• side track is now in use and
affords much ease in 'loading
of flatcars.
If a travellingpedlar comes •-
around and triesto sell goods;
before patronizing, ask him if
he will take your butter, eggs
afid•hides. Tellhim thereis a
poor .widow down the road
kwho would be thankful if he
donated .a few provisions. If
he agrees,•patronizehim.
A.: Couple'•of planes did a
-thriving land-office business
-taking people on short flights ,
on Sunday.... During the
morning the planes flew from -
a landing field on:. the
•premisesoto Q:E. Fleming
ice restraint-- y your- a able of aloe the -Maitland: River
P-ract .. ne`wspaper is in..c
selves, and maybe.we'll be reporting any `real" news. turning. °northward and`
able to understand what.They say the image the crossing the town on the way
you'.•re trying to do.'At the Signal -Star. •projei•ts is a back.:: •
present -time; w.e in Clinton review :ofd ladies'meetings. Ex-'item.ent and merriment
are having a hell df a job with the occasional::council • reigned supreme last night at
trying to restrain ourselves argument thrown in for a ..bit the largest and most sec -
from organizing .. a lynch of spice; cessful bowling tournament
mob,"''` ‘The:re-'s -'nothing—really ever staged by the Goderich
- - - meaty to read in the Signal= Bowling Club as.:, 44 rinks"of
Just how much money was Star, say the critics. • bowlers from allover Ontario
spent by the Davis entourage The truth. of the matter is"'• were entered in the Mer-
at The Mill' may never be that nothing,. too momentus chants' and ,1Vlanufacturers`
known -' exactly. It isn't even really goes on in Uoderich , Tournament. . '
known if the money came -in the average week. True, Bathers. along the shore of
from the public coffers. It it"" there. may• be -lots of_smutty Lake Huron have been lately
lurking in the corners suffering
behind the shadows,.. known as
small of that • Last•'Au use swimming .and that the government's might even make` legitimate suspended for.several days
rate for August 4, 5 end 6 was news stories if repot'ters owing to the discomfort
$42per dayfor. toed and <,. it out .:.andcaused bycontact with
. could. only dig .
breakfast' with two persons expose it for public scrutiny something in the water or on
sharing ac.commodation.(that • There have been times, the beaches.' Doctors • have
was $21 per day each) :believe it • or not, • when this been unable to decide where
For anyone who has done newspaper has had solea the chief trouble lies,' though
much travelling: in this land of p•
retty tasty tidbits — well express the opinion it is
ours, it will be immediately documented; too — which Primarily due to the presence
known, however,.that the realismfroman affliction
average; room at:.The Ben- and "fisherman's itch".
miller •Inn is $45,,Per" day .. Some portiong was
of weeds near the shore, as
are well within the budget of
non swimmers, orthose who
recognized that these prices :ie life ght have'put som into
for overnight ac ting -has been discouraged for chiof sufferers.
most persons who are looking two.. But. that kind~of repo' Prefer shallow waters. are the
commodation.. • the simple reason that' it is an People in trouble on earth,
To be sure, the Benmiller ugly kind of news'' device aiir or Water seem ' to turn
visit of Mr. Davis and his. which. hovers between sen- instirictively ' to . Bert
associates .cannot by .any sationalism for the sake of a MacDonaad, or one of his,
stretch of the imagination be few extra cents in news stand boats. On Monday .morning
termed extravagant a:c= 'sales and the wanton,and the Captain John had its first'
cording to those prices. • ' callous . ' exploitation ' ''of experience in rescuing" a
Incidentally, • it was people's mistakes and • in. couple of airrnenwhose.flying •
reported that the hours of the disc'-etions • boat, an Eastman, was forced
government officials were down near the .mouth of the
long — from .from` morning until This. newspaper will con- harbour: The crippledcr'aft
11:30 or 12 at eight - - .. tinue to abstain from that was
What's more, a'buffet lunch kind of questionable format:*. having enough gasoline to ,
hauled to safemooring;
scheduled for Friday noon for but' _ it' _recogncizes its no so not hav its own.
the group was cancelled in respoisibilrty to put lish the
favor of sandwiches and news as it pertains to FIVE YEARS AGO
coffee in order: to get they, Goderich •and"area. The Councillor •.Elsa : Haydon
agenda wrapped up. •.. Conservative meetings in complained last Thursday
So taxpayers, it doesn t ' B'enmiller. were .sotnething . evening at the regular,
appear that•Mr. Davis and his • about whicha notation should meeting of .'Goderich Town
associates squandered too have been made m the Signal Council that some merchants
niany tai dollars at this Star. We goofed .. and we in _the business area are not
"exclusive resort". in Ben- know it. -- ' keeping the sidewalks infront ,•
miller . or that they -.A fault recognized is'half of their premises clean.
Council concurred that
wasted Much valuable time in corrected. '
Poor info
Dear' Editor:
Your readers need not
depend on Mr: D. ` McI ee's
. fourth-hand account of the
accident to the r4RX (not
NR?) reactor•in Chalk River
which happened nearly
twenty:five years ago. The
incident was fully reported -in
. the press at that time and
AECL documents describing
iise accident art available: to
the punkt.
As you may imagine there
have .been many 'accounts of
this accident. published. The
business • people should. be
reminded that it is their
—responsibility __to keep,_ the
sidewalks in front of their,
stores swept '
The Executive of the New
Democratic Party of Ontario
at its last regular meetipg'in
Toronto, August 8th, :sup-
ported -the action of.the Huron
NDP Riding Association with •
regard to the suspension of
Ed Bain.
cF-ederal Minister of
Transport Don Jamieson has
informed town council that
his government will not
finance any further ex-
pansion'in Goderich harbour
and waterfront area at this
time. Janileson's• letter stated
that after a study'of the entire
problem' by representatives
of the transport department,
it• is obvious that requested
changes in Snug Harbour and ..
on Indian Is.laxid are .not
warranted, ':because of the
total cost of $500,.000.
one that .Mr*' McKee uses -is
taken from a recent book
called "We almost lost
Detroit" 'by. John, T. Fuller.
Readers who wish -y6 pursue
the subject might also like, to
read a revievv, of the book by
br. G.A. Mawson entitled
"How we didntt lose Detroit"
which appears . in the
magazine ''Canadian
Biisir'iess -July 1976".,
Aniong'the mistakes in the
Fuller account Which Dr.
Mawson, who was at -Chalk
River at the_time,.pt ints out
was that the supposed ex
(confirmed on page 5) •