HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-11-4, Page 8j A. STEWART PHONE 111 Ladies' Pure Wool. Serges Our value in pure wool serge is wonderful. It is a lovely fine twill in a nice soft quality, The very thing you want for that fall and winter dress. We have them in all widths 36 in, to 54 in, and in all the popular shades, Navy, Green, Grey, Brown, Sand and Black. We offer an extra special price on several lines. Our 40 in. -serge in all shades, a beautiful cloth. Regular $3.75 a yard; Sale Price $2,99 a yard. A real bargain in 38 in, Serge, lovely fine quality, in a real good weight and fast dyes. Regular $3.25 per yd. Sale Price $2.00 RUBBERS RUBBERS Rubbers for the .whole fancily, from the little "Kiddy" to "Dad". We have a complete range and 'can suit yon in all styles. Don't delay, get a. new pair to -day, and avoid -that cold you will surely get by getting wet. Minor Heavy Rubbers, Invincible Brand, formerly called "Monarch". The white boot with a name for itself. Also many other good brands. MEN'S' FINE SHIRTS Five dozen Men's Shirts in nice neat stripe and serviceable colors; in soft or stiff cuffs. Regular $2.25; Sale Price $1.75. SUGAR! SUGAR On r'riday morning we will put on sale one car of Extra Standard "Pure Cane" Granulated Sugar at a very Special Price. We think the bottom has been reached. "Limit" -Not more than three bags to each customer. .m Highest prices paid for poul try and all Produce. J. A. Stewart ARE YOU A Man or pian Brave enough to Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune? Ambitious enough to Increase your Estate Immediately? Patriotic enough to be making a Good Livelihood? Healthy enough to pass a Medical Exainzatation? Then clip this advertisement. Fill in the coupon and send to S. C. COOPER, Inspector, the Northern Life Assurance Company Box AB. EXETER TIDIES OFFICE NAME .ADDRESS Date Born, day of in the year nn.nq 1 1 Business Administration Registration Oct 4th. Four year course leading to B.A. Admission requirement. F1 Junior Matriculation. FOR INFORMATION AND CALENDAR WRITE K. P. R. NEVI LE, ,Registrar Wester University London, Ontario New Course in Furniture & Undertaking We wish to announce to the public that we can now supply a xnotor hearse in connection with our under taking business. M. E. Gardiner OPERA HOUSE BLOCK R. N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER We have added a motor ,hearse to our undertaking business. Phone 20, PHONES 74W and 743 DON'T WORRY About the high price of suits. You won't need a new suit if you will 1et T. III. ELLIOTT do your Clean- ing, Pressing and Repairing. Agent for The American Dyers and Dry Cleaners, London, Ont. T. H. ELLIOTT SUDDEN SERVICE SHOP A. E. N T Veterinary Surgeon Office McDonnell's Sales Stables on'1 John St. Phone calms receive prompt H attention. Phone 26w D THt EXETER TIMES - Market. Report --The following la the report, of the Exeter Market corrected every Wednesday. Wheat $2.00, Oats 60c. Barley 90c, Fancily flour $6.15. Shorts $2.35 per 100Ibs, Bran $2.10 per 1001bs. Feed flour $3.50. New laid eggs 66c, Dairy l•3utter 540 to 57c Crea'ihery Butter 63c Lard 35e. Hogs 17c. Potatoes $1.00 per bag. LOCAL • ! 4141*iR*4 • ••Winter Cabbage and Celery fo sale, cheap. Apply to Wm. Liebold concession 8, lot 16, Hay.Zurich P.O r Miss Edna Bisset visited in London a few days this week. Mrs. Blaney, who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. Reid, has re- turned to Toronto. Mr. Wel. Johns, of town, has the handling of trappers and deer licen- ses for this district. Miss Clare, of London, is relievin for a few weeks as operator at th Bell Telephone central. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hooper return- ed home on Friday last after visiting in St. Marys and St. Thomas. With coal at $24.00 a ton is three shovelfuls a day worth saving? Se C. H. Skelton's advt. on page 5. Mrs. Wm. Kernick, of town, had the misfortune to fall off a table on Monday and fracture her wrist. The shooters returned home from Hay swamp last Friday. The weath- er was unfavorable and they had very poor luck. Hallowe'en passed off quietly. There were a few pranks played by the small boys both on Sunday and Monday evenings. The bank staffs have been busy handling the interest coupons on the government war loans which came due on November lst. Messrs. Bert Kernick and Herman Dayman are up north on a deer - hunting trip. They took the boat from Sarnia to the Soo. 14Ir. Cephas Pym has purchased from Mr. Geo, Armstrong the fifty acre farm adjoining his own on the 4th concession of Usborne. With the cold weather coming on automobile owners will do well not to forget to' let the water off from their radiators. It 'doesn't pay to take any chances. The! condition of Mr. L. Hardy who is seriously ill at his home is not improving. Isis daughter, Mrs. J. Wanless, of Duluth, arrived in town Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Medd are in St. Catharines this week attending the convention of the Ontario Reli- gious Educational Association of which Mr, Medd is vice-president. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Robinson and two children have returned to De- troit after visiting the latter's mo- ther, Mrs. Passmore, and other friends around Exeter and Mitchell. g e Mr. D. D. Crittenden, of Blyth, has been visiting with friends in town for a few days this week. Mr. Crittenden is recuperating after hay.. Ing been laid up for six weeks with a broken ankle. The first white frost for the season visited this section last week but lit- tle or no damage was done. The past few days have been wet and chilly and occasionally it tried hard to MOW'.Messrs. Fred Wells, Ernest Wells Arto Delve, H. Kuntz, and N. Norry left on Monday for Watford where they have been engaged by Contrac- tor Hollingsworth to help put in some waterworks. Mr. Marvin Vincent, who has been linotype operator for the Exeter Times, left on Thursday of last week for London, where he has accepted a position on the staff of the London Advertiser. With 'the Churches? CAVEN PR1 SIfl TERIAN CHURCH Rev. James :Foote, B. A., Minister m. 10 a. --Sunday School and Bible Classes, Regular services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. conducted by the pastor. On Thursday evening at 8 o'clock the annual thank offering service of the W. M. S, will be held. Rev. Dr. McEwen, a returned Missionary from India will speak. Everyone welcome. Thames Road JAMES STREET METHODIST CHURCH Rev. M. J. Wilson, B.A., castor, 11 a.m.-Sacrament and reception of members. 3 p.m. -Sabbath School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m. -"Backward, Outward, For- ward, Upward" followed by Sac- rament.. All Welcome -Appropriate Music H MAIN ST. METHODIST CURCH Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. (Phone 21, r3.) 11 a.m.-Sacramental Service 7 p.m. -"Heaven's First Law" BETHANY -2.3 0 "Forsaken" NOVEMBER 14, 1920, CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Rev. J. 0. L. Spracklin, the "Fight- ing Parson" preaches. DR. JOHN WARD Chiropractor William and Sanders streets. Tues- days, Thursdays & Saturdays, hours 10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Consultation and examination free at office. FOR SALE -A Joliette chopper, 8 inch plate, nearly new. -HARVEY BROS. WATCH LOST -On Tuesday, an Elgin; gold case, between Central Hotel, and the creamery. Finder re.warded by leaving at Times Office. BOY WANTED -Good smart boy wanted to learn the printing. Ap- ply at the Times Office. HOUSE FOR SALE -Storey and a half brick house on Andrew St., 7 rooms. Apply to Box 71, Exeter. FOR SALE -A nh}nber of horses; Some four months... male Berkshire pigs; Dorset ewe lamas. Will Pearce Heusall, Ont. The. Hydro Commission are short of power and have asked us to ad- just our load, consequently we will start our chopper at. 11 o'clock. • HARVEY BROS. Mr. Cecil Steele f, Detroit, mot- ored over and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter.Steele. Hato. WE HAVE A FINE •AS- SORTMENT AT PRICES THAT RANGE FROM $1 TO $2.50. Our line of Blankets, Robes and Mitts is complete and on some lines we are offering very attractive prices. See our stock before you buy. J. Beer Automobile accessories and EIectrical Supplies It is estimated that the mild weather during the month of October has meant the saving of thousands of tons of coal to the country. The saving will help to alleviate the threatened coal shortage. Mr. Thos. Brock, who b.as been employed with Mr. H. T. Rowe, of town, has purchased from Mr. Fer- guson Harrah, his 100 -acre farin, being•lot 10, concession 12, near Sun- shine,• possession to be given on Mar. 1st next. yI4ir. Milton Sleamon, held an auc- tion sale of his farm stock, imple- ments and household effects on Wed- nesday of last week. Good prices were realized. Mr. and Mrs, Slea- mon intend to leave for the west to spend the winter. We were shown the branch of a berry bush on Monday that was well laden with fruit. There were a half dozen well developed ripe berries on the branch and quite a few more that w.ould ripen shortly. The berries were picked in the garden of Mr, Alex. Reeder. The Exeter Districe Epworth Lea- gue and Sunday School convention will be held 111 Centralia Methodist church on Wednesday, November 17. Sessions in the afternon and cvening A(idreses V611 be given by Several ministers and League Workers., Rev. . B. Parliaby, of E 1izr file, is the !striae Lea.gne President. s CAMERAS S. We Do Developing and Printing All your care in obtaining good exposures is in vain if the film is not properly developed and printed. Bring your rolls here for expert work. We make the prints on Cyko Paper because it brings out every- thing In the Negative, JOS, SEND,„ EX.lc'T'ETt Special Sale Special Sale of Overalls, Under- wear, Boots and Shoes at greal re- duction prices. Men's fall mitts and gloves also winter mitts, Flannelette blankets $4.65,. Also a line line of prints. We also earry a fine line of fresh groceries. Telephone your order and it will he delivered. R.McKenzie & Son EXETER NORTH Phone 107. REMINDERS L.• r... -At-- POWELL'S BAZAAR Fish Globes, 1/2 gal, to 5 gal, sizes. Fancy Teapots, 2 to 8 -cup capa- city. Fancy China Cream Jugs, Fancy China Milk and Water Jugs. TOYS, DOLLS, DECORATIONS Fancy Chinaware, rare shapes at reasonable prices, we expect to have Gold Fish, food and fish grass in, in November. Our Candy department is well kept. Visit this store often. Always something new. We set aside anything you want for Christmas on a small deposit basis. Christmas -Seven weeks. Remember the place. POWELL'S BAZAAR Phone 55. The Home of the New Edison • COMFORT IN BUYING MEAT HERE. Comfort in the seats provided for customers, more comfort in the con- fidence that you are getting the very choicest meats at the very lowest prices. Come and enjoy selecting a roast, a steak or some chops. You'll appreciate the lowness of price and above all you'll enjoy as never be- fore the meats served on your table. BEN. MAKINS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1020 Th. GREATEST HIT IN YEARS Dedicated to the United Farmer. UIF.o M..- Knd l'Om 06 ( l/ the p a l y wC}1•knawn song writer, Mr. Morris Manley, SONG Words and Music 35c, postage immommilim prepaid. Address: CROCKER PRESS, LIwITso, Publishers, 48 and 50 Lombard Street, Toronto, Qnt, USE "DIAMOND DYES" Dye right! Don't risk your material. Each pack- age of "Diamond Dyes" con- tains directions so simple that any woman can diamond -dye a new, rich color into old garments, draperies, coverings, every- thing, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. Buy "Diamond Dyes" -no other kind -then perfect re- sults are guaranteed. even if you have never dyed before. Druggist has "Diamond Dyes Color Card" -16 rich colors. The strong winds of the past few days brought down many of the ap- ples off the trees and the ground in the orchards are covered with this class of fruit. THE EXETER 'TIMES Subscription rate $1.50 a year: ADVERTISISNG RATES ; Display .Advertising ---Made kaoWn on application. Stray Animals ---One insertion 50o, three insertions for $1.00 Farm or Real Estate .for sale 60e each insertion for one month of tour, insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not pore than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Doet and found locals 25c. Local reading notices etc., 10c per line per insertion. No notice leo than 25c. Card of Thanks 50e. Auction sales $3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length, Legal advertising 100 and 5c d line. Cider Mill 0. K. Steam Cider Mill running every day, pressing cider, cooking apple butter. Custom work done as rapidly as possible. Sweet cider and apple butter for sale. S. J. V. Cann, Exeter Phone 115. You Step Into Big Value When you slip on a suit or top coat at this store. Our clothing ready for service is carefully selected from the best productions in this country, and you get the pick of them here. You can be well dressed at the minimum of expense when you buy from us. W. W. 1' A M A' N PHONE 81 .a NEEMNENERNENNEMIESEME ��mili cl u --::i omm �y-:•ftp- -:•!i�v_ :im-o ,:megaf ��-=c. ��_--ai mirr-: i �� .fig. �; zf mow; ---.rte �w�ry . ��:_\�% ;.: \� ,EL\'�ii�F:ea\� ��' \'� �... �%i�_.iey�%H :�\� �iiSC� � �\� _ w\� �\�/� :r� gid:\� ,ia2J�ii%.'.iti_Y\� i. H ., %\ OA 44,01 74 �•\ V alit i .L4 1/pl Ladies' Coats In the seasons newest styles. We wil Ibe glad of the opportunity to show you what we are offering. Special value in Salt's Pon Cloth Coat at $39.00 MEN'S WORSTED SUITS. We say that they are good value. The patterns are very neat and are made in good staple style. All sizes $37.50. ALL WOOL SERGE DRESSES. Several new styles in braided and embroidered all wool serge dresses. Sizes 16 and 18. Your choice of any style $27.50. HEAVY SHOES!' HEAVY SHOES! We handle several of the best :makes of heavy shoes for Men. Sis- m.ans, Grebs, Williams and Ahrens.' STANFIELDS UNDERWEAR. It is hard to beat for comfort and wearing qualities. We carry it in combination and Green, Red and Blue label. ALL -WOOL COATINGS. Grey, Fawn, Brown and Blue. An all -wool material. If you can make your own coat see the cloths at per yard $4.50. re ALL -WOOL PLAIDS FOR ODD SKIRTS. It's just skirt length. Beautiful . all -wool plaids that look and wear well. Skirt length $8.50. ALL -WOOL SERGES. A splendid quality to pleat for skirts. We get the goods pleated for you. The price of the serge is $2.65, SOUTIICOTT..BROS. ••'tom li�-v ;moi sir �:-;vi�Y l.�^s�eee..^s,;i/y� r �^-� .� v� �,'���ii�ji.:.�i��aP�6a.U:Si���'�jir1..i.�"�,.G.�„s•.�'�i�1� jc�7i��;Zi�\�Lfi ',"�i'...cl.�"�...�\'` i� .+,.� ��i;,:rli � :..� ,. .. , , . s