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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-08-12, Page 15
- EXCLUSIVE AGENT - EXCLUSIVE AGENT - XCLUSIVE AGENT - EXCLUSIVE AGEN -: 25,000 .MILES ' WITHOUT AN OIL CHANGE Super Premium :: INCREASE GAS Synthetic MILEAGE MOTOR OIL 10 C15 PER ENT OVER 1,000, 00 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS IN THE U.S.A 25,000 MILES OR -ONE YEAR WARRANTED EXTREME' TEMPERATURE LUBRICANT FOR ALL SEASONS .. - with synthetic AMZOIL, the ,life of your-" •enginecan•be doubled " ' Goderich AMAZING OIL MART 211 BAYFIELD RD. 524-2877 Z - EXCLUSIVE AGENT - EXCLUSIVE AGENT - GROUND CHUCK- i 9c L. iamo�ds FRENCH CLEANERS 5, . • Lakeport , took until; the • LITTLE BOWL 1 seventh inning- to,:"get their •.French Cleaners got .four run. In a desperate attempt to straight first -inning hits • for rally with two down, Carmen four 'runs and held that Fielder singled, Barry Block margin to defeat Little Bowl duplicated the feat and who •extended their "losing scored olrp'a late throw to: the streak to four games • - plate. two doubles, °both for runs, win for Ziebart and Ed Jones d two. runs 'batted , in. °ell registered the defeat For , errors. Brindley P, made their only serious, _threat ,. in....the'. _fifth. Eric Stewart walked and got as •far as third before Ken °Daer retired the side.. McGee's got two additional markers in the sixth•inning. , 'Russ Pruder .and •Ken Meriam singled back-to-back with nobody out, and Gord's drew two more errors to Bill'Gallow led. French with Simon Langlois took the:. allow the unto runners .to score. • win to . his. total with Daer pitching in relief, and,Walter Bell ..took 'the loss' for.Brjndl°y Plastering. . - an cher Don McW),linney allowed Lakeport. •, FISHER 7 just five hits for the win. Little Bowl carie close to'a °CANAD-A CQ..0 . run in' the first .as Rob' Snell.• . singled' with one ,I.io.wn and, pitching from Fred Pellow Glen. Falkiner doubled him to and scattered seven "runs to thir.d,. ..with `' a . dutch shut out the . Canada Co. McWhinney strikeout keeping squad.: , _ the score at zero..' . . Canada Company players , Ray Mathers led off French • gave up a total of six errors; • with a single in their four -run ° five of them counting towards first inning. George Sutton • runs for the Fisher squad. ' singled, . and Ron Klages Jack McKinnon led off the br©ught_a-r-un-in with- a--base_-gam , fbr-Fisher getting on on hit. Bill Callow hammered a an error, advancing on a two-bagger'for two more runs • passed ball-. and scoring on and came in on`two sacrifice Jim Durst's single. • plays, everything corning in They added two more•in the two's.for the prolificGallew. • second inning Ray Donnelly Fisher Builders got two -hit • GaN°w`'seored--a-not-her`run got on 4n a one-Otit—error. -in the third inningto make -the Jack McKinnon singled and score 5-0. He led off with a John Hoy brought them both'... double and scored on Cla're.: home .with'a double to up:the JIarmon's two base hit with count to 3-0. - one out. '. . Three third -inning errors Little Bowl's only run came" cbstfcada Co. two more ,,in the top of the fourth as ruris.`'Jim,Bell singled', .Chuck Dave. Patterson slaw med a. Jewell gained base on an one -out smash over the fenceerror and the runners ad - for a home run. He was the .- vanced on_another error. Bob" only other Little•Bowl player • McBride then drew a two - 'to reach third base, base error bringing both men Don McWhinney took the ' home. win for French and. Bruce. Fisher's rounded - out Stoll pitched in a losing cause scoring in the fourth' with a for Little BowI.. . •. pair. John Hoy drew. an error ZI•EBART 2, LAKnPORT 1 to lead off. With ope out Jerry, Simon LaneFois hurled ten ,,Durst tripled and " scored strikeouts and drove one of himself on Fred Pellow's two Ziebart homers as they base hit. nipped Lakeport by ';a 2-1 Pellow allowed only one score. • • • man past first base for the Ziebart had men • on all- in, and Glen Tigert took the bases with two,., out in the loss for Canada Co. . second inning, but to no avail. . ' McGEE'S 3 GORD'S 0 Wally rson, Dave Mclvor Doug Spitzig belted a home and Ev. Burges were all run ' and..- Rick Sowerby strande.:y pitcher Ed Jones. allowed. just . three hits:. as The _got their first run off _M.c.Gee'.s:. •. PontiaCc' . pp./ est Lang .is; rimer in the top of cord' Sports 3-0. App Rick Sowerby addedthe BRINI):LEY P.0 Fisher Builders came from behindto score four seventh- ,inning runs and out -slug the Brindley Plastering squad 7= The Brindley players outs hit the Fisher squad 12-9 but could' not make these 'hits count at ,often as they would have liked. the• th d with two out. On cord'shad a total of seven inning , ater; Wally Pierson base runners but could find no hammered the winner over way to bring them in, . the the fence for'Ziebart. .. pitching o Rick Sowerby being too intense for them-. Doug Spitzig got the opener. for McGee's with one out in the second- inning as• his towering smash vent over the fetrce for a home run. .. Gord's ,hadtheir best chance for arun_ in the third, when'Bob •Rhiel.gained; third base on a double and,arl error with one out, but could not get • to home plate.:. -• John jTarr added the second for 'McGee's as he gained first on an error, went to third on a Paul Kelly single -. and scored'- when Tom Crawfor-d'get a base hit. Rick . Sowerby put an in- • sutance run on the board -in:' the "'fourth inning • whenhe doubled, to lead off and scored on a Gord's error. • Sowerby ,got the win for. McGee's, keeping them firmly entrenched in the • Division B lead, and Gord's Stan Doherty'took the loss. . McGEE'S? BRITNDLEY P 0 Rick Sowerby: combined with. Ken Daer for a shutout allowing seven Brindley hits and Doug Spitzig got twobase hits including a -homerun as 1V1cGee's, drubbed Brindley Plastering 7.1-0. Spitzig got. the •.opener for McGee's .•in -•the. top • of the second inning with his one-out,.f. bonier. , • . The McGee's squad ad.d d o their lead with a foul''" run " firth -inning rally her led • off with a triple,:dnd came home on Sowerby's single. .;With one out; Russ•- Pruder walked and Ken : Meriam z, scored Sowerby with a single andsent,Pruder to third. Don son drove: in-the`fou`rth and fifth as Gord's cirew two CAROLE SUTHERLAND :Office Manager Clinton Branch ' Ontario Motor League CAROLE:SUGGESTS.:': • Tho t .you Book • NOW for Christfnas and Spring Break Avoid disappointment and Receive an. "Early Bird Bonus" • for confirmed bopking in August only. ' Drop'in.ioday'fo • -. Ontario Motet League u OddCOWIJe Registration . No. '0009068' 7 RATTENBURY ST: CLINTON 482'-9300 OUT OF TOWN: PHONE TOLL FREE 1-800-265)181 -"T=he-Mes Trus -fed: -- - Nome In.Trovei : • • GOD Brindley P. took an early; John Hoy closetl:.the ,gap to" winner in the third inning on lead when -Jim . Martin Flo runs in the fifth for single byRon Klages. singled, Stole-, -second; and' singling with -one out, , French Cleaners'took the scored on Walter Bell's hese . advancing on a p sed ball ,• lead in the first inning, Ra hit, ' Bell scored on an error and scoring on Jerry Durst's-'Mathers sinleii, ' went''___to and a Jim Harrison single,'.r single; second on a stolen base;'and Fisher's pulled wit-hin.a run l�he•arldoing, of the'&rindley sore with twh down on bon in their half of the first -when squad came in the bottom of McWhinney' single. Jim Durst tripled and. Jerry the seventh. Bob McBride - Brindley tied it up in their Durst. doubled to produce a gained first being • hit by.: a half of the first. Steve Haggit • run. pitch„ and scored on Jack doubled and carie in on Louis Fisher's took the lead in the ' MoKinnon's'double. John'Hoy Yundt'ssingle, `' s cord .with apair. Jim Bell: then doubled in'McKlnnon but e French got the lead in the le.dgf f with a walk,. advanced was tagged at third • on a'• second: w_ hen Brian .McLean • , on chuck Jewell''s -_base hit; fielder's. choice, With two ..singled',, went to. third on Clare �Ed scored on a '° fielder's men dawn, Fred Pellow _took . _H.a.smon'i base hit and scored oice. Je' ell then scored on base on a fielder's choice choice and Ray RICH SIGN,A'. TAR, TH JRSDAY,,t�,UGVJST 12,197e- .pAG a hammering 'ahome ,run }with Duncan, Larry McCabe. and• . George Sutton on base, .and Wayne Draper. Frank McDonald tripling and Little Bowl tied the game at scoring on an error. - 4u in the third. Patterson,, got • Don Mafbinney.hurled the his second leadoff triple in as victory for French Cleaners, many innings and scored on a while Brian Hoy took the loss . grouted ball; with Jim =rindley relieving. Lakeport uppeJ the taliy,W 7-4 with three more -in the.' t LAKEPORT'O fourth Runs aarxxe ' 1rax1cl ` Ji on an error. • hack McKinnon s..sing le for m Bell singled in:Durst for They. took a 3-1 lead in the . ~' the winner. . `the second, w third, George Sutton singling Brindley promptly stole�the Fred Pellow got the win for and advancing ;on an ,error lead back as they added, two McGee's and Jim Martintook. and 12on'KIa es driviri Win in the third. Ron. Hodge and the defeat for Rrindley.P. home. g g ' Jim martin got -the FRENGI3 6; g Brindle ...._- _ • for th.e.4 3 lead. : •BRINDLEY T2 y •snored ,ytheir Brindley Txansport second run in thesixth.inning The uppedmanaged MIS/ two runs on-. when Steve Haggitt•got on on y the count to 6-3 a fielder's choice and scored r.in ,.the fourth, Jim Martin. four hits, having just; five , o Bruce' : _• getting a:two-run homer -with base. runners as they, were n Fisher's base hit. . : Ron Hodge on, who was hit by defeated by French Cleaners. In the seventh . inning a pitch fort1 second' straight 6 : .7--Freffebl-fiadded—their lead inning. George Sutton scored the •' with three runs,. Ron Klages a. uDerstars raily in final inning #o he6t Luckn�wi:ad:tes 16-13 Lucknow Ladies made an excellentshowing against the league -heading - Gardiner's Superstars . on . Wednesday, August 4 as they lost by a slim 16-15 margin. • The Superstars showed why they are league leaders as they pulled out fron:a ten -run deficit• with six runs in the bottom: of the seventh inning, The Superstarsopened scoring in the first inning with a triple by , pitcher Judy Draperdriving in Bonnie Mugford who led off with a walk. Lucknow came back and " promptly scored two,runs .in the second inning,, Janet McPherson arid Barb Helin tallying for the, visiting team. In the top of the third inning . they extended their lead to 6-1 wit -h---four--•-b-ig-.•rauns, Jane McPherson capp•ing'the rally with a two -out home run.:. Judy Draper . tallied. the • second Superstars' run, 'slamming a two -out home run smash to -help the Superstars pull up to• the leading Lucknow Ladies. - The'' third • in.ning was another big one.for•Lucknow as th d't nd the Lucknow, giving them a 15-5 singled. With two out and the Judy.Draper got the win fo lead with but two'innin.gsleft. winning run on first base,' the Superstars, and.had a On ,.the . comeback, trail, Dale Oke hit a two -run double' perfect day. at the plate Gar diner's Superstars and won the game for t11ie scoring, fpu'r runs . for her • brought their game total to' 'Superstars. _-__Cause. • 'ten runs in the' sixth as they scored five runs. Bonnie Mugford, Cathie Sturdy, Marilyn MacCuspey, Judy Draper and Lori Keller all "iiarked' for the home squad. Holding Lucknow hitless in. the top •of the seventh, the Superstars- left the field.with fire in their eyes. With a: seemingly'im- possible five -run deficit too -make up,, Bonnie '.Mugford struck -out to lead -off. Then the Superstars , went on' the rampage. . ..• ' • •• Cathie `Sturdy .' tripled. MacCuspey and . Draper both walked to load the bases, and. -B' ' e-sla-mnrted..-a t .ev D-e•no�m ' 'two run single. Lori "Keller -,-broughtano�,�er- run in.with a single. :`ISawn Westbrook. sacrificed home a.fourth run, and Colleen Straughan r, score wo runs a took a commanding 8-2 lead over their tough adversaries: The Superstars° marked a third run in the fourth•,inning as Dawn Westbrook singled to lead off and carnehomewith two . out on Cathie Sturdy's Single. . "The Lucknow squad , just kept on coming, padding"tile'''''' lead with . two more fifth - inning runs off the bats of Sherry Boak and Janice Rutherford. Adding, two .more runs in the fifth- from Judy Draper, who had .a perfect day at the plate if riot' on the mound, and Lori Keller who went four for five, the Superstars were still• behind_ by five runs.: ' It, seemed as . If the. Superstars�were•going to take their,f irst lossof theseason as five more Lucknow runs Went, on the board in the top ofthe. sixth inning. Donna Stable, Sup Ritchie, Janice Rutherford, ' Janet McPherson and Barb Helen all 'crossed the .'plate- for "'Who can we say!" 1912 :VOLVO 14 2 door sedan, radio, fog lights, locally owned. In real nice' condition: Lic. Ni'. DHF 631 .MIN MOTORS_ SALES SERVICE. , 184 Iasi :St G:ndericr ;5 24', ' 21 2 e • Lib rary News On Tuesday,: August 17th, Mary Alice 'Downie, well- known Canadian author for children, will be at Goderich Branch Liprary. - Mrs. • Downie, a former resident of Bayfield, ---lives in Kingston her 'husband -an'd three' . daughters. She is author of "Honor Bound"; . "Scared Sarah" "The magical ad' - ventures of Pierre" and has complied a book of•Canadian poems called "The wind has wings''. 'She has also written "Dragon on Parade': which:is a picture book set in Bayfield at the annual Lions"Club carnival. Her latest book is "Witch . of the North" a collection " of French. .Canadian foiktales. •- Mrs: Downie will be happy to answer questions and autograph any of .her books. . Come and meet hef 'at" 52 Montreal St/ at 1:30 p.m. Everyone welcome•. • ".,.--` •Games Sxrnday Brindley T vs Ziebart Lakeport vs French ' -dcrd's: Brindley Pvsys ,Canaoda Co. LGames Monday ittle Bowl vsBrindley T . French' vs Ziebart- ,,Games Wednesday McGee vs Brindley P« Fisher vs Canada Co. . Batting Standings 5 • 0 BALL T - PTS. 1 1 =35 2., -0 24-. 11 1 15 • 11 1 15 10 1 11- '2•g° 9. 0 22' 7 2 20. GODE RICH INDUSTRIAL SOFT LEAGUE STANDINGS: • DIVISION "A" TEAM . W L .. Ziebart Rustproofers ... . '.'...... ...17-: . FrenchGleaners. .12 Little Bowl - r . 7 Lakeport Steelers 7 Brindley Transport- • .... .::.... ...... 5 - - Thvlsion B :- McGee Pontiacs • 1,4 Fisher Custom_ Builders. , , , ..11 Gord's Sports 9 Canada Company .... Brindley Plastering ................... 2." Ifi 0 iii 4 - H.....AB.... Player Ecom Glen Tigert = Canada Co. 28 60 .466 Ron Miller'— Lakeport - : ' 13 ' 29 .448 Greg Hansen — Ziebart, .... Bill Gallow French Lee Arbour -..Ziebart - Casey W ildgen —Canada Co..... ... .. ,14 34 .41I Wayne Draper -- Lakeport .... , .'.. • , 19 50 _.380• 22 :.`23 52.442 26 62 . .419 17 41 .414 Dave Patterson --Little Bowl 25 15 George Sutton — French . Gerry Durst --Fisher 58 . ,379'. 66 :378 41. .365 bogst, YOUR HOME TOWN .EXCITING STAGE :SPECTA(ULAR Huron Country Playhouse e Presents The hi` musical!!! FRIDAY, AUGUST 20th 8:00 p,m. . A GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE AUDITORIUM 'Adults $4.00 Children,Seniar Citizens . 2.O�: Sponsored By GODERICH ROTARY CLUB t 4 LITTLE BOIt'L5 Brian ...McKenzie 'Tina LakeportSteeiers scattered McLean and Carmen Fielder ten -:.hits for ten runs as they who'. were aided by ..twp dirrhped Little Bowl I0-5: . doubles. - Lakeport' took 'the lead in Little:. Bowl pulled` withini - he first inning 1-0. Ron Miller '..two. runs on a home run, from • led.off with a. hit, advanced -on Glen Falkiner in the fourth,., , 'a passed obeli and s red on .• . 'Three,.more runs, in the fifth ' • Brian McKenzie's single. rounded 'mit Scoring for : Little .Bowl stole the lead Lakeport: Barry Block, Larry. back in the second with three McC.abe. and Brian McKen"zfe ` runs:. Dave Patterson 'led off alltallied for '•.,Lakeport With a, triple, .. and Mike -giving:. each o 'thethree`, Wildgen scored him • on an leadoff batters a run. err -t r Wi,ldgen -advanced- -to-- Lithe, -Bowl added'a sixth iii third 'on a fielder's choice and the sixth- inning, Glen . scored on a wild pitch, Bill • Falkiner singling and Bruce Martin got on on a fielder's Stoll tripling him }thine. . clei c.c.and-two-errors-aird a-Brian--Me-Kenzie-had- fielder's -Me z•ie-:dad fielder's choice got him in. hits' and two runs tor the win • Grabbing ' the lead back and John •Crawford pitched no again, Lakeport' got three • decision, Bill Martin.taking. runs in the third from Dap : the loss in - relief.- TODD'S Take ; SUBMARINES 74 -`Hamilton St"; .Near the stoplights OPEN Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday -.11:30 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. Thursday Friday' Saturday- 11:30 a m to 3:00 a.rn., ' CLOSED SUNDAYS PHONE 524-2012 BAYFIELD MEAT MARKET NEXT DOOR TO L.C,B 0 BAYFIELD. ONT PHONE 565-2160 • Here.'-ure a few eicampl&s of our special prices... FREStfi. PORK LOIN CHOPS 39 FRESH PORK BUTT CHOPS 1.09LB: FRESH PORK ':RIBS ro $ 3.9 CUT FROM CANADASGRAD'E"A" BEEQ ' mu PRIME: : _9C RIB STEAKS - -L>3. �: 2•A OZ. PATTIES - 6 - 10 LB. BAGS • GROUND .- %9G. CHUCK ' ,.8. SHOULDER . STEAKS BLADE STEAKS CHUCK STEAKS f:. LB. Freezer Specials! A�-1"FRONTS - A.1 SIDES - O.F BEEF. OF BEEF 58CLB. •- 89CLB. CUT & WRAPPED TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS B-AYFIELD MEAT MARKET HOME OF QUALITY MEATS- . PROFESSIONALLY PREPARED '"NOW EQUIPPED TO DO, `. CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING• WILL MAKE ,PICKUPS STORE HOURS: Mon.Wed. 9 - 6 p -m.-. +, ,,, - Thurs. - Fri. 9 • 9 p.m.- - - KILLING DAYS: Sat. 9 - 6 p.m. BEEF • MONDAYS •' Sun. 12 - 6 p.m. HOGS` - WEDNESDAY