HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-08-12, Page 80 " PAGE 6 -GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURS AY,,AUGUST 12, 197,6 • ;. ameot At '(h BN ROB SHRlER . For those with a -sweet s portion of the hive. known as tooth, the Huron County the "super." a .:. Pioneer 1VIuseum offers an Several. hives are' shown: excellent somewhat o manufacture •of one of , the .' two boxes.. The ltiwer is the World's most. poular natural brood box ;.where the ' bees sweeteners.: honey. ' . ,live, and the upper box is, the • Honey 'bees -live' in large super, ...the •••box where••. the - colonies numbering from ten •honey is produced. Depen- • to, sixty • thousand. Such a ding on. the .strength of the•'". •colony iscalled a swarm. strain' of 'bee, .up to four • • There are three basic types supers• can be placed above • of honey' bees. The •.most . the brood box, • • important for the propagation An' older ,hive,:dating back of �tim •species is,. the queen. " to- 1856; is made: of straw' merely smoke the hives. The smoke causes the bees to fill their. honey pouches, and bees display as .The standard dovaftail 'in this condition will not at.: . a primer on the wooden hives are divided into tack • She is the female •which lays woven ° with - wood strips: • =Life successfully petitions (RTC to `end ab�rrtion ads. A letter of protest was sent to.. the Canadian- Radio - Television Commission, Harry J. Boyle, in regard's to the advertising of abortion' over CKDW, a Windsor radio When the comb is removed, station. a capping kife is used to chop Accompanying the letter off the top wax layer of the was a copy of an Address to comb before it• is placed;in the the *Royal Commission on extractor. • :.Violence - in the Com- • • `Two: wooden honey ex-- '.rnu'nicationa Industry, given tractors are,. shown. They . bx Mrs."' Sally` .Campeau.' have two 'screens,. whielrhold Wingham 'Volt e- of the the comb's in place. The Unborn, . in "" W ingh,am, perpendicular. frame . which. December 3;1975: P Pe holds the comb is then` spun • The address read, "I: aii a idl iriside-'a wooden • deeply' 'concerned 'With the f Which the borne the fellow human being we act our media; ,Althou re =colony grows. called r although they were greatly thrown off the e lm s an intoare many aspectsg tohebe oke predators devouring our • • The males, , w r p Y the advertising' of abortion. Abortion•. is the. killing of a human being. •It is an irrefutable scientific fact that human life .Begins at •con- ception. We may refer to •abortion as intra -uterine violence. "On CKLW, a Windsor "radio: station, Michigan Medical abortions 'are- ad- vertised -very frequently. In• other words, the media. are advrtising .the killing. of human beings., a horrendous act! What..'could be more violent? ; 1 „ and honey is problem of violence as shoZvn • "When. we abort the life of a the eggs rum w is e These were hand -made and b d in Th 1 11 d d ones the container a ow �' n species, This act is far • inferior to present hives, they concerned with there is one P b, a of thed f their P e from • robably the most punting '•from civilized. Figur °init;which I wish o. lb�ei>Og ec_ use noun o ear wings, are thewo colony. � PSP arP tamer - which holds bees• in. .The worker bees are the ones. who gather the nectar used in honey production.: , era 5' r.less„expensive: p worker's in the Bee starters, are also )rltlb4 is-:'th'e-'sirrpprtrg--crnr your attention. That pc!in.t is astern Europe re eaf a_, is Iaved .• Th 1 hey area smatl`e"s`t` acrd most active . bees- in the c=olony. The wor,ker.,• after gathering . what pollen and nectar. -it cancarry from a • a' flower,circle§ in the air a few times -to find its bearings, and heads in a straight line back to the hive, the bees' home:.. The.,straight line is called- a -bee-line", and is used by bee hunters to.findhives. • When •a .colony of bees is captured, .the apiary is for- med. The captured bees are fed sugar and water and kept in a removable frame in which they build the combs that hold the succulent golden honey. .• By the time the-combs'are filled, The beekeeper opens, .the colony, removes the .• combs and -extracts 'the honey. ' The Huron ,County Pioneer Museum has a collection of all' the_ `e''ssentials for suc-' ;cessfulbeeeeping. •: Beekeeping gloves and 'a 'veil for the head" are necessary for protection from stings:; The musetim has'two .sets of these 'used -by local' beekeepers many yearsrback. One of the more intriguing pieces :.is a plate called a queen excluder. It is just large . enough to .allow the • worker to get through, butfar too small for the queen: 'It ' prevents the queen- from • laying eggs: ° in the upper A TV: that works ' properly' Makes The Winter Shorter. ' If your TV picture isn't as good as it should be, chances are all 'that's needed is a service call. We have the facilities and - know-how to'service all makes and .models. 'ALVIN'S TV SALES AND SERVICE•' Antenna and Tower Installation 162 Mary St. 524-9.089 :prefabricated comb .bases which are designed to make a new-..hiv_e e.as.teao_start: ' ' Feersmokers are necessary to remove the "combs: They are filled with old rags and lit so that they do not blaze, but -transit.. They-- are ._surrounded '_.,.. . by wire screens on all sides. except the top, and there is no visible closure fQor th-e-”top; making one wonder how , By Blanche beeves anyone would-wantto•pick up Personals one of these containers.. •Mr. ' and . Mrs. . Roland Feeney of Dayton, Ohio spent 10 days with Mr. and Mrs. The community wishes Mr. and Mrs Paul Swan, their very best wishes as they start their•new life together. Many joined them at the. White Carnation for their reception and evening of dancing. Paul Davey is off visiting with his Grandma . and Grandpa in Toronto. Have a ,. good time Paul. ' Mrs. Orville Blake is away f• visiting in Napanee. Mean-. while, Herb McAdams has . returned to his home in Pembroke. We all -hope he is' feeling better now. Things are really going on today at the Gilders' home in Holmesville. • Today many trucks- were about the home. They tell me the gas is. going • Jane Snell. of 'Blyth is en- joying a .visit with. the Betties family. Mrs.'Ethel. Betties -of Toronto visited with Mr. arid Mrs. Alvin . Betties ; and are visiting -relatives in_the asiea. . Isabel and . Don 'Harris, - Betty and Ross' Feagan travelled' to London -to attend::. a trousseau tea for. Jean' Stewart, . bi idesto-be, 0 this` Saturday in London,. " • ' . Surprise Party... Mr. . and Mrs.' .Douglas Feagz.n' openedtheir home to - ' mes vieT N e WS The Huron • County Pioneer :Museum Apiary . includes these two items, a..wood "barrel" honey extractor, and a bee transporter on the bottom: right .specially designed for carrying bees the dangerous way. (staff photo) TQN.TALK .The winners of two • local . draw were .picked on July al. The - July Columbus .: Club' Share -the -Wealth $100 draw was vvon-by Grace Mugford of • a surprise 30th anniversary party for Ross and Betty Feagan and about.25 guests. Everyone : had a good time and lunch was served by the ladies. M. CA ijets grant for floodplain Goderich. Seller was Lynne • McCallum. The 3rd Goderich Company Ventures' Propane Over the next four _years, • the Maitland Valley Con servation-. Authority will receive an Ontario grant of $100,000 for acquisition of .. floodplain land, Natural Resources Minister Leo' - Bernier has announced. sem. Located in Turnberry, along the Maitland River, the 100 acres of floodplain land includes some housing.-- The ,,area has;•a-history of flooding and solutions' such as dams, reservoirs or dyking are ` either. impossible ° or im- practical due to local topography or high-cost. The Authority : will pur- chase the land when available 'Barbecue draw was won by during thenext four years, at 'Jack Chisholm of Meneset market value. Park. MR. JAMES FROM 326 Ma lout SI._ S. Goderich, Ont:, Phone.:. 524-2887 We are pleased to announce the appnintirent of,Mr. James From alai!' Special Life•Agent to Goderich and surrounding area.' - • MR: FROM has been ;with us for sometime and we s. have every reason to believe that his services will'bO"'.% welcomed by Many. Our Company has many special facilities and -Mr. From is quatifled in every respect. - SCHOLTES, DONOHUE' & ASSOCIATES ,Insurance Agencies Inc. ° 254 Burn Street Strathroy, Ontario • 4 FREs�Da,�Y PRODUa .;�' PRICES AT *?HE CROPS Come to Denornme's°F,arm and Garden' Centre for the .Freshest of... WEYET: 'ORN great escalation in the numbers of• abortion following legislation to " legalize abortion. After 20 or more years, some of these countries have re -introduced ' considerable restrictions to their laws.- •. a� "The official reason given for changing "the law was: • 'Serious effects of . legaliied abortion. on ilia health and reproductive the of women; upon the sta.ility. of. the family and upon . -the, morality of the country, .especjally . -its yotath:"- -I--• mention' the" above to illustrate the evil of abortion. 'The Media, is a very powerful force and greatly affects the members •of our soc.iet�y' I recommend a serious `'clean -on'' of. pro= abortion : material in the media in Order to prevent our own self-destruction, •, • : --A Letter 'of reply was FOOD :STORES . ice. AUTHORIZED SALES"' & ,SERVICE • -h Vacuum Cleaners • Washer'Spin Dryers + Portable Dryers available :en . easy .terms' HUTCHINS,ON. APPLIANCES -.TR`ADE INS= ACCEPTED 308 HURON. RD. , • 524-7831; • receivem -the Canadian Radio -Television .Com- mission statin om- mission.stating that they are no longer acceptabortion.. advertising over Windsor. Radio. •• • 86.North St. w Phone 524-9555 . -UARANTEED6 -' YES E T. IN :CERTIFICATES ES .Bruce Erskine We Reserve the Right to Limit. Quantities e's Supermarket 104 The Square Goderich STORE HOURS—MON. TUES. THURS. FRI. 8:30 a.m.— 9;00 p:rn.• PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL AUGUST 14,E 1976• WED. & SAT. 8:30 a,m,-6:.00 p.m, MAPLE LEAF COTTAGE -LB. U • "MAPLE LEAF (TIN ENO)• TENDERSWEET"' _ HAMS CUT TO- ;$ SIZE 44,. Frozen Foods BLUEWATER • TH R'I FT-PAK FISH, STICKS FR'E`SH GROUND BEEF .. .LB. - 3 LBS. OR MORE •FRESH• LEAN° 'SIDE PORICEDKLB..99C• SL KRAFT 8 OZ. PKG.. SINGLES CHEESE `.SLICES 68c 'CANADA PACKERS PART SLICE' THRIFTY' BACON LB: • • MAPLE LEAF NO:,I _FRESH SLICED BOLOGNA HEINZ WHITE 160 OZ. VINEGAR 07: Weekly Specials `• - SUNNY PINK - PINK & Vl Hi.TE 121/2 OZ; TIN NE TARiNES HUBBART' SQUASH DOWNY 66 OZ. FABRIC SOFTENER IVORY 'PERSONAL SIZE • BAR SOAP OXYDOL KING SIZE POWDERED TERGENT COMET GIANT SIZE " CLEANSER - 31 OZ. CARNIVAL '128. OZ. LIQUID BLEACH ;,NEER KING SIZE• POWDERED .DETERGENT LIBBY'S• ,• TOMATO JUICE 19"0= " CAVALIER ' REGULAR"OR DIET, CANNED -POP 24.10 QZ. TINS . BICK'S '. CORN, HOTDOG, BBQ, GARDEN RELISHES :and you'll =find our prices better than competitive! THIS WEEK'S IN STORE SrEaALS " 1 ii TEENS OVERALLS UOF SIZES 26 -to 36' 0 ALL SUMMER HATS - ANDCAPS DENOMME'S FARM and -GARDEN. CENTRE 66 HAMILTON 34." .'GODERICH - 524•8761 YORK :. BEEF, CHIX, TURKEY Oz. PKG. MEAT PIES 12 OZ. KRAFT FRENCH O.R CASINO SALAD DRESSING 8 OZ. CHALLENGER " ° SOCKEYE SALMON BUDGET 4 - 1S OZ. TINS DOG or CAT 'FOOD WESTON'S. - BREAD WESTON'S RASPBERRY SWISS ROLLS WESTON'S • :CINNAMON BUTTERHORNS 81.49 59c 62.19 2/89t 89t 89c s2.1 2JSgc_ $3.39 2/89c 39r. $1.09 59c 2/791 55s rbSc' Fresh Produce CHIQUITA,. BANANAS: C ' -re LB. tct, 'SUNKIST li3'.S•` 'ORANGES9 . 0 ._ -lc DOZ. -COOKING ONIIONS 2 LB.. PKG. - P 35c .., - B.C. ' CHERRIESSlic' LB.. K?31 ,ONT. NO. 1 NEW POTATOES-- (10 LB.: