HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-11-4, Page 6COAL MINERS OF GREAT BRITAIN
Ballot to be Taken on Terms o f Settlement Arranged With
overnllment is Expected t o Give Favorable Answer,
A despatch from 'London essyie--'A
e►ettlement of the coal strike was ar-
rived at last week, but acceptance
of the Goveriunent's terms by the
miners' executive is subject to ratifi-
eation by ballot of the mem This,
however rapidlti• put through, will take
some days, so that the resumption of
work before the end of the week is
unlikely. In that case, the strike will
have lasted three weeks.
The ,provisional settlement of the
strike was reached after a conference
at Downing street; which lasted for
two end a half hours On Thursday
Wet. If this is in favor of accepting
the terms offered; the delegates will
not be summoned again,
The settlement upon which the min-
ers' delegates, coal mine owners and
the Government are agreed is a very
eomplicated one. Briefly, the men get
a sliding advance of two shillings to
one shilling sixpence, according to age,
as was originally demanded.
The miners and owners solemnly
pledge themselves to co-operate to se-
cure an increased output of coal. Na-
tional and District Committees are to
be established immediately to control
night the miners' Executive decided the output, and a joint National Wage
the ballot should be taken on Tuesday, Board will be established at the earli-
`l he returns are to be at Federation
headquarters on Wednesday morning,
and ,-r the afternoon a delegate con-
ferenee will take place to consider the
reselt. There is not likely, therefore,
to be a resumption of work before
Mariday next.
Immediately the agreement had
been readied Smillie and Hodges paid
a elide to the All -Labor Conference at
Central Hall to touvey the result to
the ouetir.g there. Then conferen•ee
adjourned to wait the result of the
est possible time before March 31 for
regulation of wages for the whole in-
dustry, with regard to profits of the
industry and the principles an which
profits should he dealt with.
This clause is most important as
establishing the principle that Labor
has a right to have a say in the ratio
of wages and profits.
A certificate from the Minister of
Mines is to be accepted as evidence of
conditions governing wage adjust-
A MESSAGEBrown said, the League of Red Cross
FROM GENEVA 1 Societies has made an earnest appeal
to the people of the British Empire,
and he was glad to hear that the cause
of the suffering children was being
taken up in Canada. He had learned
that an -appeal on behalf of the British
Empire Fund would be made in Can-
ada by the Canadian Red Cross dur-
ing Armistice Week and wished for
;its every, success.
Organizer of League of Red
Cross Societies Tells of Need
of Europe's Orphans.
•Whit• We at home are intent on in-
deei ial expansion and a place in the
sun. Europe .n its war -weakened con-,
ditiun is fighting for its very exis-1
fence." said Donald W. Brown, direr- O;:;x>'
tor of the department of organization
in the League of Fed ("roes Societies
of t re World. wh:eh has its head -
qua -dere at Geneva, Sw;tzerlard. He
v circle Toronto to learn the peace pro -
gran of the Canadian red Cross So-
ciety and to eatahlf h eleser Contact
be=::'.pan is an•1 ties Lea ,'tat•.
:Million of 1i'ar (Orphans.
Having tuet arrived ;.:.,nt Europe.
Mr. Brown was. able to give the Can-
ed a Red ("roes some first hand in-
formation concerning the people of
.Europe. He called atteot,:oa partieu-
larly to the condition of the children,
so mere., of whom are now orphans.
cava r i umh?r who.1'ace lost
Etta: re. both parents ;luring the war I r�
eairee t.etee mined, the mese tan- - ti4v
hi, . .tdi •e esti:nate planes the nambet •`��
at ever ten filum:. This number "` < x1 "' •" ° `" >>eg,
se ns reinhe t•onelsteft with the heavy t
wants Child Welfare Legislation
in s" :?sualtics among so many Wa-
Vet s j At the Dominion Conference on
Cibld Welfare held at Ottawa. Mee. A.
leipeedent on Charity. 1toge.- . of W innipet. advocated uni-
verse: 1igisietien fur the reduction of
iniaint le mortality. She also urged
test ,c,,.. tratlee et' all uiirsrre homes
anti midwives.
Dominion News in Brief
Chilliweck, B.C.—The Fraser Val-
ley is producing as good bulbs as the
far-famed gardens of Holland, accord-
ing to an English gardener who has
established a garden in the B.radner
district. British Columbia, he states,
can undersell Holland and yet produce
as good or better bulbs. He is special-
izing on daffodils, narcissi, and tulip
Victoria, B.C.—Employment of
aeroplanes to transport salmon eggs
to the upper reaches of the Fraser
river, British Columbia, is the sug-
gestion of the Superintendent of MI -
ales. Hitherto it has been found im-
possible to restock the celebrated
Fraser River fishing grounds from
hatcheries situated away up the
stream, as the fertile eggs will not
stand the carriage bypack animals
over rough mountain trails. The
transportation by air would, it is be-
lieved, solve this problem, obviating
the perils of the land journey and ac-
complishing the distance much more
Medicine Hat, Alta.—A successful
experiment has demonstrated the pos-
sibility of growing broom corn here.
Seed grown on June 10th and receiv-
ing no special attention produced
plants nearly six feet high and well-
developed ears, This corn yields ex-
cellent seed as well as its stalks mak-
ing fine cattle fodder.
ne enetition of these elditiren tie in
r.+ . aces vete pit:a'}1 Many of
i .• en, e re houses and they are de-
f+ ,:,ten whoever may i,e char-
.. :eel kind enough to help thein.
I;.,: Omni are few who are able to 'f.vpi:elins of the intormatton on
g:: sigh held, for the o ass of the able n,• carrying a lead of sixty tons, juvenile workers. Upon receipt of the headlights of passing cars at night. I A despatch from London says:—
e,.e of Pointe!, (;salols, parts ul' with iiO0 passengers, and they will be replies a .conference will be held to Kentv'ille, N.S.—The statistical1Prince Arthur of Ct»matught has set
It-o:n:aria. geneze-Slovakia, nage •: able to cover a distance equal to three determine the best mariner of aiding branch of the Dotnin,ron Atlantic Rall- sail for South Africa to take up his
Sles•'n and other countries are so poor: Vitae across the Atlantic without hay- the workers under 18 years of age and way estimates the Nova Scotia apple position as Governor-General 'o the
tis:: tine; hate not necessaries for! ing to refuel.giving them the right k€ml of employ- crop as about 60 per cent. of last Union of South Africa.
U -e gel •e�. Con equently, in the'
B .€ •: and the Adriatic Seas, there are 1
r,i::.'u;tt of children who face the next 'a±Alsltata3 I•JNI�NOWN SOLDIER
Saskatoon, Sask.—"Canada's •ach-
ievement in ;its institutions of learn -
The new ves3el will be 410 feet Iong
ing is one of the most striking fea-
tures of Canadian life,"
said Lord and 70 feet wide.
Burnham, chairman of the visiting Montreal, Que.—The port of Mont -
Imperial Press Conference when in real this year handled 35,000,000 bush -
the edty. Many of the delegates con- els of wheat up to the end of August,
netted with educational effort were which is double the quantity for the
gathering valuable data on Canada's sante period in 1919.
Toronto, Ont.—Two American en- Holyhead that the -body of the dead o and hl� m.
gineers of New York have pua,:chasedj YS46?5• good feed hour, $R. 6, p g
g I Lord Mayor would: not be taken to '' Counts ProdUco=lyholesale. ; Mrs. Burton Leopold New Ross, N'.5.
Dublin, but that a special steamer to Ch N large • to c Writes —" y bice a'hildr. had the
Cork had been placed alt their disposal.
They refused to accept the arrange-
ment, and did not accornyany the body
when it left Holyhead.
IOtI.t�,�SwINEX' I�.�iVI.�.INS bid
SENT T ILENDMarkets o e. 0', a
Wholesale Groin.
T'o+'onto, Nov. 2: --.-Manitoba nets.--
No `2 C; W 71 t/s e' No, 8 OW, Wee;
More Than 10,000 Persons
Formed Procession in
A despatch from Holyhead, Waxes,
says: ---Sisters and brothers of the late
Lord Mayor MeeSwiney of Cork were
forcibly expelled, with other mourn-
ers, from their railway carriage by
police here late Wednesday night as
a result of a fight over the 'coffin of
extra No, '1 feed,` 6411ac; No. i feed,
62tier;.Nu. 2 feed, 691/so, fit store Fort
Her 3. Children tid It
ltlauito'ba wheat—N�o. 1 Northern,
$2.8111 ' No. 2 Northern, $2.20%; No,
8 Northern, $2.2,4?rs ; No. 4 'went, This Chis disease' begins like a simple cold.
$2,16 /x, in '.state Fort William.
Manitoba barley' --No, 3 CW,$ l.20; in the head` that rapidly goes to the ,
No. 4 CW, $1.15; releoted, 871st; feed, chest, The eough,is at firet short rind
8714e, in store Fort
Wilil•am. , -, sharp, but gradually increases in severity
,funeri�ean corn -No, 8 yellow, $ l,l t
the dead hunger -striker. nouunail, traek,•'i`oronto, prompt
sup' and occurs in eucldeit spasms,
i .,..,, C ften vomiting follows a severe attack
Members 4f the fatally objected to
the coffin being placed on board a
special boat which would go direct
from this port to Cork, and a violent
scene ensued. The fight casted for five
minutes, The relatives wanted the
body taken to Dublin, where arrange-
ments have.been made for another
funeral service.
The •coffin was placed on 'board the
Ontario oats --No. 2 white, 68 to 71e,
of coughing; and sometimes there is rtose•-
Ontario wheat—No, 2 winter, $2.0"v
shipping points, according to freights. Mothers ahead never neglect the
Peas—No. 2, nominal. treatment of whooping cough, foo it is
Barley ---$1.12 to $1;•17, according to much lucre serious than most people
freights eutsicic, think, tts it may be followed, by some
Buckwheat—"No, 2, nominal.' grave lung trouble, suck as bronchitis,
Rye ---No. 3, $1.05, Wordlist, avec?••.1 pneumonia or coneunnption, since the
ing to fro=fights outside, sufferers power aF resistance are often
Manitoba flour—$12:90 top patents; greatly , weakened by the violent and
to $2.10. No.`t i $2 to $2.05; bleed.
boat at last and the steamer left for; $12 40 second patents, exhaust'ng tort
The relatives were officially notified
on ,board their train before it reached
• „ hoc " Dr
Ontario flour—$9, bulk, seaboard. On toe first stn of a w p f
Millfeeci--'Car lots, delivered. Mont- Wood's Norway Pine Syrup should be
real freights, bags included: Bran, .administered as it helps
clear the
per ton, $40,25; shorts, per ton; bronchial tubes of thecollected
the mins mine'tt Blue Mountain near
the head of. Stony Lake, and will start
immediate operations, expecting to
ship 100 pounds of.niica a day before
the end of the present season. Ma-
chinery and equipment have been pur-
chased and labor engaged. '1'ranspo-
kation will be by motor truck.
The provincial ordinary revenue for
the first eight months of the present
year is over $1,000,000 more than for
the same period last year. -Succession
duties up till the end of June brought
in over $500,000 more than for the
same time last year, and the sum der-
ived from the amusement tax is prac-
tically as much as for the whole of
last year.
A number of parties interested in
oil production, including the Standard
Oil Company, an English syndicate,
and syndicates of Dayton, Ohio, and
Toronto capitalists are now at work
on the island of Manitoulin, and some
promising results have been secured.
The Standard aid Company has leased
30,000 ages, the English syndicate
headed by SriStopford Brunton 25,-
000 acres, and other companies large
A large steamer for service on the
Toronto -Niagara line to carry 4,000.
passengers, and to have a moving pic-
ture theatre aboard, will be built by
-the Canada Steamship Lines, accord-
ing to announcement by the president.
progressive educational policies from A. new company known as the In-
dustrial Construction Com an has
which they hoped to profit on their' drtstiia p y
return to the aid country. been formed at St. Armes. They ex -
Winnipeg, Man,—Officials of the pect to build 160- houses in the town
for rental.
city of Winnipeg and the province of
Manitoba have inaugurated a survey Fredericton, N.B.—New Brunswick's
to determine the best plan for moose are getting so plentiful that
handling the young workers system-
atically. Letters have been mailed to
more than 1,000 enalphdyerz asking for
future will be can- theemployment of
they are interfering with the automo-
bile traffic, and cases have been re-
ported of these animals leaping froth Governor of South Africa
the sides of roads upon the brilliant
Instead they are declared to have
'crossed. to Dublin on an ordinary mail
A despatch from London says: --
Mare than 10,000 persons followed
Terence MacSwiney's body on the five -
mile walk from St. George's Cathedral
to Euston Station, while Londoners
lined the route.
A police force of 10,000 inen was
turned out to keep order -and a heavy
guard vied with the "Republican
army" men in uniform in esoorbing
the hearse.
The .procession took nearly two
hours to pass a given point.
Twenty-nine "Irish Republican"
flags, which it is a crime to .carry in
the Dublin streets, were in line, and
practically every member of the pro-
cession wore a "Republican" armlet,
which would mean bit arrest in Ire-
Many banners were carried which
bore mottoes denouncing British rule,
and the whole display was guarded by
British police and looked upon quietly
by a British crowd.
Canada's Population
Estimated at 8,750,000
A despatch from Ottawa says:—
With preparations under waw for talc-
Cheese—New, , 2829e, M t
twins,29 to 30c; tniplets, 29Ya to whooping cough so bad last winter,riI
80 ,fie old, large, 33 to 34s; do, twins, i thought they would choke. I tried aay
Saiz to 34 ice I
different remedies, but none o them
Better—Fresh dairy, choice, 49 to meetned to help. At last I got ('bottle
Margarine -35 to 60c, creamery, prints, 65 to Ole, of ]7r. Wood's Norway Pine owupix'icltl
- and
' 1 was greatly surprised to seek q y
it helped theta, I shall always reeom,,
mend your wonderful remedy to others.
Dr.•''Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is
35c, and 60e. a bottle at all druggists
and dealers. Put up onlyby The T.
'Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Eggs—No. 1, 61. to 65c; cartons, 7u
to 80c; selects, 68 to 70c.
Beans—Canadian hand-picked, bus.,
$4.25; primes, $3 to $8.25; Japans,
$4.75 to $5; Limas. Madagascar„ 11.
to 12c • California. Lini.as, 12 to 18e:
Maple products—Syrup, per imp.
gal., 13,40 to $3,50; per 5 imp. gals,
$3.25 to '$3.10. Maple sugar, ib., 2'f
to 30c.
Honeye-60, 80-1b tins, 26 to 270 per
Ib. Ontario comb honey, at $7'.50 per
15 section case; 6tii, 2t/• Iib., taus, 28
to 29c per lb.:
• Provisions—Wholesale.
Smoked meats—Hams, meats—Hams, med., 47 to
50c; heavy, 40 to 42e; 'cooked, 64 to
68c; rolls, 34 to 36c; cottage rolls, 41
to 43c; brehlcfast bacon, 50 to ,56e
fancy breakfast bacon, 56 .to 62e;
backs, plain, 52 to 64e; boneless, 60 to
�. a.,.. ., �.. .a. "...
Decorate Overseas Graves.
on All Saints' Day
A despatch from Paris says:—
Canadians living in Paris have de -
Bided to adopt All Saints,' Day for the
yearly decoration of their soldiers
graves. It is estimated that there are
2,000 Canadians here who will join in
the memorial movement, which is be-
ing headed by Phillip Roy, Canadian
High Commtissioner.
On the morning of November 1 a
Cured meats—Long clear bacon, 27 special train'•will be run from Paris to
to 28c; clear bellies, 26 to 21e. one of the Canadian cemeteries in the
Lard --Pure tierces, 3OE3i to 81c; Arras region, where 31,000 sons of the
tubs, 81 to 31t,��e; pails, 3114 to 31xi,�c; Maple Leaf lie buried, and every grave
prints, 33 to 33ttse• Compound tiers es; will be decorated with the Canadian
204 to 24c; tubs, ?4it to 241tac; pails, flag and Canadian flowers.
2411 to 2' 't' e • paints ' ' to °8c
h l - The Canadians intend to eoncen-
liloittxettl Markets.
Montreal, Nov. 2.—Oats, No. 2 C.
trate their efforts in one cemetery
W., 921-'c; No. 3 CW, 80, Flour, Man, each year, the tentative program nam -
spring wheat patents, firsts, $13. Rol- ing Viiny for next month and Ypres,.
led oats, bag 90 Ibs., $4.20: Bran, where the Canuclrs received the first
$40.25.' Shorts, $46.25. Hay, no. 2, German gas attack, to be the r'e of
per ton, ear lots, $31 to $32. Cheese, next year's -service,
finest easterns, 2313-16e, Butter,
•r amery 53 to 54c, Eggs
ing the census of Canada the Govern- fresh, 68 to 69c. Potatoes, per bag,
meat Bureau of Statistics estimates' car lots, $1.40 to $L50.
the population of the nation .at 8,750,-
Live Stockllarke#s.
000. It is believed the census will, Toronto, Nov. 2.—Choice heavy
prove this estimate approximately' steers, $12.60 to $13.50; good heavy
correct, though some optimists place steers, $11.50 to $12; butchers' cattle,
the population at 10,000,000. choice, $11 -to. $12; do, good, :$9 to $10;'
do, med., $7 to $8; do, coin., $5 to $6;
bulls, choice, $9 to $10,50; do, good,
$8 to $9; do, come, $5 to $7; butchers'
cows, ehaice, $9.50 to $10; do, good,
$7.26 to 8; do, conn., $f, to $0; feeders,
best, $10 to $11; do, 000 lbs., $9.50 to
$10; do, 800 lbs., $8.75 to $9.25; do,
coin., 8t;.75 to $8.25; canners and cut-
ters, $3.50 to $4.50; milkers, good to
choice, $100 to $165; do, corn. and.
med.,' $66 to $75; lambs, yearling,
$8.50 to $9.50; do,' spring, $12.50 to
$13.60; calves, geed to choice, $16 to
$17; sheep, $5 to $8; hogs, fed and
watered, $18.25; do, weighed off cars,
$18.60; do, f.o.b., $17.25; do, country
points, $17.
Montreal, Nov. 2.—Butcher steers,
com., $5.60 to $7.76; butcher heifers,
sw med., $7 to $8; •tom., $5 to $6.75; 'but
choicest creamery, ,
__..- _ g year's yield, or 1,200,000 barrels.. —se "-'-","'�""�"
V tc area between the Baltic, the }�• Heart
���� 3
our IaYli a as chief mourner and the Princes im-
mediately -following the gun carriage
on foot. Front Her Kidneys
The burial will take place in the ��i
m ent.
few ;.. tees, and particularly the coin- i
ii!g whiter without hope of decent The corn onent parts of Milburn's
fool and care tintless outside assist- Heart and Nerve Pills are indicated to
aceto is gave: thein. The vitality of do away with palpitation and other
the children is already very low on heart weaknesses end thus strengthen
account of their having been deprived Mrs, F. K. Gauthier, Tilbury, Ont.,
or fate, milk and sugar during the writes:—"During 25 years past I was i
yei.sre in lien they most needed them, greatly troubled with palpitation of the ;
ars! they are therefore very suscep heart, and sometimes so much so that l
Cliffe to diseases, parti�.ilarly rickets. , those around me thought 1 would die
et any moment, being so much weakened '
Disease Prevalent. ! by the sharpness of the palpitation 1
„ ,ilei ,i? to the unhappy iy ' which mould last sometimes ap to three .
r hours. 1 had the doctor who kept me
,..,.: : .e children, the adult papula- i taking his medicine to ovet'comp the ;
t'c*.. :en in the direct of misery on' disease, hue to no effect. 'There was
a:i=aunt of disease. Suffering has been no ehange at all for the better.
accentuated by lack of food and cloth-'. Two nears ago a friend advised me to
ing, n',rs:ng and medical attention,' use Milburn's Heart and Nerve Fills, .
anttt:'erctrloais, small -pox, tynlius I began to use them at once, and at the
second box 1 began to feel some relief, so
aLt dysentery are eont''nuing un- I continued to use them according to
c tt eked, °, directions, and now I stn perfectly well.
Typhus, which has eo often proved a ' Before using the pills, I never weighed
;.r•+ acre aed menace to the human 100 pounds, now 1 weigh 117, and feel
rare, is agarer: prevalent, and unlese as if I were young although. I am over
both the heart and nerves.
ei�ecketi, will most likely extend its 6613ilburnf s glleart and Nerve fills are
50c. a box at, all dealers, or mailed. direct
British Empire Appeal. on receipt of price by The T. Milburn
les these urgent reason.=. me. Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
ra•; sues to an alarming degree
Terrible Sufferer
cher cows, med., $5 'to $'7. canners; $3
cutters, , 4 to , 4,5U, Butcher
by Two Minutes' Silence. from France, Lord Curzon laid stress "Mien the kidneys gr out of order bulls, vim., $ 4 to $4.75. Good veal, $s3
nave of the abbey, ,and it is proposed
that the grave shall be filled with soil to $3.60; , $ $
Armistice Day to be O
A• despatch from London says:—
Lord Curzon, Minister of Foreign Af-
fairs and Leader of the House of
Lords,. has set forth the arrangements
which the Government proposes to
follow in connection with the unveil-
ing of the cenotaph commemorating
the glorious dead in the war, together
with the burial of an unknown British
ome affected to g15 med. g11 to $12• grass, $6 to
on the fact that troops from the Do- the arc is sure o e , , , , o
minions will be given every apportun- and dull pains, sharp pains, quick $6. Ewes; $4 'to $7; Iambs, good, $12
twinges all _point to the fact that he to $12.50; som., $8 to $11; Hogs, off-
ity to share in the ceremonies with the kidneys need attention, car weights, selects, $18.50 to $19;
home forces. It is proposed that two Plasters and liniments may relieve . sows, $14.50 to $16.
minutes' silence during the armistice for a short time, but to get rid of these __se_
hour shall again be observed through- pains you must get right at the seat of
out the Empire.
the trouble. You can do this by usingill �� SealsDoan's. Kidney Pills and thus obtain ; ��Off
�ti permanent relief. Newfoundland by Airshii s
Mrs. Joint Stephenson, 115 Stephen '.
so 49,000
soldier in Westminster Abbey on Arm -St Kingston, Ont., writes:—"I certainly p
D Kidney Pills
rice D Now in Ireland trust praise your oan's . ' y off
arrive; 1 was a terrible sufferer from nay kidneys. , aerial expedition to hunt
u t s h is the
The body of this soldier will a 1 would have severe pains in my back and ; Newfou ndiand has y
front France an Armistice Day and A despatch .from London say :e of awful headaches. 1 becamo very woak steamship Alcond.a, under the leader -
no will be made to discover' reply to questions in the house of and lust e as i w &
Ades atch from London says:—An
no attempt - f It if I ere' beingdra ge , ship of Frank J. Tippen, the New -
lee identity, There will be a long} Commons it was stated there are 49, down, •I tried one box of Doan's Kidney , toundland Governments aircraft ex -
Processional route, the pallbearers l 000 troops in Ireland at the present Pills, and to my surprise I felt better.Y l peri, The- party is taking four acottt-'
being Admirals, Field 'Marshals and; moment. An emphatic denial was conid work hard all day, and my beck
White Man's Jury
Acquits An Eskimo
A despatch from Ottawa , eays :-
Onee more the Royal Canadiatount-
ed Pa'.ice "got its man," but phis time
it released hint, his name cleared.
A verdict of not guilty has been re-
ceived here from a small party of
white then who early last August left
for the northland to investigate the
killing of Ketaushuk, one Eskimo, by
Tukaut'auk, another member of his
Headed by Inspector J. W. Phillips
and Sergeant A. H. Joy, the adminis-
trators of the white man's law jour-
neyed to ;Belcher Island on the eastern
coast cif Hudson's Bay. On the way
they picked ftp two prospectors, who
:were drafted for jury duty when
Tukautauk was located and an inquest
The jury found that Ketaushuk
started a rove anti that Tukautauk
killed him in self-defence.
China Sends Coal
to Newcastle
A despatch from New York says:—
"Carrying coals to Newcastle" is no
longer a mere figure of speech, ac-
cording to J. W. Fergie, an exporte�t°•'`t'
of that city, who arrived here on the
steamer Saxon,ia. Already, because of
salon will halt' given to allegations of flogging out- would not pain me at a11: I cant praiso ing airships as the gift of the British!
{;enerais. The Wrote the m too 17101(411%y r1I t N^ts,t"•Wild �r l After,
x . fir, s ry to ' '.. a ,r . ,
rages in y military. Doan's
Pills are 50c. per box the seal exnerimen' there Chips will be
tt the cenotaph for the unv Ireland h the
ceremony by his Majesty the Kine:., Newspaper photographs representing
at all dealers,or mailed direct on receipt
g of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, used' for survey work by the forest'
Afterward the procession will proceeds such ;incidents were unhesitatingly
to Westminster Abbey with the King I denounced
fakes. Toronto, Oast.
the British miners' strike, a shipload
has been sent to Newcastle from
China, and until more coal is imported •
into the famous coal centre the fuel
:will be rationed, 2slx. Fergie predicted,
adding that the supply amassed
against the strike, will- last only, eix
It's a Great Life if You Don't Weaken. Ey Jack Rabbit •----
tr{p,VE `(ou
THE kdOtet-al.It;HT,
t New i-4ERE
Mi1N r/
IT'S A tRi. Kr
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When yotu' liver gets sluggish and
inactive your whole health suffers.
Your bowels become constipated, head
aches tongue coated, breath bad, speck;
float 'before your eyes, you are bilious,
have heartburn, water brash, jaundice,
etc, ,ager;
Use Milburn's( Laxa-Liver Pills to
xuake the liver resume its proper funetiites
by removing the bile that is ciroulattit
in the blood and poisoning the srstnnt,
Mr. Le Roy Allen, Springfield, N. S,,,
whites:—"I desire to express my thanks
for the relief Milbfirn's Levi -Lives
Pills have given me. I had bean suffering
from constipation for three years, and
alsc"had bad headaches. 1 tried all sorts
of remedies, butgot no relief, until ray
grandfather told meabout your pills. `
I tried them and soon got relief, and now
I would not be without them its toy
Milburn's Laxa-Liver. Pills are small
and easy to take, do not gripe, weaken 05
1 atekcn like the drastic purgatives do.
Price 25e. a vial at ail dealers, or
mailed direct on receipt of prion by The
T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oral,