HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-08-12, Page 7• .1• Rovnd_�b�ut route. BY JEFF SEDDON Serving on a committee of council in Goderich or any other municipality can ""at times r'equire•members to .work under a strange type of pressure• that lingers between fear of making a bad decision. and appearing tQ bowto politics.'` The pressure. is" at times undefinable, causing members ofthe committees to wonder why they feel uneasy. They sit in meetings weighing information and statistics ' placed before ,thein , calculating .the ,prgs ,and. ,cons: of situations and attempting to make the ' right decisions with tlte; good of the... community in m'ind Some dec'sions are cut and dry, he - members unanimously agree that the. town doesn't need to be part and parcel of the subject ,before them. Eut.._;ntller deci,5iens,, Appear pe, _the surface to be good moves•and, committee members are 'interested, in they — involved. But want to -be sure they know ' Y what they're getting and what they're getting into. ' .,r GORERICHSIQNAT..WAR' Trir gflA , A ITO/ Tern 12,1976-•PAgE,5 Planning board is,. saddled- with thecommerce and recreation caused' • chore of being watchdog over the growth members to wonder what they should do. of the town: It -accepts a share of the ,Tom Jasper said that the board's responsibility for ensuring that Goderich approval in ,principle did'not has a smooth growth pattern thatmakes. green, light to'do what he pleased -in his hest use of land available;` provides project. It inerely supported it, Jasper adequate blendis'of com.meroe, industry said; leaving the board witfi.the power to ' and housing and,does not burden present ensure . that the 'project -met with the taxpayers' in town by allowing expansion wishes of the -town. " ' ' of" the town that cannot be serviced • Ken McGee suggested that planning resulting in the town fathers having to board• Should not hesitate in -making dip '• into tax reserves to provide sewage, decision• sincer Mr. ,Sovie's.. waterfront. • water, lightingandroads;: facilities are vital to•his business and in. • The s.ituatien began to develop with a ' ,the interest,' of the man's livelihoo d the decision regarding the closing of a very - , Matter should be expedited, • short segment of Mary-Street'to'im rove• T resin as `to grant°' the - p he t w support the road pattern, remove -an RYesore and . Mr.. Sovie sought, with -the intention of •prom.otegenre, effective: _ is of taking a.c1o$er look at his propasal`when residential and commercial property.. ,' it wasnearing reality. • The st''eet bisects 'the rear or. The final decision.. was Dole regarding a Strickland Motors and is never used as a zoning change requested ,by a„ Paul travelled portion. , It leaves a cement Zubrick of Orangetown Investments: barnlike stroc ure-perched in'theriiiddie`" "1Vlx 'ZubTi%`k{i„L'' Vested= z -change ch'a'r• of nowhere and prevents`q n d 'use of the land • on. a lots fronting on � Bennett Street and' . for much or anything” • siding on Martha Street which. is •an Planning board'.urged council to close undeveloped road in a subdivision plan the 'short street end, about' I00 feet, re is ered on the property. The lot is a a - also-wi-ng-a.r-e.'sidentiaslot-to-be-de,'eloped-_- .tone's -throw fro.riz the lot createdlzy_the_` T -he resultlis-a••hesitanee=in-ri#a-ki-n•g-a and giving some of the land to Strickland , closing of Mary Street. • • decision: The hesitance is -not due to a • lack of confidence in their abilities but "a genuine concern for• the good' of the • community. , The Goderich area planning board was • caught' in one of those all -for -one or one- • for -all' situations at - their fast .meeting.- The reason for the problem was due mostly to the agenda; Decisions made earlier in the meeting had -an-:obvious effect' on decisions to be made later and the result left some members_ tern- porarily lost for words. and some to a property owner to do so. Mr. Zubrick requested the zoning • •.Council immediately changedt'he zoning ,,,,;change"in late Marchand in a letter-tq of the lot to residential to permit a house planning board said that he realized that - to be put on it as part of a package deal.. thematter took: time, but asked if five : Another decision 'concerned : the " months wasn't a little too much time.. board's-- opinion on the ' expansion of The lot is in . a subdivision that pla+h- Sovie's Fisherieson the waterfront. Jiro ning board wants no part of; the way it is ' Sovie met with the board ,to explain his now. Members are not opposed , to , proposal and to seek its approval.. developing the land -but the ownership .. Confusion surrounding the proJect due to pattern of the .,land and the way it could ownership of the land and : proPer ' be developed - if some of the ;own• ers planning of the waterfront with regard -to • wanted to build on their -land and some didn't - could end'up costing the town a fortune in services* _ against a.:annals portion of tax dollars gained fromthenew units, Planning board- proposed a deeming bylaw for the area several months again aneffort .to remove the subdivision plan, Wit the Move backfired. The ,board failed in its bid to eiricourage the owners to get together and meet with the board to alter the road pattern' 'of the: subdivision, to: make it a little more 'viable to service, and• to: try to-.• enoourage :cornple.te development of the area in one stage.. Mr. Zu-brick's, request for. a zonin ,chap e _ -._ir g g, , has- been delayed primarily: because,.the board does not wish^.to •en-. courage pieceineal" development of the ` area and so don't want the lots built on. one.at a time over a number of years: The hesitance came to a head at the. 'last meeting.. Elsa Haydon suggested `-that 'perhaps- -the -lack of fire boarif'_ _ apparent desire' to not -change the zoning could be construed as ',preferential treatrnent -since other 'lots had- had, zoning'. chasiges..done :on them `to allow _.building and -the -board -felt compelled to support Mr. Sovie's plans 'for the waterfront. ° - Charles Snell took exception to the• suggestion, defiling to the best of his ' knowledge the planning boardha.d•never' shown any. .preferential treatment to anyone anyone 'in the seven year association he has had with the board. Mayor Deb Shewfelt pointed out that_ the board had just approved a zoning Changeon a. lot very close .to Mr. Zubrick's property - *under the same servicing circumstances.' The ehange - permittedconstruction of a residence on' /an. unserviced Iot and -although the reasoning behind the: change may have been different, the fact. remained -that the:change had been made. ° The, result caught planning board with. • egg on its face. After some "but, but, buts" by members Mayor Shewfelt suggested that maybe an irinpast'charge should be 'levied "on the gruperty, the money to be. used Tor sewer installation when a greater: need was'there, He said - . the' move would insure development ,of the. lot. if a zoning change was requested • an=d would allow- the town to install the a needed service's, when the area, was' better developed. Dave Gower added. that perhaps the town, should •be requested to deterinnine the costs • of installing the sewers needed to service the property —And to.- Brea k;... th o se :casts ;.:do ff averaging -them ,over the number' of•iots - :;to determine- the charge. The ::board accepted that theory and intends to • • recommend to council that the charge be levied.• " The decision, although •'not exactly what planning board wanted .ideally, seemed to -remove a burden from the- members' minds. Plagued by a desire to - serve the" community in a fair manner and still Permit development of the -",: town in both large, and small projects, the board- was in a quandry about what to do with the undeveloped land on Bennett Street. ; Although they took the roundabout route, members seem to have - found a . way to do what they feel is best. • :Second Chalk' River "incident" retold by biologist dt BeitStij.10t • . ' •. N , This week, Don McKee of Benmiller this reactor began to rise inexplicably.. "Soiree 24 hours later the attempt was end of • the. extraction- 'sends along what he calls Canadian"... The automatic controls then' shut the repeated Usinga larger .extra p tube p it was g . coon tube... slowly moved towards: the: spent fuel .• Nuclear Experience - Episode, Two: This reactor town.` The control room was at a When the .defectikre rod had been par- storage area.•in this process observers . incident; according, to Mr, McKee,_oc- _ : loss to know why, when attempts to staet tially withdrawn" from the reactor it waswere horrified .to see curred some six years ; after the Chalk the reactor. un: again, resulted in an . ; . realized that theatwelve inch • " Rv<e� inedettt ' ... .. _ ,_7.-7'7,-.77.77'...-7.77-: ..:�.�. . --- _:= •, :-- ; :. • . -� cool -a -tit � had drained � � length of the•fuel rod dro out of the, automatre •control slhut -own and-th- =-= :a�yv077—t•h-ezarii p°reeoufse:4aigo: . _' Te . ;extraet-i .n . ``I' think 'your readers should know sounding of several alarm . systems,. "� Te YT1S he b tkin p -f ie1 rod-avas�b;-�-• the defective fuel rod tile's%'"'•irit`ZY^'Athe . viously breaking up, - about these affairs if only to dispel the 'operators were forced to 'the conclusion. reactor. In attempting to -do this .it • '`The molten uranium on the floor w�"r- illusion tnat nuclear power is, clean and • ; th_ _t_ _ _ th_ _ g �tias_wrong. . safe, 'especialt the; CANDU s stem,"dammed• dazing, fillnthe_luildmgwith dead3y Y The heavy water moderator, in the : ^"The fuel rod' -'was now without : radio -active- gasses:`• The radio-activit says. Mr week,aMcKee, a biologist. reactor showed- above normal: radio- coolant; and heating up rapidly to. the, was so `hot' in some' arts of the g Next according to a cKee, activity, and this suggestedp building one or more point -where'it would ignite: The only that it sent meters over the top of their ..,- he will "conclude -this ser . s ' s ding damaged ..fuel rods. It was decided to. action possible . was to pull it into'the 1,000 rad s,cale.'(,a, brief exposure tow along a brief.outline of of own `attempt to locate and remove;su'ch rods, uncooled extraction tube; with•• anything over, 500 rads is generally major nuclear mishaps in both t'e US - "The removal of fuel rods required the emergency crew dressed in masks and: considered lethalao adults} -- and abroad. use of a special overhead crane which protective suits ready to ;cool it "with, • "Crews- wearing protective suits and The 'following is the report submitted pulled the rod out of the reactor core into water hoses respirators, g handled tools by Mr -.'McKee: '' a special extractio ;tube with cooling using long g "At. this' point. a new problem arose.; doused the falining.uranium with sand. - • .h..:.. , + .. "___ system,_ This was a delicate operation as Because the extraction tube lacked the... "Some six `years after the.near `hot' fuel rods could burst into flames if essential disaster with the .CANDU system NRX'left :un cooled for -shortperiods of time coolant a safety switch had deactivated the cranes mechanism: The reactor at Chalk River, Ontario, trouble and of course were highly radio -active. • jammed rod could neither be extracted was being experienced with the fuel rods . "One defective fuel rod was identified or -cooled. Using a :wire to "um' the in the NRU reactor, another CANDU .and successfully extracted. The second ` p proto-type reactor. Fusion- products • defective rod had become too swollen were, building up in the reactor core and and warped to enter; the extraction tube. the instruments becoming unreliable. Attempts to withdraw it had .to . be "On Friday, May 28th, heat output of abandoned. i -• - • tudents make a clean A group of 33 young people from.- the Maitland. River watershed - have - been reportbd travelling in- gangs of seven leaving clean parks and riverbanks in their wake.. The gangs,- operating under Valley Conservation Authority -and •a grant from the Ontario Youth Secretariat,'. -answer-• tp the . name SWEEP. The. SWEEP banks along Salt Mine Road. SWEEP is a province wide project funded by the Ontario Youth Secretariat through Experience • '76.' team was in Goderich Friday, Approximately 38 Authorities - in answerto..a.: municipal across :the Province employ: the auspices of the Maitland request, 'cleaning ' the steep 7800 secondary anfl1 post , at A IN S L I E MARKET where Quality is a Tradition, KING: OFTHE -ROAST....._ PRIME .1 RIB ROAST LB. • Plftestet: mart—sHo, PORK ..: (HOFS ,..1 1.8 .FRESH LEAN. GROUND CHIJ(K .. FREEZER SPECIAL QTR'S BEEF (15.18 STEAKS) A.I.anmetedereetelleblitn STEER HDt• BAR. -B -Q CHICKENS$ ••. .9 5 EACH ' LIMITED CALL 574-8551 Nome Dressed Inspected Meats at Wholesale Prices s-afety switch, the crape was again' ' A' operational: . `After . extraction water - was poured over the now red hot fuel rod. Hot highly radio -active water cascaded out of the secondary students in the program. The Ministry. of Natural Resources also participates in the program. TheeMVCA has 33 stridents "It-ItsSWEEP staff that are divided into. seven crews, 'working- in four areas. The crews are responsible for any developmental work in ,their area plus municipal requests and river=bank • and park cleanup. r - The : seven . crews are assigned to four different areas With one `at Falls They could only be exposed to this level Of. radiation for •,a: brief number .of. "seconds when a replacement crew took over. The sand.a'nd uranium was loaded into a trailer truck. Every road it was to travel to the disposal,area was cleared of traffic and persons. With its tiny load of 'hest' fuel. the truck. was driven slowly to the disposal-area,amile away. "After the truck:•had passed, the road in area county Reserve Conservation A,rea, . one in- Brussels,. two' at West.' Wawanosh Conservation 'Area • and -two , -in the" Galbraith -Listowel area. The Work periods, .are staggered with post -secondary students working ..13 weeks and secondary students ,. seven, weeks. Supervisory personnel in charge of establishing program • itinerary work an additional week. "T=he, work projects for the summer are set up in March and sgbmissions are. requested from 'watershed towns for passible municipal work projects- to be un- dertaken . • by the . SWEEP. crew. Monthly and summer end reports are submitted to, the Ministry- by the super- visory personnel. '• Close to 100 applicants were interviewed. for the 33 positions .available on . the project and,senior supervisor of the program,' Rob 'Keip, said that although the wage was: not much of a drawing card the outdoor work was was monitored for radiation' and it was considered advisable to hose down the. road and..stretches, that gave high ,readings were dugopand buried. -`The ....clean up . job :was ..long and " halaa�•-dou-s:� `I~li��vlaale:buildin=g`ha�i-to:..be.::-_:-•.:. repeatedly scrubbed and flushed. After a ' week' the personnel :at -Chalk River, . including volunteers from the offide etc,. • had picked - up all the radiation they could be asked to. tolerate and the government had to send in volunteers from =the armed forces to complete the - job. _ , •• "Three months after this accident; • levels of .radiation had been reduced=to levels':'reasonably safe' 1evels'• ' :"It is sobering to .realize that this situation had been caused. by a fraction of a single' 'hot' fuel .rod; - Reactors. • contain a.thousand or more such rods.. "'While there were :no apparent in-• juries to persons involved in- this ac- cident, it, must be ,involved that the effects of exposure to radiation may take, up to fifty years to show up in the form of genetic defects, various types of cancer etC. etc.''' . side enticing to the students. The successful candidates';: we're given a . one -day orientation program by the MVCA prior to their'starting date. Kelp estimated. that in excess of. 926 percent .of the students were from the, Maitland River watershed area. - • The cre' s -still have, A,ethority work and• several municipal projects to .-cam- plete before the programs termination "date, of . August 20: - • E i•011 SWE • l� r crew, ew,me ri eers were 1nG acyl hlast week prb gr ni funded 'by tie. Onto io 'Y Doth Secre lariat. The cleanirg,up the banks along Salt Mine .,. Road at the reque"st. ,members of this crew include John Hak, Irene Wubs, Beth of the nitNicipality. This year's 33 students' are working , Chowenan tMarilyn Wise. (staff•photo) '.:� • with the Maitland Valley Con'serrvatlon Authority on the,. • EAR EDITOR. (continued from page 4)_ wrong to call this censorship and• completely un-.. -.democratic? What's next? U.S. television. Why net?. Who is to blame?- I :am to • blame, because I am a typical' Canadian.' I believed my government was tuned to the • "Majority's'' feelings and beliefs. Instead of this I find that they are so busy greasing the squeaky wheel they forget the quiet "Majority". Our only hope is for that "Quiet Majority"•to become a •'`Squeaky Majority We must openlyand publicly discuss our views and teelings. They are busy people and'',will not .un- derstand unless we spellat out for them: : If we ' allow, the "Cen- sorship"' of U.S.: radio and, or U.S. television from our hones we should be ashamed ourselves: We are being treated `like -. babies. I don't like being treated that way: How about you? Ron McIntosh Jr. Get ft : off yot r ,ehe:$t! Write ,your ‘„opinion today