HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-08-12, Page 1,•• • • ••• • CASTLE project amortized.(Wet' a n -year contract with CAS before - hOnfe are "niggardly said their homes and, , their P 1 Children's Aid SoeititY Teen period at 12 percent, resulting entering proj.ect, CASTLE , the Mr,Heath, who hastened to families in due course, In the Living Experience - put down in annual payments by CAS to ernphagis is- on independence point Out this was. done mearktrnie, however, methods as mernbers of Huron County well, the CAS PO' thp reSidents of the home are residents of the honse noW teenagers. and their parents roots last Thursda'Y'' eifening 'the Count), Of $5,355:115.:"As • • for those in the program. The purposelY% He said t 0 must be found to help Coencil, at a spedial summer taxes on the propertY, as well responsible for everything - have begun .to take g rea over what: have become in - session; agreed to purchase a as maintain and repair the including paying for foOd, interest in the home, an toleratik..., circumstances. house in Goderich to provide hou-se and aclioiniegland. rent, utilities but of the ex- much of the furnishings have CASTLE project is one such an independence -home for a CASTLE prd-ject first came pense money provided by been "begged, borrowed and rriethod. inth being When CAS could no CAS: 4 recruited': by the young Some county councillors group of teenage girls. The girls - ranging in age longer provide foster- homes "At first they didn't people themselves.. • „ expressed concerti about frcim 15, to. 18 - have been for the ,growing number of manaee too well," elaitned CAS workers,Ifeel there is "flack" from those in the ar nei h o accommodation Goderich Of th0 children PresentlY sugar daddy to bail them (JUL, projects Could be.. usefuLin. ILASTLE project. , living together in rented- teenagers comirig into care. Mr. Heath. "But there was no reason to. hope that sirni g borho d around . • fOr the last" few months, The under the care of CASs,. 42 are:°.TheY 10arned. tO make the dealing with tlie, problem Of. "Nd matter where we go only superVision in the home teenagers, food money last for the other •thenegers,•in care. The. same eyehrows will be raised " • 1 1 . is a "model" who is a young 1VIi. Heath eXplainecl 'quite month. ' , • • : ultimate- goal is, of Ceurs , initially, asserted Mr. - • woman employed at the CAS , candidly that.. over the -last - Even the filrniShings in the the ret yoUng.people to Heath. office '' in •Goderich: The three years, . CAS has "model" does '• not -alciyally 'tumbled from one situation supervise, either. , She :only tothe other" when it came to —provides a--exa ple-ef-the -- teenagers. He -said - fester _ e* - e f. kind 4,of orderly - expected. • parents suited kir dealing dr the girls in he homwith thproblems of working, running a adolescentwere difficult to honsehold, budgeting money, • find. Still, the teenagers kept'. genera -1 aPPeafance, normal—corning-Inttroare--; fruin a.11 -7, -- behaviour. --• over the ColInty..,,• CAS director •Bruce ,Heith . . '."We didn't know whereto_ • --_ _ claims _siniply,1t_hasplane the kids;" stated Mr .Worked." r, ' ' Heath: . • When -'the owner orrthe CASTLT.E-p-Voreerh-arheeira- present CASTLE ac- kind . cif pilot project, •the commodation decided to sell ,director admitted. He said •the property, Mr. Heath said, there have been anxious' CAS workers' immediately motnents, with ° some ,, began' to look for another youngsters actually evicted , location for the project.. The from. the house for various search ended •last Thuraday reason. .• ' -. ' • evening when county council "Bin we now •have the agreed -to purchase a large '"nucleus of arealgood group," . • borne at the corner of Nelson . said Mr. Heath Proudly. . „ • . Street and Cambria Road in "CASTLE , project • is • ••• ,' Goderich for $40,000. working." • The GAS director views the ''" One of the eatures of ' county's decision as "a project CASTLE . is the business arrangement". The amount ef 'responsibility initial money for the property turned over to the :young Will •.be provided by :the wonien. Although - all the. • coenty, .but the costs will be • .residents enter.into a written • When the vote wali taken concerning the purchase.otf the property I was a •eri.: easily. SomeYuncillors tven expressed their satisfaction with the. success of the CASTLE project to date. Routine reports were - submitted to council from the Executive conitilittee, the Special Committee, the Committee of Management of Huronview and the Board of 'Health.' • Foriner warden Anson McKinley: reeve of, Stanley Township, ga-ve a brief report •• �t the-, meeting, of the Com- • .• • • inissien on the Retch:hi,' of . • Praperty Taxation iu Ontario, held in Goderich recently. ' • , The county had expressed some of its Concerns to the Commission., including a • feeling that there would he no. real incentive for rural,. •towriships with little urban development to • maintain •a reasonable level of taxea `With the province paying. a large pottipe of the total takes to the • nninicipalitY; a hidden Control. .of . the sale,. offarm land becauSe,or takes having . to be paid back to the, 'Provit,ige sold forpurpoSet otherfarming; and the , administrative nightmare • ' caused, in ' small rnrek . • trkunilpalities the.. ne9e§ of -making plication to the -treasurer of . the municipality for payrrieht of the taxes by the province. 1- • ' It was decided to appoint a.. negotiating committee ': to ' • negotiate all. Aglaritas county employees. Members •- • of the. committee- Will he., the • warden, the administrators the• chai(rjkonatninoufetci9heilexpeaeguotloive . le • , • . • • • • • .. • Bluewater Cable TV flilioded- with letters • * . ' •1913 peopleAn_ Clinton, HolnieiVille and • Goderibh. were pleased to fincl.,Out that the Bluewatet TY -Cable' Limited was being set up in Holniesville and that finally '• American television stations .and:FM radio station g could * be tuned in. However' in the 'event..of the ' Canadian Radickelevisien Teleconiniiinications • • • mission's •(CRTC) pian • to push •Canaclian ,culturalism, "foreig,n" Fadin_staos are being taken. off the air and as • • a result the Bluewater Cable has been plagued with letterS • and telephone Calls •frOrn . ' some of their 3,500. sub-. Scribers. - While Ron McsIntosh Jr: of the Bluewater Cable, and the company ,are , fighting the decision, in ..actualitV their handS',are tied against what , they refer to as outright censorship of heir broad: casting licen -. • '• : Not only h ve 'American radio station been banned • froin. the cable system, but algo CFCA-FM in Kitchener and CJOM-FM in Windsor have been taken Off the'air. It. •• Is • now -feared. by. Mr. MeIritiialf and 'the' company that soon A.merican television station Coverage- mill be denied aed ' its • place, French •stations will be brought in. - • • --- - • "The CRTC is tlling Canadian people' that they aren't • Mature • enough to •choose and .watth certain channels ,•" - said , Mr. McIntosh. He also said that he feels that not only are, Canadlae people having little say in thegovernment, but also being, told • what television stations arid shows they can watch.' While the Bluewater Cable received- some revenue from the FM : stations; they are more concerned with being • severely restricted in what they can- present and the undemocratic way in which the public is being treated. • The cable company is fighting.,the CRTC'S changes but there is little they can do except to pass en. the letters and complaints tO•MP Robert McKinley and the CRT -C -it- self.. • • • ••• ofreoi Tru t C ' 0 11) ST. ty0DERICri ReaI Estate signs dot the front Iawns of,about .. . . , 1 •• - .:_ _ • . BY JEFF SEDDON. ' Real estate in Goderich is a "buyers' market" ac- cording to a general polling of the town's brokers whO claim that the bityer-beware at- titude prevalent a few months- - *ago has disappeared. (The brokers reason anything from high mortgage rates to "• sohisticated shopping by people interested buying a house as the cause- of• the - change. An obvious sloWdown jf • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • • • . . • . . - .•virrnir. . _ • • • •.• • . • • • • • , •• • . for, mentallyretar The Ministry of Community and Social Services has ap- proved a, grant application „from , the, "Goderie Ir • Recreation I- and Community Centre Board for community. 7' programs for: the ' mentally retarded. , • .• The Ministry' 'awarded a 1. grant of $15,000 'for' the' Program-, more than half of •, the $28,000 apPlied for by the • Board. The Ministry is trying • to establish an integration prOgram for mentally retarded .in centres outside the .Pro-Vinee's metropolitan areas. • • The program will involve the.hiring of a staff person to, help the mentally retarded . become involved in ongoing Commenity. Cultural. and • recreational programs. The recreation board is hoping to begin the program iii Sep-./ tember, following :the hiring‘ of a qualified staff person. The 'staff_ person would-be responsible for introducing the retarded into existing community recreation pragrams and ' developing further programs as required. This involvement could subsequently' peornote community integration for the retarded and create permanent community programs. The recreation board hopes to have a staff person lilted before September so that ejtiatie.g. comm -unity programs may be eXarnin.ed to determine the approach to the introductory process of integration. -04 '25,000 ,• .'$0,000 575000 . 4100,000 A . A- house' buying canbe wit- neased by the number Of For Sale signs on front lawnsof. houses in Goderich and the , condition of some of.those ;sigris,A rough estimate based on the number of listings the larger real estate businesses . in tdwn have_ on file now puts the number of houses for' sale at between 100 'and 150. Most agents claim that the last ° time that ,.many--.• were avairihle at once was in 'the • -early 60's and certainly never in this -decade. The large number Of listings combined 'With the length of time the house s are on the-markef shows a sharp decline in the past month in a certain -type' of housing. As one agent pointed out,- the ` fading signs on -the: fronts of some of the places indicates that the normal 60 -day listing" period has been doubled with still no success. - " The -reason cited hy iciest brokers costs. They agree that most•hoe'ses between the • $30,000 :and r$40;000 and in some iiistapces $50,000 'sell • fast. But houses with price .tags over that' are usually passed up due to the • sophistication the buyefa are showing t irig Trerxd sterns to indicate that people are hot as. quick now to take on the husky •'125,000 -1. rnoricil Arena rnertgage .rates. The rates climbed to -nearly 14 percent recently and that problem was 'compounded by the fact that money was tight last winter. The rates have since • dropped to 11-3 f' 4 percent but according to one broker the anti-inflation program has had its affect on house buying trends. ' . • 14e• pointed out that people :in many cases buy and sell •• -their Way- into-tFe type of house they want but the Anti Inflation Board - has 'made that practice difficult. The buy and sell ume besgins•with a low priced haridyrean's special, that the family buys and sinks. some. money into fixing and redecorating. ••••4•• t -it 5 houses in -town ----- • About a year -later the house is sold at a ,srnall profit arid the extra cash used to buy g placeaTtittle more valuable. Four or five years later the family may have something_ with which'they are content. The AIB, however, 'May have throWn. a wrench into . -that practice. Thefamily may have reasoned 'that the father's wage. increase this year could make itpossible to buy a± holfieai*iiiii-ifie corner but the AIB rules kept the raise out Of •the The result is that the family Stays Niniere they are -for at • least another year. ',One broker suggested that values -of • houses ,have been inflated ovet, the past few • • years: and peaked. He pc. recent dernan and a con -Tarrson b. with larger- centres in the7 province -drove asking prices up. Added to that were claims by some agents •that the people could easily get their asking price on the market and automatically a -larger margin of profit has been added to the selling price. Another suggestion blamed a decrease in housing starts last winter for the high prices demanded now. Bad weather last: winter halted con, struction of rieW homes_ for a few months and the result seemed to be an escalation of prices of existing property-.. e •Cost of servicing riew Gaderieli has alai) had ,xe affect on housing At the beginning of the ...Lcatle •lot • prices in town • ranged from three -to five . thousand dollars ISM that figure has since: jumped to* $12,5110 or $13,000.- That figure pins the cost of the house built • seems to be putting the dwellings out of the debt ratio of the average -income in Goderich. 7 • One -broker suggested that the lack of sales may be evil:feet in the sales of " building materials. He said he felt more people were staying where they were and • • • adding, to their present house • • • .. • . • • (continued on page 14) ' • •.,.,1•••, •• . • • 11.• NI; Goderich Arena last week and smashed one against the completed the demi:410On of the roof. (staff photo) • . Winds wreaked havocwith"rernov. alo(tiTetrusses from the seuth„eagt section' of the bui ng. nrk crews have new • • ; •1 " • '