HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-08-05, Page 6PAGE ;,6—rO' ERICI• SIGNAL=STAR, TI-IURSDAY, AUGUST 5,.1';176 rt. Letters are'apprecooted b 89 b Troiter Wale na Elydua.Ont N313' -2C7 Rural .municipalities 'in some areas of . this province fell'•` for -the ballyhoo of `regional government • daring the 1960sand '70s:. '•• Close'•to a dozen: catinty� councils bowed' to, the pressure. including Carleton, `ti'elland', Lincoln, hlentworth, Water loo; Peel. and Halton • These regional' governments, it tis•as' said, woiild solve all'ktnds'of problem, including road jur- '*tsdirtiaz, . health ,and' welfare. parks ,andrecreation and you-naina-it. ,.i •i Vie -areas In tchere regional government took over, t•he small inunicipalities. in many E•'ases, were amalgamated. The rural townships Were thrown in with'toWns and the police villages disappeared. " At the time. this corner favored the idea.. Regional goy- ernment sounded like the obvious answer to some perplex-' municipal problems: • • . AS-a-•varng- 'ep3etcrI ,eavt r� �ntv cru ..•.it,P*ter • 'borough, Victoria, Oxford, fejiington and Waterloo:.' :_at that time, manycounty, councils were'. inefficient. I can recall corning to a -county L°ouncil .meeting at the .scheduled - tithe cif• 10 a:m and Waiting an hour and a half for the warded to begin proceedings. The meeting lasted -20 rein- _.._Utes_TCouncil-adjLusned_ior..a..tti}uid luiigh... By$• _m_ 1e than a quorum of members was.• available and the clerk'' searched ante -robins•• and offices to get the necessary number. In another •'10 minutes, half of the quorum- was. .sound asleep after their liquid lunch. • ' 14usiness was done by half a dozen. members and the • sleepyheads were roused out of their stupor only to vote. • This is not to suggest that all county councils 'were' -' or. are - in the same bracket.. .Many kept the dignity.nec-. essary and did the taxpayers:' business properly, . But many didn't. • ' • ' • . ' ' Regional government seemed:tobe a good answer.'' Personally. 1 do not. think ,it bas been a- good answer • iii • most areas °"� . Township councils got their work done properly. Mem: , hers spetit,money as though it were their own -' which it : was.- and not a 'penny was wasted. Yes, . it •oras irritattfng. ' for a. reporter to properly cover.those meetings.. Members talked ,of everything under the 'sun during bus- iness sessions of council but they did°do a conscientious, job and I, for one:, hated 'to. see many of them go the Way of all flesh. Regional gotierninents wherever they have been formed' haVe','brought ,with them another •layer of 'bureaucracy: ' another barrier between the=ratepayers and the politicians.: " In too many ,instances, the officjais have become high -paid emperor's of paper kingiioms with lieutenants',' clerks; secretaries°and firs( ssistants to the third assistants in charge of eleaning.:out spittoons: • In the shuffle; the personal, contact. that was evident in smaller councils has,been lost. Ruraltreeves, deputies and councillors = and. the clerks''" and' road' superintendents. too - to k all ratepayers' prob-' Ien'is personally, • The problem of a',1looded mariureyard 'caused by -a; road ,widenirig project: was handled by. that -. rural council; • In 'a :regional government,• some picayune politi' I ap- pointee comes between the farmer -and ,council. ;T7lefier- sonal touch is lost..' • That's why it was 'refreshing to hear that Grey`, and Bruce councils two of the best. beef -producing counties in. this province, •are making: haste slowly in suggested • es changes to their county councils. All kinds of ideas have . Been suggested such as • cu:timg -tfie: iff mier 6rmu'nicipali- ties drastically and having 'fewer members, of county. cotaicil. • My advice for• what it's worth*- and My wile will:te11 you'•it isn't worth:a pound of -powdered milk - is for those ;'ural --people in any area of this province to' tread softly and slowly before making any moves to changing the struc- ture of county councils. It may sound -like hearsay but 1 like rural councils the way they are or were in' some cases where the • changes have already been made. I enjoyed the personal touch. I liked- the manner in which every dollar' spent was a dollar earned and • the people doing the spending 1wer'e elected' council members, not an army of degreed paper -pushers. Most ,pf whom• have:never been in barn- ', yard and wou,ldn;t know a Holsteinfrom a Hereford. Hang onto what at you'vegot out there, ri y friends.: - Allow• the changes only, when y u are sure the rural municipalities are going to get a faif�shake: DAVE HAYLOW ELECTRICAL Serving lndustr.ial,. Commercial, 's"went a1 i'leeds""` 5 2 4-603 8 Jofk pr�4ucerswilI. :name: ?queen agar`n • 3'l to rt?t _ �1 r .-„�"'�itrti Producers Association . willtants must be between hold their Annual •Pork.• ages -of 18 and 35' years-' Dietl - Barbecue and.Pork .'Hostess _Contest?... in..h . Saafo on Trsday,. August 26. This event'' always draws • large crowds' and this year is not expected' to beaii ex- =-ception Last year -hundreds had' to' be turned back. It is advisable to_ purchase your tickets, early, as only 1300 tickets_will.-be- available: rom: - the directors: The Pork Hdstess Contest is expanded this •' year td include UT M �f A. � � �° • S 0 . ,:. RM . WORK .-Shan:non andHunter Ltd. RR 3, Goderir_h ___._ HIGH CAPACITY•EQIIPMEtkiT. AVAILABLE FOR *-Plowing and Chisel Plowing:*' CALL , .,P :antins .., BOB -':5291=768"1 . TIM 7 5.29-7561 9 6;►.m. ATTENTION FARMERS For. Control of 'Grain Insects, in your Storage Bins W •IN STO=CK • Get yours today 4, eliflimmmosionemiumsomiumssomminunionsiemilmetiminummisi • BAL_ER TWINE • Golden• Harvest &^ Haymeic , :N•Ow q J 10,000• ft. Bale. M. J. SMITH CHATHAM GODERICH PORT ALBERT LTD. 529.71 35 11 1 • - 1 . Huron F of A.present$--thoughiful • brief to govt on. ta..x reform • °pmere-d-r�frtistration. The followfig is a coy of - :if- we -don't- pay -aur ,taxes the brief which Was presented ourselves 'Any future Having the full_ hundred to the Commission to 'Review 'government - could use• thepercent of tax paid by owners Proposals for Property :Tax " taxes they hold• as a weapon of farmland who do not use .. Reform in Ontario by the , to• make municipal govern -. the land for farmilig will ,not Huron :County Federation of meat do their bidding: Never help to keep farmland in food A riculture. S okesmen 'for before have farmers refused production, .The, speculator . g P the:, F ''of A. were .President to Pa ir• FAIR SPARE ofwill sithply do .. some token *Adrian Vos and Ch itm an of.. the :tax burden andWet don't •farthing arid, whenthe land , the Properties Committee intend -to shirkour respon- Use cha-ages and sibilities'now. , back .the taxes the 'govern - Maurice Bean. = . t+_ tv,' The propoSals for -changes in property taxation - in. Ontario; as.:.•presented in the paper , by the Ministry. of Treasury, Economjcs and %tergocerhit ental' --Affairs; have been thoroughly studied • at Committee Directors and at membership meetings Of the•.Iluro7i County Federation 'of Agriculture.• • . The •unanimous conclusion is 'that the proposals are not acceptable as inequities as they now exist, will .not be rectified and„ new inequities -will he created. The rejection • • is based ;on the followiing. points : While it is well known among those.. who , make it their business; to know, that farm subsidies "" are con- siderably lower than those•for other industries, 'y it is generally thought amongthe daily press, and therefore by the general :-public, that farmers live on subsidies •and handouts by' the various If the -government -pays our nett has been paying for him taxes, --f-or ° us, , controlling in the .last ten years, he can trespassing Would become look :back . on having hadthe much more difficult, as use of the• tax money,: at the hunters and s•,nowm.obilers; low interest,of etght'percent. possibly,•• . with.••.• -some It could even be an in justification, could.' demand • ducernerit. for' land.. access for these recreational speculation. ..,: :."..,_r activities.,- because part of e are-'of"ihe o'prrrion-that-- these taxes comes'from their farmland Should be taxed at a pockets. • percentage of market value The division : of taxes tied to the productive value. through ability to pay would be an added'inequity 'under The• farmer is perfectly �.. q_ Y —._willing to pay taxes as anyone the :- proposwit 'system, a .__.else. 'His return on ,his landsowner with a large iaftd' production should be such area and a • small , house,. that he, can_ pay his 'taxes. To • presumably would pay lower have :government pay his taxes than ,the senafarmer taxes' aW-id1 only be a con- with,a large house. tinuation of a .t�gheap food Churches provide.; a' real..policy $ service to' any,' community - through their endeavors • in ' The Huron County or the maintenance of the moral Federa.tilin of :Agriculture„ values of our people. To tax speaking on behalf of 2100 • them on their property could ••u Individual Service Members, mean that • some churches favours the principle as set. that are •now struggling•' to. forth •in ..the .policy of the remain viable wouldhave to Ontario Federation of close.' • This could . result in ,Agriculture that -Services higher cost to the taxpayer ”. to. people should be : paid by.., through an increase in people and services to vandalism and other Property should be paid by.. "People taxes" such--. - -as education'. taxes should be completely removed from - •property and . should be assessed on', ability to pay, , thus on income. If this were done, the farm tax rebate, which forces the farmer to: ment'• every year, beg for • 'ley from " the govern could be abolished. •-' : ' If; land use..shou'ld change away from farm ing;•the.last- ten years could be reassessed as speculative land and the additional tares, : if. . any, -- 'should be levied at an interest r rate as chaged by the banks. I ist4utions that have in-' eorres.--shoulti b'e taxed -air thier�incoine`and not on their property. If for. instance, , • church has an income from investments this . income should be taxed.. If, on .the 'other hand a- small church has just enough. income to maintain the • church buildings 'and pay the minister, rabbi or priest, they should not be taxed. In the brief we have set why. we oppose the proposals. We have however not been all negative and have suggested some positive' •alternatives. We commend the Minister for. recognizing that the .present ' tax laws are,, not equitable, but we are•of .the opinion that the -proposals as presented would do amore to accentuate tie inequities than to elimi • levels of government: This delinquencies'. The increase = the owners of the property'', ` - ate them, impression' will • be in tax revenue would • be strengthened even more if undoubtedly -be more than - Ontario's government pays offset by the increase..,in cost , . rn other areas: • the taxes, on ,' one • hundred percentof the value of far- Schools universities and mland'and buildings." We, as . hospitals are now,for a great farmers belonging to the deal' maintained by the levies Huron Federation of on municipalities through • A riculture, :are. too proud' to local -faxes If a property tax -T-.. i -tl�r. "J• .a�s;� �,13,it;-•tr>i'e'�:• G: �;_:: the even if We ourselves know it:will only mean that:the tax In, that this -isnot the case.. levies ' of the benefitting June 1977, the winner. will - R b t th 1 municipalities have £o be ner- s• benefit if on the one handtax' income to - -the _..muni_cipal:ities is increased and on; the other hand it is taken away. It will be',like moving money -from the right pocket to"the' left .. pocket withthe extra' cosi of re resent oro the Ontario Pork Congress. Bainton's Old- Mill has once moronated the first prize in the form of a beautiful .:-pigskin .,, jacket, .: Last .years winner, Miss Cathy Madill tf' Blyth, will do the honors and crown the 1976.Pork Hostess.. _Any ladyeligililo"e obtain" an entree! form from •the. directors of the Pork Producer Association. • Attention: armers A-'F.OR SALE. PIG Feeders, approximately 80'tons of high moisture corn for sale, $70. per ton. Phone 524-6309 after 7 p.m. -31,32 GRAIN' for. sale, 3-way_mix, barley;, oats.- and • wheat.. • Phone 526-7732.-30tfnc B- CUSTOM WORK • WILL DO custom combining; and swathing, Phone 523-4260. -31,32 CUSTOM swathing and combing for grain dr corn. Phone Garth W al den523-9295.-29,30,31, 32 • ,'__STEVE'S • custom .swathing: GRAIN_ for sale, -3-way mix, 'Steve • Buchanan, RR 6,• barley, oats and wheat: •!Goderich, phone. 524-6353:: Phone 526-7732.-30tfnc-30=33 B- CUSTOM WORK - LIVESTOCK EIGHT lambs, 'CUSTOM :Swathing. Phone 8055..-32x 524-8845 or 524:2490.. -32nc CLAY Silo -Unloaders - Feeders' - Cleaners_ _ - 'Stabling r'og ;Elevators Liquid Manure Equipment- - Hog' Equipment. FARAAATIC r' I1Ail is - hugers, etc... . ACORN Cleaners -`Heated Waterers ZERr1 B ulk Tanks • Pipeline & Parlour Equipment ESTE E L-ROSCO-Granaries B d, L -• Nog Panelling Bulk Tank•& Pipeline cleaning .• Detergents, Teat Dip, etc. Bovadine .... Dyne • Losan Uddei'san $oamcheck Kleeneasy elliiisissermselegae N LOWRYFARM SYSTEMS RR:1, Kincardine, Ontario ' Phone 395.5286 phone 524=, 1 ONLY YOU CAN • GIVE; THE GIFT.• -. OF LIFEI eservation a ou• e p an • • the rigfir-a-b-w ship, if another party pays the taxes-- on ..-prioperty 'for _..an extended period of time. We have. also a very real fear that our- voice as tax- payers in our focal govern- ments will be further eroded look——'imbolikice—ivii Look ; neighbour MORE THA • BRUCE MA.CD9NALD ELECTRIC• Domestic -Commercial -Industrial 133 Britannia ?hose Evenings 5 24-8'1' 46 DRILLING NEW HOMES and FARMS.. - Free Estimates You and your family deserve the best of water so don't 'hesitate to call TOM . LANG _`i PHONE 5 2 4-6 410 - 1 M1L'E NORTH'ON, HI4HWAY 21, GOD.ERICIi• Y�rtt,5, q �es and Peaches, weer Corn Lcissaline. . • FRESH' DAILY; rcharcis-- • 21, MILES FROM No.,8 FtiGHWAY ON' DRIVE IN ROAD SOUTH. OF GODERICH ti 524...;.-7Y72 .a. i' .;, t3utler® 1.., All -Season® Ventilation System . controls condensation, Odors.? odrafts: Air:int=ake;exhaust,. and circulation are automatic. • But don't take our word for -it. Ask a:neighbourwho owns Butler. [ynfl: Lowry farm Equipment' ROUTE I Limited KINCARDINE, ONTARIO PHONE ,519-395-5286` `OUR FACILITIES ARE HERE TO: SERVE:Y'OU BETTER" • FAST1OADING PROMPT' S•EIy4ENT TRUCKS`A.VJAILABLE CHATHAM GOPERICH PORT ALBERT'. LTD. 529.7135