HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-07-15, Page 27• • ODERICH'SII NAL-STARxTH'VRSDAY', JULY PAOE IQ. EMPLOYMENT WANTED 11 - SERVICES AVAILABLE 13: SERVICES AVAILABLE MATURE reliable pensioner with chauffeui::'s• licence wishes .light work. M,onday through Frida� Y Nfanimal: remuneration. Apply Drawer .. No. 9 c=o Signal Stat P.O. Box-220•Goderich =29. 1'2 UC T Q A i N A „ SLE •. TWiL,IGHT' AUCTION ASI ON SALI t,7 of Household Effects•'.and Antiques -at, the Auction Rooms, Hwy., -31,. 'one 'mile South of Goderich, Friday, July 16: at 7 P.m" 5,.pce Modern bedroom suite; 9 pce, dining room suite with china cabinet; child's :cheslerf .etd ,a.nd_chair -(.new)--:. Victorian platform -rocker; blanket box; tool- box; Sideboard; buffet; china 'cabinet; Duncan Phyfe :ex- tension" table ex-tension"table and 4 chairs; pine ;keg :of drawers; anity; ' spool • bed; organ stool; washstand; small •tables; .coffee table; end tables; patio umbrella table (Ii.ke new); oak office desk , and chair; C-Qpymate ' Model 400; 2 typewriters; ' filing cabinet; foot stools; modern settee; clock;•: harvest. table; treadle sewing :machine•; humidifier; oil lamps; table lamps; floor lamps; 6 patterned quilts (new) f. frames; .. horseshoes; rugs; crocks; bedding; but- tons; 'sea le'rs; pots and pans; l'ge: quantity of china and glass;, shutters; stepladder; lawnchairs; power , lawn .mower, work bench. etc. etc. • Terms = Cash rN4ike &, Mairie Cummings- '• auctioneers;, Goderich 524'9064 MOR'i CAGES First• and• second,. mortgages, re;sa'dential, commercial confidential .servi e.. No hidden charges or bonus.•Debt• consolidation and refinancing a 'specialty. HANNAH FINANCIAL." •SERVICE INC: CallCollect 1579 0100., • i z t f FOR, Y01-.)1; OUR -Carpet .ani. Upholstery •:• Cleaning Needs Superior Maintenance `f Now .Offers r S T:E:A M-,-ar_-QR Y-SH-AMPi•QO .. For .Free Estimate Call 524-8892 .• ' 257 Warren St.,, Goderich, i -. HOF FMEYE�-. ^- 7Pfumbing 8 Heating Ltd" APPLIANCE'S 55 KINGSTON ST. ELECTRIC Inglis' waiiirciri, dryers, refrigerator's, dishwashers:, ranges .GAS Ranges, barbecues, lights, .ranges SEPTIC TANKS "CLEANED Modern equipment. Two trucks, to `serve 'you. Phone H;T. Dale, Clinton 482-3320 and Seaforth 527-0284. ATHWELLs Evening Auction Sale r• at'ihe'Hensall arena, Wednesday;' July 28 at 6;• 30 p.m. for a Clinton Estate and Mrs Barnes Estate, Goderich consisting of` mainly • antique furniture and, glass and china: Full listing next week - ATHI/VELV4 , AUCTIO•N SERVICE O R U C E. F>I E L D, ONTARIO . 482-3120 - r e+aforthAuction To be held: for Mr; and Mrs Jog Czerwinski at 40 Jarvis St:, • Seaforth on Saturday, July 24 at 1:15 'p.m. Consisting of complete 70 room household of modern fur - >t niture; appliances and antiques, 54" brass bed, . Steinway, ipiano, wicker love seat, liar seat, two3,•pc: bedroom suites, • all small household items,.full listing' next week. Terms Cash Moving to Toronto • : No reserve R A:THW-ELL'S:• . "SERVICE_; -- AUCTION •,A Briicefield 482-3120 Twili tAuction Sale• To be'.held 'af dod'eri.ch'in the Saltiord Valley Hall on Wed- nesday eve,ning'i July, 21, at 6:30 p,m. Consisting of bed chesterfield. ('new) angle' face -'Mr" Mrs. Chairs (needle•pt); chesterfield and chair; 3 swivel rockers;, Oval cherrypedestal table;_3walnut chairs,: rocking chairs; 3 m-odern_besirootn:suite; 4 poster bed; antique dresser and • 'chest Oftirawers, 2 single beds; dressers; chest of drawers; bedding; drop front desk; •walnut drop 'Vont chest desk;- what -not (walnut); fernstand; needle point foot` stool; card. fable 4 chairs;,glass top coffee table; walnut china cabinet; setof encyclopedia Britannica; pictures and frames; tables; chairs; S pc. chrome suite; 9' x-12' axminster rug; rugs and-•-- mats;'vlacuuni; carpetsweeper;-,pots and pa s; silverware, huniidifier; guilts; blankets; and many •'Clocks• -Columbia miniature regulator wall clock, water. berry mantel clock :____••.._ '-Silvet~ glass & china -cul _glass; Canadian glass; amber miniatureoil lamp; souvenir of: Goderich; berry bowls; 5 -Pc; silver tea service; dishes -;'cups, and saucers. Proprietors ' Violet Ryafn &.George Jenner RATHWaELL"$ AUCTION SERVICE • ,4uict'cowers; Appraisers, f:iquidators 4$2-al20 Clinton LAYING and finishing.cbncrete fl.od'rs for basements, garages,' patios. Call George;Barraclough 524-815L-43tf • ; • • 13 . SERViCES AVAILABLE. -FOR INSTRUCTION. on ac • - Gordion, piano, organ. or .guitar, phone- 524-2711. .,{Instruin ents supplied.)-26tf. DAVIDSON Hearing Aid Service, CORPORATION: LTD; • free .hearing tests, 45 day trial',. ,ei,,,itw. 2IID MORTGAGES MME DAY COMMITMENT Farms • Residential Properties ra Qut=afdoWn properties pat 432-6337 CHARLES DR A1(E. batteries, .chargers and repairs„ City and country house calls 334 Queens Ave., phone • 432-9951,: London-24tfar SWEITZER Electric for all your electrical needs. Residential commercial, ` Industrial. • pole - Li-eerzsyri-ebolt ---C-us•tt>in--- • trcrnching _Hydro poles for sale. • Phone Grand Bend 238-8354.-22tf DAILY_ CAR RENTAL -Bates a lZaEes McGEE'S Goderich Phone ;524-8391 19tf John' F. Darling, • Aluminum Siding • .Awnings - • Doors • • Windows • Soffit - • Fascia- e' ascia•e' Eavestroughing -• Etc.' • .. • •-BONDEDECFREE ESTIMATES • REASONABLE RATES 3 4 5 -2.4 13 (Duiilin) • DAYMOND VINYL SIDING B.ALUM181UM SIDING- —= SOFFI-TS B, --FASCIA Aluminum storm. doors and. windows, weather stripping; small plumbing: repairs and, warm air Beating. :, DO IT ',YOURSELF`•OR._' WE CAN DONT FOR YOU! FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL D.G.M..•HOME • MAINTENANCE. • ASK- FOR DON. 5267794 Roofing Painting Carpentry PAUL LASSALINE 524-7158 FREE ESTIMATES VACUUM CLEANERS . SALES & SERVICE : ALL MAKES: ' ' BOW PECK VARNA 262'5748 actin • Carpentry Wr ok.' Home Renovating Furniture Repair's it Refinishing= (30 Years -Experience) (No Jobe Too Small) 524 -2591 -or -524=93116 ------ Between 12.$ 1 parr. orafter 6 p.m. BACKHOE SERVICE BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS DUMP TRUCK BULLDOZING SEWER1 Septic Tank InstallaiiOns • Government Licenced FREE ESTIMATES s; —SW Xtuinsin Goderich '524-'8668'• SK-ELTON APPLIANCES Inglis-Moffat=Beatty - Sales—Service- • v . Repairs to all makes Britannia• Rd..W.. Ph. 524-7,871. : 17tf :Wm. R. Nelson:,` CARPENTER Area Representative '' for ' TRALEE-KITCHEN -• CABINETS-.: and vanities 5 2$_12949.- • FREE.ESTIMATES, MATHERS L;AINDSCAPING • & ''' 'LAWN .MAINTENANCE Specializing in landscaping and your .'.._coMplete:_lawn needs. . • Phone: 524-2401 524-7044. ` LYLE' MONTGOM:ERY CONSTRUCT:. SAND=kGRAVEL— AGGREGATES. BACKFitilE= EXCAVATING Scr.een•ed Top .Soil phone .482-7644 :LEUEI 62 CA:MURIA ROADtN,r, GODERICH Electrical Contracting ,APPLIA'NCE'SALES & SERVICE., Repairs toall makes and models of, major appliances Any calls before 2 pTm:• •wt I :be' done wthe-•next day: r ti CARP .: ET DIRTY •. Do it:: . yourself and save -Rent the, pro STM_ carpet cleaner S1,41110Y 101111101M, r;,l,y 111, y1•,II 6 1971 U 5 Flap, SyI nw In,. •..: r Have -the - experts do it •Steam_-gete the.._dirt-ocher:. methods don't reach. • Removes old shampoo, • Carpet dries quickly. CARPET CARE 216 Wellington street S Goderich • 5 241.2440 '13. -SERVICES AVA LABLE WOODLAND HOMES-.: • . NIE Custom. Building Many plans avaii1a ole for your choosing. Assistance can also be given in locating a building site," Phone 5'24-6866 CLOCKS REPAIRED Alliypps-,_ Sra.otdfa.ther.„Dutch,- French antique. Specialist on chiming' .clocks. Will collect and deliver. Centac9: . HOl`LtNSHLAD • Residence 482375.9- 11Q RAT.TEN.BURY ST: E CLINTON, ONTARIO. '. Trade Work Accepted ., K`1TCHEN CABINETS ' AND VANITIES — Doors Doors shownn your home or on .the job site Fashioned in .a - variety of' styles and Eolors to suit every home. • STEVE.SMITH • Phone 482-3005 EXPERT CARPENTRY. All 'types of (USTt iI :: • WORK •, Cabinets - • Kitchens O Recreation Rooms • Windows & Doors • ' Outside Jobs • Roofing • Call after 6 p.m; 524-4663. 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 23. ENGAGEMENTS All persons having claims against ,. tie Estate of MYRA HELEN COVtAN,:widow, late of the, Township of •Colborne, in: the 'County of Huron, who died on or about the 25th day•& June; 1976 are required to file. the sane wi,t,tii full .-parti;culars with the' un-.,dexsigned by the 7th day .of. August, 1976,, as afterthat date the assets of the estate will be. distributed'• DA ` at Goderich„ -'Jntri o, this 12th day of July, 1976. 1 •PREST'and EGENER, Barristers, etc. 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate 29.70.31 M 26 CARD OF THANKS claims 1; Seaforth Ontario, announce the Mr, and Mrs. John E. Scott RR 2; Godericli,,Ontario are pleased eta announce • the •• forthcoming marriage of their daughter Susan Lynne to - Mr. David Ellis Denomrne, son of Mr: and Mrs.. Joe' Denernme.'Zurich, Onta.rioF The wedding will take place at;t. Peters Roman Catholic Church on Jul ,31 1976 at 3 . -2 Y Rm 9 Rev. and Mrs. Reuben Brubacher are pleased 'to announce the forthcoming ,marriage of their daughter: Nancy, Ann., Jean to David Merrill . Switzer, of. Goderich, son of Mr. rand Mrs. Merrill Switzer. Thezedding will. take place. August 7th at Calvary Baptist Church at 2 p.m. -29x • 25, 1 MBMoR1AI SQ W ERBY - i n loving .tnatntiil of . •::. ar dear wife,:.moIher and gran dmotller, Daiay Sowerby,."who passed away July 17,1914: This •rnonth:. comes with deep. regret; it hin r. �._a�.dh�•.v�e °forget; : , x p heart's' ars.. re. artin caritas eat 4.411.2' g and, broken, A loved one leaves with words unspoken With tender love and deep regret, We who loved will never forget "Lovingly remembered . by husband, • Robert; B;ruce, Fierence, Gerald, ; Betty and families. -29x ALL persons ' having' I against the Estate 'of JOHN CHARLES JOHNSTON, Retired; Mechanic, -late 'of the Town, of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or"about the 2nd day of June, 1976,,are required to fids • the same with full particulars with theundersigned by the 31st July, of: 1976; as, after that - date the assets of the,estate will. be distributed.,." DATED at poderich Ontarioa, this.30,th day of June, 1976. ' . PREST and EGENER,• barristers, etc:, 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. • • Solicitors fol the'Estate. e. and Mrs: Harold Pryce of RR - • forthcoming. marriage of -their daughter Elizabeth Jean to Mr. Gordon Percy Jenkin, son of Mr:' and Mrs. Ed Jenkin, Goderich Ontario. The wedding will take. place in Cavan. United Church; Winthrop" Ont. on Saturday' August 7, 1976 at 7 p.m. -29 • Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hugill are pleased to announce the for- thcoming marriage of their daughter Janice Lynn„., to Douglas . •Eirskine Gavin; son of Mrs; Audrey, Gatlin. The wedding will take place on' Saturday July ;,241.h..;19,76 at 4 o'clock in • Knox . Presbyterian Church.=29• ••—28,29,30ar Mr: and Mrs. J. Burns Jerry, Goderich; Ontario are pleased to annoyince the fo.rthc2ming marriage of—fli"eir •-ciughter, Catherine Elifebeth .(Betsy), 'to• Mr; Anthony Harris Little,,son of •. son of Mr, and Mrs.'. Frank 1-1: Little, Thorndaie, Ontario. The wedding will take, place: an .Saturday, July 24, 197.6y at 12 o'clocknoon • fn- Knox Presbyterian Church Goderich, , Ontario =29 _ : ADAMS-SINCLAIR": Mr. 'and Mr's Darold Adams, ` RR 1, Goderich, Ontario, ara,pleased.to. - n-tobnce. the fortli-c-onytng marriage .of their daughter; Lois Diane to Robert Stanley, Sinclair -son, of Mr: and. Mrs. Claude Sinclair, R1 2; Clinton, Ontario.. The wedding will take .place, 'Saturday,:;August 7, 1976 at 7: o'cloek..p.m ,•Christ Ch.urch, Port • 15:PUBLIC NOTICE SMITH: .I will no longer be .responsible"for Any - debts in- curred by my husband, Jatnes R. Smith; as of this date, June 30, 1976.—Betty Smith. -27,28,29 • AFTER thiadate, July f5, 1976; I; '-obert Gilchrist, :will no longer • be responsible' for any debts incurred in my name, by my wife, Leila' Gilchrist: -29-30,31 • ' WHEELCHAIRS—WALKERS:. AL.KERS; 'The Humanitarian. Service Co•rnrtlittee • of . the Goderich Oddfeilo'w and Rebekah Lodges. have equipment for loan. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, : 524-963 or Fred Fritzley; •524-7217.-38eow Babies sat Clothes' sewn: Gardens Weeded' Grass cut Houses cleaned- -:Letters typed: Stores staffed Windows washed etc. etc. CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE for STUDENTS Goderich 524-2744 Huron Park • 228.6651 16. PERSONAL .. BERE The' family of the late Mrs.. Annie (Culbert) Bere wish to thank their friends and neigh. bours• `for cards, floral tributes .and expressions" of synapathy, in the .loss ofa.-- loved one. Special thanks to Goderich : Hospital,' Maitland •Manor Nursing Home, Dr. Wallace, Rev. Harbl.dDobson and Dungannon U.C.W. 'Culbert Fa m ily,-._29 " rtJFFMrnk AN: Tha'you to all my friends, `-neighbours and acq•uai.ntances •for all their. prayers; thoughts, • cards, visits and gifts, during my hospital.' stay -b•pth • in London and Goderich. Special thanks to Dr. Lomas, nursing staff on 1st floor, and all other support 'staff in the • Goderich hospital Sincere. ap- "`preci�ationTo�ir $ . Coies,Dears, and all their Cardiac. staff at Victoria Hospital. The thoughtfulness , of .ever 'one will always ' be remembered and - treasured.•JanetHuffman. =29 -`SHACKLETQN: 'I Would like to' sincerely thank. everyone for the louely.'bridal shower ,grven to rite; on 'July 7th and especially ;to .. those who so .kindly.partici'pated in. it. Also . 'special thanks' • tg Dungannon, Kingsbridge, Loucknowu • and �Goderi.ch Crewe crnmuni'des. •Carol Shackleton. -29 : • .. w: J:.Denomine.: �tli�t; Ontario.=28 �' . WE INVITE enga'g:ed- couples .too vis L the Arbor Gift Shop -•in • Clinton, Receive a free gift arid •. tell yourfriends about our shower and Bridal Registry:Service. No 14:;NOTICE TO CREDITORS —charge, no obligation. -3d ALL persons having i claim against the Estate of :EV LYN MAUDE 'GLAZIER,. Widow, late of the Towiof' Goderidh, in the County'•of. Huron tidied on or.' about the 15th day ofo, May, 1976, are required 'to file th'e same with full particulars with the- un-, dersigned by the 24th day of July, :197,6, as after that date the assets. of the estate will bedistributed. ° I . o ar mem ers ip in Ontario Motor•Le-ague'gives •}iota �: protection anywhere . M. Canada (CAA) -and United States (AAA). .Nice to have while travelling. ` ' Contact Dick Atkey, Clinton 482- 7380.-29 . YOU'RE WHISTLING IN THE DARK .. . ti•nJ�aJit IF YCU THINK THAT HEART ATTACK AND STROKE HIT ONLY THE OTHER FELLOW'S FAMILY. DO YOU have ,marriage or family problems? The Ministry of Com-'. munity & Social Services offers help_ in the form of marriage andJamily_._:• DATED- at Goderich, Ontario, --this-5thiiay-of June. 1976' • PREST and EGENER, • Barristers, etc,,. 33 -Montreal -street,. - Goderich,.: Ontario: Solicitors kr the Estate. 1 •—27,2ff,29ar ALL persons_ having claims ' against the Estate of _HAROLD BURTON SHARP; ' Retired -Carpenter;late of .t ezTownship of Tyckersniith in the -County of Huron, who -died on or about the .20th .day of '.June, 1976, are • required to,filethe'same with. full 'particulails with the undersigned by the 24th day -of July, 1976, as after tff T date the assets of the ,estate Will be distributed. , _..DASFD at. Goderich; .•Ont'aro;'' this 25th day of June, 7976. ' PREST and EGENER," Barristers, etc.,. " 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 27,28;29ar counselling either. in your home or in the Wingham 'Office, 199. ••Jneephine Street •For appointment,.' • phone 357.3310;-8tf • BIRTHS BAUER Mr. and Mrs.- Wayne' Bauer are pleased to announce the birth of their: son,: Steven Lloyd, in. Victoria, I3ospftal,' London, on July 2nd,_1,976.-29 CULBERT: Mr. and Mrs..Donald Culbert (nee Linda Young): ate - pleased to announce the birth of • their••first child, a son' Douglas, Howard,born. July. 6th, 1976 at •eArexat dra Marine and General'. -Hospital, Goderich.-29 TOROK: Dan and Pat Torok (nee' Ladd)• are pleased to announce the birth of their son .on . my 13th, 1976 at Greater Niagara General losgtal.-•-29 , ° BUCKLE -UP .FOR SAFETY BROWN: • To Gat?a and Agnes ' Brown, Goderich, Ontario at Alexandra, Hospital, Goderich, 'Ontario pn July 9;1976, a , daughter,. Laura Ann,-29nc Sale driving • isa family affair; THERIAULT: At Seven Islands Hospital, Seven' Islands, Quebec, • to M•. and Mrs. :A .Theriault (nee Auleen Fisher) .Moi.(e C.F.B. Station, Seven Islands, Quebec, a daughter, Natalie Dale, born 22 April 1916. First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. • Ernie • Fisher, Goderich, Ontario. -•29 • • FLOWER Phone 524-8132 DAY Agent for. 24 -hr 'FILM DiVELOPING•, YOUR HEADQUARTERS. - \_ 'FOR •itO-GERS MAJESTIC TV •EXPERT TV SERVICE ANTENNA &, TOWER-• . INS_TALLAtION 162 MARY. ST.. GODERiCH • 5 2 4 - 9-0 6.9 Government. As i sted Homes Under C M.H.C. Approved & Inspected ale :'. P�ri'ce 334,323. • Down` Pay lent 3'1 700. Buy now and choose -your own colors of floor coverings, kitchen cupboards and interior decor. • Houses are ift_Vanastra. C.M.H,C. Grants n and Subsidies available to reduce effective' interest rate to 8 percent for any 2 people. Appli'Pcants for subsidy portion may'also qualify'for further••..; free money to reduce monthly payments, .Cali today prase Vuon't last longi HAROLD WHITE HOMES 462.3550 OR 482.3600 •1 •