HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-07-15, Page 9d �.aaLl.c`brax'� Mant,r al... 2r;'4. - • • : • - The pool''s instruction staff relax on the deck after a long Eggart, apd: 'Jody .Brissette: Lying in front is Brenda • morning's. Work. 'lnback is Kathy Reynolds. Middle row, let Thompson. Not present for the picture were Sam James, to right are Carole Stewart, Tess Doorly, Mark Riley, Kathy -Rob Wheeler andMaryHarper. (Staff photo) Lifegvar PHOTO S' AND STORIES' BY ROB SHRIER Although one may not realize it the'. ten students. ., working' .at Judith Gooderham:'pool hold ten Of.. • the most important jobs ins�s town thiummer. • Every year a thousands ` of area residents pass through the .peal -.gates,. for swim'mirtg lessons; afternoon orevening do free swimming ' and safety instruction.. For years the students. , there have', been instructing and watching people,—young and old, ands their work. gives activity and enjoyment to . -many youngsters who. ° t may other.w`ise: have ..nothing • to' .occupy their time. =The average work day, begins' with the... a^m., Guides m Ieo�rd from'.v:isit rs swimoing classes. • that n"tiriue until two p.m: All 10 guards instruct some and at any one time • you.- may see seven;,classes'.being taught: ' At two- p.m. half the 'staff is free, the other half acting as lifeguards in the wading pool .• 'erpool, rthe largeeool; ,At five p.m. the pool closes, opening again at seven p.m..�:with the remaining five lifeguards' useum a source of This year ' could be the Clinton this fall.• busiestteev.er for the°"students` Last year s,he was one Of the working at the Huron County five chosen frorn..a total.of 20 . Pioneer Museum, While. it' applicants. With a year of Y ma .Ybe a `normal.,,kYy ear 'fo3 experience •tinder'. her belt, tourist <traffic, their staff. of _she was •.welcamed:back this five was decreased -by • one summer. ' AS do all the girls, . this year, thus increasing the. •Linda ' .likes: = taking • tours workload by 25 percent But through'the halls and meeting'.' the four area girls, Cathy the 'visitors. "Eventually she MacPhee,. Gina•Datema hopes her experience, with Linda Campbell el:Ca Pauline' . people -will lead to becoming,a Hall don't'see.`m to mind a bit. dental assistant: GINA DATEMA Gina Datema, daughter of LINDA CAMPBELL. :•Marthinus:`and Gay. Datema of. Blyth,: is0. one of two first •. Seventeen -year-old: Linda year workers at the museum. Campbelhof"Bayfield is in her . She applied for the job:•after second. year at the museum hearing • of :Linda's ex- Th:e • daughter of Don ane '•: periences last, year. Phyllis 'Ca.rnp 1, she. is Gina will, attend Grade. 12 :-:.entering:.Grade 1 Central .• with Linda this fall at CHSS, Huron Secondary School in and: eventually. hopes to teach the retarded. • assuming night duties. again and all but; one have, been . swimming, instructors or lifeguards before this year. The Goderich swim. team is a returning' ' to ' ' Judith •Gooderham this year . and Sam James; • Mary Harper .and' Jody ._Br•issette•'are managing the, team' in their leisure. time, Fifty .have; signed for the team and they • • • p�- will be attending seven meets in the Huron.ZeneReereatiori• ; league; Other teams . in the .league include Exeter,• Clintoi'r. : Wingham; cairdin, e, Teeswater., Listowel, Mount Forest and Port Elgin, The team is divided into • divisions and each division'' has several events. There are. •' four divisions each for girls and boys grouped for ages, nide and" 'ten years; eleven , and twelve, thirteen and fourteen and an open class for anyone 'Over : fourteen. Each division -has its own events including the brea§tstroke, :butterfly, baCrkstrake,. __freestyle and yind•ividual medley, and a freestyle relay -••and-m4'xed1ey relay: nowle PAUL --INE HALL GDCI and_plaris to work for a year :before continuing • her education., ° The only `Goderich native; She likes reading apron the Pauline `Hall, is the `second museuni's founder "rookie" on the team. Pauline, 17, the daughter of. asil and Joan Hall; w-isited tile. museum regularly in past years, and as. far 'b.ack as seven year$ ago 'thought of working there. . She reads up a lot: on her work,; and enjoys guiding.the little ones the best. ,Pauline will be attending Grade 12 this fall; at GDCI. • . CATHY MACPHEE Cathy MacPhee of RR- 4, B.enrri.illerf•• is • the other veteran ,:worker there:' The daughter of. Joan and. Grant; 'MacPhee,. she graduated from Grade 12.this year at parent comes on Fridays or to. He too is at Western taking a the time she is, cashier, Wateh,tests too view his or her graduate course in .physical behind the counter taking child's, progress; but he would -education. Originally .out of tickets and"assigning like to see the parents: -put Owen Sound, heis yverking .filling vat, a registration, forms rnore trust :in the :teachers here for the first tine. He has" and counting the receipts: andleave the' supervision to o- •nine years of 'experience thus Kathy, 17, ent6xs.Grade'12 them. far in swimming instruction: • next fall. She enjoys working . The staff itself is composed About his work, he says with , her ".Bubbles • classes of 'ten students including "it's a really good en- because they, can have.: se, Mark Riley, Teresa Doorly,: , vironment. The kids' .are. much fun and because of the Sam .James, :Jody, Brissette, .s, really great." Be sWarn with. _leeway she has withtherri. the Western team at o Brei daThompson Mary Fdarper,,KatY1y•Eggart, , : Robb Wheeler, Brenda -1.1Ui iversity ,and Thompson • is Thompson,:'. Carole • Stewart naturally helps out with the *Another staff member. In her and Cathy Reynolds:. swim team. He • has high second year of honours hopes .for the team s. season history at the University. of Mark Riley" is .., 1 • -this year. -.. , . Toronto, she has spenta large min istrator and programme to his,students and gives them part of her life, in Goderich, co ordinator He' makes sure credit -for their''` ae= She too likes teaching the every registration is in order, coniplishrnents: He- ' keeps bubblers. She is. encouraged • all pool maintenance is taken order in his .• classes, by their enthusiasm : and .c'are of and he- is generally- disciplining them ,'`:'with showsthe•sameinreturn. '"`.' . ' responsible -for everything humour. L ou a g . 'Because of a limited• budget• that goes on at theipool: KATHY EGGARI :. level and show that you're cm a recent.swimathwas. held Originally from Goderich', Kathy -Eggert is; another interested:' If you do then they ',to raise money for suits and he is in his third Year—et the : ' mit-.of towner. She lives in get ilyterestedtoo,":she says swim team busses:.'kThe University of Western Guelph . but . spends the JODY BRISSETTE swimathondistance was 100 1.Ontar19-• in history and; . summerat her cottage here:•-••. Jody Brissette is in her first lengths of the pool, arid some .psychology. For the past two She • finishes. • Grade 13 in year of ' swi.mming in-• swimmers received as much summers he• was employed• ruelph•inJanuar :. struction. She swam for '•12 as: $10 from ,a single sponsor •by. the Goderich Psychiatric ; To comrnunica e; -'with her years before finally getting y for compteting.;the laps:' The Hospitahand gained valuable students she,says she tries' to into. teaching". Seventeen money will.. also help experience in; working with - 'come : down . to . their level: years of age she is taking her ' • Goderich sponsor a -meet here people, Kathy has experience withG a ext ear. August -7. He. reaIty likes watching the ' youngsters in Goderich. Jodyllikes working with the , Mark Riley' ` • . kids develop and tries to"build-. serving as a lifeguard att"the intermediate ntermediate classes ' Some • t thean understanding: with each beach-lastsummer.. "You can work with them m phren s, so y claim,: feel. it's their dutyto one, something he claims is Although'. she may not be because -they are more able to absolutely able__ to return:: her. desire do. things. .They want to earn. keep a close watch over their.. y a 'children taking"You have to'keep your tact would be to come. here next more," she claims. swimming. ... MARY HAitPER • : .. • .147- essonto market: sure they and really be one.orthe kids„". :.rather than' to her home 'ill Theresa''Doorly. ' •Guelph.. • - . - Mary. Harper. •. got into. re-ceive equal. treatment._ :�� . swimming thro-ugh •_'her IVlark"Teresa Doody the second , , .- ,ROR.WHEELER Riley• y says there:re mothiir, .. , w.ho was an its" who .al'so ve in comriiand at the poolrand is' Rob Wheeler is at thepool ' lla noexaminer ,at the ool, anti her . for his second year. Th -rough P his experience he has, found�it =brother 'who was., ,also a easiest working ...'with. the. -lifeguard. Mary :has. ..no' senior: biasses and is Into favorite- class claiming: she diving .as well, -putting on reallylikesteaching,'period.•.` demonstrations for his ' CAROLE.STEWART. • classes. ' ' Carole Stewart is. the: last of , Having' gratl-uated. •high the,' staff:.'. '1•ri• ''fourth-year 'school here this . year he in, n-iusic .at ;Western she would tepds to. go out west to:Selkirk eventually.., like .to teach B.C. College where he will•be : elementary school music, • - ta'king com'mercial.-aviation. This is .her:,. first year of He.. already has his • pilot's teaching end she'reallygets a . license and hopes to go .into • kick out of :.it.• She' likes flyin the'big.jets.'. ":teaching • `pre-beg:inner�. '• ATHY'`REYNOLDS ' classes. They improve; a'•lot respect .for the instructors -at in charge of the lifeguards: A the pool.andntt faith in their •Goderich native, she is en ability:tp.teaich. •, p.' tering her -second year at ' Mark is confident that the.Western in an Honours teaching staff there is :the ' English and -French course. best Judith Gooderham has She has no'definite plans as .had: All. but one instructor is ye-t,r but wants a . job that. fully' quaiified by the .Red Would aliowhertotravel': •Cross..for.their job He adds ' . Teaching is the best' part of :that the parents, whcr come her . job she.claims adding day after day to. keep. watch that. site gets -a lot' done . in overs their: children are put- classes keeping order among. , ting an unnecessary strain ori,; '.the class and enforcing. both teacher and pupil,` The dis•cipline to save, valuable: child; he claims:ispushed too hard by...his' or. her parent's, Presence,. and': the:instructor i .el' obligated to watch .the tendiri -.`to - crlil8 too 'closely tending", neglect "somewhat/the :rest- of the class.. ' :He doesn't mind when the', 'Neill, and is trying to learn a8 much : as possible 'of the - b 'Id' 'tents to aid' her ui ing s. con in her••guiding,ability. • :The level ofenthusiasrn the girls have -for their work can be seen when they say they woultl all' work at the niusei.im . again if' the opportunity ever arose. Cathy quit 'a job as a ;,cashier to work there this sure mer. • •Their daily work includes general maintenance of the building, vac.uu•ming and cleaning the showcases, washing• -windows, and just keeping the :place respec- table. Other work there besides guiding • is taking tickets, doing office work and - painting. They also walk the floors,•rnaking sure people do not ' Manhandle' the ' exhibits time. She teaches for • the. exams • mainly, . and, does everything 'possible. to. see that the. students get through with a passing grade , :certified' So she teachers the lifeguard both in Toronto •. Kathyeynolyds is the only:: and they really" en'joy the instructor. not • Red • •Cross , 'water.. ' She :worked : as .a SAM JAMES Bubblers (the. tots). and. in'Pine 'Lake Camp and So her • Sam James. -at '25 is the 'Paddlewh.eelers (the third'. exPerience with children is ptdest member on the staff: ' step^past Bubblers). •1'4ost of quite extensive. • Guides kept hopping 'Major renovation at the • Goderich; she 'too is taking Huron•Historic Gaol are now Early Childhood Education. • completed, The-- ,prof-ect -Mary works.one day out of. brought. eight' 'students to two, and alters her schedule - work there last year and this with Joanne doing whatever _year there remain but three,: ,:.is- needed in the Governor's Earl "Salter', Joanne' Brititell • house.. •" and Mary Moore. ` • ' ' " : Neith'er Joanne ..nor Mary The three have taken on th' ever see much .of the Gaol task this year•of maintaining since guided tours are rare and keeping. .customers the. Gaol and :entertaining after' school ends, and they honest. visitors, and the number of only venture through. when • Tourist traffic 'has. cbeen ' visitors:grows weekly, they take tickets at the Booth. good, this .year:The museum . ' Earl Salter is the only one They claim tourist traffic "' averages -•"" 150 visitors on last yt who helped•at the jail: has been good.this year: The weekdays Arrctal ttxrally the last year ,.This year the'18 guest book has 'entries- from o , count:, is much higher on yeah ^old son of Fred and many places in the 'United weekends. The .daily visitors' r: Glenda• Salter of Goderich is •araerorpu.pf la (iiyr se " in charge'' of general main- Staten, France; Germany and Sweden. Americans make:up ses:as as theCanadian west the-teriance He=mows: th awn clone tolratf-theicta nu er American: . west-, the cleansout the cells and jail of guests, .quite; a feat con- Netherlands Germany, the area;.:fills 'iri as. ticket .'• sid'ermg the bicentennial and Q b takes a break, and generally, travel to the US.. -Last year .he<:.�was hired claim are' -the most popular 6 ��� • - ' are the animal. display poom When • the' students realized and the mammoth locomotive • that the number of people in the centre Of the building.. • they‘had was not adequate for " Most of the visitors ask' the the tasks.of renovation. Earl same thing,'""'iestloping the is entering Grade 13 .at•G:DCI girls on thetrain; the builtlrng this fall and hopes eventually Arid •Mit.N Neill, founder of to pursue a career in law: the museum..Ajotof visitors . .,JOANNEBRI.TN•ELL , have expressed surprise, at the vastness of, the museum �JQanne Brrtnelj works in itself, underestimating • its the Govern-or's house':- She -size' because. of the.. street :_gleets visitors, : answer' any frontage, -Tile girls say that if-- questions they. may have_and _ is quite a treat to guide older help`s keep -_the two-storey -people. They are the ones who • attach rri • to ; the. • Gaol know first-hand •about'mariy looking ship-shape with of the exhibits and caifteach a sweeping, vacuuming and • the girls something new.. . dusting.. 1iiother:'p`r ject--the girls- Joanne at 19 is -the -=elder -o �',... worked on this year was the the group. Next .fall she' will museum bus, The bus. travels enter Fanshaw College' in an tolairs andshows around the Early Childhood Education county and :contains a 'small . • course with hopes of working preview of What is to be found in a day care denier or nur== in the lluron .County„Pioneer ser.y. school. She likes: , the • Museum, a museum `so very. hustle and bustle of the city many peoplee,.acclatm as one and enjoys times when a lot of • of the best:. people come through ,,t4 'Throughout this slimmer, Gaol. Cathy,. Linda; Gina and • • NARY MOORE Pauline will ,be Bard at work, doing their best: 'to please the Mary. Moore is the.third of; Netherlands, salesman when' 'someone', British .Isles and ;northern,. • . the people encouraged to ue ec. Exhibits Which the' °girls. -does anything•needing doing'. Joanne says she cannot f visitors" pick out Americans with no - apparent accent. Mary claims•she can.'.. ` - "Th'ey s'eerh `more curious arid inquisitive and they want to know:,ore ....about • the Gaol :she - says She `'adds.- that : —"they are-,. _far more appreciative of.things than. Canadians:" • • • The same questions usually' arise fro.m .' each. visitor. People want to ,kno.w about, the hangings, use of the Gaol, and. about the victrola or gramophone ..on the bottom floor of the Governor's house. . A'fair number of guests had Tfrien.ds pr -vela-tives in the —Gaol _-anid ..tt•y to_ find. their • cells. Two men •once .:came 'th.ro•ugh y paid their, entry:, went' to' "their' -cell,'i'ooked it overhand-'walked.out. The girls also have to act as re" t d a ng sur security .guar s m ' none', of the ornaments - or furniture • are droppdd or • damaged.. Replete with an tiques though the place looks, more will be added during the-. sum present time, '- a •great deal .of the contents ` are on' loan from the .Huron• •. County Pioneer Museum and. the Gaol would like: to own its ..own furnishings. Donations• are. always being received ,and ,solicited. 'A good home 'can, be found at. the Gaol. for :any antiques or .artifeet-S--not *anted or -taking up. too much - ° space. for. the duration' :of ..the surYimer, Joanne, Earl '`and; ' -Mary- are • at o-rk-'ard. are- , workLng• towards, a better:, '. Gaol. Drop by, give -them a senile. ilii support your local absolete detainment centre. •° visitors at what is probably .tire students there. At 18 - '”the most o ulat attraction iyl ears, she is enterm Grade guidesCounty Pioneer MVli*seutnothls year are from left to right Gina.. p p y The at -the Duron C ythe county, -the tiurop CRAW— 4• 3 next year. The daughter' of Datema, Linda Cartrpbell, Pauline Hall artd athy Nihc>�Wee. (Staff photo). of ioneer Musenin. (• 'ratio artd yenta . Moore . of • • '.4 Working at the aH ... ... _..._ Gaol this'smatter s►. FanInCi,ttr-rig tiron Salter, and ,loatttre Rritrtell all of.Goderich. (Staff photo) • Marry fllloore,Zarl •