HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-07-15, Page 1ra
:Gadrichtown concil
',intends) te- mu
eet with Keith
Homan' to "settle cliffereraees,_....
concerning public access to
the MaitlandRiver,
C'ouncij is hopeful; to meet
with ;Mr. Homan, who claims.
ownership of fndian Island at
th mouth of the 'Maitland -
Rtver, and reach an'
-agreement on the property
rights* iii .'the- area; • ':,They •
learned that • •Horim:an is
--- - ari-xious to meet
• tOdiscuss the problem: -
Town �awyer, Mr. Dan
Murphy; aid- in -a Letter that -
he was present'at:'a hearing.
before . G.C. "Saunders•, ..
referee. of titles. for the
Supreme Courtof Ontario, to
r defend the towns interests.
Mr: Homan was seeking:title •
"to the land and the referee
indicated. that he had good
paper title to Part of the land
but would crake ' no deter
mination on another part of
the land and: the causev�ray.'
Mr Murphy'suggested that
Homan 'sit down's and
'negotiate a settlement with
council or the town. would.
Consider.legal " action to
'establish the existence of any
pixbiae rights that may; exist in''
the area,. •
Homan said he `'; ;was
prepared to negotiate :with_
-the towel buthe was:',not
prepared to• negotiate in'the
with -council pu.biic•-press-The -letter' in
cheated .that • he shad no 'ob-
jection to, some sort of right;
of -way' to -the Maitland River
provided -it was fenced, He is
also interested in -discussing
ffie :availability of hydro to.
the island in conjunction with
his ,plans for : a• ;$200,000
:•Homan: said .the existing
fence is not to stop fishermen.
but to try and prevent theft
and wilful damage which he
says has been prevalent on
the island in the past.
129 YEAS
.1. .store
Study request
wn to
The Provincial Govern-
ment . is ' now taking steps"to
turn over the $2 billion dollar
waterand sewage treatment
facility: operations to. in-
dividual municipalities. •
Council received and filed a
letter . from• •; Ontario
Treasurer; Darcy. McKeough,
who said the'. Ministry' coil=
- 'siders. 'it appropriate " that •
these functions be,reassigned•
• to 'iecal- governments,., where
-7-requested 'and where the
necessary. capabilities are
available within .. . the
He. added that the Ministry
would develop procedures
`and policies for the transfer..
and that ownership arid
financial arrangements of the
transfer would. -be subject to
individual negotiations.
McKeough favored the
move claiming it could
Provide more local autbnomy,
with more :efficient and
economical operation of the.
BY SAVE SYKES: „ for.. the 'recreation director• , a- a a e, toaddadd to•the font
• and secretary-,£ board room, 'ofthe, building or to build
The • Goderich Recreation: a community `room and .an above thedressing. rooms on
Board building , committee' -arena reanag-ers_office..:which_. the west side `fthe building
'Will reconirnend to : council •, would a'llow for an expanded .The seccd proposal isnot
that additional renovations, be. concession 'area on, the f is st. as desirable and '-I would
• undertaken at the GoderiCh floor, The second floor would ' recommend to council that
• arena ''when the .roof is simply.be for expansion of the. ,they 'add to the; front 'Of the
• replaced,' , , ,zditorium.facibties anc' the building." Lamb" said,`'`There�
The corrimittee, chaired by •addition of a bar;.. also is no€ inuclid f ef' i c iii:
John, ]Doherty,, passed- a(•• Recreation director Mike . cost. '-
motion recommending that.Dymond will prepare. the .. Jameseadded that the cost
additional"' office space, a final °motion to, present to of the two storey _addition,
is rxiee '' . e- u
next ` on include 'mal . c'•
..board room, a community council at a; spec' l " t' would .b $84,000 but would
roa.m-_azi•d an -of the likely to be held early rent en=
auditorium' be constructed in week. Mr: Dymond projected struction.
conjunction • with the roof that under, the present grant Reeve Stan Profit was less'
work at a cost of $84-,000. structure. the $84,000 addition, than enthusiastic ' about the
"in another two orthree.- would boost: the total -funds, .proposal,.defining, it was
',years we would have to make •needed -to $157;000. The cost of '..'craay' and would ot, Make
these renovations to the front the total :project -would-...be . thefund' raisingproject any
of the arena to meet the $310,000. and Community easier..
" Centr and-•• Wintario grants "I. am personally porn-
, •demands ' of the public,
Doherty said, "We can raise" would amount to $153,000. ' mitted °not to us'd•tax dollars
• the money over three or four At therequest of recreation • for the arena," •hesaid.."I am
years and the time is. rig•to board .•.building•. • committee; trying to; be realistic and not
build it.now." - Peter „tames of C;C. Parker play the devils advocate. The
At a special:meeting of the"'
•engineering, and finance
committees june :30 it WaS
• learned that the ' operating
costs Of the water treatment
•plant rose to $120,284 in' 1975
.,frOm $80;258 in 1973. The debt
$0;000:- per year and; toWn
engineer; Burns' Ross,
• -.pointed out that 70.'neitent of
the,m2..erating cost iS made up
Of Wages of the six• *fulls tithe
calling for,the administrator
agreement between the
MinistrY of Enyiron•thent and
the -town; that a „represen7•
- meeting -of council to discuss
the r-easons kir the transfer ,
:back to.the ,town and. hoiv
affect the towp's finances
arid that the town .,4d-
rninistrator ...determine the -
unien situation at the water ....
rnunicip_ality accepts the Site • Bisset, , - daughter of
The "tentative plans call for architect Wiff Lamb attelided tras are not neCessary so lets
a twe storey'. addition to the Council to Preserit the get our beedS out ..of •the
front of the •existing arena available alternativeS. - cloudS..-We can2nnt naY"fiir the -
structure. °The .19 by 108 foot • Lamb told cotinciIlors that roof so its ludicrous to think ef
additionyvould contain offices theee Were two alternatives' an additior0
'Workmen began a .second
. :start on the construction of
the' Goderich 'township
shopping centre Jose east of
and the ... dPveloper 'of 'the
project expects wosk en the -
Mayor Deb _Shewlelt ex- .1aaitimi. , . Councillor' Dave • Gayer •
sighted to investigate _these ' have generallY gon. into their haVe• been laid frarh: the
recreatiOn and expapd arena 'he said: "We:collected money' , "The recreation direetor
facilities,- - -e•n the basis that a n-ew roof should be.in the:arena andihe
• Counciffor• Elsa Haydon was togo on and peeple gave. . future ' eeeds -of" .the corn-
tolci Reeve,yi:Olit that he. was, .money for- the roof. 'Th -they triunity should .be looked ati,
Rio negatiVe and, i n • -now realtze it was also , fori this -and -I am in favor of threx.,....:„.7
What the peoples"' reaction:, plan theF may be perturbed." pansion," he said. -"It iS our ' :• •
would be to the ad'dition. - 'Hayden ' countered That it oaly arena and if we don't •
provements to the akena future of the. town and -,the head's. th arena has :More
"I think • that • other :: jar- •wes necessary to build for the proceed wi(.:Nyh, burying mit.",
should be completed along proposal•was- a Sensible ide`a:::: noteptial • and altheUgh it
with the roof,"•Haycion said:: ': -She added that it Was not seems like a lot of money ills
Cduncillor Ji-n-F:'-'14e-ters realistic .to try and save that riot an impoesible • hurdle- te ••
favored the proposed additien !small. amount noW ;and then ],reaph.y. ,:. •. .,-. ' . :
claiming . that:,;,'exiianded have. to sPend more in the Peter's warned council that '
fatilities at the arena Cauld futare for expansiOn. •••••-•,-:-.•th eY would. have to' make the
increase the- eash: flow and
nerhaps lesseri the tax burden
on the citizen.
now -it Conld increa0 oar cash . I.
"If we put u 'the facilitie•s •
dollars: There is no douht we
shoOd exnand pow," he said.
Fund raising :ce•chairrnan,:.
a' coneern for the people who -
.: Jerry SO° ck m an , lus firm has sane tenants, in ;He °said' the:plans are riOW Ian's far a 30:try:'80 feet, tWo •,the:.,gOver-nrrient ,
.L_.....ie,CQMmentla0oil to Counbq to criteria. -;
aecent a general agreement The land in question •
with Jim SoVie.for controlled presently leased to the;_town
commercial development at or, Goderidh by -the Federal • •.,
*the Goderich Harbor soeth Gorerninent 'and Harbor •
•• Mr.' Sovie .:apProaChed Peters explained that special..
• cotincil Monday night with permission weuld be needed
just paper, adding that he was.
, ShOpping derittes Lta., of •, 'Tpfnsed to iridiCate whO. they ...concentrating now on :service store,/ :building near' hiS sublet the land.for nse.b.ther ,
'present fish 'Shack,' to he used ' than parks and recreation:". • ... :
- l'orcinle,.' said _the develop-..4,,V(pre. He said the .:future.• was stere% . - rather ' - than ' . lar ge fair,• -the sai.,:nf frealrffsirand----.-.-Peters. added • that --his
aepartment 'type ,stkLes: lie
but a large :Toed supermarket ' usually divulgenlans.. fish and chips:Se:vie said the • coMmittee would.havetalook
added- that nothirit is 'con° 'tWo storey building would be . -at - an 6erall : plan for -the •
• and bardering service stores.. ' Blueprints foe the 'preject ::
. ' cc; t,r•ucted Of Cement blooks ' south , pier area keeping in
--Ile said that . was- all hi -
company_ . planned -to, build to*nship -Office. .shm;si, ' the ..,.:
knew very little bf the histbry. 1 i • if., :
The Goderich, -FestIyal Of.
features Oyer 70 artists and
1' craftsmen from Ontario.
The festival,: Sponsored' bY
this year and will run thrbugh
Sunday. The activities •and
• -di:Splays include arts, crafts,
:photography.; a flOwer show,
, a tea garden sponsored by the.
• .11 Legion Lalati es 'and 4
interpreters working at the
Olympic Games 'which start -'
in Montreal this _weekead.
Sue ha's been—assigned lto
the Nigerja.n -delegation and
along with the other hesteSseS.'
will ferny a .circle around the
inside of the stadinin during
• the opening ceremonies. .. .
Part of herresponsibility is
to preside at‘the flag raisirig
cerertionY of Nigeri'a, to, lead
'Friday evening visitors •• •
.eatertairied by - the the countries dignitaries onto
a' Highland °Dancing flag as the Nigenan' ational
. - Festival :convenor. Martha.. - -I3A degree in French and
abbut- the". shew and 'said it of Toronto. She was the
was extended over Sunday atm, recipient' of the University roo
the:request of the exhibitorS, gold medal far . modern .
She :•*Said - that,..artists and languages and was also"
Ottawa, Kingston aad =Win- She° has just complPted her
now adopting a wait'and• see development of About 120-,000—y- h the
policy before Making anY square feet of Shopping area . ° c°n. lc his fish operation due to a were conducive te t e area. -
- additions tO the site'. - to be construeted in three com° lack- of Space and for health " ChairmAir -Peters 'also
_Mr. :Spraelcman said the phaSeS, „The first Phase- is„ if:)nr.fYI
iroject iriVolved a *22,00°0 'Under ccinstruction; the . Ltd:, f c d ' h .. 4 the project would. have to Police Department ,has
square foot superibarket . tO ,•, second ca for ae additional Rockledge 'had faced . con- folio t o Stages: appreval jurtsdiction. on the pier and
be operated by Zehr's Food , II 600.feet seiyide and the _shieratae_oppoilicon_..44_41e. fromIZ..osee.,.,4.iiii _ p•int.iin:a ., wily enfarce the ..iin parking
'square feet of derVice store'. :Of department fYpe store arid . - - - ' - - • cemmittees to make sure that bylavv. .. . - • .
. and an additional 10,000 third about 75;690 square feet centre.
He added that -when the; . , additional number :(cOtitlued 9n f5ae:1-8)
mark -et in •Goderich..can service stores. -*The- „ethitire•,
Work with prospeCtive about 14 additional strip
tenants to add to the project. storeS.
"We'Ve built 13 Centres and Mr. .Spracktnan :said he --
We Work . tiigether with . intends-te wait and see how"...
like Goderich ''.Without He said_he felt the neOple of
knoWirig What cab be! Goderich will like Zehrs,.
hot • kniit4 when "additional- said -he would like to finish the
work will be done on the .20 project in the nextfew years:1
acre site jtiSt east of the- but was not, corn niitting
e ins to,do
The &oder h Recreation
Board building committee
awarded the arena roof
demelition contract to -Ben.
Graham of Goderich for
$11,500 t a special meeting
Tuesda night.
Ihe contract 'is still subject
.to conditions Of adequate ,
damage to arena or its
contents bet Mr. Graham is
expected' to begin „work inside
the - arena today, The. con-
ditions of the Contract call for
rembval of debris from the
-.site in, approximately three
Week's from today.
portihe fund ,rettsit* 'drive
-The" heifer Ind "Sprinkler
systein he --(salvaged for
future use Mit all other
Materials become the
Mr. •Graham ariticinated no
rerrioVal 'and, • Was confident
Council will rneet later next
rweek to decide on the
Pri)Postil of an $84,00 -
...ditiontOlhe °front of the arena
And onee. that 'decision has '
:been made tenders will be let
• for the constsuCtion:
Construction workers' hktre 4eerl.`blisy for the past weekilayIng Mocks on the'ilte of the',
centre' en Goderleh. Work on th.tite
bi*nti C'e rly, the.Surnmer arid developers 'of the site expect the Zehes 'rood suPetliArket;
rind 190)90 s9uore rept Of servite stores to be..cettiPleteby-NOvelrilbiC,(s.taritiihetoi