HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-07-15, Page 1ra ett • :Gadrichtown concil ',intends) te- mu eet with Keith Homan' to "settle cliffereraees,_.... concerning public access to the MaitlandRiver, C'ouncij is hopeful; to meet with ;Mr. Homan, who claims. ownership of fndian Island at th mouth of the 'Maitland - Rtver, and reach an' -agreement on the property rights* iii .'the- area; • ':,They • learned that • •Horim:an is --- - ari-xious to meet • tOdiscuss the problem: - Town �awyer, Mr. Dan Murphy; aid- in -a Letter that - he was present'at:'a hearing. before . G.C. "Saunders•, .. referee. of titles. for the Supreme Courtof Ontario, to r defend the towns interests. Mr: Homan was seeking:title • "to the land and the referee indicated. that he had good paper title to Part of the land but would crake ' no deter mination on another part of the land and: the causev�ray.' Mr Murphy'suggested that Homan 'sit down's and 'negotiate a settlement with council or the town. would. Consider.legal " action to 'establish the existence of any pixbiae rights that may; exist in'' the area,. • Homan said he `'; ;was prepared to negotiate :with_ -th ith- -the towel buthe was:',not prepared to• negotiate in'the with -council pu.biic•-press-The -letter' in cheated .that • he shad no 'ob- jection to, some sort of right; of -way' to -the Maitland River provided -it was fenced, He is also interested in -discussing ffie :availability of hydro to. the island in conjunction with his ,plans for : a• ;$200,000 marina :•Homan: said .the existing fence is not to stop fishermen. but to try and prevent theft and wilful damage which he says has been prevalent on the island in the past. • • r-. 1 129 YEAS .1. .store 4,000. Study request wn to n _,. The Provincial Govern- ment . is ' now taking steps"to turn over the $2 billion dollar waterand sewage treatment facility: operations to. in- dividual municipalities. • Council received and filed a letter . from• •; Ontario Treasurer; Darcy. McKeough, who said the'. Ministry' coil= - 'siders. 'it appropriate " that • these functions be,reassigned• • to 'iecal- governments,., where -7-requested 'and where the necessary. capabilities are available within .. . the •municipality. • He. added that the Ministry would develop procedures `and policies for the transfer.. and that ownership arid financial arrangements of the transfer would. -be subject to individual negotiations. McKeough favored the move claiming it could Provide more local autbnomy, with more :efficient and economical operation of the. plants. consi eov er BY SAVE SYKES: „ for.. the 'recreation director• , a- a a e, toaddadd to•the font • and secretary-,£ board room, 'ofthe, building or to build The • Goderich Recreation: a community `room and .an above thedressing. rooms on Board building , committee' -arena reanag-ers_office..:which_. the west side `fthe building 'Will reconirnend to : council •, would a'llow for an expanded .The seccd proposal isnot that additional renovations, be. concession 'area on, the f is st. as desirable and '-I would • undertaken at the GoderiCh floor, The second floor would ' recommend to council that • arena ''when the .roof is simply.be for expansion of the. ,they 'add to the; front 'Of the • replaced,' , , ,zditorium.facibties anc' the building." Lamb" said,`'`There� The corrimittee, chaired by •addition of a bar;.. also is no€ inuclid f ef' i c iii: John, ]Doherty,, passed- a(•• Recreation director Mike . cost. '- • motion recommending that.Dymond will prepare. the .. Jameseadded that the cost additional"' office space, a final °motion to, present to of the two storey _addition, is rxiee '' . e- u next ` on include 'mal . c'• • • ..board room, a community council at a; spec' l " t' would .b $84,000 but would roa.m-_azi•d an -of the likely to be held early rent en= auditorium' be constructed in week. Mr: Dymond projected struction. conjunction • with the roof that under, the present grant Reeve Stan Profit was less' work at a cost of $84-,000. structure. the $84,000 addition, than enthusiastic ' about the "in another two orthree.- would boost: the total -funds, .proposal,.defining, it was ',years we would have to make •needed -to $157;000. The cost of '..'craay' and would ot, Make these renovations to the front the total :project -would-...be . thefund' raisingproject any of the arena to meet the $310,000. and Community easier.. " Centr and-•• Wintario grants "I. am personally porn- ' , •demands ' of the public, Doherty said, "We can raise" would amount to $153,000. ' mitted °not to us'd•tax dollars • the money over three or four At therequest of recreation • for the arena," •hesaid.."I am years and the time is. rig•to board .•.building•. • committee; trying to; be realistic and not build it.now." - Peter „tames of C;C. Parker play the devils advocate. The At a special:meeting of the"' •engineering, and finance committees june :30 it WaS • learned that the ' operating costs Of the water treatment •plant rose to $120,284 in' 1975 .,frOm $80;258 in 1973. The debt $0;000:- per year and; toWn engineer; Burns' Ross, • -.pointed out that 70.'neitent of the,m2..erating cost iS made up Of Wages of the six• *fulls tithe calling for,the administrator agreement between the MinistrY of Enyiron•thent and the -town; that a „represen7• - meeting -of council to discuss the r-easons kir the transfer , :back to.the ,town and. hoiv affect the towp's finances arid that the town .,4d- rninistrator ...determine the - unien situation at the water .... rnunicip_ality accepts the Site • Bisset, , - daughter of The "tentative plans call for architect Wiff Lamb attelided tras are not neCessary so lets a twe storey'. addition to the Council to Preserit the get our beedS out ..of •the front of the •existing arena available alternativeS. - cloudS..-We can2nnt naY"fiir the - structure. °The .19 by 108 foot • Lamb told cotinciIlors that roof so its ludicrous to think ef additionyvould contain offices theee Were two alternatives' an additior0 'Workmen began a .second . :start on the construction of the' Goderich 'township shopping centre Jose east of and the ... dPveloper 'of 'the project expects wosk en the - • Mayor Deb _Shewlelt ex- .1aaitimi. , . Councillor' Dave • Gayer • sighted to investigate _these ' have generallY gon. into their haVe• been laid frarh: the recreatiOn and expapd arena 'he said: "We:collected money' , "The recreation direetor facilities,- - -e•n the basis that a n-ew roof should be.in the:arena andihe • Counciffor• Elsa Haydon was togo on and peeple gave. . future ' eeeds -of" .the corn- tolci Reeve,yi:Olit that he. was, .money for- the roof. 'Th -they triunity should .be looked ati, Rio negatiVe and, i n • -now realtze it was also , fori this -and -I am in favor of threx.,....:„.7 What the peoples"' reaction:, plan theF may be perturbed." pansion," he said. -"It iS our ' :• • would be to the ad'dition. - 'Hayden ' countered That it oaly arena and if we don't • provements to the akena future of the. town and -,the head's. th arena has :More "I think • that • other :: jar- •wes necessary to build for the proceed wi(.:Nyh, burying mit.", should be completed along proposal•was- a Sensible ide`a:::: noteptial • and altheUgh it with the roof,"•Haycion said:: ': -She added that it Was not seems like a lot of money ills Cduncillor Ji-n-F:'-'14e-ters realistic .to try and save that riot an impoesible • hurdle- te •• favored the proposed additien !small. amount noW ;and then ],reaph.y. ,:. •. .,-. ' . : claiming . that:,;,'exiianded have. to sPend more in the Peter's warned council that ' fatilities at the arena Cauld futare for expansiOn. •••••-•,-:-.•th eY would. have to' make the increase the- eash: flow and nerhaps lesseri the tax burden on the citizen. now -it Conld increa0 oar cash . I. "If we put u 'the facilitie•s • dollars: There is no douht we shoOd exnand pow," he said. Fund raising :ce•chairrnan,:. a' coneern for the people who - • .: Jerry SO° ck m an , lus firm has sane tenants, in ;He °said' the:plans are riOW Ian's far a 30:try:'80 feet, tWo •,the:.,gOver-nrrient , .L_.....ie,CQMmentla0oil to Counbq to criteria. -; aecent a general agreement The land in question • with Jim SoVie.for controlled presently leased to the;_town commercial development at or, Goderidh by -the Federal • •., *the Goderich Harbor soeth Gorerninent 'and Harbor • •• Mr.' Sovie .:apProaChed Peters explained that special.. • • cotincil Monday night with permission weuld be needed just paper, adding that he was. , ShOpping derittes Lta., of •, 'Tpfnsed to iridiCate whO. they ...concentrating now on :service store,/ :building near' hiS sublet the land.for nse.b.ther , 'present fish 'Shack,' to he used ' than parks and recreation:". • ... : - l'orcinle,.' said _the develop-..4,,V(pre. He said the .:future.• was stere% . - rather ' - than ' . lar ge fair,• -the sai.,:nf frealrffsirand----.-.-Peters. added • that --his aepartment 'type ,stkLes: lie but a large :Toed supermarket ' usually divulgenlans.. fish and chips:Se:vie said the • coMmittee would.havetalook added- that nothirit is 'con° 'tWo storey building would be . -at - an 6erall : plan for -the • • and bardering service stores.. ' Blueprints foe the 'preject :: . ' cc; t,r•ucted Of Cement blooks ' south , pier area keeping in --Ile said that . was- all hi - company_ . planned -to, build to*nship -Office. .shm;si, ' the ..,.: knew very little bf the histbry. 1 i • if., : isset. ames The Goderich, -FestIyal Of. features Oyer 70 artists and 1' craftsmen from Ontario. The festival,: Sponsored' bY this year and will run thrbugh Sunday. The activities •and • -di:Splays include arts, crafts, :photography.; a flOwer show, , a tea garden sponsored by the. • .11 Legion Lalati es 'and 4 interpreters working at the Olympic Games 'which start -' in Montreal this _weekead. Sue ha's been—assigned lto the Nigerja.n -delegation and along with the other hesteSseS.' will ferny a .circle around the inside of the stadinin during • the opening ceremonies. .. . Part of herresponsibility is to preside at‘the flag raisirig cerertionY of Nigeri'a, to, lead 'Friday evening visitors •• • .eatertairied by - the the countries dignitaries onto a' Highland °Dancing flag as the Nigenan' ational . - Festival :convenor. Martha.. - -I3A degree in French and abbut- the". shew and 'said it of Toronto. She was the was extended over Sunday atm, recipient' of the University roo the:request of the exhibitorS, gold medal far . modern . She :•*Said - that,..artists and languages and was also" Ottawa, Kingston aad =Win- She° has just complPted her now adopting a wait'and• see development of About 120-,000—y- h the policy before Making anY square feet of Shopping area . ° c°n. lc his fish operation due to a were conducive te t e area. - - additions tO the site'. - to be construeted in three com° lack- of Space and for health " ChairmAir -Peters 'also _Mr. :Spraelcman said the phaSeS, „The first Phase- is„ if:)nr.fYI iroject iriVolved a *22,00°0 'Under ccinstruction; the . Ltd:, f c d ' h .. 4 the project would. have to Police Department ,has square foot superibarket . tO ,•, second ca for ae additional Rockledge 'had faced . con- folio t o Stages: appreval jurtsdiction. on the pier and be operated by Zehr's Food , II 600.feet seiyide and the _shieratae_oppoilicon_..44_41e. fromIZ..osee.,.,4.iiii _ p•int.iin:a ., wily enfarce the ..iin parking 'square feet of derVice store'. :Of department fYpe store arid . - - - ' - - • cemmittees to make sure that bylavv. .. . - • . . and an additional 10,000 third about 75;690 square feet centre. He added that -when the; . , additional number :(cOtitlued 9n f5ae:1-8) mark -et in •Goderich..can service stores. -*The- „ethitire•, Work with prospeCtive about 14 additional strip tenants to add to the project. storeS. "We'Ve built 13 Centres and Mr. .Spracktnan :said he -- We Work . tiigether with . intends-te wait and see how"... like Goderich ''.Without He said_he felt the neOple of knoWirig What cab be! Goderich will like Zehrs,. hot • kniit4 when "additional- said -he would like to finish the work will be done on the .20 project in the nextfew years:1 acre site jtiSt east of the- but was not, corn niitting • • 4.41,44 e ins to,do The &oder h Recreation Board building committee awarded the arena roof demelition contract to -Ben. Graham of Goderich for $11,500 t a special meeting Tuesda night. Ihe contract 'is still subject .to conditions Of adequate , damage to arena or its contents bet Mr. Graham is expected' to begin „work inside the - arena today, The. con- ditions of the Contract call for rembval of debris from the -.site in, approximately three Week's from today. Su portihe fund ,rettsit* 'drive -The" heifer Ind "Sprinkler systein he --(salvaged for future use Mit all other Materials become the Mr. •Graham ariticinated no rerrioVal 'and, • Was confident Council will rneet later next rweek to decide on the Pri)Postil of an $84,00 - ...ditiontOlhe °front of the arena And onee. that 'decision has ' :been made tenders will be let • for the constsuCtion: • Construction workers' hktre 4eerl.`blisy for the past weekilayIng Mocks on the'ilte of the', centre' en Goderleh. Work on th.tite bi*nti C'e rly, the.Surnmer arid developers 'of the site expect the Zehes 'rood suPetliArket; rind 190)90 s9uore rept Of servite stores to be..cettiPleteby-NOvelrilbiC,(s.taritiihetoi