HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-07-08, Page 214.
About 55.• m.embejs of the Pa.ha'i Faith gathered at Camp
Menesetung this-week,for a-w:eek.long-summerschool. The
people,`froin ail over Ontario, gathered•to'study the Baha'i
administrative system and Will he devoting a considerable..
rs;-_fit. kaittiiq;
NAL•»STAR. f RSla�S Ya 11X4"r" « 1197r—?J :GE
a. .•'.
: Retiring President,- Harold
•K•nlsley, :presided', for a
meeting of the. exeetrt•ive of
the Goderich branch of the,.
Canadian Cancer society held
June .15 theACanadoc
cleared—harbor for'Bale
.•CornOe with corgi. -June 18. the
Agawa. Canyon, Bleared
harbor' fore Milwaukee with'
alt: June; '20: the, W.es:tdale .
• cleared harbor for Thunde
�i$ay witft sant. June'
ugboa.t: Lae Mail�toba:
cleated • harbor ••.towing 'a
1 Jkiiltg l ntadoc..
cleared'' harbt fo.•r= Baie-
Co e with corn June 22 .the;
Agaw Canyon., cleared:
w4ilbbor for stone' Mpich:,
f .,i*uneGlad23.;the Mndor�"
.cleared '. harbor dight, "f>r
Thunder Bay. -June 26 the
Coast.Guard 'Cutter. Rapid
returned from patrol. June 27
the AgaVa: •Canyon cleared •
harbor• for. Holland,' Mich.•;
. _ with salt. Junei9 the Mondoc
cleared harbor for Toledo•
light. June 30 the Algosoo
cleared- ha-rb.or ;for Buffalo
with 'salt. July 2 the Coast
Guard Cutter' Rapid returned
{ •. from°•patroi. July 2 the New
amount•.of time tochildren's teaching.•A. camp spokesman
said more rne_nbers;of-the Faith were expected daring the
weekend: (staff -photo) •. .
• '• York News cleared harbor fer
2 the '-E.B,. Barber•'eleared•
y ; : harbgr with: salt for.Quebec.•
building. They wish also to
say thank2s,, to suppliers,
:contractors'.:. and business
associates for the substantial
donations received which
made• this evening ,possible
Benrniller United Church' .° welcor•nirrg'6`a11 `present 'and w•h.out added °expense"After,
held a Special ServiceSuriday ' rernrniscing sinee.he betaine : the' speeches': the orchestra
evening, `June 27th. It Was active in municipal affairs:.' stipplied'excellent music for:
called a Musical :Evening, : Up to 1957 the Township . dancing and .entertainment
with. the Senior and .Junior 'Workmen =had . their an : the Tiger Dunlop
Choirs. and • children and,
the 'mac/lin-66P' in the -yard' and • Women-'• s Institute served the
Sunii..aiy School ' ..tpaking •a ; open .'shed: at, Carlow where;'..;lunch' to'a very appreciative
special' part in this .program. machinery' was• repaired. rn ;crowd. and 'everyone enjoyed
Rev.:: Leonard Warr . is the. :.1'957 No. „1 School was 'put: '•a splendid evening.
minister anti Fii5' wife Mrs. chased where Machinery has :.. .Softball Softballs has :•
Warr directed. ' and JIed the . been repaired and stored but .started •. in : Colborne Towp
music. • ° times have . • than ed, `:and :`'ship, It ,is:'very.: ratifying to
-; g me how.'....iii
There. 'was a splendid' at- Township 's. progress arid .the 0 q ckl pepple :in -
P P g
tendance .and Rev. Leonid" school -have :become'too small • terested in' sports are ready to
Warr...welcomed' .all :present _for all th ..machinery'needed. help. in the special projects in k
and ' the •. Musical • Evening • After coniderabie discussion , tlae community.. 'What ,we
started with three piano solos •" and looking ahead for future refer to this time: isthe arena:
by Cdnnie Baer', Briann
Treble. :requirements it was decided Bemillerx::Qid, Timers : `Ball
'and Sharon Sowerby :to build this •new.Colborne Team are playing a game of
followed, by' the Junior Choir ..Township ,_Still .which s. .Slow Pitch ; Softball with:;
singing `'The Disciple called .-called . Colborne • T.ownship 4tIN.X • Try. Hards • 'at" t
Peter',„'`P:iano n1umbers by .: Public-WorlfsGarage. Benmiller Ball Diamond
'Brenda. :-F•eagan, ,. Connie It was: in .1965: that Mr. Friday'evening Jul=y 16th 8.,:.30
Willis, Larry Baer and Jef-.McNeil ,became . espe:cially p.m.. Proceeds from the game"
Colborne -A team played
Colborne B team withB team
winning X1.,9. The junior boys
played Auburn'and-won 31-14
and the senior boys played
Goderich Tw•p, and:won '9 4.:
The . girls . played on
Tuesday evening July 6th and.
'the schedule is ag follows
Stanley Twp. .'vs.Colboi:ne A
team, Colborne B team vs.
Stanley. Twp.;': and senior
girls play an exhibition game
with. the. Goderich Bantam
girls. Ball fans note that;the
games next. week 4,44,1 be -,
--Monday July • 12tfi, Tikes
'Stanley•vs. • Colborne
Goderich :vs: CoW, orne..A;
Juniors.. - God•erich. ' vs.
• Colborne ;"= Seniors :- Auburn •
vs. Colborne: Tuesday July:
13th girls 13 . and • under
,Goderich at ' Colborne') A;'�
' StanleyB.at Colborne B at the.
'Central School diamond
•Ire sc;niors. =' ""Colborne at
" We are. pleased to...report
Mrs. Pearl Watson, who has
trey F'cagan_were-very much, interested : i.ii municipal af- 'will be given to the Goderich
enjoyed ��.es,, was another... :fairs and S1n'oe•then has been. Arena Building Fund:-;Your.
selection by the Junior Choir, actively engaged in Colbornen.tterfdance and•',support will •
Heather .and Darlene 'Jewe•ll Township affairs. Mr. McNeil . be appreciated
'delighted alb with ":a '.pleasing: 'introduced his council,.. clerks. ' Ori Saturday July 10th the
piano duet :.::and road' puperinterrdent. Benmiller.Old Timers will be:
The congregation .joined.
in Former • Reeves whospoke: pii#'ying a game with Lon:
•singin•g a.hymn'�followed by briefly were John1(ernighari; desboro ''team at the Ben -
prayer. -by• Rev, Warr --aid---.G-eor.:ge`Fea.gan:,.Ralph'Jewell miller' Ball ;Diamond. "The'
durin-g:ti o-ffei•ing.a rnirsical :, •and :-Wilmer ,Hardy; Hugh •Colborne;Tbwnshi.p boys and
e -u+ her =-•was- ° enjoyed.with Hill, •. •Stanley : Snyder and ' girls ball teams lia5e•started.
Buelah Long, Adelaide .Terence_ Hunter were `'
. npt The boys' Monday night
Fe'o gan and }2ussell 'Ker present' for the' event. Huron . games Ju, '28th were rained
nnghan playing violins and 'County Warden Mr. Jack out, but the .girls •played on'
Mr. Don Kernighan playing •, McCutcheon spoke briefly Tuesday' night' June, 29th..
the guitar and.was in, the :ribbon cutting There are two teams of girls-.
The -Senior Choir' 's•ang a •'cer.emony. 8-13 years, one team played
is '' medley' of•-h.ytn•ns - '.'Sweet The new shed;cer.'tainly:is.a Goderich Township and lost
4 Will of God":, "Gior Son rear -ini rovement .and :a while the ocher, team.:played
tx: Y Song" ,• . PI StanleyTo.wnsh'
,.; and "`Saved,by Grace" which 'decided`` necessity ,• „anti.. P and won.
was fo•1.lowed by the teenagers Colborne _Townshrp'Should be
The'..Senior •girls played
and junior choir singing. proud of this march ahead, Hallett Twp. 'Tli'esday June
Wa1.k, Hand. in.ln'and",, ``He" and because: ..,of this the 29th and won.
and . "He's .gpt. the whole Council and those `in'charge The boys play on Monday'`
4vorld in•:His Han¢;'... had open house .to, show the-.4evenings: and•have three age
-Mr. and Mrs. Warn sang a - • public -the improvement in groups.mMonday July 5th bays
duet "The King is coining": to having the: 'office and:•.8`11 years Tike Team played
the delight'of•all which was 'everything .coriv nient in this _�oerich and .won 7-4 and
followed by .the Senior Choir •°
singing. , "We shall see His
ovol.y.:face'-'.:and "Hold: Thoti ••,:.
my. Hancr'after which M'rs.
in her usual splendid
°ice: gang that old. familiar
Umber- ?Ninety and 133ne`.
he. congregation joined in •
raging two hymns- and -the.
enior, Choir Tsang '-'Cleanse
gown •and "as • a'•'fittr fg:
l giiax joined::in' singing y.
.aithof-Our Fathers..'
`After.:the'm.usical: pr,ograrn`
en, wo-men and children
a. the..:.`.•:G.haa.irc_h.
asement :ere a social get--
ogethei was 'enjoyed by all ..:
nd as this was he farewell
ervice`for Mr.. and Mrs.
arr the congregation joined
thanking their minister and
is wife -, for.:their" untiring """
•forts on their behalf during .
err " years of service.
esides•thetr°words of thanks ••
nd as a tangible expression, •
I"ussell Kernighaan-'on behalf
of the congregation presented
-them. with 'a. beautiful lamp
did a . pur;yi3' o moil y, .to
;hich they made- .a -'fitting ,
tePiY• Rev. and 'Mrs, Warr
!lave.• taken up the duties in
•• (heir new charge,Under-
Open House - There was a`
yfllen'did 'crowd ,.at. the Open
.iirlse June 23rd ,Of the
lborne- Township Public
Norks•garage,- Doug McNeil,,
' eve,,,chaired thee —init and .
•l"ve the opening. remarks;'
little light
shed on '
your: financial
• Problems?..
•Toronto -Dominion
_ Bank
haps a lot
• of midnight
oil -just
- for you.
• See us today.
ToRGa r "I oMINI�o,N
the bank where. people make the di.fj(erenee,,,
Manager -Mr, Ron Albin.
Suncoast Mali Goderich
ti the beard `morn ,of•••the
Alexandra, Marine and
'General Hospital on xun,e 29.
Chairman of . the
n'om1fi'ating comirifttee,
Cfa',ude Kalbfleisch,
presented 'the slate Of.,officers
and ' corn rtaittee chairrnen for
the coining year
The. list, isas follows..
. been a patient in Goderich'• . •'
and •:Universi.ty pHQspital,
London,._ fox the-. past .three -' --
weeks„,- improved- in •.
hearth.sufficiently- to 'leave
the hos'it
p al and is at present:
• With her . daughter. Mrs. 12,
s',57 Windsor 'Ave., •
'London. .She : reports she is
improving: -.every "d.ay 'and.
would • :appreciate hearing
from' her many friends -hi .this
district,. .
Guests; with Mr. arid
d Mrs.'
Buclanan over the'holiday •
weeker)d,were, Mr: • and Mrs.
Fred Buchanan•and•daughter
president, . Fardyce Clark;
• vice-presi4eal,:.J !W. Banks;
secretary, ' • Mrs.,hilar"rorle
Town; " treasurerk•,, Milton
ayner; committee' chair=
men and vice-chairmen:'
Campaign,. Les. Pitblado,
Harold . Chase; • com-
meXrioratj•on..fgnds, Mrs. Zella
Crawford; education,.Mrs.
Dorothy.Smith, ll; MoKibbon; '
medical -advisory, or. s F.
Mills; Planning;;.developrnent
aril nominating, ' C!'aude
K '.ibfleisch, Mrs. Mary -
Russell; • publicity, Mrs.,
•Marion Shaw;: service , to •
.patients, Mrs. Edna
. Stephens; transportation, W.
Kelly„ from Acton ; Mr. .and
tiVIrs. Marzo. and son Nathan
froth 'Hamilton, Mr.'a,nd MMrs. •
• Ron:,. Buchanan and .family
Lisa, Lesley and Kim from St.
Thomas • and., :N"lr. arid, Mrs. •
Richard .Smitl} : and -family
from Galt. •" •
. We are sorry toreport Mrs.
"StainlWSnyder, a iform•er
resident of Colborne T.wp., is..
a patient in-•:Unive•rsity
'Hospital, London.„ . .. r•
1916 Pinto MPG 2 -door--- runabout _4_cy_linder•engine, 4 speed transmission,
>Yradia,_electric.r�eardefogger, Whitewalls, .wheel ,disc side rhoidings_•Lic..
NO. KMU 694
9,000 -MILES
1975:Pontiac.Lemans-sedan, a beautiful'wder blue int
po y ei•meiiiate. Ye,
automatic, power steering„.Power brakes, radio, rear defogger, -radial
whitewalls; special wheel discs, side moldings. Lic. No. JSC 040
3,0.00 MILES.
19.73__Olcignobile Cutlass Supreme sedan:. Local lady driven automatic' in
unbelievable 'condition. V 8,;automatic;power
steering, power •brakes„:'
power door locks, electric. rear defogger, vinyl roof; tinted „Windshield;
side moldings, Michelin radial tires. Must -be -seen. Light green•with•dark
green top. Lic. No" OHM' 291 - •'
• P.Q-hd1'IAG=BU1C1=CAD11.17A� •"_, -
Hamilton Street; Goderich a , 524-839i;
'Ail at savings of
Balance of 'stock at
price -
Coats: and
• OPEN FRIDAY'NiGHT,''ILL 9 9M.,. rriiiril�ift ..