HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-07-08, Page 17-t 7 in • ear - r . ger The .n w Rotary Club executive in Goderich'was welcotned to :their posts by_ District Governor•TedBrohman at their nseeting• Jast Tuesday The new executive are from left to right:. ' Norman ' .Picket', Director; Jacob', Klerdiorf, '• Treasurer; Hal Walls, President; Mike ,Roger* immediate Past Presiiient. and 'Seer -tary; Ted Br'ohm•an, District Governor; Bob :Allen,: 2' d Vice President Bob Scott, Director,. Jim Peters,-' lst Vice. President and Alf • McLaughlin, • director, (staff photo) Q. iderieh Townsh=ip council 'agreed at their last meeting to transfer a, building permit to • Western 'Auto. Parts of. Oshawa "to a;Uow,. the conzpa.uy .•to proceed. with construction of a shopping rnall'on .High- way 8 justeast-of-Goderich. The:perniit was issued'on"the understanding 'that the firm deposit -a $50,000 performance bond to replace one deposited ,by Rockledge Proper:ties Ltd., original hollers of•the building. ; ,permit- and deyeloperrs: of 'the shopping rraall._ The permit and the ensuing bond • clear the : final ,hurdles - the i rghw:ay 8 rhal'I inert when the °Gott rich btis•inessmen. blocked the ;cons.truction of a " riyal'shopp'ing'plaza Suncoast Mall`'_ and th-e Ontario government`- stoppied con- • struction on :the township mall.. with .a 'tem'porary development -freeze. •:'. The freeze legality ' was questioned. by Rockledge and:: when -it appeared the governments wasn't going to Back up their order the. development of the property a !!1.: 1 .13Y WILIVIA OKE A:family llfe program will, with 'the press representative:. .Would be in .a side room;at the board: -boys and r • • GQDER.I;CH SIG14AMSTAR, T IURSDAY,. 'ULy 5,1976 garage, Peter -Hos, -a -manure• - storage tank,4- Jondriel. Farms, a manure _storage'° _tank and Ron. Finlayson for. an addition: =to:. a : -private' dwelling. . Permit..' .requests... -r'fro•m Eiving Parker for a drive shed and F Baruxna for • a sow'barn were held pending stating the exact location Of ..•. Mr. Parker's building and a • certificate of compliance fora the sow'barn Council ftnaltzed: plans for :the official ; -opening of a township -park on.B•lack'•s •' •Point 'Road -on:Jufy-19: The opening ceremonies are slated to begin at six in the evening andincliide a supper picnic -barbecue -on a brink :- -Your basis. with the `'•` entire community invited and. the ..official. opening• `set .for A Ilchalrlhlt>'� •Excavatitg-,Doshwq"od 236-4230 TRUCKING -„BACKHOE -;:& DOZER-SER)/tCE c QDERICH "P K 11�I�1 =#� As!r�UK rJ Z.R. 6 24 `eight in the evening. •went a.ea The. time less in the red tape -p p roln ted mixed with both Stratford was' engaged''again Goderich; townshipato: extend ... __girls ',attending : 'to o6j tlnue cu'stodia'l serv,.ices the 'two' year building .permit e., started •for. 'Gra'de' 7 • office, for the meeting to together.,' start: The long wait was. due .. When asked the future' of students in :the 19 schools, under` the jurisdiction of the Huron=Perth County . Roman Ca•,tholic;• separate school board'in'.Oetober, •• An out -line of the,'program was presented to the board at , a meeting in Dubain'Tuesday• night, :' June. 22,- an•d was unanimously endorsed: • • Anthony Chater; Stratford,• family life' co-orfor,Y the board, .accorn'panied• by' eight, members of the-fam,'ily life committee,. made .the.. presentation: at 10op.m. They had waited patiently, along to. the board ; meeting ?in . the program, he _told board committee ; of. the` whole,-member•`Ronaid Marcy •Of ::behind closed'door's. camera,' ..Stratford that `the only :way pi ror, to the: general meeting .,... t,o go.:,as ,.down„ to kin derg.arte.n..;•. - Mr, dieter said the family and work otii'way.up again_•• life program= for -tire grade 8 ' Father' -H, J.• Laragh of St students would be continued James'' Church, :6Seafor.th, .A again this fall term as it has member of the' comm'ittee ' :been the last two -years.. said'the priests in the 'Huron- -• The family. life '.program .Perth Deaner endorsed the :was'in `first initiated•.197.1' with program. in. principle, and a com,�rnittee•formed'to study were writing' the forew,ard to 10 Go.o.d 'Reasons to .Buy..a •Microwave -Oven • 1 ,:'Savo time, energy :and money A..miccowaveoven saxes_up_.to 70 percent Cooking time, will decrease.'your electric bill, andcan pay for itself overt a period Of years. . - 2: _Simple, _._fast. ...-meal Preparation. '. • lust 'about' any. meal can be prepared in .a • microwave oven, and this, :: electronic .wonder : is•i deatfor.rfanailies .on• 3. Make 'more" nutritious meals. Because of the faster cooking. tunes of a microwave .oven, foods not only _ taste more flavourful, they retain their vitamins and nourishments as Well.' . 4,. Save on kitchen clean-up Since microwaves '.have . no Treating effect ()yen :'sur- faces, food' spills do not burn on Just wipe clean: 5. Lighten your dishwashing load,,i W With • microwaves " you.,; can cooky: on paper' plates if desired -or coop and serve on the'°seme plates •'Fewer pots to scrub_. . t • Take advantage Overs.„. o5u' you can make delicious econd„and'even third,. meals roar, lehtovers._.and .they 'will aste as•good as the first time. icrowaves >reheat''fRotis'..-Sar ast they can't dry Out. :Keep cool and smokeless. ishes can behandled-withodt otpads and you stay;-nice.,and of . throughout meal reparation, •, ` :`•befrostfoods quickly. tyy-fotids_::on°.sale and' freeze em_'And when unexpected uests drop . you can hive,,, perfast:'defrosting ,without riving food consistency. - Modernize the kitchen„. st units are comparatively tweight and fit neatly on ft titer top. Just plug it into y standard 3 pin electrical let and you're ready -.-to k. Create arevoluthi - is right! A ' microwave 'Will free you from kit - ,slavery and give you the e tiine'to do, other things: it will help make you a in your own home Pana s,nic 'Ailicrowave liable. aft . T!� opperl,.Square'5244433. GODE.RICH The program. Folletwi ' the a• pamphlet to be,,givF .to start with the .grade: 8 parentsexplaining. the students;. the board found it Program. 2 necessary to hire' a co 'Mrs. Joseph •DeGroot ordinator las-t• year to begin Seaforth, 'a' parent -on •'the impiementtng the•prograrn in coh'imittee,:'s.aid° she herself' - otheis•grades: • highly endorsed the program. Mr. Chater'said, the family Mrs.,E.Scott, St:: Marys said. • life. program 'is a'supplement• children need more'-expos.ure•; :to tire;x•e1igio}is progra.;n. and; and that if they have a good,.. in no way replaces it; He said.' grounding in elementary o;n.ly-2.0_.to-:2.5.rper..cent of tileschool they.:-avii .:not -be. o.=• program' could be called sex_:._susce•ptib;le '.to problems . in education: .. i secondary .chool:: Meetings with:teacherSrarid 4 Sister. Mary Si. Joseph, parents' Will be held,'prior to princ.t,pal, of St:_ James. commencing,. -,the .program,_ Sdiool,-Seaforth; ''said- the Mr: Ch'ater : sgid. "Cam- m students appreciate' being munication , with .parents` is able to .sit down and discuss; extremely important. .• When • problems'' and questions on they see what is -happening in family life ' with -their classroom :whey.. -will lie -__ .teachers_ r: `definitely Po,.it'• G'uideline's = : Other'. membe•ttsof.-''the :will' be given to the teachers committee” in attendance in that. are to' b"e followed he•. addition. to- those who -spoke,• -explained:The classes .will•bp • were: Joe .Blytlxe,.'teacher,at . for: 30 to 40. minutes per week:• Precious :Blood. School,. Mr: Chater sa:Zd: : Exeter.;' Laurie •lraftcheck, " spoke of the amount -of-:'. teac'lr.er sat. St ,.. •IVI.i&hael's........ input' . by-. parents to ''the School, ' Stratford . and,. program.,:.A library will, be ' Vercq �pica •Brehm; teacher at . started at the board office for St: Mfchael's. reference. , material --books, . Following the, presentation film., strips •but because `the,;.,. business ,part of• these .materia.ls . are 'ex ' Meeting got- ,underway.:at pensive it will lse`"'biiltr'. up 10:45 -p.m. when the ,board- • • at St. 'Michael's.-.Schoo .at'�t;he for the-rnall one year ,but to.` rate ;of kY5Gi0 per th.. effi ensuge-,gaol -faith on the part fective ' . March1976 tq,,• yof the _ developer *t'hey. March; 477: requested a• performance The block -'' -parent ' bond `for $50,000. The existing 0,....p repos ed:,.by -the,: bui°Iding_.perm,it..•.expires ..'.oil F•inette..Ctub of St.7Marys was • November 29; 1976x; ' �1so'giyeu,.appt.ova.1: • Additional building permits The meeting was adjourned•• were: issued by,.,, council; to at 11 :15 p.m., when theb.oard John Ladd for' .the con- _ went 'into c:orhmittee of the struction '''ot' a workshop,:. whole -again..' Jerry Greydanus,., a drive :! o shed, J. Tebbuft;', a•'p'o'rch and.. • gradually. ,,hired Sister E'ilenn Foran 'to`"` In;reply te'a question from• teach at St Boniface School, John. O'Drowsky, St: Marys, Zurich • lie -replied that -the. -classes Sparkle• = .Maintenance ° of-= , Mine aivor ers settle 4or_11.7 i • •• AUTOMATIC, WASHERS & DRYERS • . PORTABLE WASHERS &:; DRYERS :WRINGER WASHERS • PORTABLE &°BUU..T-IN .DISHWASHER •...IN SINK F00D WASTE DISPOSER$ Froi~ri the Dependability !eo�le�alt -t H UUTCH I NS014 APPLIANCE TRADE INS ACCEPTED 305:Ii1;RON RD. 524=783'1 WHEN SUMMERS HEAT. PRODS ONETQ WRATH, _..THERE'S NOTHING •LIKE A. SHOWER .BATH M81NG� ` ex: HE* 1$4677,7- SS NG— Look for this sign on Hamilton St. SS KiNGSTON.. 'you are ibokt'tg:;for ` a• -Acta weddtng-g'i:ft' with--° lasting' beauty, Rick Whetstone wilt '1 be pleased 4o show ' you a fine cnllectionof china, silvd'r and crystal: Rick has a wide selection of watches in a: wide price range - -far all tastes. You canto assured of personalized;at:"" ' .tention ato12ick WhetstoneJewellers. '- _ A 25)/-&�VocUEn cHa°RTeR.Etca,AfCOUNTAr TS•, • • 89 West, Sireet... • Goii'erich,'- `Ontario 524-2011. P.O Box 307 Ronald L. AicD®natd CHARTERED."ACCOUNTANT 39 SI. David 5i.. 524-6253 • Godench,Oritario 'OPTOMETRIST' The Square ' 524 7661; IESE ',P•umps and:. InfeetOrs. Repaired • "Fo`r Tr-P"opu1'lar.ilAakess- tfuron Fuel injection Equipmertt Bayfield Rd. • 482-Z971 S: cience'aricf-,Eashion in Hair: Care .� .M'Lady.Complete --,hair ' care services. -•• M'Lords hair tutting & Thurs. evening Serior_citizensdiscounts Viiednesday. afternoons Pius it Nucleic acid & protein'hair treatments • Where??? AT The•'Beaut" Lou e. 81• East St., GODERICH, "Naturally" .• 524-8994 The .workers at Dointar • Chemicals Ltd., (ifto Salt 'Division) Godericn Mine, members of C,ana.dian... Cheri -ft al.:Uniart .16„.-s.igrieci a.,. w.:,.-. - year=lon'g 'contract,: last Tuesday which amounts to an 11:3;4er- cent increase,_ the - maximum •allowed:'under the. Anti Inflation. Board ruling: • According to. ;Karl; Buhler, -production superintelid•ent at •' the .mine, �negotiati•ons were carried out at a "very high .plain”. - The contract isjn reality a 75 cent per h'ou`r increase -i r`' actual • wage,.., retroactive to April 1 1976. ,The Pew cb.n- • tract expires:March 31, 1977. Ma Butler , explained athat • the. workers are:'corning off a three year contr. act. Althotigh an additional 15 cents per hour: as awarded in 1975 as"a cost of diving increase''by the coi ipariy, outside the con- traCt, the. workers felt that under present.-econom-it • • conditions ,in th•e country, a one-year- contract would be beneficial The' weighted average straight tirtie tWAST) salary at.. the mine noes- stands fit t,ti.7a per°h ur. .ONLY CAN • .G'IVE T .E :GIFT ‘A-4 ° OF LIFE! . . • IIY,' 'lassmen " of Ontario WE ARE' .SPECIAL STS' GLASS •TRIM AUTO_ .$ TRUCK GLASS= CYMPLETE AUTO OLST UPH .' 6RY VAN WINDOWS ,PINSTRIPIND, "; .' ,, VI :LRO O OF CONSTRtJ.CTION 8. EQUIPMENT _ • OPERA 14VINDOWS- • `• VAN ROOF 'VENTS BODY'SIDE MOULDINGS .: n � AUTO WINDSHIELD CONVERTIBLE TOPS • _ INSUR _ CALL 5 2 4-•2 1 36 FOR FREE ESTIMATES, ' - —.FREIE MOBILE .SERW10E ON GLASS `TO -.HOME,; bFFICE,•FARM,, FACTORY' CAMPER 1N1NDOWS - • •v. Ai1T0.434:11 E►I<MITEO' . 356 BAYFIELD RD. CIODERICH 524-21'36:. ei • . • tt• '9• _.: Cards For r�. AFt Occasions .. Gifts. ': • `.Books •• ` *SI ationery ' t•ppJtes • ' Records. • .ANDER-SON'S w g" 0K CENTRE • 33 .BAST St Goderich _• azzassammmeavalsamt CUISUL FUELS Distlbutors For. UNoc ,`PRODUCTS.: HOME. FARM,` ^. INDUSTRY • 24 Hour Burner Service •''Furnad* Flnarrtein„g„ • Gasoline* & Dim! Fuels - • Now Fumic• 16.1a&1atlon A 1191 With "Boilore. - • 524=.74.8:1. OR 9-%'r3 T4 • For • - FASHION RIGHT SHOES Th 1a, e'To. Go Is S SHOES The Sq,i i,e WEST ST, .COIN -OP LAUNDROMAT • • & '-DRYCLIANING 524-9953 S4'West st. Open Daily: 7 a 1f1.,.. 1i. :riY Dryeleaning 8:'30 to 5:30 p,t<n;• tpo ANNE'S BEAUTY CENTRE ' Professional Iloirslylis at Rnasonahle_ Rat Citi-.sz w3 -.— I al r 0