HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-07-08, Page 13• r. • e p•' 110tiowoffere - For the first time ever a lists°\ and professional TM hasbee>I'P credited with— Programme. in Tran- recognition -.by ,a variety- of giving meditators increased .scendental Meditation.wil1'I5'e doctors,` athletes; educators energy and' alertness, and' , offered in Godertph ,this and businessmen. • reduced fatigue add tension. sunitner•. TM is, not a,iew thing,' as Sample measurements show •1,.Tran ,cendental mo ,fit seem 'xo 'think„ Its .decreases in anxiety, blood Meditation, commonly called • reviver Y , er and major proponent, pressure,' insomnia, and � use TM', is -.not a. ,religion or Maharishi: 1Vlahesh Yogi, of alcohol nicotine andd non-. philosophy, but a. technique of claims- it is a technique ;lost . prescription tion dru `s. Fort p •- ---P g Iter .. deep rest and rearrar ging.--a ny': nturles-and 'matin ---development shows. increased and 'or P s r.eased w:.. diking -off . tl f e nous the-pa$e years -•has -basin ' ' system. It - has—recently rediscovered ,. • xeceiyed wide acclaim,,: with Twice gach day,.'the over - articles __ltd .-._ al,paast ,every,,_100,000- Canadian -s -w-ho-have. —T Major North American taken.; the courSe, ,sit•• in an publication, ' two: , books.. easy chair for twenty minutes, recently recently on .' the best seller and. use the ' TM_ technique. um. • t `efficiency ' of tate airtonomLL nervous system, brain wave synchrony, 'faster' reaction, time, : increase I intellectual. gr -e v.th rate, improved academic_., and job., per formance,,aiid increased self •actualization. . The:.. ti_ oSt uni•tl ue:,. barac- rrtstic `of ' the,.. .technique is CifJDERIGH:SI -that it is extremely easy.: It . requires no mental conk centrations ' discipline• or' aptitude, Courses are even 0I en to children, and anyone vex ten- can: master the ntire technique. The, course itself is a seven- ste.p.-=dr-ee ss, .. ineittdi-n a::r •serie's of lectures an . ' d private • instruction. The ;course fee entitles: the learner.:ti ljfeti•n:ie counselling after the eoursel9s completion. and rates vary -depending ori:_m,arital',stat'us', ..stJident`status and age. •• Additional information on the Goderi.ch course: is avail; bre a• elsewhere ,_ in `tills .'. issue o `th.e"Signal-Star:' " .NAL -STAR. THI RSD.A.'y:, M ATE RN T AT t, . .;. Thi Separate Shoppe MAIN CORNER ' •42-177,8 (NirXT To. CAMl?Bt•I*L'S M 4'S WEAR . O.BEN. 1 G ' +OPEN t b. •. ,:t • BY RQB'S}IRIEtt Goderich's •sum.tner theatre -.group, the Pendulum players,. began th•eir...seri:es of'. summer. perfor'rrtances Tuesday evening ,with ' two, p ays. ,_ The first' production;' "-Birdbath", 'con.cerns a • young..•wotrtan who is • dominated by her mother.and is very.esin`fused•and a; young man ..who is a poet, drunk,..,. former lover and.dis'sati•sfied, customer Of life. Through the play, they finally. find ;hap- piness -with each. other, .It is basically a tov6 story, and the - parts of Velma Sparrow. and . • • Frankie'• are prayed by Graham Royal and Sandra. .. Gagley, ` The, second -play, *'Babel Rap", concerns two. workers on .th-e1.7,000:'-kilometre con'struotio.n .level.: of 'the Tower? :of ' Barbel.The two workers • discuss - theology, . philosophy and. thetPUrpose of: e . ow. r, ori several oc- "s casions feeling. the:'wrathi- of •the.Alrnighty himself, _Thecomed$itwas pulled off m a s t -e rf 4i.11 y•::T u e s'd a -y : evening, Phil Main arid R,ob Bundy being. natural 'mild caps. • and :experierided :amateu'r actors..', .The •backstagecrew were equally on the.ball, all special effects' corhingover right on.cue, The 'Play is..definitely.' worthb a stop at the jail Thursday evening. t' Lae. ;day night was a dismal,, opening -night with a turnout ' of "about 45 people seeing ,the. two plays.: A -1 irger crowd is • hoped for'tonight. • All,' plays begin at 'sharp at. . the lfuroa •Historic. Gaol co.'urtyard. The entrance is on the west side, of the• buil'ding.; opposite the •' assessment offic '•s., :The • Pend'ulltm` Players ask: for your' Support to make their Tueesday and Thursday, weekly: performances sue-. - nstett:„Jewellers _ LIMITED::. 1.1 ALBERT ST, CLINTON N - For••¥our Con-venience.- HOURS.`- Monde y' -through 'Saturday,..' a.m..-.6rp.m. ;' Friday nights 'till 9p.m. 482-3901'.'. YS ti TRAVEL TALK • •FALL' TOUR SEL:ECTIONS QUEBEC-&SAGUENAY..RIVER CRUISE' SEPT. —.r•8 DAYS q `528 .00,* MA:CKIN•AC., ISLAND •AGAWA-C'A:NYON, SEPT. 20-27'.00T. 4-S:DAYs 185.00, PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH -TREAT' SEP' . •21.:OCT:41 •2 :S DAYS ..$185.00 SMOKE:Y • MOUNTA1N `:TENNE'SSFE SHI T; -270.--E.2.7 • OCT.'4 1 g'_•Z 5• s DAYS ' , $179.00 • B'Y.," HANOVER HOLIDAY TOURS AG14WA G.AN-YON Ct LOU TOUR"... SEPT. - .5•. & OCT:9;2 a o s 125.00 - ,•. LAKE PLACID N,EW. YORK S ITE COLOUR SEh'T..3O. 4 DAYS ;1:1,5,0.0 ADIRONDACKS` 9,GRE[ MODUN� TAIINS,:... SEPT. .21-.5 DAYS.. 5.13 .00• GRAND OLE' OPRY: NASHVI:ktE OCT. 8°- 4 DAYS $120.00 _OCT." $ s"bAYS. 1.59 .00 { ALL P.RICES•dUOTED ARE FOR EACH OF TWO PERSONS SHARING. ACCOMMODATION • 'POR THE THESE AND OTHER PINE TOURS CONSULT THE COACH HOUSE TRAVEL SERVICE 59 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH MON.•FRI, 9;00 A.M.-5:30 P.M. SAT, 9:00 A.M. • NOON 524-8366 P a' • And we'll' serve- tl`ie tubl(c with good cars to-. satisfy•their budget and service:to satisfy their peace of mind', -And we'll have -George .asa,:_ In' the beginhtng'when Peter firs met Jirri,. salesmsn, because heltnows What th.e, indtt id.uak they -said, We'li'open a swell Ford: -dealership in. •,,..car buyers want; best,.A�i we'll tell the world. Goderich together . , ,And the: eorld will coma to us. S2 they ,did. And •••• 'the. world did. ' Soon people came in the hordes.and left in their •F'.orils' Softie 'in Al used. cars.,, And George' won the Summit award for. the fourth year in a row, .--. • four times now- he's tieen one of the top 50: Ford Salesmen in'Canaita.'This tl'rge he was the very top`. salesman in• Canada! And Peter oodered • PA R E r4 -T • . • more great cars •'until 99 cars had Eton it on • the lot. And Vim. had created one of the largest:. service' departrrient-'ip tgwn. And you'd figure they'd -let u go at: thd'F" But- have figured wrong. Because se Peterand mand George ' realized they had been there _ , for' one whole 'ear., ,ft.'s our first t irthday, said • ' Jim. We must show our, apprcciatron, said Peter Let-sgive deals on wheels likewe've ne6etgiven • before'• s.5id George: And hae'a-crlel atic ri tine . ' w'e've.,ndV.er had:bef'or'e,-they all said. And they did. Be clever- Get in' on..the•_celebrations: But, please remember: Each think they do the•best for their customers. Peter •-will try to outdo Jim and, George.. And J,im and George are not tribe optdone.. Which only_ Means yoy'II have a totally memorable time with the three of them. But be a sport. Don't breathe a word of this to Jim or George, for Fete's sakes! ': • ' - - 5• • • JI11A' GREEN•: our first anniversary, and that .means•eoniething• • • . very special to us. We'ye had -a very; successful year,. and a lot `of.;fun mating new friends. Owing our hap_. piness to you the people of.Goderich,: Clinton and the vest surrounding areas, our •Anniversary Cetabrations are. for you! ,. We've had a"lot of'great sales. But this 'One :for;the month of July will take' the cake! b G ' SALETO RIE' This big word•£imply_:meads:_-.. • -.--- ABRATION: eans: - •ABR'ATION: Part Of. our July Celebrations. TO FRIENDS; Available toeveryone-since„we make, friends very easily.'” . . SALE; Our High Stock of new .& used cars.and trucks _ ire available at savings:like. yau'veunever seen ` before.- .. _ Mix it tip and you get ."Saletofrteai'dsabrationt" " - July 9th & IOth:`'is Bar- Q•Time and et yone':Eourias! WE (Peter-, Jim & George), being' of sound mind and body. '( George is debatable') hereby and forthwith decree. July -9th and 10th Ba'i=B Q Time,- 4n-- •ree,9nitron and ap7 , preciation• to you (everyone everywhere). Hence you • , -wilt come - -and: have a good thine' on' IA: Whereby' (or wherein) you Will. bring .the whole family' and -or friend and -or friends ,,Buy: •a -car (if you 'want) Look 'at our.# terrific stock (if. you .want). Say Hello (if you wu l). But". • TAT! OR EL-sE' .. • Flurry before:the kids get it all!!! . ,':George Cutler - Master Chef - has yet to sign his:hamburgers! THIS' FRIDAY EVENING ALL DAV SATURDAY • AM. IIIIORGE Stopin and have a..treat., just for the fun of it:! • • tn. GEORGE IS TO! _26 RSD. `CaD.UCH r.: 11. n