HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-07-08, Page 10• F A G6DERICH;S.IOINAL-STAR. THURSDAY TULY 8. 1F6,. ' h p : * uest.ion of I -Ti hwa .Safet In the Thane .Speech q g y y P is e.- io "f the accident. prevention `- and opening;. th,s. Session as n--' driver . education,, wilt- be. .L•egislatu�re, � it°. ,w �_. w� nouneetl:that . "the :I'overall rf�ferred to, a~"Select. Cour'. S 0 ., nitrite S9g ilei RuIdelI bToa-Mldd esex MPP" . Committee . ommitte s eof was a znittee of the Legislature for preparation of Legislative r'ecommendation5 to the Assembly". The, Select appointed ,as one of the members, was established - arid it will be travelling :to. various' parts of ,.Ontario listening -to briefs presented by concerned •citizens: per- tainln to such:rnatters as; :. The-rggulalen and control of. traffic through en- 'forcement stricter en-, • force hent of the' laws that pertain toy drinking driving offences for` ail ages - driver ".ex,arn.ination., .and ' licencing standard's - ..driver im= provetnen.t`and rehabilitation -.including .the .demerit' point • systeim and traffic clinics - an assessment •ofpotential benefits.. of photos en non count.-feitable licences and methods . of implementation and adxninis'tration an. assessment: of benefits •. of a. - vehicle registration and:title System an assessment: of piou9h Sty1e,'-Tones and• vltoyager• are available at all 15 of our branches ',.-the • ROLtENDS • at tie are aNiAllable-orI y_ '-� ° branch es .' ••follgwing•�, x7L .{> 'v'ii• 1. tr _: .�.•tr ° - 3 • 4 0 One of our best sel(in , Pattern carpets! 9 :made-t:in- tufted con:: . lino ous filament nylonso .know.rau'r O°?dtiroble:andard-wearm9 ' carpet made it Ozite has" sit with a hi tock' scam `rubber high' . . you. can install -it' your 'elf and save even more. Out Usual '� 4�f/c �sh-phd Price 7 641. Carr)F P��-_� ' Yd • by CartiV:ell.e ittikuIumtit-Gp1.0• .:Ai4Q HARVEST . an room in the Wears well iri' Y borneevehigh traitlo ' even -In and faintly' s halls made: areas sum beta se it's ad a „. rooms'. . olyprbOotie`vv of 10�o/ p lova speciflo gravity t absorb spells tt s O stain- resistant . iy ,lt s allero° t;a nmr► ento' �`:'•: 'greatbuyl. • I,.y/Axx ,xuMiuu.uu°•uxubu V.u4nxll••u•ubwb-I,.x . I. 41Mx•"••`x4.0.1.1••' benefits' of Ontario's .motor. prove, and w>t ;k necessary, vshicle inspection• program - oppose such r'egislation, In =the transportation of children. this respect, it was. felt that to and'from school and . the opposition- -members meet vehicles 'and,,..,their drivers with • varying degrees of the •,.lieenc'in:g of -driving success, not only. in ',$C11o0:71s ' = equipment statl parliaments around the , - �. dards for - tow trucks world,• but: also in the oP .erati'on of multiple vehicle ' legislatures here in ,jranada. . combinati'on's-(piap .trailers One of the frustrations of such the benefits of the applic,at'iondebate is that the mood'of the of a . ;penalty:; against . any Minister ..piloting the Bill person'who teaves:.keys in: the' through "the 'legislature, or.. ignition lock of an. unattended 'parliament is frequently a „ motor :vehicle - :the, most: more •"important factor than, helmet the ,validity of the an'iend -for moped -riders - and P ;t's in achieving a cliang_e appropriate:,type of " referred tother t the cornmi ters as ee by, tnAha original ymposiumn. ri ' t the '-•Symposium`;. the • theMinist,er•• of Tran- delegates from Ontario sportation • and 'Com- repre?;ented the only :mCILlications.' . - `' • jurisdiction Where a.rninority. The Corn„mittee will also •g.o v ern merit `, exists. study highway safety' and Obviously, the ,role •of the • a c"e i d e n t prey prevention legislator is very different measures in the United Stales and morechallenging•in,these'. and possibly in Sweden and circumstan bes. : Great_ Britain as these. There : Was general:. countries -have done quite agreement- anftng.• the extensive -r ear'ch in many delegates that a members ' of the areas 'referred to' under work as a mediator member en • the terms =of reference ' in- g• overnment. and c�d!°istituent, dicated, for; •t 'e;-Select"•.Com arid also asat ombudsman, is mitteef The S ommittee of very. ,great . importance. . is to submit a :. s f r -r.1 report -,The .ability of.'the public :at: to the ' ,+n '" a' er than large to fight a way through .Se- 3b,-' - 9.76.,, acid a • government . b4 reau'cracy December 31; 1976 final report not',. later than appeared almost universal..Lt •' ....... was felt that parliamen In mid-June,'Murray Gaunt : tarians are ;progressively. (L. • Huron -Bruce) and Ed being called upon mare often :;food (L..Waterloo 'No'r'th•), to assist those who have lwithxtwo Members of t:heNew problems • with government ..Democr.atic Party attended an •bureaucracy and red -tape:, I'arliarrientary Symposium bur image of .parliaments -.commemorating : the Cen- and parliamentarians was :• R. tenn'ial • of the ` Queb,ec . the subject 'of cons:i-derable--- National Assembly'.. This dis.cussion.-� Amer-icait•• • - Sytnposiurn, was attended by delegates referred '. to parliatnentarians from all the -, .. a: Water:gate arnd Other scandals; Provinces ., of CanSda, ' the Which have beeri'rnuch hi the • House of,Comnions.in Ottawa news. 1VIg1st:delegates were in -- and representatives'. from .-agreement• with, the idea that '•' England; ..France representatives - the. the , image ••of': par•iiairients "° United States.' Under needs to be improved. While discussion were two.:major :,the acttons'ar%1 attitude of the' ..topics: (a•) the'1VYerrtber of news media. does have a Parliament legislator, considerable influence'onthis Mediatoror ombudsman; irh'age its was .ge r�era11y.felt• : • and (b) Pari;arnent the • that -in the 'final' gnalys-is .the behaviour' and..:conduct of . instittitipn andthg'. (r►agwe it. projects. , -• On^these topics a number of different::•--•iriewpoints ,were e3cpressed, not only by foreign pa rfiam.entarithis, but also by, • members, , representing ' the various ; province's,. It was generally conceded' that the, role of . tht..Member as a legislator while in'ost . in- teresting, . was not- ,-higily' visible to the. constitii:ent The pnixtt. • was also .made _,'by i; 50 1hAmPl on' 7' 00 S4. Web t 331.311peiteali. nnar olee il!irguia7nsJtrh50 .tl4TtlAMpcNFyyMA6r�rU.M6�i F • �ry.‘N-. .r..ic1 ,1dU. ... I 1YPss hrghway 2 "S00 Ki f PoOd•In LaSalle- Phone brrHi1hway2ar« 589 fairway ay. Iti dMiS:eVu�Er734••t tl«.Cpen Pntlay flfl 9 p n; iterrt'Pliant') 376.3f fi: open 8 :nt. -'Thane 344 6371Daily y..' 8 y tie 5,•'3' 0 p tie!PtIone 7274081: Open;Flday 1111 9° p:ht.;'Siourdey tiff 6;210 p.m. '• Saturday Mitt 5:30 P.M. daily: Saturday till 4 ir:m. including SatuidaJy: Ftigpy t II 9 p nr 15 8.7-44 tiff• AMHERSTBUItG 7'36 2151 OVI N 8OtJNf7, '376.3181 ' EXETERi 235-1422 , 'f#IDGETOWN 674-5465 GODERICH. '524.8321 SOU'I'RAMPTON• 797.3245 GRAND BEND 239,23'f'4'" THEDFORD 296-4991' HA1tPOW •738-2221 •• WEST LORNE.'768-f520' ° KINCARDINE 396.3403 WINDSOR EAST 727.6601 KINGSVILLE 7'33,2341' WINDSOR WEST 734-1221 .., KITCHENER' 74„x;6371. Reg. hours: Mon. - pri. it m, to-• 3o—p.m:- :: Sat. till 4 p.rri. ' • :KITCHIENER •4 'WIND$OMR • EAST AND ND$Od WEST: FRIDAY 101, 9 PAR. :° ,4 v _several. delegates that in many • instances hours • Of. debate -take place..en. legislation • about which the' final outcome' is a foregone Conclusion. • The Governinent- in power �` In Ings in legislation' drafted' ' by civilservarits which tends to • reflect the- views: df the, government members, and,'i•t ,is the.. responsibility of op- position . members to im- parliamentarians ' create the it iageprojected to the public. Some :'sugge§tions for im- proving .-the •':inf"age• of par:liainent were the inclusion of television and ' radi.o. 'coverage ef-debates, returnto better 'parfiamentary' procedure and behaviour - within the legislature; anima • heed for greater coin- munica,ti'onbetween • govern•ment and the people . While .the purpose of the• - 'symposium was ' not: necessarily tp 'come up with •� solutions to problems being experienced .by parliamen taria.ns our delegates believe that -•the dis.cussions _held in •'"-• • ;Quebec •City ,will almost -certainly generate a greater awareness of . 'thepon- sibilitres' • ofe'lected representatives. _ o FlowQrs for AII. Oc'',asions 4, Distinctive Gifts .. Weddings + Funerals :+ 'rt'e"i : cut . Flowers w • Dried FloWers •Plants. -' f 524-21.52 15J '•" •SH ERS SQUARE GODERICH ! ,call.anytrrne 52.4=2132 .: N:.ri�tr�lrrliw��.wr«trw • can real -Kt-easy fo c� n your, own horn IIIIIIIIIIIIII: 11111'11 ,1111 IiI'III•IdI•I•�IIIIhI•l1•II IIIg•I.I,IIlIII•II�I I�I,I�IIIItiIl'IIIiII•III•IIIII.1II1•1•11•11I1,,II1';1I�1'11I'1,1I I•,1 I•1I1•�'1�! 11 • r nI iI.I•'I� 'I�I�II� I Ill II !IIIi{lImIl(III I�'..II I IaI Li 118fIDIl,nnlnI!nlInn Iill1llll91111111IlII111111� nInInnnIlII,IunIII i1l.I9IlIi1IirIIi;1IIiIIiII1IIiI1lIII►lIlIlI)G' IIu�IINIInIluIIllII, l°III I1I,i,I1nI;I.!I;1I11l,!,IL1�I1,1Ii11I, !II1I 11III1Il1I1I1IV11I11III1II•• IIpnii:m n•i•'Il•,lI�'. II'•�;I 11Nbbninnip ililn iiii itlr;lIl iI iI1 • "I IIII�III I�VIIIIIIIIII 1I1Iil1ll.1l°IIllitnlII�.1ln1l,�n�,l�IIll`InI1n1.•n. lIIIlll�1 II II ;jIIII • ll.,ll),\1II1.;1! 001 II I' 'hiq11,I1l1I111i111lIIIhlGI►IIIII'1111111 11111111 111111.1i1\\11 11;1!1 III 111111 Tiru=Craft Homes, experienced, specialists • in ,.providing custom designed, factory -built homes can help you save on all aspects of building a soperyorhome aux • :' :5 - , ai- ''inquire about our. free architectural and draft- - ing service, •You may qualifywithput a cash down payment.: FOR -INFORMATION CALL Area Rep, �•: ,George Dunseith 5.19.395402D 1 : 519.39S-2386 Main Office , and Plant King St. North,Hwy. 85 (Reside Stock dr�ds) WATERLOO ,Y , •. -CALL ' CCiCi •