HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-07-01, Page 32'AGE 14A•-GO'DEPICH SIGNAL, STAR, THURSDAY, JULY"1 .1976 , ,: INI$1 R. BY THE REV, JAMES REDDOCH S',T ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH,BAYFIE Lill' Re: - 'Th Parable of'•'the ' `am generous Is ythine .ye. they a're` rea .Y.• and -waiting Wright, a .- d' g. . labourers„_ ^ixir,, the vine yard • .evil because 1 am• ood?" g Henry-' •t Frig . ter ue until note t fa t Il e • ` S :- and..• willing to serve as, the 'Praf'essor.._at • • Yale, w.'ho • interes:tti g to that Ma�nl • ()Matthew Chapter 20 v. 1:-16). • . The parable; illustrates, the, ppportunity ' ocCtirs, .as confesses 'to often dialogue ° is the tine who hides from To help us to understand way God estimates the Worth ^ li:rnitedo• as , the, •opportunity with -God tells rot a time. when • G.od, God -does .not. withdraw - the meaning off ,this . parable of what pepple.do_and the way - might ire. They are prepared • w ' he was distressed ab2tut • a in .shack because ;orf man's.' ' . we, have to ,look at •. the . 'He reWar!s them; 1•- A" to do what they ean, even for riend who. had ended up ons ,'ki.n : rather He,.-: in HIS preceeding chapter in which.:.. I.afe.livet.• :el the true s i it one hour, as ityr'ere.. skid: row,. love 'a ks •.` Afte>A' a visit with .redemptive s, the "' • we read a,•fich; this .friend he felt God` was :' question, W ere re "ou. young of service does' not 'carefully + Thase..who, like Peter areo y ?" man • asked ' Jesus "What ..,calculate the reward: It does given grea1ter opportunities to ;,.,telling him to send the. Vetta`' • God •is�still se m us good thing shall 1••tlb .•that '1 - not as'k.,as Peter -did.. What sex6.e ahnot�de/nan . "' old w tc i m�. i g Salle, may`liave'gternal`.life? shall we Have therefore?" . d greater , • . Watch- .with `a cel to r-4:" rl d Adorn iii' all hC .hidrn •rewards' than' those° •who .are inscription;; He: knew that•God ' places, we have devised, Kr. -.: Part of -tht. O'09er. Jesus :If a person bargains With bandit by lack of `o• often spoke in'stran a vla-ys, 'Larson"'su .' P.g ':suggests we might gave was, . . 'If -thbly. wilt • be • 'God; -for a'penny,.•as it were, portunity: .0°d -will do what'is`.., se.• he«;obeyed: His..friend was' . •ara' bras' `Go P P s.. d' s question, to ., perfect, go.•and sell; that thou• .,be If`another rightand;j.u'st;.andit.wiil-turn so �'inoved with, ..i concern;,•�Adam in ue ` • - , .hip' ..'„ .. A. scions:.such -as: ; •. hast,; and• give tothepoor, and :.pin;::their faith on the' good, .out ;in the end tor_`.:be sur- :and the ipse iption made such Why are. you so busy . . i thou shalt have treasure in r:will• of God, their faith will be y malni,• kreavrYni,:and come and•follovv • juSti'fied with •bGoad measure,: Prisingiy generous! : ,. an impact' On • hi,in.:that; he, ,»ioney?'> "Why g,rie.you in so • When:_the"pc t,John 1MItltott,, .-stopped ••. -drinking ' and many clubs and activities,,, or; • .. me:. But tle.young. man went pressed .down•, and running .:lost his sight,, he:still"wantedetur-nod tp ,,•useful life:: in so much church work?":. away sorrowful, far. he had •°.ver.;+God is not tire keeper of to serve; God, but becaube of. • ` Wright. seeing the effeot, of "1?Yhy ate you'so.meari to the' , great possess'ions'," • r< a ledger,entering a creditor • h.i, blindness he"could not- do •'this gift -decided. to send the people, you':love?''' "Wh Almost immediately ;6af; . debit account. •He`,'has other, ' so as furlsame kind of watch with the Y e y as. be Would have • you have to p"retend--ta be tenw Peter said to Jesus;' . methods i a.r,erWarding those 1.ike.d -_and so he vvr'ote.these same lnscriptioh to' another different from what. you P al oholic friend. • This .. man. _ are?" " We-: ave 'forsake.n all and -_-will z.:aerve ' Him than • iece tines in his Sonnet , on- • his . c" followed' Thee, what shall. we' ' "work; or the time clock! blindness ;- promptly sold the Watch to- • ' A1thau have therefore?" . •••? -. Those who." demand Gad• knows .'the,: . a ., When�•I coltisider •,how my -" buy li:quorl- . i :._ :. a :answers. alread'y,;j,t lae'�iooves Per is'contrasting'himself reward. should not protest if, . light is spent .. � You sere, Gods guidance is' us•, to::admit-, our ,motives ar and the other disci ,les with .God .turns ut•to be enerous n. - Ere half..*. days in this_ t.q. ,'Pat devious and our aetivitieXs are • �. p :do gni ue, There are no `' the rich young;nnaq, who had .with others who.are. prepared .dark world and wida, • ,.,. patterns ;or rules because.:, often. a cover"., • 'refused' to forsake• all.. There; -to ttiro'w; themselves on His ',.` ' • •_ ... -individual' ng pia es ' • .. .And that onsytalen;t witieh is v�'Yis dYfferenf� Corrie out of our up.; pl.aces. • � F'�� e was a bargaining !Streak in: mercy and trust.: that He will ••death.tohide,•. ' .°-• but_. God: can touch eo le ..and: stand p$ -rt °" p A naked before God •k r Peter's question" The ,more.a do What.ls-right�. •• ,. - Lodged -with• me •useless ,,, through us if we are sensitive..so that.: a..dee relationship ; -. they had done, the'niote:they n , ,Also- in the tight of this;,, 'though my sou! more bent .. tp wh'athe�is saying to Us. based on" God's healin ove ' expected.to get: We -know that, parable .God -does ot- reward ; •••---- -- "-. r ; .. -- To serve ' "tfierewitli -my.' -._. �f .00ursey,;:„;:sk'epti'cs...like�can.,b�e�esCaiblished � •••.. at the least they expected to' • according to. the amount .of 14.akerA,.-andpresonl. air and 'others, ▪ We are Gordon Sincl often reluctant • to � �;�f 7.1 get.• the • chief- places -In the 'work done; but according to . my true •account, lest_ He. ' deny that God speaks • to. listen for God's. idance • Kingdom',; which was :'.the'•:- the ;measure of ,opportunity, ` returning Chide; : ' people toda ':• But' God is a ins •n si i a .: ' •• , g ,. Y the . e .s tive.to ,it, but -if- �. ';,, 'cause of .much quarreling Those: Who- hired' 'at;• a later . `Doth Go xday- 'sa>rie today s Hei' between the �.: i d „e, act... • . y a ;was n :obedient and keep listening as .• .. m.. _time. never :had the 'op- .laborut light denied? Bib11 altim g thi gr•}o rp t> ghtdenied. . . ._.G es; hIe wants us to we 1 as talks [l.l. I Gr . UG�-'Ir 1 talking-to Him he=will i.� N. In; „answer• to, th'e uestion, , poi tunic to work, When •the>r, . •q :a Y .>I, fondly a'slt: • But; alienee, talY� to Him and He Wants. to• . guide us, ' ' "What, . shall' we have ,:vi.ne� ard-keeper'asked °Whv sx Y to prevent - talk .to us: ;."'. G '' • • -Reverend. and:, 'Mrs. Ralph' Kin • _: " God .l:ov'eh you artd isg•cut•the cake at a:apeciai'celebra"tion at Nor.th•,Strieet therefore? Jesus tells this are yoir, standing' idle,` all • That inurmer s.o n replies, Bruce ,Larson..says. s e I a •United.Gliurch in of Itev.'K '• • P S,Y Speaking you ing s 25th anniversary in the ministry, Rev::Kin•g•came par•able• fo. illustrate how G.od day "they said, i`Because no '..God doth n.ot need speaks to us in hundreds of• to. G,oderic,h in 1974 after aervin .E•n Sarnia, assesses the Worth of what".. m inhas hired tis '_:, ', .. d rn a,Irigersoll'an Gravenhurst: (staff photo) 1 Either -man's• work or 'His ways; through : our.. con - •^ ..: . ;Pe 0e da, .'and how ,I/•e '.... .. Thererare•th'ose zn life who oven efts; who best science, the Bible thio h a•rewardsthere; whichwasthe ..are . handi•c'a ed b • PP Y Cir Bear •His mild` oke It worshi meditationctn; p' q s mind. mstane � tan es over which th� o e�. serve Hi and through '�` � a �.• Hirt best %ii t t �''li 1 both /�y`t M • uestionln Peter'' cu _ ; events; s state. e. 'people o Thee parable tells .: of „a, have' no control. Faced withIt's . ` ..;Is km i= thousands at• His friends. not news that .• church ' Vineyard kee er diffi ' • , g Y_ Our roleq Y p who goes ..T cultes which prevent .. bidddin seed sail° be rece "tive membership • in. Canada has. ~.: g P and ex P • into the marketplae% at six -in; -them',. frons.• serving God as. a.. And 'post o'er eland' octant.and to bei been declining:.But it maybe.. the rnornin to_they":• R - and pr believeCGod is . g hire y: .ould 'like, •The : wishnews' o - labourers.' Since" Y.. ocean wtho'utrest ; ?peaking.' . ,' : t many that sixty- it is earl• in _they could 'erve GA; __ .- • _d mare They also serve'who only— The trouble is silos most of seven .perm cent `of the .the :-day-and' he needs • men, ' ffrl1y, but they cannot Cir 'stand and ' " ' ' - •`u pare ci i a n o u 1 they.can b'ar asci wit culm ' . �5ait,. • S so' caught :up . in :the ` Ca P P a 1 i o ton. . g 15 him, on . _stances won't allow But.: t: ;, '15 093,1G2) is Still thunderous, whir Iwind of our S Il related to . • ,e • their own terms: He agrees to" one of 63' e ' a :: •frustrated iv4es andactivities . r hgrous Bodies: a ••:-.•7'.‘,,,.'"• pay them, a .penny a day.',,-.•_ •• "we do not hear God,:when he ^ The largest denominations; :Three hours later he hires . speaks.' ,' others who had been standing ' _ Pe, •- 'id -le• and `who bei n t g, in a:legs. .. fav:oiirable•., ;position • :'to. bargain; accept'his_as4surance' - that' they -will be. paid a• fair : wage:. `And •whatsoever , is right 1 will give you;" he said At 1.2 noon and :three •ire•the: • afternoon there is . a similar • i TkE.$..EF.AREWELL Yea though 1 walk through tke'vaIep • a/ -the shodow of death. 1 shall ” fear.no evil foe Thou art with me , �• 23td,Psolm ry according'. -to ` membership figures each-suippiies under: the term 'inclusive mem- b'ership', which generally_ means others in 'the''family who' `may or may'. not, be ':baptized •or . confirmed The Roman CatholicChurch 9,974;895 0971 Census) ; • The '"Be still and knt w that I •C,. �:. �.: :....�..�.�.�..�,t�.:�..� _.:.T....�:.�.:�.. United - Church of . Canada; 2,140.,102;. , The •A.n: •lican g.. Church' of Canada; 1,057,012 ;- the:- •:Canadian` : Jew.ish Con ress; • -•271,000 (197.1• Census): The •,- Greek Cl"rthod.ox . ° •Archdi cele,. 21'0,00:0-(197.1,p,Ceiisus) '.The Pr•esbyteria•h. Church 'in am" ' Gbd,,the Lord com t minded Elijah:. The ',Bible / also says, "Wait on the Lord" LUTHERAN ..H RCH: , : ,. sand `.`In q uietness and con.1'"' °' - St q i• -Stays together- fiMcience Shall: be BEREA-BY-'T:H:E-.. — TER Cariada,.'',174,555; the: Pe .tecostal ' Assemblies Canada, 165,000;..Ukrainii Greek Catho1-i . Churc 1'40„000; Lutheran C.hdi ch:. • America '•- Canada Sectio 120,592; .and':the .Rapti Federation of Caned: 19;126".. • The family •thgt pray: toether:... ' 9 (Blakeand Eldon•Streets, Goderich) ee. ang at Robertson' Memorial school -hiring on the.san3eterms. At 5 oderich .Jose of Don Mills,rs. Rita Duff S.Peak •.to us it must • be o -clock he; is- again in the ' Ph Raymond. y ,, ; , t . 9:30.a.m. Sunday •School far all Costen :o€ ...I hie spit' - is ': °,.aged 54 years, died ngersoll, Elizabeth s:o,met g p / market place and ar.few,rnen Lar "on also - / 11.: _ �. s.uddei l at ._ 5 , J' Costello, and Mrs. Kathleen points out that 00 a.m.: Worship —ti __�._._ ._...-:still wait'.. alien 1.... ___. _..---- . .. .. P .. ,_... ..... _ ;.. r•i' ..__ - _. s. P ,,.tyforwork. ,. .. _ -_,,_ , ...• � -- - - R ._- - _ �',. os i ..: $ un. God is. a 5 •irit He is (' The: vine and kee .er"asksthough Y P ><i •p tai,••London; on.June 1,,: . r. ton,ofLondon-•, ,� r, P.., ,. . ,� �:- / ,... . ' 'not s iritual as: , . , • son. .RETURN-TOGOD .• 1 • ;'GEORGE CIiRYS _:.,Mistakenly nnderst nd :the �' �> ate 1WIr:'and.lVlrs. illiam, I;ER . _.. da i 'e, and t Marvin L :,•' ••:. :: Y - ' hey` sa , .. ,. . • ,:. � :. Bari, Pastor - - ., ,.. . _ -_..; ....;._word,_ - - ------ - - • _:• -- - - - 2 ss".., ...o•. Costello. John Geo e 1✓dward .._ Because no man has hired ,• .....�• -,„Cod , / • , . •. Sp a .2. .:•., When G _.,w us t : The funeral Mass was :held . Ct}rysler; { }A8, passed away h : A od appeared to - --"Preaching peac by Jesus Cflrist.. He' is ford of all" cls • / ' • at $t Andrew s Church, sudd"enl Jun 2 P �' A . Ke d 0 t Pi � 2 your otic M `t, „..y :._, •,.'. � / 3ETHfl` HOLINESS CHAP. • TlierYe are also"rhos' of us EL .BIBLE. MISSIONARY r6SEPH R: e0§T ELLO Gerald :Costello • and four. e / whofeel that if G '' SUNDAY, JULY • • � A former; resident._ of • sJsters, Mrs Mildred Brow.n :, , od is going .to / .•., •.. ' 4, .1.976 : CHU��H Niagara ;` ' • . ..an e . a t iag He said to. them,. Go .yeY an angel,. He said in essence; - - ,.•�.�•. �. �..�..._..�a�.,�.,."..",�, • alsa_.:`nto_-- .was concelebrated: • by the .Falls. ` °i': f _ _--_._ .�..;,_%_ .. .• i the vrneyax-d,-• a — - _ ".r`' _.. _ , :. _. ui°ek r Gel "u .�..'_.. - ' .:�..� :.�..V: pas or, at rer-. L,ebe.uf and He was -or• at ,So . - _ mora• Q p 1 Dolip C ti.:�.,� .: •.. ;...1.:�,,:•�..�:....•�:::_,:, ,.�:..-,.*O Whatsoever lair 1? „•: •'ye ke ,>.r .:int, -tea shall, belt arid put your shoes on: �� '�"' !{ Father' .Qu•elette: Monsi nor Ontario, .s.on: of the late John-' .,, • `"Gcespan '• ...and Father _ChryslerandBertha Yaun Now d Bethel Pent Nprth Street oa t_ the labo•urers- ., g c1 ka Pentecostal Tabernacle At';• stinse wrap your coon, eel United :Church e is survive is wife u d f lt.. s± ,. Were resen in the • � e` Peter but o. prison receive their yLa es• O Donnell present ' H d by h' .• f You an o ow me After the angel eter. in prison th'e form,of 10,36 ry Sunday School 9;50 a.m.' . ' ,, Classes for all ages , - _.Worship Service 11 i00 a;m:, ' Prayer 6:307,00 p.m.'• ' Evangelistic: Service 7:00 pall. , • Blessed • a ret he pure in heart'fbr they shall see God • _ , ,Matthew 5 8,,. 4 - "Huron St .& Walnut St• - . _ . unison W Lawton; Pastor • •-•" 5 q-2785, 1 d P t / . Affiliated with the •Pentecostal Assemblies' of.'.Canada- $ . Were -paid • Those : sa ctuar :.'I thirty :, the "for g t . f .. who were, hired last were paid n y irtpy members • . ;: mer Pearl Roope, . _ T of the: choir San durin' :`the Stratford - . ons ' AI he disappeared (Act '12:7-10), t R OF ELGIN AND WATERLOOS S CORNE first: To their sfzrprise, they Mass,. ; g Goderlch an an .of :Nothing really very spiritu'ai Pastor,: C.'Fred• Day t Edward .osµ, . get a full `da ed three* Those 'Re Costello was , a • Stratford,' one daughter Mr• about those -words but`:'how, who had .Worked d three hours, yg s_ ractioal and how SUNDAY SCHOOL 10' AAA. . . Fli ht Engineer- with the Tom.simple and ._ _ g, g ... (Mary) . Gillis of'..P or six hours,'or'nine hou>;�s •arein a. way.. that�.: R.,C:.A;F;• during World. War Goderrch;• _seven. grandy called Peter to` given the -Same • concrete action. . THIS II: At the close of the war, he ' ; children; three ,sisters and SUNDAY We invite yoo to come Finally :..those, -,----who had f a In the Creation t Ad r.: composite class brotier. Mrs Harold• • Y / to Sund• worked all da .-are ay School and Ch h Y :.S g of 50 Slime h 9;H zel) M 1vI od are.iYi„fi<1'lt3wshipand � � � ' .. - was One o ,, one s or am . , . given a �• . ...urc . n c ' °sen tb_attend w. .a_er.. rs. and G . :.. _. .. penny a-sli'eir payment:.The., .. e- . .-. Y Robert; :. /, ti"ie official cIosin: (Peart) Morreau and JvIrs. WORSHIP SERVICE' • •-•,a'1 A:M, `« L ACCORDING TO YOU 'f was kept: They . , i.: , g. ceremonies of -the British.: Keith .(Bpniiie), Eergtlson'all o - c T :: Coffee,ti°rrre followin _ service Nursery & Wee College. Facilities;"' g bargained for a penny; they..,UP R �O :. - Commonwealth Air Training'of Sarnia; and Howard °,of .' got a penny...` j:'_ ., 3, .. _ ,Nursery Facilities But Plant Upl d A p P t 1 o I EVENINE MEETING 7 P M ' , Come p with us started rum A S they. g � ';The Rev: Ralph,•E.. King, B.A., B,D., Minister Miss Clare' McGowan, Visiting Assistant Mr. Lorne^H: Dotter,er,`'birector of Music ° -Sunday School for ages 3 to 9 from worship at 10:00 a,m. :. July and. August Summer Worship: at .10.:00 a:m: • SUNDAY;.JULY 4;•197.6 ERMON: ° ,r .. 1 "THEG.OSPE• . - a . ,. _ - :� ,,. ome endWorshi ,1 _ an' s it ortnear a ro ia,: .. -. Otatawa` representingFuneral: service _ . "A Frier- I h �' ..,-.,.:.•,t:�.,.�:.�..-:.•� lin 10 of the was fro�ii _ d y°C urch „„• ,••;•_. • t .-_g,._.:,These:.men litho- w.ere:. •..the.... - a ...._ �..�...�..r..� ..�..r United. .Nations:•'which had : 'Steadman . Bros:.' 1VIemorial - "• ` ^►�:^ •:• - •.._' hired last .worked only one -,,• j •-..�• been ::associated with.the Cha 'el . Bri de Ontario,. 1 • hour„ „they said, • while we _ uth P, s-- Brigden; P -Training plan: '' 4 ri ' up•wth a whole`da3r's work !n .g . lin: ”, &}i a1 <;took _place.' in the ' 'the'• het sun i.-ye`t..you .,paid • He leaves ''::his ' wife,: famrly,plot atWilk'esport. ^ - them'"the:-same as Ramona, and. 13 • children, :: =: Pallbearers mere cousins of us▪ ! '" " •• , • you.i • Mrs. •Barbara: -_McCready the deceased,. •_.___.• The- vineyard keeper said,, y Wits: Brenda McDonald;; ., r• Rolla up our•sleeve.' Y to :save' a life :. �a Dennis,. 'Carol,. r Thomars; •' I• am 'not wronging'you. Did Sharon, • `She"ila;'• Eiizalieth,. ' younott' agree with..mb.'•for• a 'tere ' ... penny? Can I not: do . --„as sa;.' Lawrence, Vincent, please with ".'what is. -'inane?. Gregory• and A'rlge�la,;kr:•and Have you a rti three grandchildren Three g . dgee-becaa :-l: brothers•. Michael John. and. THI Speak i lus special`music by • ,'ss ho l - pe rtes �� AT-' RON. ME 4tJBURN`' Evill cone Welcome" .. E 'Y'ear.+)r,.... .•;.,.**r.r+la'SuY***:.***** -40*.ar..,� ., —Bab MC.CAL'LUM ,'• Representative 11 Cambria: Rd., God rich 1 A..V,1r.7it,.1A•11 '1,.,.,��.lYY'�. •'ebi..�..�.�'i�l�1f�:1.�.a' � h..•�w 4,. ` 1M.�. ,._.,� CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH � BAVFIEID 31OAD AT eLAIKE STREET [oyjrnffieni Assisted Homes Under G;111E.F1 C. Approved.& Inspected • Sale Pride- :34,323. Hen P ` ;$1100 .. Mgy�nlen•t Buy now "and choose your own cdlprs of floor coverings, kifehen cupboards and interiors decor .; H finer Vanasfra: T Grants - L andsu ' bsr" i s :• e aYAt table to redrice effecii'va ` interest rate:to 8 percent f"rl 2 people. • • '.'Applicants for"' ubsidy'iiortr rnay also`jualiffurther r °. p -free money .to reduce morithlx pa'yMents. Call today,. these won't last long! AROLD ��T �. E 40-3,51 Oft,44,2e09 KY •tit.;a+k, . EV'ANGELISTiC-,FIJNDANIENTAL 'REV R.'..BRVBACHER ;Pastor 10:00 AM.'BIBLE:SCHOOL'FOR ALL -AGES '" BRING:YOUR. BIBLE AN,q-,II FRiEN[ . ;ta oa ArM:�3Q; p::nn4 /tS• S Rector;Canon':G:G. Bussell B:A., S.D. •TRINITY Ill JULY 4 , 8;30.l4oly.•Communion • 10.a.m HoIy,-Communion and&SermoF • 10 a.n.-Nurseliy' PLEASE NO'"TE SUMMER 'SERVICE TIMES ( Choirmaster-Orgamst:-Joseph-B, .Herdman • •1 PA5't`OR-EDIIWARt BAKER BRANTFORD �. �.......�...�..�. �° �,,,� GUEST SPE;AKER'.FORTHE DAY:_'• � � The Fre Wednesda .8:00"P �: Methodist...Church Y ilk•.-•..1Vird,week service. /' � P.:arJi St: -at victoria- " • • �' ,Pastor:•'H, Ross Nicholls l lSs',.•,+ WELCOME TO•THE FRIENDL:Y CHURCH For pus transporfatron Ca(i1�534�'1�45-ai' 534 9903 - 7 94S (A.M..SUNDAY SCHOOL t f�RST BAPTISTfCHURCH 11 AM IIAORNIN'G WORSHIP 7: Q0 P.M:.1=venin Vllorshi GBaptist.Convention of Ontario a 9 • p "and Pratise • ��n.„1, ' ( MONTREAL SYR EET_(nearThe Square) , All Warmlylnvited Rev....._ 'W H McVldhi'nnie F. R G S'. :,4.. Orgamsti Mr. Frank Bissett •/•`�'`�^,^•;� •'•-- T -9:45 arm.- Stinday School -THE.. CiR PREACHING . SALVATION -.ARMY 1 i 11 A.M. PAST Special •Mesic 'Come You'villi be made welco,,e ter... .•:...-•........ .�..... :? .1 i:�. •i.,.-,�,.• , - .. ,„...•e..•.....•:� _., — %.. -—.,...,�., 7 , Y\ / Knox..Pr. `esby�tetian Church - t• THE„ -REV. G• LOCKHART ROYAL, °B:A , M. DIVA Min'rs+er •I 7H E "R . .RONALD C.CCA' UM.AS M Lr rstanf:.: .t WIL LrtAM M. CAMERON, Oxrectar. of `Praise •° -•SUNDAY, JULY 4, 1976: f . 1867 OBfERViNG OUR NATI'ON'SANNIVERSARY.,.1976E • `--Sermon:-"THErCITY OF GOD" 1 i' , 7Nursery Fadilitiesi . ' t” - Summer Services are all at_10:00 a m•: a r Refreshments on the Church Lawn after the Service 1. i 18 .WATERLOO ST. --S..; 524=9+11' e ,, SUNDAY SCHOOL-•,- 9,45•AM'.,'offF1AMILY WORSHIP— i1 00 A.M. • ' EVANGFL1STi•c sE17Vtcg— 7:00 P.M. W E E Il D k ' .. Home League (Ladie .r Wed. 8:00 P.M.: �. Prayer 8a Bible Studies 7hurs. 7:30 P: M. � OFFICE, S CAPTAIN G: M'ERBER CAPTA I{ $, IN' M:.MacKENZ1E" • A•il Ar e o ' r all.. .. Inieit ed to Yt o Attend t` I , >�. Tal ;.... .a+..+.a+...:...... a.it..r�..�.rti '7yW... '�a:.....r. - Victpria StreetUnited (har+r •••_ i, HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP •A • ''REV, D.M. WQOD. !1l.ts e.m WORSHIP SERVICE (Comings:. VRcation Bible Sthoot, •Monday Friday,,Juiy 3d•30) s; .1 • riper: Bertram y„, lytyptuilr •,.y } 7 - Enter to Worship hesart`o';Serve :: ( t Mrs, J. Snider Oranist'and' Choir !"„.r..r.;u........t+.j...y.a,�avrw:..w...w:.i=r..+�w.+u+r+e.yw..w�a .v.oar..w.:r..+a..(y+y:w~.�sr. ar. •w,:v++...., arlCitpr • • •