HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-07-01, Page 30•
.T -et•
Q g � on
• %GO D E RfI H ":574=7411.:
Th.e,C13C,got;kunked. '
So did the•writc,r o:t"Ont' 1''dot in the Furrow mind yotr,•as
,.: did Jim Ronlahn of the ":h itchener-Waterloo . Record:
prii,ba-bly the_ most .knowledgeable,: --7: and. prolific -'- farm
writer in Canada,' -
Jack Biii•d:ardt ,t• tele •ision';personalitc'-1roitii•' Logdon,
Onte`•wa't1T'e?01nnt r- *i"th Sonic liinc_v perk .temderioin..
lt_,IList • sli.gws to.. go y•ofa that teIevision'•p:eople,,-because
... thex : are dn, front:o( the' ca
ne.ra �i'il' the',ttmt, are.usur - is .
•.tb ,
e ( 5
ac u
alp.. ,
p u.• 1 taken bY the pr(ny rned.ivari.
n1'nalkng ibou"the King of RAIZ competitio'ht in
-.Mid-June attht iinnµal-Untartu ork.(.ongiessinStraforcl
• Burgh 'lyd't cooked• a., delicious) mil
e . a•nd'"a had, tansy' salad
,e to,ge, with'it, :Thethree Judges in_the'contest-felt the tender•
loth; wris better than. the •,rihs. cooked by three.01 the con-.
test'an•ts t'wo of°there. (rum the ("ti(' `
I thought 'I had it made: mind you1 fiad, three courses
prepared: bacon scup, a beautiful 'salad 'and then,.' the
piece de • resistance; ham' on y;:tm. ,Hut the yampwa•n't•
cooked: It:i*as Still hard in' -the: middle' ,
- The .j.udges also knocked me down a ,few' points.bec use
•1 used canned ham .instead.iit the real:lying. • •m
But:. all - three courses. ha'd pork;;in 'them...'. The soup is :
.•made with- milk crea.rned,,corn and•small „pieces'of pre=
": cooked bacon.and;it is delicious:'•i eyen•-thirew a-fewpi'ec'es•
•.•. of bacon:into the cabbage salad,'-
: And 1 •parboilk. that. darnnesi' Vain •for. 30, minutes: the
night before. •fit' the-. King of •Ha•rns , cookout:: ` p ace.
succulent siices: of pineapple on the yam Viand then placed
the harry steaks oblep, p 's rinkle
... d Walll with pineapple
and'a •touch..of •win;:. w . ipped it alt tightly in tinfoil, and
' barbectje?d it., .. ,
' Stup.id sweet.putatee." *
. 1'1011)w that s what cau'td my.d,owntall even. though a
writer•.tropi 'The [a.f Post..a....radiic - olid.'I'"ma: azi
a1..P �? ., .gig zee,
said he. thought the w•trale thing -was riggediri-favor of the
T\ 5 •'r; Perscknall.y. I-durr t •thiQk the organizers of the
Ont perk: ot.k' ('
f itis wtr ld
u bribe ...the '
gjudges. Those
Tad' •a1 0"
hug •
_p political wrttErs accused them'unjtfistl.i•.
• What upset the (iridic) pork producers'a great deal'more; •
111 >h•ager 'Were -the ., accusations ma:tle: by •mne of th'e
appreciated.5y B'pt Trott#4, Eldale Rd_ Imua. Ont N3$
judges. His:name is Williath 'underberg ' o f:renvthe,
• Ohio. with some caustic- remark , Funden: wasted no -
time in telling Ontario pork producers that he wouldn`t rye-..,..• _.
Borne of the, winners up herea place in his barn : �'
Of a second -place animal:.he said: "I don't-kriow w'v 1
• came 400 miles to -look at.,that. Take her ou.t"of• .thg.rin '
I -le- was. critical of the uali ty=-in Canadiang
•4 �, h.,4gs,—,.:and
anlost, of them in the US..too -.4;." because they are too fat at o
• thot, gh he'a'dded that it is ridieulous'for: ., t `
, cons:
umers t '
o worrr '
about cholesterol wherl research rncl•ictates that•95•to 97 per
"`.cent •ot.-all cholesterol in the :humati body; is manufactured •.
tki the body. not eateii.
• Iris', of course, •easy,fo
tr a Yankee'to come up here, and
tell Canadians they can't ..groyv goodpork. ,'A number .of '
;breeders attending' the congress agreed :nth ,l~ uriderber'g
although they wereislightiy milled because Lhejiogs he so
ca.usticallvcondertined were later -sold by auction. Owners.- _
• feared his comments wow ruintth�e auction prices paid.
Canadians meat packerapparently, 1 "ust won't accept •a .
move to hteavier'rharket weights'now common -in the United
States: The 'trend in the-Excited.
States is to shipping..
Weights of about 240 pounds, a godd'4t} pounds. -heavier than
the average 200. here in Ontario .•Ontario hags, said Funder -
berg lack size, and'sc'tale=arid. tend to become.too'fat'.at the•''
200 -pound mark••
Something to think about for Canadian breeders.
decade ago -Canadian breeders were -saying. Canada.
° with . it. too but perhaps a •r'evaluation'is,necessary now.
Canada 'must compete agricultur:a°Ily: in.a North•Rmerican
..market, par'ticular"ly 'in hogs` and beef. If breeders do not
heed the warnings coming from dtspok'en mea such ,as
wi1Iiam Funderberg.' they may, be'••teft with nothing 'but
the squeal in international markets. .
. I guess.i::tried too hard -in the King of Has. -b'arbecue's
though. I even tried, to get 'the svmpathyvmot ° "I• had, been
from my horse.a week` before the cookout aiid had
a cracked rib,and asprained wrist I prominently displaced .
the - taped ribs:andthe wrapped w(rrst'but- the judges'ol they
barbecues were interested'on.ly ingoodeoeking., '
T.he pork tenderloin came.. off betterthan the ham on yam.
;i, In an unusual show of unity Ontario" S.
farm, products. The.,
the Ontario: Liberals and New Act excludes all comnioditie ,.
' Democrats voted against the .covered by-' the federal.'.,`
second"-reading.of the Faint ._.stat ilization legislation.. and
Income' Stabilization BMIl' 6 by. -Marketing boards. that set
and instead "•suggested" the... quotas and farm -gate ., prices,;,
government ..0.6.e•gu:idelines The bill- is also written la.
set out by the two,oppositien . `' exclude : any;'; product• under
parties ' to come up with . a ° ., the 'f eder-a1,• Agricultural:
,.better 'deal..for " Ontario far- Stabilization Act in the
mCoriflict ng ,opinions and fu�sure --•
The support level: in this
lack :of house strength..,forced : bill will ,be 'set at the average
' the turining'.6Ownof the bill. .market price for the previous'': •
The Progressive. Con_ :ive yea -is yIf farmers °get -less"
servatives appealed..• to.. the than tthat.:froth. the xnarkgt
' farming roots :of Liberal place; : the -government will
members, claiming: that •make"upthe difference, This"
-.: several. 1GI'PPs -had, talked is identical to the Teder.al.---
t with farming constituents and stabilization program -which
received the go-ahebd:
Doug : Wiseman; MPP (continued on page._13A)
Lanark:: compared Ontario's
.propdisals which . Jte., pt ;to •
Iimit":ksst, to••those in•nBrftish
Columbia.r • .
spike to "a man who .had, ;
• :farmed out there all his life`: -
lie •-Said .h ' and others:•w.ere.
'afraid. of .th.e 1•arge::ex
penditures "-of the . B:C•
;: p: ograrn Which', ' the goner-
nment now. had to raise."' said,
-Mr..Wiseman: ,:.;_- •
Addressing the Legislature
•Liberal Leader Stuart Smith
had: this to,say-a=bout the
"I will not,, and the Liberal
party"will not, vote for sham
Iegiselatibn.;,: That s •exactly
what .Bill= 96 is It' only
:peterids"to be the farm in
come stabilization legislation
Orrtario.' farmers, need and.
:`sWhen the. largest. gest. farm" '.
organization• in this :province,
says this bi11 "is of Tho
patential• benefit tci 4nta:rao -
farmers we carrnot 'in eon... ''
science support r t, •
• > : 'T'he: Ontario Federation -of-,'
• Agriculture calls,the ball„a,y
'hollow carrot': ••.. -,
Smithlisted three hx main
'.flaws Willie bill, • •
,.1 It covers: Less than I:5
perceit•,of the dollar value of. ,J
• 4,•
CLAY - 7
• - Silo Unloaders
- Gleaners• .
- Stabling;
Log Elevators
- Liquid. Manure Equipment
Hog;Equipment • • • „.
ICs •• ,�/�
•!-Augers, etc.-:__..: _��_._
Pipetfole'& Parlour _Equipment•.
W ESTE EL-ROSCO•Granaries•
B 8•L - Hog Pane'11ing _:.
Bulk Tato: & P-ipeline leaning .,
Detergents, Teat. Dip, 0c:
Uddersan •
RR 1, Kincardine, Ontario_
Phone 395-5286
r.- Free Estimates
• You and your fa rrtily deserve•ihe bestV water.
sn don't hesitate to call
NE. 5 4016
tiltH oN HIGHWAY 21, tGOt>IE CIC
• i .
Huron 'County farmers Agriculture has no'plans .toEdo~"
should; be on the looliciut for •_ •any spraying here; • .
emir.' worm : l'festation in Essex and Kent -counties,
their wheat crops as several.;. have experienced widespread.7''
caseshave been discovered in- attack by the a.rrny and
the county, according to Mitre ;an' .extensive spraying
. Miller of the Huron.-. County;, prog,rarn ha iIca -iTed out.
agriculture office: there' in an effort to brittg.the
141,r: 1Ylille •' safcl that the • -•problem under:control.
cases discovered to datetihave: ,$'I ie•;arr;ny ,worn,norm'allyf><
beery -spotty with' some fields does not becorae,a problem in
having no army worms while the spring grain until later in.
the next one has four or five to ; the season, but the
. _hot .dry
the square foot; Severa•1 eases.. weather this:=.mouth- has _.
were ...discovered 'in Hup n
uliett speeded"their infestatio ti
Township lastweek,, > • -_
Farmers should check their: 4,
fields in' the evening, and. -if: •.
.. _ they find four .to '.Six
square foot hhey 'S.houtci
• consider spraying:he said., •
The army: worm ranges in
size from three ,eighths of an
inch up.. to 1". or more Mi.'
Miller said:that if th-e•worrrms
discovered are_''sma11: ones a ..
farther_ should be°- ngo�,e in-
.ciined to' spray as theywrll
have a- lot o'e' gatingahead :of
thein. However,'if. the,.worms.'
• are large.'they will probably
stop eating in the next week
• or so. ....
"Tra rg - ayes to be used
for spraying' the farmer -
should be convinced that thea'
spraying. will • be of eriaugh
benefit to Crake . up fo the
damage. from tram•pi that
will occur, said, Mr,, Mer. legion
a Jan
However, if a plane i . used _'...._".: :..;.. :J ._ ;..
:. there won't be'that:prnbleixi."..
MF.' Miller .said- it was
. important that farmers check <,'
l.. CTRiCAL'<'
Serving .
Industirial, 'Commercial,
Re ide.Rtlti i 'edi
1!................CUTOMzI FARM WORK_'
• Shannon and Hunter ltd.
p r ent
their. ; wheat ..crop nov , and ,.Douglas McDonald
'of' ••
then" 'recheck , in , a' week Brantford ' -was- elected
Farmers shoakl also :start' Dominion President -:,of •the
checking •their„,,gr,arn crops' in Royal Canadian;, "Legion,.
a : aweek'-`.:for army worm '••Pmeetii g in Winnipeg at its
danrate. There 'shouldn'Fi~ be 26th biennial convention from
'any damage there 'aso_f -June 13 to June 17, Given an
said Mr ,Miller, act lamation, .Mr.. McDonald
Efforts: to ••, control-" the 'had served for two years as •
spread of array worm, swill be ` . first '=vice- :president and now 7
on an •individual •'bas.is in strceeeds Robert McChesney
. Huron :'County, 'said Mike • of Kirklan t L,00 .: who
Miller, ' as the Ministry of declined to seek re-election. •
• • ' 4 RR 3, Goderich
Pio ng” and- ¶ el. P owin
- 5?9-•
TIM 529`561
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h.av,,e eel •a tift(d its any
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Of which
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So hurry,
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