HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-07-01, Page 27; 9' •u 0 Ys • AN ENTERTAINING IDEA ,.. take the lady for an evening at cSqui'te HIGHWAY 21 SOUTH GODERICH Open every evening until 9 p.m. BLYTI-j SUMMER FESTIVAL -OPE=NING.. �. The Blood IsStrong by %Lister Sinclair , k ��. ulyi.3, 7, 4 w -. How. i Met. My, Husband by Alice .Munro '.:•' July 4, 8, •14:. . All performances begin at 8.30 p m Tickets, Adults $3.00; Sr. Citizens; $2.25;'• Children, $2.00 Box Office -lours 11-2. Call (519) 523-4452 or writeBotc'291, Blyth, Ont. for reservs tions. Turkey Supper, = o;pening night, July' 3. ;rickets $4:00. n Several . clambers :of .the oderich Lions~'Club. took to- ' th •a e 1 ndl ast: week and lent.. their »talents to,' the con`'` stru'ction of Huronview.. karat; model farm' ..rojeft ,� • . p l . at, B.luewater• Centre The •model farm: project, c•oinstrueted th.roug_h , cleriatlons and funding by the 1 Goderrch Tions' Clix'b, ,was toY.. provide an activity setting'for' residents. of the Bluewater • Centre and to encourage their, „interest, and appreciation of small dpmestic anlrinals and: ttr subsequently.Involve them in the care and management of those anitnais. The farm ".was'' constructed on the south end of the, centre: ol1 A oneacr--e-.parcel of` land to. • .x : • q. 0 :y TnrUR$D ' •,, ' Ly ., • provide a setting distant from the residence but within -x Walking distance. The focal : point of farm is i small barn to hose -the . feed and `others required : groo.rtink cleaning instruments. An open area with =picnic, ,tables and benches "*i11 surround the harp and.. at,the perimeters ()fake farm Wilt be five or sig" ppe'h areas used for acbornmodating . aild feeding of animals Holiday Tours Join us on ouY• tourE'ngl�and to ;. ' ... Ireland, Scotland and Wales: :,• "Visit Shannon,,KillarnellJ°Dublin, Liverpoo:IR Lake., 'D:istrict• • Glasgow, anverne s, ••Edinburgh,, York, Bath, . Plymouth and _" London: This 23 day tour -departs •. . -July 18. 18. GEORGIAN BAY' CIRCLE Travel in the Chi-Cheerrraun: Spend 2 nights inSudbury,return via Parry Srfund and"Midland's to visit the Shrine and Fort,. This . tour is:for threellays and departs' August 6,and September' 10. • 'MARITIMES • U .the program was basically' .designed ._to'...provide a. ,separata, , and 'pleasant 'Betting .for the...•resldents to •observe'`tbe animal -life .and become" involved in the ca -'e and management of the farm and annuals .w Ho(7efully the animals will b '•''. received through_,-_ do,riations"• and would be. maintained': at the •; farm thrrough, spring,.,summer and fall.. During the winter 'the animals would be returned to th+ti, donors ,or aced in an opproprLaµte,setting The types of anin alsto.be• 10 vem`eot in (rises. A National Farmers Union • farrrier.s-were told to increase open rneeting_d milk, was prbduction and by` Sep• held in. Harriston onJune 22 "_tember,"„-1975, after,.offeriiig : including both District .5 and incentive programs to. dothis,• 7 The NFU has been asked to subsidies' were: • cuty 40 -lead-.-a movement: across percent. In..May., 1..97fi, the . .•Ontario to ;•do . somethingquota•was cu,t:15. percent and, about . the devastating` con-: 'all over -quota :production was. di•tions in the:•iridiiStrial.m-ilk "...penalized '"by •88.60: per hurt= :marketing.econorriy; dred. This was the first in a series.- • -,.of 'meetings right across the• Walter. Miller, ,National • province to determine if there "Vice -President, stressed that is; a general; consensus''to the NFU' policy was ,in sup; • attack'theprableni... t port ofsa'one .pool -one' price "BTake �S'anford, Re$ional.:system • and o`r.derly,; • Coordinator. for :Ontario; ..marketing. While •the;OMMB. - stated that in' January,. I975. : is riot perfect, it isthe,best we.'• have of the , moment' and we • ' THE HURON COUNTRY PLAYHOUSE Grand Bend r:.. ;. should strive•to'improve it, he. A- Royal Comiriission setup to study , farm p.roblems • .• tbra ht” out the Task • Report in 1970, It stated that the• Dairy Subsidy • should be::. ,. •phased out in five. years. At that time the'leve`l .Qf: activity. ariiong• farmers' was high, but .: now they' feel"•they: can -go ' • alone- ,so' . the ,governnient ..figures it':s safe,: to implement -the Task Force Report ''The: - Ontario-. Government :: played ,a °major role „couraging and; expanding '.•; .milk productions.. Now' it, has a • :r'espo'nsibility• - to th•e' producers to gat ihem back, .:.•on their feet.:It'should^.make,' ,a n'adjustrnent•payment • to. the ' federal levy and at the same. time'' go back to the barga nin g table le and bargain .: ar ai a •. : more satisfactory . arrangement for farmers. • Other worker§ are '. ..:restricted oto :.a.:�10 >percentI,,::;: "increase ,and :the industrial:. `; milk producers -are `supposed':',, to be able to carry on:with a 15• 20 percent decrease:` ,Walter -'.:Miller asked••=tilios assembled ii"f 't}zey would .be - prepared toget involved and 'bac'kup•. their demands. -He: received- astanding majority' , of yes Lorne Luther, President for District':5, closed the meeting. Those'present from'°Local'33S: were Bev McNay, Mr»', and Mrs Charlie:. Wilkins • and Lorne'Luther.. •- Gharhe Brown June 30 ' 'July 3 Wed , thru` Sa# ::._,'- • Wed. -2:00' ••238-8451 . •• 30P M Sat. 400 ••0 1li);it dl onfrea1; `57, can -Port= ""' Joli, •Fredericton, •St.' John, Moncton, P.E,1., Cape•,Breton•;,, Islarid;';^Halffax;-Peggy.s f'r:ve,' Annapolis Valley, Stowe, -Lake • Placid. Cruise Bay of .Fundy. See "Madawaska` weavers,: • G'reen Gables, Gaelic' ' :'College, Louisbourg, Sydney Miners Museum, l;ell• Museum;: ;Oak. Island Museum, "Grand' Pre, Ausable Chasiii._ 13 day tour departs July 24=i1,5' day tour departs August 14; Sept. 4. NOTE:: September 4 departure of special• interest. to SEN'IOF6. `. CITIZENS:: �; , • ATLA°NTIC .PROVINCES.:-^....• :. INCLUDING' NEWFOUNDLAND' Visit. Montreal, Moncton,' Campbllton,'.P. E.I.;• Grand . Fa•Ils;-.Corner Brook, • meander, .: St John's '• (newfoun- dland), Halifax, Peggy's COVC•;. Annapolis ' Valley,. St. , John (-N: B ), St: Andrews, St. Leonard.:.. Many attractions visited on this all Canadian °route. This tour is for 20 days and departs August 7. CENTRAL ONTARIO: i. Travel through Orillia,• Fene•Ioti • 'Fails, Peterbdrough, Marmara,: Kingston, Picton, "Grafton;" Cobourg,' --Oshawa,• Sharon,. Kletnburg, Credit" Forks, area Hilites: are Stephen Leacock Home; 400 year: old petr• lyphs, Lock: Cruise, 'Serpent Mounds ' dating from 500- B.C.; Iron 1000 "islands :Cr rise, Fort Henry,• • Lake' : on the Mountain,; Marie Dressler':,Cnadiarl- Automotive Museiin, Parkwood (the.-;:, estate ` of , Col. McLaughlin), Sharon's Temple, Museum of the Children of`Peafce, McMichael- Canadian Collection., This -'interesting tour departs July.17 and.August'1.4 for 4 days. SQUARE.. IMEAV.: SQUARE -DEAL TRY SNOW NOW °FULLY ' ;'LICENSED• :.. RiSTA. T ` • .. AURAN. EAKHO:USE 1 -LICENSED UNDER THE:LiQ'IJOR LICENSE• ACT 42 WEST STREET::' • st used on .the..laarrn include rabbits, •chickens, -Sheep, • goats; a. cow,. horses . • and pleori Unders.tandibly a1l• animals will 'be', innoculated 7,7 prior to their .move o`` the farm and the n-wnbers.will be ,controlled: . The Ood riLions. -�, c ch Club wag was approached by the • Centre, and $srd etre rtheir • $1,500donationtowards- the •,purchase 'et materials were actually • involved .irl the, construction of the farm • WOULD YOU BELIEVE by ERIC CARMAN THE EXPLOSION OP#A STAR Yes, in 1054 A D •, a :supernova, S0 -BRIGHT. IT COLD BE. explosion resulted in what is now , SEEN; FOR THREE DAYS known as the :; "Crab: 'AND NIGHITS :Nebula WOULD YOU ALSO BELIEVE - thattie have a star;burst of savings available everyday: Come . and see us` where' .quality and service :meet;. !.•sayings :anti• safisfection.• • HURON CAMERA CENTRE (Eric Carman Photography) 112 The Square Goderich ;PENN DUTCH Visit tjie land of the "Plain=& - Fancy'; Dutch Folk. See Hershey '.• where we visit Chocolate World. Attend the Padolia:Days Festival at Shartlarvdle. Tour Northern Berks County; with its -'Crystal cave, •Blue :.Roc:cs,• Roadside America. The • "Penn -Dutch Special" .includes the Market, Amish , farmlands: and'. homestead, Lititz Moravian - sltntur,ity, Pretzel House, 'Step t the `Corning Glass••:Cgntre. part August 7 for 6 days. Or information Contact:. HANO 'ER; Travel Service' 290=14th Hanover 1-800 - 265 3007(toll free) •~- 364 3270(local) • KINCARDINE Travel Service x831 Queen St. Kincardine " 396-3477 COACH HOUSE 'Travel Service S!t' I4anliftoil St. Goderich _ 524.8366 • • just tare Along ... BARREL OF CHiCB-EN i BUCKET OF CIiICKEN' �.TRRli1E'T BOX • i INDIVIDUAL DINNER • •'THRIFTY DINNER O SNACK PACK. The'we'sa'PACKAGCSIZE JUST kiGHTT'. i, • y�..e rs Cyo.OD HOT'. OR COLD j �.. J d.itif o' rl! G ocierhaln • PoolCourtt ATURDA'YS.1 a.m�-12i noon' Members of the-Goilerfch t;ionS.Cilib lent their talentsto the construction .of .a• model -farms -•at 13liieWater Centre '•last • week. The philosophy' of the project is:to,involve resitents'in- the..care and management 2f' animals, (staff'photo) ""'• 77.7 Be Sure To Include Our Tasty -74e sir ras f vi tiandere Red tc ,oldrel Sande Ls'an iekin A CANAOAN l:OONPANo his`iyoy6 make it 1'finger lickin' good'. • • n• h VARIETY of .SALADS- 1. da at'the aS points . ` Elgin Ave,, GODERIcil LLA OF-BAYFIEL -CELEBRATIONS•. CENTENNI F CORPtORATI Oil • Thursday, July. 1, 197,6 4:x30 p tri: =Chicken Barbecue'�•Aren'a_ 0:30 pan: - Talent Night - Arena • -F.rday,;July 2,:1976_., _M. .... 1:0.30a m •- Paint -in •Main Street 2:00 5:00 Fashion Fashion Show ' • '9:00 p m. -- Young & Young at. Heart Dance; - Saturday, July -3;1976 „ Pancake Breakfist reakfast 1:00 p.m. —• Pioneers '76 Parade ; 4:00 p.m. Pioneera '74. Fish Fry' 9:.00 p.m. -- Pioneera '76 Centennial -Ball ,:• Sundayr,July•4, 1976. • �� 10:00 a.m. — Sail Boat Races.' 2:00 p.m. — Saii.Past & Regatta',' Note: All Friday afternoon 50 to 60 `sailboats, entrants in the Lake, -Huron l'00 Sailboat 12ace (formerly -the: Canada Trust 100) it'rll be: arriving in the •Bayfield Harbour as they finish their, 100 mile race... „GoderiCh Recreation (0mmunity e'ntre,,Board Please. Register/ Jennifer! ' . . .,4, •r• •