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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-07-01, Page 24
E • '1 AI? LC T�G1W %QST TI URSDA. 38 East.St.-Goderl.ch '524.8100or 534-9131 TR.AIaRD 3714347 KINCARDINE -F:34=3418 `';. CHOSE THE HOME THAT( LL REI -OCT YOUR OWN G000 TASTE IN LIVING hook over our listings *. 4 BEDROOM DELUXE Family•;home, large, well-• 4. planked. kitchen, main floor .farnily..room with Jog burning.. fireplace rec room, 2 .baths, .. double . 'a rage Choice .location. Owner Iran ferred. SPACIOUS•:R•ANCEIER •.:' ••Custom ' built. Large en- tertaining•size• livingraam, deluxe stone fireplace, 2 bath's" Large fndscaped treed - lott:'a'good'resrdent.ia;l area. MOVE •RIGHT IN • Custom -brick with . 'family kitchen, •.4 'large bedrooms.,: formal 'dining rdbrn, finished' family 'room, many ; extras-; Immediate possession. • • -:•JUSTl- .": IST ED. ,.. STONE HOM11 Cents,' location, .•2 :Storey. " home; well..' maintained. 'Owner. retiring into snialie'r ; home: Natural beauty is retained in'.:thus histor;iC'•" family home: ,. OWNER MOVED Three, m bedroom , rancher,: attractively 'decarated., above; • ground. poo•l.: 'Dist►washer,:q stove and fridge -to remain; • Priced. to sell.,: . - "VIEW OFTHE .'LAKEt • . Under- construction. Three bedroom horhe; -Spacious rkitchen-With .Patio doors iluy-• noW ,arid have your chorce 01,; decorating: ' 2 STOREY. .• • see. •U N DE R.. -$35r000 Attracti've''3 bedroom modern home'rec room; immaculate. condition..'Near •schools. • - -$25,509 ' EAST STREET Inco:me..,pr.operty:. • Two apartmefitsiprivate entrance: Centra.hlocation. •BR.(TANNIA ROAD WEST .• • •'3 bedroom 'home; family kitchen„ spacious living room,;: • richly carpeted, rec.-room.: • Choi: cation,` Taxes $350. MAPIE•STR•EET 'rr. 2 bedroorn insul :,brick' 'bungalow with rec.room. RANCHER .UNDER!' 539,000 • ' "3 ,, e.droorll, Targe bright hvi grog - ith wall to' wail- Y car',pet('1'•old••-Extra•Iarge . lo:t.. Open r offers.. UNDER`533,000, '• Two-bedroom home featuring'.: . large kitchen. Situated treed lot. Taxes;•S287 JUST •L ISTiE D 2 • Year '+old• rancher;.,.. lie.Brooms'~,up -with,, extra bedroommin basement. Large'. roc room,. Extra large lot... COSY. BUNGALOW • ,522,900:. 2' bedrooms.. plus den,. `i'm°maculate :condition: _Beautifully 'landscaped lot: Central- focdt'ton Ideal -.for retired or='.starter home: RED: BRICK - : 'BUNGALOW'524,900 '` • - Exceptional home::. Same South St:, 3 ,bedroom home, o(igner for many years, Pride •:. steps ;to Square. -.Convenient of: ownership 'is.reflected • in location, Mature. trees: 1M - this: lm -this:. well built ° immaculate •• mediate possession home. Many. extras. Central t, • loc OUt OF - TOWN ' . PI0 ERTIES ation - RANCHER'': •100. LA:KEFRONTAGE SPARKLINGAskin 51.1,Ot10.� Near Neanlly new, 3. bed;roorris,• p attractive. livingroom,. deluxe ,Goderi p: Open`for offer;• rec'room, attachedgarage. LAiKEFRONT LOT Immediate.. possession. *Homestead.-• 'Heights:.° -':'V• 1C"TO•RIA'N :-3 RICK cessible"e ar rou nd. ''Double .BRICK with BAYFIEL• AREA dining room, 4' bedroomrmal.. 9 :Threeibedroom home ori large. 4P bedrooms. Many quality . lakefront lot full basement features • in, this``. weli�-'con- o ' :basement, strutted, home.' Owner:iron- ` log. burning fireplace and storied: Asking under;. 545;000; . •carport.: -Snowden Acres. ., for quick sale ° " BLU•EWAT,ER BEACH CLOSE:TO SCHOOLS . year round=11vjng.• Redwood tfractrve•2 storey 3 bedroom chalet, 1;500 sq�;•ft living..area, ,dome, finished roc robin: hot,• • Targe wooded let., Drilled' water heating, double:carport. • • well: 1 year old. Home ands in •ex `ground .. �•• .HOME &. ••-'T • cellent condition. t_ IO ACRES. W`ATERL:OObTRE'ET: ::.Ctom built'-brick.,horlre,': :> ustv :Ebur bedroom home, ideal•for': • richly .carpeted throughout:: 2' theA ..owing fam ly -Two .'. log burning' fireplaces, .family room, patio walkou: Offer s an. :fireplaces;.;Large :Idnds- aped are -of secldsion.'Your own lot: ,.Central location. area ...of scenic parkland.. QU'ALI"TY AND.,C'HARM '•MOBILE HOMES" t7h: quiet ..street, .attracthele '•''Huron .:Haven. '1971 Corn: - brick home, 2 fireplace;,: 2 �modore 12y x:60 : 3 -bedrooms baths fafoily.• roam, main in good condition ..Asking, Asking`: • floor der', ,garage, _ spacious :510,600: " :•sundeck.., Situated ori• treed we,ll._Iandsca.ped tot:., ,lyleneset"Park:"$8 500. Stove & • • fridge included" 5 minutes • • ELGIN AVE. HOME •-drWie-from town r- • 2 :_Storey ,:central location; ;w d -attractively- -decorated' 'ROAD ed° U -- N throughout., ....Idealfamily ;•, . Second row cottage :lot, ap- .proximately one .third . acre.` home Ready tor 'occupancy: , Takes -;59:64. Askkng $9:500 • :'•;1976.MODEL HOMES • • Three new brick bodies under construction,: featuringlamiky :kitchen, 3 ' bedrooms,„"4ar•ge living room, fill' baserpent•.•' Located;, in new subdivision. MODERN BRICK RANCH t 3 bedrooms,Vspacious'"'r'c �g 'room with patio doors. Large lot: I in -Mediate' possession,, Make -an _Offer, DE -8 SHE•WF'ELT .. 210' Keays St"''524-958.1 • .:..k .3CfA.:A.LLE%. ' JOAN" GIESBRECHT • R R 6 Goderich ' 1$4 Essex St:•524 8480 , 529 .., .'HAROLD ERB Bayfield 565.260•x;; BUSINESS'' OPPORTUNITIES JUST L-ISTED; ' Corn ftercial•property on West Street with excellent income; THRIVING. BUSINESS Grocery . store. m `Goderich area, 'reasonably .priced: Excellent investntettf. This js a :well' established business,” •4 EBB ROSS -' 42` Newgate. St, .524=8786 R Y cNla:..FIRE INSUR.•A r:E N 11UlALCo 'Mi MATH.E'R•s pi�1�l.'MA'Cs'IMA , • GODLEICII• IN'SURA CL AGENCY LIMITED. ,,; S'2dfswn 1 OO 38 :EAsY'.,STREET 524 .944;2 4-. 77. • • • Own the,home of your choice. where you want it at the price You can afford.y • - Choose your own -plans rr. Summer or permanent homesson your lot or ours We will completely build, Inc. plumbing D'`:' `..a and..electrical homes. T • 4• YQur, - specification or ours;"` We also do -addition arid' re.ovation MORTGAGES•NOW AVAILABLE a .. NOW.. BUILDING .-IN DUNGANNON$'GOf ERICH.. DROP IN AND S.EE>-THIS, DISPLAY HOME. . AUBURN 4 -Phone: Phone: DON' or ALFREDA 526-.7794... '• D. N;dWV,AILABLE:ON 1st and 2nd Mortgages- ;ANYWHERE ortgages .ANYWHERE IN ONTARIO : .RESIDENT.IAL,•.COMM•EIRCIA;,, • 'INDUSTRIAL AND FARM PROPERTIES I .erim Funancung For New Construction arld Land ..!' Development POR IN YOUR AREA _PHONE' FEWAY HAVE NSUITANTS LIMITED=_ :. aE- •. HEAD0FEICE: 56 WEBER STREET EAST,:KITCkIEN.ER, . •BRANCH OFFICE 705 GODERICH.PSTRE.ET,-PORT • E!;.GIN, (1,9) 832-2044 i• : 'EVEN 'NOV CALL .H�PWOR. ii (519); ,935 2$42=• a NE.BU•Y EXISTING MORTGAGES, FOR -INSTANT CASH.'• .• am; Realty fkinsurande Lake:;Front`• • bedroom cedar. •cottage,° ._. hished. Treed lot :24'409' „ LAKE FRONTAGES. '600' .,,1320' RUTH VAN' MEEIL 524-7875 238-2303 • GODERICH' - ' GRAND 8 -END •`:*• • • • r fit•4:(.nes. tOi{i.1igntA,4xc1 Vita; heir (ONuVI N I IONA1.; M11()UI11 Ak2;,.1�](zk3kLL ANU fur. }ti..f Ki:Ai.IONAL:HOUS.Ii1+(x..WIIIif:_U.i;1 Pr11t1C i A(I i,A i If.S .il Ws( walk ut anti ,i in lr�ulg Horses by_•=- ' L:NDi:t CDAR,HOMES 'BEN :i7,. •-MARLrE'rTE QUALITY HOMES " • AND-HOMCO HOMES•--- .. •, ""' ara rtteed 11) . 64F ie s(•act rort gN. FIi)anang;arranged • 4. n f cilli s Cgrr4 I e.GgnsFYrjetro aF B p t Dlxc'fIQME.$YSTEMS.- COMNfODoRE eMES •• • k • • r 4 • Ht1I HAVEN -HOMES• HURON HA-V.EN.VILLAGE Bqx. 1283 Goderich, Ontario. J A 3Y5.' . (Highway 21', North of Gaderrch.); Phone (519).524.8384 OPERATED:�HO'M;ES OF THE FUTURELIMIT ED i Opt- Pq�r N .. BRAND NEW 9 model homes now ready for occupancy`! Fully • serviced city -sized Cots including landscaping,'. paved streets and .drives;,and pool..One of.Ontario's F1RST professionally built:parks Come out and have a -look.- Find out: how you can.: live in luxury' (-Rents .start -at. only. $55.„per Wonth): M° rnderry Es Hwy. 84 one• mile west of Winghartv ,,. REAL-ESTATE •FOR SALE'- Seven acre:'Island in Lake.Huron, • cottage; guest hoaFe, nd storage building: Eighty-five miles east. of Sault Ste,. Marie; Ontafio. Best Offer, For furtlier,.'infortnation' w,i`itE F7.O.. • Bnz 131 .Gotierieh', On.itrjym-=-23tf •� • Real Estate THE SQIIA:: G©DERICH; 1t!nerar iesiranc.e , :prAQe Ii Ma.nagencent' : •LTi. • i.ve:;by" the aake . Nearing, completion new brick 3. bedroom split entry: Custom. ' built. Cozy family room, with.. Franklin •fireplace"„'Electric heating.,Large modern kitchen Pella*. windows. Welt inr. •,. , sulated. Corner kit :Iocation4 Price reduced to. 552,500: lm- Mediate -possession: .' T1.. ternctive-• Ranh Nearly',new, 3 bedroom' ranch with attached garde: Large, � eo picturesque lot.' Extra 2peebath: Crose•to sehools.;,No need to ` wait to build;: Asking $49,900', 38 • wowing oo • Nearly new brick three bedroom' bun9alow with .heated .e ated .in : • ground.swimming schools. Family, room ih'''.. basement with extra'twb piece bath. immediate possession. Price reduced to $52,000. Open for offers'. We .;Would, • be -:pleased -to .. offer -free, expert advice on buy"ifrg • or `selling 'real ' estate..: Be • .inforrYned -•• corse in and see us .today., . Excellent view.o£lake from furnished . 3. bedroom Cottage al Hunter's Sacha located five mile`s north'of Goderich: Well built with electric heating': Large living .;room and large-.. family room Share.in new.. - drifted' :wen: 'Price 'reduced. - to A22;900, educed'- to.,$22,900,Open for offers... : 134 • Cottage .Cedar siding •-• takefr'on 3J'"'' bedroom cottage with fireplace: Good beach :LocationHuron•:' Sands :. imtnedi.ately north:'of Kingsbridge. Large _well• ,tree�:, lot Partially :'fur : nls-hed..Sellin for, -$25;060. Estate. Sale .Com.forta.b.Ie ."brick bungalow with nevi. siding : ;Excellent Iower_priced. :,sntaii: home...One large:: '`bedroom _Large room: Possession June lst. 'Oddly^,$23,000 , . Corner. lob Loca_tion• frame: bt►ngalow close to schools: Extra large:,kit chen..Partially finished dry'. . baserrient Three to,,; five • •bedroos Separ.''ate ' m ,garage: Price reduced to _ •.-$39,900: open for offers • 57.. Low Taxes:- &ick,. 2 storey,' four • bedroom ° home in tri Dungannon►: :Recently -:'renovated„. throughout •-: OIN'hot water. ,heating • New. 'family room :large. "modern• 'kitchen with new cupboards Separate garage""'e'fid • t,'rrbby shop` Pr•'ce reduced:,to, 542,000....-• • - .- •"•• 1.. '• Clint�an •1 Presfige' beautiful nine - room .older home. Inv, maculate• inside and; out.. ' •Not water heat. Fireplace:... • ▪ ;•Fenced•in patio and many • =extras;.On large weli�.treed lat..Let, us Show you this holm, with. its.. lovely spacious rooms: •• • • • andym-an Spetaa1:. ; Large well treed .lot and 'garden.' New gas,forced. air heating: Nelly roof.. Good possibilities,:' Paved'stria pt • in ••Clinton. Immediate possession. Only $18,000 Open for: offers. y • Mobile .H,ome::. Like nevi Bendix Leader, 12 x 68, .3 bedroom. Located in Goderich"South 'op Bayfield Road Propane heating Furnished;-. Lnc)udee ": storage -shed, The answer.... Idiom/ cost housing. Asking 813,900. %39 r. Close : The Square To S •�� i '4bedroorn brick andstucco house .in excellent con... , ditien '. Double •living room -1 • with. fireplace. Gas hot •`w:ater„ :heating '.Large kitchen;9New wrthg Only . ▪ $3$,000 tn0.me Property;: Lovely 100 year-old.'brick 2Vi storey.',house_t lade into six 'apartments. `Five -furnished -Choice residential area close to the •'.-square. Enjoy • a monthly:. income: Expellee •-, con`-.. clition inside and out. •Hot water"h'eatrng. • . :New. "Your Ychoice-of several; new homes nearing completion. Fully serVi'ced Tots inciude C1i1F6s' and street 'paving. -,Electric ' heating, Un de grouncF wiring.: Priced: to sell quickly. Don't delay.:. Choose ' now, . Close to 'the i lake and schools. y,r. m . We hair,e others ur consideration WHEN BUYING OR SELLING ICONTACr O6'THE FOLLOWING. SALESPEOPLE '.' '245, _ , :ED J ESSOP, 182'. Wilson Sir., Tel , Brrt�Y ALEXANDER, 2a5„Catherine,St., Tel 524-783b.:,'..•,, • � •. • F3ERNLCE .GL,ENN, Dungannon; Tej. •529-7924 •:.:. .,SiHELAGH SULLY,, 64 Comox Cr., Tel. 524-4059:.• 84 Comiox tree., 1e1. JOHN BANTER, R'R;:2, Goderich,, Tel. 5.24 8149 C1fJltl /�IRHAR, 524x ... : 1,Dungannon,n yd43, KEN THOMPSON'•, 198' Sunset. Dr.., 524.7514 '�A�,,E�id°i= CAMFSAEI..�.r RR Tel 5i7g , n A S • '• ` • OPEN ;HOUSE _'-` EDEN'' HOMES.:O'F• ` AUBURN ANp DON .H'OLS•T .' .. :REAL 'E STATE:: • .IN RIPLEY Solid:briick building on Main-Stree't 3;bedrooij)s:,rpom for 2 :sore beilrQQ mood sueµ_ kitchen with. cupboards, 'nice: living, rooms, -basement, new, :.• heavy • duty wiring, oil furnace`. town wafer, :• -piece .bath. Alt in. excellent. repairs Priced to- sell quick. at 28,500 Contact -Chas. Hooisma ':395 2905 , or >395-2979 evenings: t 4 -' 82' Albert. Street Phoria- 482-9371 y ' MASON BAILEY ; • all 4litA/IMANk 1 ,T 2 storey brick home' iii Clintgn, 8 rooms, 4••,bedrooreS, 1y,_baths;.2. •l • fireplaces. 1 are �f land, ofs of Cordially invite -you, to attend a- ; new, home.s'ho.wing in Dungannon 20 acres in Stanley_townahi•p", on Sunda`y,• July.4th, from 1 p.m, .••pBapnockbur.n.;river• ' •2 .:•choice.: building L'©ts. •i • 1 :Block•:East of-Dartcson's•Store, • Brucefieltk- watch ;for signs4 • 2r/2 rey bme in Clino, Your hosts Anna l=iiid and. 7 r-oot}�stos 4 bedrickrohooms 1t/Z athstn, '. Tom "Light-,Refr.,estiments" : dining and IL•ving room carpeted, sun occh .t'ar'p at back Located • GREAT BUlI1:: uptotrn A-- lovely 3. laedroam home in Goderich with'full:bath.:and: full•, Fully equipped..r•estaurant basement::.Nicely decorated: a nd . Cxiinton,•, doing an 'e.xce'll.ent very: clean: Coloured fridge: and ,busines:s•, ideally located stove, • drapes and broadloom • included .in the .low asking price:- 2 -- siprey' ::a.11 •ne 'Fly decorated of; 839,120. -brick _honie : f th,8 rooms.,::4 • bedroom•, �; petEd throughout, SECLI)DED; ,Extra°large�lot 3 bedroom: homer—near—Bayfield, - = ' -. by. •the Lake., Large .'L`, Shaped '2' acres just south, of Clinton, in • living rooin with dining areal„ . No. 4• highway,:;steeL work; shop, Beautiful big 'fireplace with hoated,.con.cretefloor': : raised hearth. New home 'well • decorated and: broadloomed in Semi-detatched', 1�/2,storey_stucco :expensive shag: A bargain at'only -home in G;oderith, 6 rooms,: 3 54.4,910 bedrooms, 11/Z baths dining.ian:d 1tYirrg :roo.ms ""'Ca.rpeted, : gas SMALL $ COZY heating:'Workshop:.Located•clo e 3 bedroom, remodelled home,in totlptown.. Goderich, large treed lot; r well ; landscaped; clean, bright..:and ..Countr livin' on 2 acres .just cheery, Asking S45,000„: -north .oyf�° 3lythg; 2 storeystucco -home, 0 -rooms, 5• bedrooms, oil - .:''COTTAGES-' EXCLUSIVE AREA! • ;."J4 • lovely �3 bedroom lakefront_ ear l•y' ..new • .5'.°room brick cottage near Bayfueld Large welt bungalow in Blyth, 2 he`drootra treed lot 100 x • 300. Impeccably. .: large lot. . - ctean and tastefully decorated.' . . 1 -�,. Large living :room. with one wall 'Flf0D.FOR THOUGHT' '. of .windows overlooking the lake.: Kitchen' with berand stools, large,.. Crime will not: ;decrease';,unti •bath, with- linen closet;- change' being a criminal becomes;mor room; tool 'shed and much --more... dangerous than being a victim..... Carpeted 'throughout, electric ,,. . ,heat;• 'drilled -•well, completely ,�,.; -::fu'rnished even to dishes, cutlery Bo t 'nae. •` and vacuum: -Equipped with lawn t• chairs, lawnmower,even:a•small---' • to see and Well ' boat. el i hi o- �s ilbo a d g ,a es hl .. . ns vote worth the asking price of $45;,000°......," ; ,: Robert McKinley,•_£Q ASTEALYAT Huron .Co1:ty said th 522,900 : abolition of thee'deathapenalt ••:Cedar `rove' Beach 3,. bedroom '. oes.aga4 •... .wish'es of ih with . large sun deck . and `,. 4'Bunky"._5eclud'ed area. county and against °themishe of about 75 p'er.cent of•'hi ONLY 825.,000 cQnstituencyk• • 3 bedroom cottage •• at Brindley. 4 K.inley, who • vote Beach,• poured concrete foun- against the bill :to abolis a.'dat-ion1-well• insulated. Nice. .hanging, laaid he.--•hd-, n( :location, _''• .. made up.hts. mi `dwhich wa N e until about."�te d MOBILE HOMES • to vol .n ay before the vote ."• ' _ We ' have" several priced from "rex-peeled. :expeeled it WOuld' t :$10;000. upward• • R- . .- ..�lose•:arid i expected rt,,.yta�ul : ass" he said addin • diet LOTS ., , n .. p g 7; 'a a front wooded. 80 x all ,pressure `ldf- rwas - put on .Liber Lk reducedjo $12,200•- . -baokbet chess by the cabins •Near Seaforth, lot 125 - x 313'• fp.,. vote 'for abolition H ' asking 'S1,5.0'0;'" '"'• ` .~ suggested :,that • it was'not, 5; acres in Ashfield;" Asking.•free a'vote as panned:; �'"'• $11,•200,.:_ ` •- '��r:.MeKanle�r'cel.l-ed Prim s 1. Minister Trude•au's speech l . •. • BUSINE•SSES� the Common ..'"heavy r ; We have an excellent selection to Y ` choose. from. Come in and discuss •:' particularly 70eanidhe.. . col . • .lour.. plans with:us soon: —' detained zi en'lives aro ,c " o r hands;" •:Y if ATTENTION FAR.ME,RS: 1VI'ci`►itileth'< Small and large farms and ' statet>ieilt "could be ttirne acreages ; forrsale:at reasonable pikers. " around aid the lives Of "i no,Cent victims -wilt be ei tirely ofd his (Trudeau 1 a hands'" since the 'cjea{ enalt" tna -have deterred p y Y red. + ' dn'r ." -:; ;• REALTOR Mehl iley 'expects PI 1itt change in .the bili when. returns f the e third �`r :, It is in coirim.ittee now acid tt cotninittee=.will .nit see ''at Alma Nlelslri ' Enid ,Bail witnesses."Th • r • e gcrv�ertttrler Sia 2168 524 819,1 wont accept ammen(ifneht i... ._., • 'they'lave whata,they.want4" DON.HOLS.T ' - REAL ESTATE LTD _ A' .ES west . 8treot •: - • • 524.8981• •Tom' Tobe; 529:'*31., 3 • .....'4'. ,. ...