HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-07-01, Page 23• • ..,G SSD RICI SIGN „=5j'Ak; Tbit/IE.SDA:''I€'.;I % ;E:197 PA 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE " 13..SLRViCES AVAILABLE AVAILA,BL[:,, *-..., FOS:. INST 21.ICTlON on. , a , cordion piano, organ-oriiitat%-- phone. 524=2711 „(In$truments LAYING and ftntsh ilg concret floors .: for"basements, garages, patios.:. Gall George. ; Ba .raelough• 524-8158.-43tf ' . .r • ap.VIDSON Hearing,�.,Aid ryice, hearin :''teats, .,yg batteries, chargers and repairs. ".City and obuntry house calla. 334 _ Queens Ave., phone .432-99.51; Loiftkin.-24tfar ..:. • -WEITZE'R Electric for'all your, electrrea,l;, needs. l2esideittial,..', >eommercial, : Industrial. Pble' ine .constrution:. Custom:; trenching:Hydro,• poles for sale.,. '!Ph. oire Grand Bend 238-8a54.-22tf Nk6E1 Expert Carper tr. Y Bathrbori7 ;• Roonns tC ii�AU R 1,. Kitchen: & . - .Cupboards - Reefeation' General Repairs , call. LOU ROTE 524-692 R_u . AGUUMiCIAAN RS SALES f1i SERViOB : t� ALL MAKES -110B C � K. IrARNA 262.-5748. •gcttn,; • •� MATHERS :4A, 'dDS£APIMG • :..AW.. � MAINTENANCE. Spertaltzing ' in landscaping and your complete, lawn needs . ` .0 Phone:. •524,,2401 ,5244044' • 'DAYMOND: VINYL SIDING. -Po/ALUMINUM SIDiNG SOFFITS & FASCIA Aluminum starrri" doors ?and windows, weatherstripping,. small'= `plumbing repairs and: warm air. heating -DO IT YOURS -ELF. OR • ;WE CAN,Db•1T FOR YOyf FOR FREE E•S'1'IMATES CgLL, la:G:M :HOM-E MAINTENANCE. 'BASK FOR DON. ,e• 5107.779.4, - R 4:. PERSONAL 26. CARD OF XITANKS :.. '. IIA PF' ANIVIVEItSARY to our BERRY I would, like to thank the - wonderful paren'ts;•itufli and J'ii;fl'•-•• 5441..E •and• Vanagenrent of Bed---- w.Cla erfulLive;. , Jane ilial ford 140101. ,for the tovely part. y I' in;= 77 - *..' and •lining -away gift ` on Y 4 retire-m'en.t;' Thank W.F., I:N . you; --Florence Berr -• 2 • YI.TE .engagi.d couples 0 .. y 7 visit the Arbor Gift• ':Shit in":' •iILPA'TRICK: Thanks . tb Clinton. -Receive, a free gift .and •v• ,i tell Yodr friends a"b�tut'our sho"we:�r relate, to and falso fpr 'cards arid: Brill and flowerse also -Care runt al Rrrgisti y S4 ra iceIo p . wander.Pul nurse's .and' .doctors charge,-na obt1gation 3tf diirigg _' niy- Stay . at Goderich "' ,Gene-ral. Hospital.—tylara - 00 Y0LJ:have `marriage•oi' family, 1{i1patriek::--.27x Y , probletne? The Ministry of .C9ni: munity &•Social Services: offers help rni'the'forrn of inerriage'and•famil*t., counselling -either in your home or. in the Wingtranr- Offi,pe,: 1,99 .Josephine •8treet.: For appsiintrnen.t; phone; .3.57,337.0, -8tf : • . • r' WATCH REPA-,RS JEWELLERY .GI FrIT MS 4efs.tope. AI:CHMAKER JEWELLER 166 the Square - 524 -6572 FOR YOUR Carpet and ;Upholstery Cln• anrn -Needs': .5u' erio , p r.7lAainten;ajrce • Nano. lO ffers• STEAM or DRY SHAMPOO For Free -Estimate Cat.l - .424-889.2 . 257 Warren'.St ,'G'oJerich'. : :a BALL_ P.U:R.POSE. •LACK • �HQEIH. •'Septic -tankS trenchesbasements Cali; Rick Boel. 5 9-7�!,•' , O FFIIMEY IR •. RIumbtn9 & Heating LTd. BACKHOE SERVH:E" BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS rr,MP;TRUCK •, BUI.4.DOZING.. SEWERS Septic Tank: -installations Gouernment. Licenced_ FREE ESTIMATES d.13ruinsma. •Goderich • PAUL .LASSALINEr 524.71 53 FREE ESTIMATES, Carpentry •Work ' Holme -Renovating. _. FUrniture-Rep(iirs (30 :Years Experience) (No Job -Too Small)" • S24 2591• or 524.4386` Between 12 8, .1. p.m. '.or after .6 p.m: • APPUANCES - 55 KINGSfoN:: ST': ELECTRIC inglt4washers :•dryers,. re r fora rt; dithwashers, . ;-SHERRAT•P: • At ; St '.Mary -s ;OPPOR.TUNITIES•V a Goderich,g' COFFEE- WAGO�N usenes�..: •��`• • FOR •SALE-'• . lncfudes track''` `-' and ail-supptres.,,, • 5'24-9843' after...6 p.m: :9 bedroom brick and stucco. house,: in •excellent„ can tlali.• Double; hying raorrjt with• fiireplace Gas hat .; uva.tg•r, heating. Large kitchen.' New wiring'. Only $33;004.'. Ballet -in -Beard d ' ANNIrv''ERSARY.• To ':honor'": Evelyn andAlanrMdore on their 511th . Anniversary„ their family`` invites &uendsand neighbors to a., re.ceptr'on at 14 Charles: 'St., • :Stratford `ort July 7 from 7 until 9 • , p.m: Best wishes only. -27 AUCTION SA°I. ; Victoria Street. " Urfified Church, July 27th, 6:3Q p.m:-2I;fr •- TICKETS aro; still. avaii'able Pdr1. • 'the "Summer_Fling"- 'Sponsored - by the. Lucknow.•,Agricultu.ral Societyon, Friday, July 9th •('9• ' p.m.. a -.m4• in the Lucknow" '�Arc'na =-- M•i•isie. b . •Wapiter •stanch s$andi $10 per couple rricl'uding ...lunch._. Contact -any director Cowan's Store or.ph.one_ • 4-66918 Tor,45294.498'"-fer••fticke'tr-~ (•-27 70: TOGIVE'AY4lAlf .:. M aiyt TW f � ,Q'fittfy. ray'hiiiens eight �,^ .0bins• weeks' did, litter 'trained, • Phone 9 • '� actt. �•,�3a.0 BIRTHS ,' • n • at Clinion .E X211'12ciiir: &Cha , n•: REALTYLIMIcTED--- $'Tire S qare Go rch tiu . „ flei . , Phone S244$412.,- • •. , . . Ownertransfe.rred. Exceptional split entry located,dti V L A, subdivisigt"I Nearly: new Large hving'rooip and kitchen. 3 or .. 4 I;arge bedFooms, -Finished basement >liith family room: "featuring fieldstone :fireplace:'Large, Sun deal Above gr6und ool.• La.rge.garage. Storage. shed: Large:; tot -and garden:' A.*" -beautiful' home for •thosewanting something.better. ; Possession .July 17th:. :. :... See •I ex an d•e-r &Chap ►an ranges::' . = Hospital KrtchEner • Friday Julo' Stine s 6 'to r''and nd Mr's Pat • •I3'AS. , " Stlerratf1 n€ a. Feyd Robinson ,, a i •Ranges, -�berbecues,:, tFgbta.;o; •.;daughter,"NfeoleDe.nise.-27 c n .. • .ranges„ . . RODGE.S: •Mr., arid' Mrs. John: ro WOODLAND Many Plans available for your choosing Assistance can also •be given in locating a building' site. Phone ,524-6866. LYLE. Nh4NTG ,ERY: CON "S.TRUCTIQN SAND 'G:RAVEL::, AGGRE-GATES' -BACKHOE EXCAVATING- ----:- Screened Top Soli Phone 48 2-7644 . . a. Wmi:it Nelson. •• CARPENTER :• : Area Representative : TRALEE:;K,ITC:HEN CABINETS and varsities' • FREE ESTIMATES' 14.. NOTICE TO•'CREDITORSf .. 04, =62 CAMBRI OAD Iv. '• oo r `Ice -1 .. Iecfr,c I Contractln� ..• • APFYLIANCE SALES SRViCF� Repairs'to alt .mak sand models;' oT�rrtalor_ �:li'ances . Ary c�'aIJ 'taefore 2 p.ri1.;;.' an rlt :be:done4he `next day;' LAWN. sand GARDEN".:1I AiNTENA.NCE: 1300:people attended «ell.periforrrred, :three floor :Mar tyaRobbins concert' hQ?cl at the.Clint-on:arena-l-rist '' S tial day evening ': rho, eager' `audience : s, 4«edge - 1tR 2,: `Godcrich, :are r i c !ell their m'pt}ey's wdrth• • pleased to•annotih.ee the:bir.th ofga ' rr1 en.tertainm.ent as Marty .REAL`fY L fnIT•ED "8 The`Square,-Goderich,-524:6542 baby boys•"Bradley Jblin Alien; r:Rg*thb'iris:arid his band played ` born Monday lune 14,. 1976, at, m;my 'of' his hit.'songs err• DkintonPub1iki cosiiital:=27hc, c.iu•ding.; "El Paso"' 'and r -White • S•p: iftscoat." He . •• received -e •s.tandi:rtg,;otyati.on . • -for:..hts we'll=performed s'h0 rn wh-ich.'he played:an extra. . half-hour of music, ht . the • delight of <i1l;who•,attended.' Following 'fhe•c•orrdprt; . the. back -:up. band,'"Pes.tiny,--"-'and coot tr:yi singer 'Cathy 5hepherd'ptayed fora crowed. of 1;100wh.o., attended' the,- tla.n ce',. - The' ,Huron ' :Central • > ..A gr~icu.ltural ..Society. • :dee rrr.e'd 't.14e ...Society. :ha* ncert. and tiance,a. Supcess and although, • .not ail of:the money has been . counted, it is _estrtriated that• '.the event :raised.' -several. thousand dollars over: the 8 000"ccst'of the concert, and • dance-, . - 43: ENGAGEMENTS Mi ..and M,rs Lloyd W. a fon •Ii.ivervr.ew Drive, Guelph; Ontario.are pleased •to- announce.: the, forthcerni.ng' marriage of: thei,F,•daug ter Knahryn Ruth to ti edger • Ste•ve>t • Williams son cif Mr. and Mrs. East -Willi irks; Rei,' 2r' Godericl ; °•Ontario. The- :ed -- ding will . take '„place° ” ih,. St. . Georges Anglican Chur c1t Guelph Ontario at•4 p m.•on July - ].7,x976; : T 21, -.01. -.MEMORIAM •M(11 12ING:,In loving me'mbry-of' A43023 Pte. Herold :.$ Vloliririg,. 1§t Canadian • Pa:rachut,c:'.Bat- talioii killed in action in Franca,. June. 27, 1944 Ever remain-' bere'd by. inothtiZ*.siste rs emd ,,brothers. -27' . ALL persons' .having glairri • against:the Estate of .EVEL'YN, +MAUDE'GLAZIER,'Widow; late Of £h 'otvn of'G.oderich, 1n „the' • Cdunt' 'E Huxo`r1,Who Head-on: or .about the 15th day'of M y 1976,. are required to file the same with full -particulars ,with'.'.the un- dbrsigned by the 24th day orjuly, 1976, aa -after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed DATED. at Gtiderich, Ontario; this 25th day of Jiiii61-97f ,« • • P•RESTandlNEii;. :-Barristers,etc•., ' 33.Montreal Street, Godericli', Ontario, Sol ice tdrs <for the=Estate,." ' o «.27,28,29ac • Mowing , a.. Erlg'iuct e' Hedge Triinrning Pruning: - - . • - RAY RefT DIRTY yourself: 'BURTON . Retired' of Tirekeriniftli;*•:th4fit''COptity: of - required, tri file the same withitill. particulars with the underSignOt by the 240 day rif July, 1976,',4S-1 estate will:be distabuted. .• " .PREST and EGENER,_ -rite yo nion Metrtb r Af M 4..5: 11A4,F1E1D,. - $43-;300'; Mature; treed grounds' with. distinctive 4r'r. . l�k• • rakh h :,.house:- Roby antler. wconstr4ptlipn. • (Act hiSti.pti this onel) LiNT N <2 f*r "the price of 1.; 4 goQd••sised--.• bedrooms, Large living room and ' kitchen. Private drives. Fenced , in garden. Xesi the same on both Sides. Can" be purchased together: • or only one sideof yiiur .choice: . Brick.Rancls .House. Impressive' and .distinctive horne'on::North' St. 4 bedrooms;. double garage; step a. • :saving kitchen,,; loads of cup- boards. up boards° Cop-nowforappointmept to view - is VANAS'ERA, is t'o,50Q".°turrionton St..Clean and well maintained, . 3 :bedroom .. - a I:GERTON'BEACH :(4:j les-south of:Bayfield) „Fully •furnished cottage with :. garage, field stone.., fireplace; :: propane' heaters; -.3 .season use. • . Large' landsc:aPed Iot..t Good .y.• beach, • tennis'' Court neXt door; • .Out'."pleasure• to. show, , • - SALTFORDr' • 11/2 acres with 3 bedroom home , land garage.. Try your. offer. at- $26,000. ' ,11 JUST REDUCED. •8Y: s 10,00:0 .-.;Mobite • Home' Park-rn Godeyich ..12 'service sitesve .Owneranxioustoseil;.lts in •Kitttiener. 545,000:'1 L (W AT U.. ER .GOLF.ANlE' � ... TR.AILE'R PARI( _` S3,SOQ 1975: Landrover Trailer; Only used 3. ffines, all the•iatest conveniences, Come out to view.- r 1,500 .Mobile Horne on lot in Goderich...••• 5159..h,per month with- option to. ,p •. • 95 900 Mobile Home oniof -1975 model • fully furnished°"Easily financed ``' :,• DEVELOPERS.- Land Fdj° Sale in Goderich.. Multi-. family zoning. ,Ideal 1ocationS: ;. 111011E •1tON! SAMWA1'.: 482•-3337'•` THO1LfAS laving.njetnory of a - dear aunt; ' ljrlilly' •Thgrnas, who pA,sserl aWay, one .year ago,. June 21, 1975 L•, ; She had a nature you iojd�lr at 4I hlov elp ing; , . ter : Arid a heart. that :was. -kind •2nd true, • • of a dear silo arid bi:othe'r,:•Waitis'r way'ctrie'year,agd today, July 3, . The ilea -reply G,etes it,:e re onto/tied One year ago toclay,:. With goodbyes left uniip'oken, He gently slipped.away:, 1.o one vie loved so wetu„ NITEMRER OE THE HURON.(OUNTX..REAL.ESTATEROKROL-7•-- GENERAL INSURANCE HOME-HUNT1NG Nap NOT BE TROUBLESOME au R SALES PER-SONN EL ARE Qi1A-1.1 D TO EkSE THE PROBLEM. INSPECT OUR • VARIOUS STYLES AND PRI:CED HOMES. • Frame -and stone construdtion, offering .2 bedroOms,'attractiVe.:kitOen, 4 "", baSenient'with.shoWer, toilet and sink:- Only $47,500, bath, • full •gtiam,i gets Attie dirt 'other. ri)ethods don t reach -7 Oi.em"oVes old shampoo. Carpet dries duiCkly. Steamex s91911959 parry 9119 1975 11 FlaorSp9099:111C • l'S.:PLIDLI'( NOTICE loVing parents Mr. • 216:Iiifellingten,.Street ,••-• Goderich 4.1440 The. Humanitarian Serviee - have egidprrient for,loan. 'contact Amos Osbaldestton,' 524.96i3 or. DM—Betty Smith. -27,18,29 !-dOODi• ,May take this dp- ,pOrtunitY „of, 'expresS,ing our relatiVel: for the lovely. teceived 44. our 25th Wedding .4rMiverSarY dance. Thank y,9ti to Shirley :and. ' Dave for, lovely supper at Candlelight was all cerely.—Ma .1.111.eulah TWILIGHT • 'AUCTION' SALE. - 6f tiouseholc1; 'Effacts _and WillciliCks'a.iid Other con- signments :at the Auction South of •Goderich ' Friday., Jelly 2 2,' chesterfield, bronze ,suite) pce. bronze extenSion table with pedestal base): bookeases, -2 corn- milk-Cart7-taffee tables; end tables; Planter tables/ Vitali tabliSk round Ca ed table -with 4 tablesr machine; 54". Continental bed- wodden bed, roll awaY". bed; Zhtld'S Iran and brass Crilit. machine; ,Nesto broiler grill (like new); disheskbrasS car• bowling shoes; garden tools; step -ladder; aluminum door; bath tub; shower stag; •vaCtitirri cleaners .and zPioneer chain saily, et. etc.' Tertris.. cash Marie utn.mings In this 4 bedroom family home; nice•dinitig rdoni,, 4pc,-.114.4 pcAtattoso.family roam witnc 3- l'3' e- if r o o m .bricliTairilifgtrobon'T son-declri-ric. roam -lot -70- x 1.25#., geed- Mortgage-4E44AL. plus 3 aeres7iii"the Maitland:PRiver,in Saltford. A pleasant country envirbnment. Do inspect property. '" '; 1. Twit bedroom( 10 x 50, all furniture ineitided; $5,560.00. ' • 2. Three bedrooms 12 x 4(1,1973 Model, stclve,..tefrigerator, curtains and rbgs, $8,700.00. • 4. Three tiebroonis 12 x 43', 1973 Marlette, refrigerator, stdve, curtains Snd rlogi, $14,500.00_ _ Tiifie bedroom J976, all new furnishings,.washer and dryer ineluded S15,900.00: ' • _-• -BirCh teach, ideal for your sinirner playhouse,:lot 126 x-240'..' Goal] acCest by. Township road; minimum of 1200 s•ua re feet per dWelf rim no mobile homes or trailersoperMitted, pricedat ",;4480;06:fLaackh:froi •rita§e- by ' aptiti; n be'r g.00ti. fro. t roWiots'availableAt Port Albert, , , Take your theige Of 11§ciad balding tots• EaYfield.• Each lot.i0,x'250 at abargain price•ef aisle;;Z:°: ;Cad •••6'7!.::132, " • We' need -your listin0.4Ci.5„.•action in a.ftet PLEASE PHeiNe