HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-07-01, Page 21• c' • "r • • duties as` ch' dren's su r Like Mr. rl a he ' redecessot, M a , p •. rp visor June 5, ; after. the -_Watson --worked, in an office. retirement of MissJohr gto ' of ;,takingu dutie§_here... P. Prior to this she•:received two ., and has five grandchildren, Weeks,. of . preparatory This gives . her ple•it- of ex training from the enc• .perience in<• howv:. to handle perienced ohnstone:` .:. children:and. meetpeople. • Replacing Miss .-•Myrtle 'John tone i , s as ch 1dr�n.s supervisor' : in the ~ Goderich Public.„Lihl'ary is4Mrs. Isabel r Watson. S `"bg an. lifer• offiei _ he g a1 4 • Mrs.•Isab'et Watson is taking' Miss. Myrtle Johnstone's place.as chiidrep.'s supervisor at . the :Godeitfkly-Public• Library•; .She is.:; een..;;htre .:r viewing':one of the,.,books from:the. libra"ry's`"Foots''teps to the Olympics':' `suntmer reading program • CHOICE GRAIN FED BEEF SPECIAL THS WEEK 5'.' Fronts 'ides Whole r. .L c ;CUT WRAP ED & QUICK FROZEN. AT NO EXTRA CHARGE •• . Meavy. Skies,, of (Beef •LB; . SMALL FREEZER SPECIALS 10 LB'L'OTS. e�i►t `�•Li•® e:��-PIECE OR SLUED ;L'- HOME MADE .. Sausage REGULAR :..•: Hamour 25 LB. LOTS- - ,:.50 LB . - LOT.S• " •,tNHOLEpOR, HALL= RIPLEY ABATTOIR 395-2905 OR 395-2979 AFTER 6 P.M. • 6 nae _ .. .... RICH SIG +lt?�L STAR, • • ,. Forrrreriy . of Mississaugaf e loves .children •and, she carne to Goderich about a t4'at she has altos s¢been and ,,-r Y ..•. a yea-r•.aga• `She has a daughter, l r,Cader were.. in- here, and on'e'who wag • sup- :s.t'rUnien'tal •.in.'' her .'.'ac - posed to, be li•ving '-near a•;:Ceptance; .'n :.ShE Goderich (she ended up. :in:.. elair:ris to really. 1 Newed..her: '•ne ovye: Liskeard.), so: it' Seemed w'o'rk, and Wqul�d like.:the^. natural. Place,- to: ^like:tv_. continue as .long as_. rriove, 'Mrs. Watson says the , possible, 'she feels she rnust, switch ' front ° work: in •.dbwri : keep busy. town Toronto • to .a more. Mrs,' Watson has nothing ;fov • N u 1 ,. • s Into, alai... 11- but : pr,alse for.. the curpont existence is very refreshing•, operation ° of. ihe. l brae , At Wanting a lob, she: applied. ;present sshe.can see nothing• for the library post ',wheii,It- needing 'change, but possih�ly, became available... The fact, after.- nio'c familiar za;tion "t r h he sb� -she -cpuld• find- . • .J �•. tip t, •02 he n'i .ics • program, room for irmEarovenaent.. , •. Mr -s.. Watson is..,rganniztng . The, children's library will b The ,. „„...puppet•sliov�CfPr the kidslo be be__ especially busy- ;this held late inNAu�µst, . •,... ,sumriaer,wi.ths t .e i'nitiationof ^r For •.th•:e• ,' resit; ' Mrs„_. -the>~odtsteps.to'th .01 m ics.` p '... , Watson 'would r11ke- to seer Program[ rare children ; readin She:: .: She and" her co-worker in., g" .the .children s�-section Joan says tliat:aadvant,,krds to •the' ;Ca 'silt a full advarrtagc •tic . the • ulter ; of Goderich: will. be .� y91 h° marl? �ttian •7�QOf} •. books aeti've ' tallying scores • and ' literail at. their fingertips ""footsteps'. �At the. end of the y ` she claims that -she cannot da''. summer; they_ Will' present.. a, the .job alone, ;.and wishes prize to. ,the child•' who has; parents- would:; really en read the most` books .courage their children to. In addition to the Footsteps; "read, . • M -..- * f. Mrs NIf *On • hOrselfreads anything and •.everything,;. rnrgsr7 ...,.,. 'Asa• resujt of a decision at Howick Reeve Bob'G ibson. • . • boundaries as set out~ in May.: Huron•'County' Council last, "Ai think i't is in order -that Stephen, Exeter, Usborne, Friday, grants to hospitals inwe put that' .clause •_ ,,in,".two : representatives; Jay, Huron undergoing renoat bn commented- 'Reeve: Anson ."'Zur•ich,.;;,Hensal one; Stanley,. and expansion wil.rvpceive CLP McKinley,..,Stanley. Twn osl p,• `and Bayfi•eld,'• Brie; 'Clinton:, •to:25 percent of all provincial The Council•. of the ad y;.can' riii •,Tifalte.rsgii.tki, one;, approved costs from the decide oil merit if: 'all : Seafo'rth ratepayers of I uron County i ` ne'; • op arid' . 11osplila's aren't in Hallett;;, `' o.ne, Goderich But to. -be eligible --for the agreem,ent:"•:. Township and Colborne,' one. or rEgovatign pr • oigrarri`stal ilmus , "Tn the next two years there^ ,Goderieh, twq` Ashfieid`dnd approval 'of might be considerable change; 'West Wa •ai°fbsh," one; •Hast . `• Have the. written app ill .the fundingto• ,Waw.an¢sh ..B'lyrth,` _Vixrris" .. all Hospital.. boards,,.in� th.e.,hospitals, ; suggested'• 1f'eld: Ed- one;'Br:ussei'san41,Grey, one; cbuaity; andall grants-Will:,he •9c1d1eifeon, Bayfield, - • Wingham,:- Turnberry: and approv .by county, .coi�irril .. ,� . Howicl�,. -two: Total •14 �'wo ' on the xeco'minendatiorrtoftft 2 , 1Ih°other•``,business'left ever. '• separate •school -•trustees Execrative Committee. -from • last month, council brings,:board to total -of` 16. ....:.Administrator a lit°1,1,:•.,Haxi.l.yr agreed••on-th'esdliool eiec'toral_, ,members ' ' „said the reasoning behind the motioji was to;:ensure. that all 1-16spitAL boards in the county w e agreed'.':orrthe :building• • •priorities .• ' _If,the 'hospital boards .carni: _- deci-de--arnong themselves, W then pexhapsr .- the:. County . ■ V �/ shouldn't • be. • making a donation „to th-af addatron,..' Communities faced wit't, p ' : t _. w n donations of mat�r�ial will -be'. stated Mr Itan'ly �' the problem of•holt/ to•-i:'epair included as a `f off the, "It isp . od•.change,” said ora, •replace: unsafe arenas::.., -communities contrrbutron:;7e Doug ;Weil, reeve o f" have been offered a highlevel ,b€rtal of 75 ercent',will be ... `Colborne Township.' 'arid' of :-.support',„ by _the `Ontario, - . p.. •: chair rxran of Gp�der.ich government;, a `PC 'govern- covered by the'- government' and counties, the remaining' •'Alexan•dra , Marine •-an:d_ -ment • caucus mews, ,re.leaSe 25 percent can be debentured:• . .,,.,General Hospital Board "As says this week ", •Inspectors ";will not be '•Z; es t today, . I'M:. no,� Robert .l elch,•Mini ter of .' forcing the closing of •arenas ' "d`i.sapproving ofiit at all.' But Culture' .and ) ecreatten has , if the. o p .anything can happen; grant ,, announced • , the . Ontario Y my need re .airs'and you ,. : - govern n.ent s'• financial- aid 'do trot remain • open under. Reeve . M6Nei1' was plan. The government will; ;clition efitable' snout/ con - referring. to• ,a'fear expressed pay 25 percent of repairs up to . '•'drOn -t by Exeter'i�e'eve Darry Boyle, $75,000: F.rirther aid'1rp to 25 On the ovince,side; acrenfe that ''hard• "feelings and percent more in a matching• , oofs'•Qco iId:teas ly fo lowsthe difficulties for county grant to• 'be; given any 'corn,exam 1'e of $ri ton, ;the council 'were ahead'because munity°which raises up• to 25 p - `of the`.='ad'd'ed` clause, irthe percent.•of the cost' Will come town that took the roof off bylaw . .' ....:• from Wintario:.funds. ;,:, .th -- - , .- -• ', .: __ :...H: . : err ar-;ena If we r.e: pending• county ; IVlonies" r.:a•ised .by.: the.. •`money; • tivhy should the a counties will be.. tax ¢eclat-' ttosp•ital , , boards, have, table aticl::.,a11:: labour:; and_'; anything 'to`. -say?"`;, asked assist" air al'I including• biographies, . fio:W kion, myster"y,. li„istory-and, Of cou rse ilclr s clv °w enshook . --In the' future Mrs, Watson should became; ' a familiar figure ' to to'wnfolk and. children, and will do the best she can to helpGoderich kids, 'become better, readers ....' FOR 11 IJRAI CE Terry CrpwIey' -. GODERICH, ' Lond 524-90'75 • representing 'A complete Line of parts.4 Accessories Factory •'rained .Liicensed::Mechanics. SPORTS & RECREATIOI4 LIMITED . ;Varma Ontario 61a1 51i•97.262-5509,; • C:aitli•P'LETE, stockcof •summer merchandise. erchadise NOW ,ON JULY: CLEARANCE SALE • E 2O°5O% Long:. Party: Dresses 77 2r.0%QFF Dresses._• a— L 2'O%PFF.. ..,.; _ 20% -,OFF ,AI4 weather .Coats =_ Co irdinafied pot swear by'Tan-Jay,- Paris an Ja.y,-Paris Star, Page One, Clingfit .. .Summer D owns • •.250° Swimsuits . 20%, o,F.'Fµ. 20% ;OFA°,. oFF SPECIAL• !an -,19,1t Co Ordrnated'S ortswear -1 PRICE .Shorts, Halters, Tank Tops, Pants; Shirt 4-20%.OFF Elarh Sweaters, FSktris. ,F yo. .1/2 P�RICE ROUND FLOOR FABRIC. CENTRE Co-Ordinated • kf it & WOvea ° Fabrics REGI TO s,6-98 yd. 9: YD. : Sale: Tables •160" PLAIDS, TWEEDS r CNCY : REG:7O.$6:78 YD.. : $2.t?4'. Printed Gauze 4s INCH:.. .._ REG,. :$a.91 YD. 40 YD. A STORE FULL OF BARGAINS , - �, :` • • • • 'Every .Thaesdtij."' Post Time 7.45 10 Exciting Races THE BASE FACTORY OUTLET "The Store That Saves You More" • Always' a_Weicotne Gift.. SMALL ELECTRIC APPLIMICE-S— W.ESTINGHOUK, HOOVER- PROCTOR SILEX SP ECIALI.NOW mixe10, .etc. A hub'' assorimentAd at . SPECIAL! -ALL LAM -Fig -sTock IVALtiEs TO $83.97) - THE ASE F CTOR OUTLET ."the Shire tlitifides'ise More' '.. :41A8Y WEAR YARD • 040054-' STORE HOURS: 9t30 - 5130 "'Friday nights • • •